Ben Ingram’s call of Eddie’s Top 9th, game winning, 2 out Grand Slam is top tier.

Ben Ingram’s call of Eddie’s Top 9th, game winning, 2 out Grand Slam is top tier.

Ben Ingram’s call of Eddie’s Top 9th, game winning, 2 out Grand Slam is top tier.
by u/HowWeGonnaGetEm in Braves

  1. Sorry for the shitty screen recording, but it’s all about the audio and I thought it needed to be heard by all of us.

  2. I love listening to baseball on the radio, especially during the summer, and he is always a joy to listen to

  3. Was in my car when i heard this. Was fuckin ecstatic in my car yelling EDDIE EDDIE!! Love the radio broadcast team!!!

  4. I have never heard Ben scream like that. I mean, I was doing the same thing in my house, but I’m pretty sure the only people that heard me were my kids. And I scared them.

  5. Had the 680 app on, doing yardwork, got chills and started jumping around in the driveway yelling! SO GOOOD

  6. Radio beats TV every time, for me. Certainly for Atlanta United with Mike Conti and Jason Longshore. Brandon and Frenchy and the team are great for the Braves, but radio commentary is something else.

  7. Honestly with Ozuna and Eddie both hitting on top of the guys that are always hitting once we get a pitcher or two back we’re gonna be really good.

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