Kevin porter Jr allegedly arrested for assaulting girl friend

Kevin porter Jr allegedly arrested for assaulting girl friend

  1. Was the right move for Koby to cut bait early and move on from him. He’s got talent sure but he just cannot stop getting himself into these sorts of situations. We’ll see what the rockets do but considering how Miles Bridges just got welcomed back with open arms by the hornets, I can’t see more than a slap on the wrist happening. Hopefully I’m wrong though, I’m sick of athletes doing terrible shit and it being ignored because of talent.

  2. Have always wondered what happened with him at USC

    Esp as Evan Mobley’s management team DID NOT want him on the same team

    Getting harder and harder to hope he turns it around

  3. He would have been the perfect for the team but dude is a moron who will get kicked out of the league

  4. Sometimes I wonder what life would be life for the Cavs with him in the LeVert role but then I remember he’s a headcase with a track record of domestic violence

  5. Another example of why we should trust our FO, specifically Koby. The writing was on the wall with this kid.

  6. More than a handful of people on this sub called this org. trash for dumping him for nothing. Someone find the post from when he scored 50 points lol people were so mad

    Imagine wanting to keep a player that calls your GM a slave owner and throws food at him. Wild.

  7. Second time he’s assaulted a woman. Blows my mind everybody overlooked that when he Cavs got rid of him.

  8. Damn. I thought he was past that. Was honestly happy for him in Houston. Has been playing well, has ton of potential, kept seeing him in Summer runs with other pros. But dude doesn’t get it. Could’ve provided generational wealth for him and his family. Let his childish ego, temper and short sightedness get in the way. A shame.

  9. How many people on this sub were blasting Koby for trading KPJ (one?) two years ago? You know who you are

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