[CBS] 2024 NFL Mock Draft: AFC contenders land potential steals in back half of Round 1; Bears pair QB with top WR

  1. The Chargers trade Pick 5 to the Vikings for Picks 11 and 23.

    **1.11 JC Latham – T (Alabama)**

    *6’6″ / 360 LBS*

    *Jim Harbaugh wants to build through the trenches, and JC Latham would be an immediate upgrade over current right tackle Trey Pipkins.*

    **1.23 Byron Murphy II – DL (Texas)**

    *6’1″ / 308 LBS*

    *First Jim Harbaugh goes offensive line, and then he goes defensive line. Byron Murphy II should be gone before this point, so the Chargers get a steal.*

  2. It’s interesting that JPJ seems to be falling in recent drafts. Barton seems to be the go to C/G. IMO JPJ is a no brainer if he falls to us in the second round. I’d consider him at 23 if we did the Vikings trade.

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