Saints Superdome DRAMA | Will Renovations To Be Finished In New Orleans In Time For Super Bowl??

Saints Superdome DRAMA | Will Renovations To Be Finished In New Orleans In Time For Super Bowl??

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you enjoy it like subscribe all right so in a story uh that could only be described as quintessentially lisiana uh the Saints and the Superdome Commission uh are at odds with one another and it’s a Super Bowl uh supposed to be coming up here in uh well half a year basically yeah at this point like like seven eight months um somewhere around there uh and okay uh what what exactly does eled stand for again because maybe you can look it up lra I forgot because I’m going to be referencing El said a lot but um Louisiana stadium and EXP position District okay and that is the super commission um and they are saying that Gail Benson and the New Orleans Saints are 11.4 million in payments behind right now and that the commission has been uh covering the payments here recently but they obviously have a or they’re saying they have a fine night amount of resources and they can’t just continue to do that um forever they have not made a payment since December uh the the Saints have not this is a key Point here um so elet is saying the Saints haven’t paid uh and because of that they are kind of dangling you know Renovations will or will not they be done by the time super rolls roll rolls around they’ve also completely halted apparently um some Smoothie King Center work that was supposed to be built into all of this push um another important thing note lease long-term lease negotiations are going on right now between the New Orleans Saints and elet right to keep them here in the city for an excent amount of time this is something that in the past has caused a lot of trouble um but they’ve always kind of managed to find an agreement so whatever uh El said saying the Saints are $1.4 million in payments haven’t made a payment since December the Saints say they are withholding payment because of el said’s failure to provide documentation same thing asked multiple times and have not seen it yet elet is saying you got to be more specific what sort of documentation are you talking about saying quote it would be helpful to the process if the saints were more specific and identified what documentation they are referencing uh and again here’s we where we get into some quintessential Louisiana of course uh this ties in to the public as well as that eled board uh Jeff Landry in January um appoints he replaces six of the seven board members so remakes the board in his own image um I don’t know what the connective tissue is there yet I think we’ll know as this story develops but I do find it pretty interesting that the last payment was made in December basically the entire board replaced in January and now you have a very public spat going on where we don’t exactly know what’s at the root of it I mean it’s not like the same and Gail Benson don’t have the money they absolutely do they have the cash flow um and and many people were originally uh and and still are coming out the I mean I think it is an awful look for the Saints and Gail I think these headlines are awful I think that’s why eled put it out there kind of knowing that this could put some uh pressure on the scale but I wonder what the Saints real problems here are like what is the documentation is it about the board members being replaced who knows but again it all just reeks of politics mismanagement lack of leadership and I’m sure as we’ll see potential corruption so really uh just as Louisiana of a story as it gets so the the entire project $530 million if I’m not mistaken and most of the major work as this article says most of it has been completed with less than $60 million in work remaining yeah the Saints have committed about $200 million towards the super doome Renovations and so that that honestly like it might not seem like a big a big issue to most but like to me like when you get to the Finish Line what happened like when you have that amount compared to what the total amount was like what happened here at the finish line for this to be an issue and if we’re talking $530 million and now we’re arguing over $1 million again I don’t know this for sure okay so tell me I’m an idiot and I won’t argue with you tell me I’m wrong and I won’t argue with you uh you tell Taylor that every day exactly uh and he doesn’t argue with you because he knows that I’m his boss uh not really I’m not really Taylor’s boss uh but again I mean your point kind of proed like well it it it it it reinforces my hypothesis Jake which is yes you’ve already committed that much money why suddenly are we squabbling over 11 million what just happened in January why were the last payments made in December it would speak to maybe two parties that are not happy maybe with how that board change over went come uh January as Jeff Landry continues to remake the the state in his own image and has done what what so far um I don’t know maybe maybe hopefully something something good coming eventually um M Lindsay says maybe they don’t have the money Mickey did say that stuff about tickets again they they have the money like even if you want to tell me oh two don’t have the cash flow which I don’t believe uh they could get approved for a loan guys uh the the the Pelicans are worth multiple billions of dollars the Saints worth multiple billions of dollars like the bensons buying the Pelicans was the greatest investment that anybody’s ever made the Pelicans haven’t even ever been consistently good and yet they’ve watched that thing like Forex yeah uh what would they buy for like 370 million I believe and now it’s over two billion like yeah they can get alone guys so um they do have the cash flow there is the parties are obviously upset with each other El said’s going public to apply pressure the Saints are uh citing some vague lack of documentation without providing any details there is some distaste simmering under the surface here in my opinion they need to hurry up though because it’s supposed to be done before the season starts well yeah for sure less than eight months but uh let’s not mess the Super Bowl up again remember in 2012 the power went out okay like let’s not have that happen I like when the Super Bowl is in New Orleans it makes it very easy for me okay let’s make sure we don’t screw this up so we can continue to get great things like the Super Bowl I’d love to get the NFL draft right by the way Green Bay this year they announced Pittsburgh the next year so have they ever has there ever been a state that has cut off its nose to spite its own face more than uh Louisiana like we’re we’re we’re basically uh from a governmental standpoint we’re like those infomercials when it’s in black and white and the guy just can’t figure out how Everyday Life Works he’s like trying to pour water in a pot and it spills everywhere and he breaks the window and glass shatters everywhere we’re just bumbling stumbling idiots uh governmentally so um I don’t know here’s the hoping that they can figure this out you know the Saints will pay their bills or get this done or we’ll just become a laughing Stu which uh you know I guess at a certain point you just kind of you are who you are and uh maybe that’s just us at this point I don’t know wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB Saints

On Off The Bench, T-Bob and Hester react to an article by Brett Martel and discuss how the Saints and Superdome Commission are at odds with the Super Bowl coming to New Orleans in 2025.

Link to article ➡️

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  1. The statements by the LSED are completely false and misleading. The Saints released a Q&A letter making it clear that the LSED keeps changing the terms of the long term lease for the Saints. The Saints are understandably pissed. The Saints stated that they will withhold payment until the remaining issues with the long term lease documentation is agreed upon. From my perspective, it looks like the LSED is acting in bad faith, not the Saints.

  2. These huge construction projects are always fraught with corruption. Who’s brother in law gets what contract, who gets to skim how much money, etc etc. Just constant lying and bickering behind the scenes. It’s why they ALWAYS go way over budget and way past original deadlines.

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