a good map for NFL imperlism

  1. Northern Idaho, western Montana, Alaska, and probably northern Oregon, would be Seahawks.

  2. I help you with the South:

    Carolina gets the Carolina

    Falcons get Alabama

    Saints get Southern Mississippi and Southern Arkansas

    Titans get Northern Mississippi

    Chiefs get Northern Arkansas

    Pittsburgh takes West Virginia

    Kentucky is probably the most chopped up state in the country, but Colts and Steelers prob have the majority

    Cowboys get Oklahoma and Southern New Mexico

    Broncos get every state touching them and the Dakotas, Montana and Southern Idaho

    Seahawks get Oregon and Northern Idaho

  3. I would like to politely reject Chicago holding claim over downstate(a common theme). There are by far more chiefs and Packers fans once you get out of the collar counties than there are bears fans

  4. People in the UP resent the Lions. Probably because they live in the shittiest part of the state, much like all of Wisconsin.

  5. Idk I live in southwest VA and I rarely ever see Washington fans. Or Panthers fans tbh. Most of them are fans of the big popular teams that suck and most of them don’t know a thing about football (cowboys, Steelers, patriots, packers)

  6. I would give the Pats all of New England, but they would cede Western Connecticut to the Giants. The Giants will get Eastern New York, and yes, that includes Long Island. The Jets would get New Jersey. The rest of New York obviously goes to the Bills. You’re right in giving the Commanders Virginia. Everything else is accurate.

    I actually did NFL Imperialism on Madden 06. That was back when the Raiders, Rams and Chargers were in Oakland, St. Louis and San Diego, respectively. The Chargers would control Southern California. The Raiders would control Central California. The 49ers would control Northern California. The Rams got control of Missouri. The Chiefs got control of Kansas.

  7. There’s more rams fans in the Bay Area than 49ers fans? This map is fucking stupid

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