Do refs take a vision test? Just asking for my Rockets fans. 🥲

Do refs take a vision test? Just asking for my Rockets fans. 🥲

  1. Some of the worst officiating I’ve seen all season. And just like always nothing will come of it… the refs will still continue to make these blatant mistakes with no repercussions. I wholeheartedly believe a blind person could get that call and the jumpball call correct… so frustrating. 🤬🤬🤬

  2. We can’t be getting into that type of hole on the regular like we’ve been doing bc then we are just leaving it up to the refs every time. I swear we sub our starters in a minute too late every time and we make it a ball game in crunch time just to lose a close one

  3. You cropped the one from tonight too much. There’s a ref right there on the baseline staring at the foot out of bounds.

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