“I watch @DwyaneWade a lot, due to how Kobe once said he ‘disappears’ on his ball screens. That’s the only person I watch on ball screens, b/c he’s dynamic, getting downhill…he’s one of the greatest SGs ever. I feel like if I can mimic him, I can become the same” @theantedwards_

Quote was from 2 years ago, also Jeff Teague doesn’t see kids in the park emulate Dwyane Wade because it’s the professional players that do

  1. Have any other players become as good as Wade was at splitting the defense? Healthy DRose is the only guy I’ve seen who was comparable.

    Part of it was Wade’s first step, he looked like a running back hitting the hole. But then, pick and roll defense is also better than it was in the 2000s so it’s harder to abuse.

  2. But Teague says kids wanna play like Harden. FOH lol real players know wade was a killer and incredibly effective from 15ft in when in his prime

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