Show solidarity with Oakland A’s fans this Tuesday June 13! #OAKtogether

  1. I made a wallpaper schedule for the A’s subreddit and it was full of great people, I really hope we can all make a difference in helping the team stay in Oakland. Fuck Fisher.

  2. I’m rooting for yall. Oakland As yellow and green is one of my favorite uniforms. Logo is perfect. Name is perfect. Classic franchise.

  3. im from oakland but i’ve lived in ATL since i was a bebby… but the A’s are definitely my favorite AL team and I will do my best to spread the word ^^ FUCK FISHER!!!

  4. A great cause! Turning teams into farm teams for hire is bad for baseball.

    Just wearing green can help. They deserve some love!

  5. I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday than by telling Fisher to gfh and sell the A’s!!

    Support all the way!

  6. I dunno, I’m kind of in agreement with the A’s moving out of that shithole town. The ownership has been terrible but that team has gone down too far to stay in that location.

  7. No one shows up. Move the team to a place they will have attendance. Nothing personal. Just good business.

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