What star comes to LA and replaces Lebron after he’s done in your opinion?

What star comes to LA and replaces Lebron after he’s done in your opinion?

  1. ![gif](giphy|eqWdbfp9VGD4gwQrIK|downsized)

    But he is not the first Antetokounmpo to get a ring from the Lakers

  2. Okay read this carefully, because most people don’t realize how many assets we have after this year. It really depends on Lebron’s timeline though. The assets we can trade next summer are 3 1sts (2024 or 2025, 2029, 2031) and 3 swaps and JHS, Vando, Rui.

    If Lebron retires in 2 years, then you go the cap space route for Giannis/Tatum, trade those assets for best player available on a cheap deal like Bridges/Brunson so you keep max cap space.

    If Lebron has multiple seasons left, you go all in next summer and trade for a star. Those assets are pretty much the KD package, so do with that what you want.

  3. I would take giannis or luka 😂 anyone else will be disappointing. If i had to go a step down maybe id take shai or ant

  4. Depends when/who’s available, and the AD/roster situation. Gonna probably need 2 players to replace what he brings lol.

    People want Giannis, and it could work out, but AD, and him might not be a good fit. Then it’s just bad spacing, and no one to run the offense. Sound familiar…

    People dont like Trey as much, but he scores, and dishes as well as anyone in the league. Lakers have defensive pieces coming together to help cover him. Doubt Atlanta will let him walk.

    Lonzo, and BI! Lonzo might come back, but BI won’t, and we don’t really want Ball.

    Doubt we could get dame by then if ever, but he’d be interesting depending on his health then.

    Would Morant ever force his way out, or wear out his welcome by then…

    Tatum loves the Lakers, and it’s a win/win lol.

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