Vegas forgets how to play hockey in the 3rd period
Vegas forgets how to play hockey in the 3rd period
byu/Only-Highlights innhl
Vegas forgets how to play hockey in the 3rd period
Vegas forgets how to play hockey in the 3rd period
byu/Only-Highlights innhl
Speaking as an Oilers fan; go Flames.
Veg ass
Meh. 1 period 🥱
…I’ll be waiting over here
This may be the only I say this in my life………..but,
Every Vegas player every fan and every employee can politely fuck off
Atta boy Flames! This makes me happy, way to get this done!
Jesus they look as slow as molasses
Fuck yes
Post-game interview: “hockey is hard”
Do I have any volunteers for the search and rescue to find our team? I’m not sure if any of you know this but we won a cup last year.
Oiler fans rooting for Calgary 😂
I would like to subscribe to this content.
YOU JUST LOST TO THE 23/24 FLAMES!!! (meaning you’re probably a good team)
*in Liam and Ryan McPoyle voice*
Good 🖕Vegas
Calgary put their black Air Force ones on tonight for the league. 😂
Vegas fan here. They forgot from the first drop of the puck. Sloppy mess all game. Hill is great but he can only do so much.