Saints OTAs: Derek Carr’s Leadership | Trevor Penning’s New Position | Klint Kubiak’s Strategy

Saints OTAs: Derek Carr’s Leadership | Trevor Penning’s New Position | Klint Kubiak’s Strategy

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you enjoy it like subscribe I do want to ask you though look every single conversation this offseason and especially during OTAs goes back to Clint kubak um and it’s easy to see why right a a new guy after a system what like 18 years basically of doing the same thing um but you have a piece that went up a little less than 24 hours ago that I found to be kind of shocking and it talks about the accountability that kubak is demanding of his players but the reason why I say it’s shocking Nick is was it really that LAX under Pete carmichel because as the article presents it it it it seems like it was like Carmichael just kind of chilling letting everything go and then players having to correct one another yeah I mean well last year I mean that that was kind of one of the things and it you know Alvin CRA talked about it a lot talked about it very openly just about how the the cultural differences between Sean and and going to Pete and just that like things would happen and practice and they they wouldn’t stop to make the corrections and you know it was just kind of you know I mean yeah at one point like Alvin Alvin was asked about that and he talked about how the players kind of had to to take it upon themselves to kind of do some of that stuff and and you know I think I think there’s two ways to do things though I mean like there’s a way of doing things like that and kind of being you know quote unquote a players coach or whatever but I mean you do got to make the corrections you do got to have the accountability and you know it was day one OTAs with uh when a lot of those interviews for that story were done and I mean that was kind of like the thing that was standing out to a lot of players is just kind of you know they had just gotten done with the film session and it was like wow this is different and you know that’s kind of something that I think is is needed I mean I do think some of the details went to the Wayside last year and I think that was reflected on the field and I do think at a certain point you know they they did kind of figure things out last year but it it took a long time to get there and that was one of the things a lot of the Vets kind of pointed to is that they wanted that that kind of you know call me out in a meeting you know let me know that that this is wrong if if we’re fumbling make somebody run a lap you know that was kind of stuff they wanted last year and now they’re getting it and I mean when you make a change there’s reasons for making a change obviously and I I think there was a lot of things Pete did well and you know I think maybe he was in a role that wasn’t perfect for him and I think he’s probably inone now kind of being you know the OC under an offensive minded head coach I think that’s probably where he belongs so it’s not like a trash Pete carmichel thing it’s just kind of you know when they make a change there’s reasons and I think that accountability factor is probably one of the things that that was missing and they kind of missed you know the the bad cop I think in general on that side of the ball and you know I think they have people now just on the this offensive staff beyond kubak that that can go around call people out get their attention you know the the wide receivers coach he coached with Derek Carr when when he was at at Fresno State like he’s somebody that can kind of cross that aisle and point out something bad to Derek Carr while also you know doing it to the wide receivers Dereck will take that because he he knows him like there’s a there’s a history there he’s able to do that and I think you know little things like that that thought process behind like okay we’re going to hire this guy he has a relationship with Derek he he’s kind of you know deemed uh you know kind of like the the uncle that’s that’s willing to tell you what you don’t want to hear is kind of how players describe him and if he can do that to Dereck and the young receivers who had trouble having chemistry with Derek last year that that kind of humanizes them a little bit and puts them all on on the same plane so I think a lot of this stuff with the offensive staff was was really planned out now in practice we’ll we’ll see if it actually plays out how they want it to but I think the way you know that it all came together it’s all very logical it all makes a lot of sense it kind of feels like got the pieces there and you know we we’ll see but I I do like the thought process behind a lot of the stuff they did we’re seeing that on the field now uh and uh Nick what what what what about dere Carr has there been any I mean I I guess I’ll just ask this in the most low brow kind of douchy way possible but what’s the kind of uh Derek Carr Vibe check right now you know I think he’s trying like it like the the schedule video where he kind of made fun of you know himself for for the criticism and you know all that stuff like I think I think there’s a little bit of awareness that that things you know just on a on a human relationship level didn’t go great last year um you know but I do think he he is who he is but one thing like one thing I like like there’s uh like him and Demario Davis are doing some sermon at a church upcoming like that just kind of you know you get you get a leader on the defensive side a leader on the offensive side kind of doing something together off the field like that that at least kind of shows like a a bridging of the Gap and you know last year one of the things I kind of felt in that locker room um was like kind of a divide between the offense in the defense and the defense kind of feeling like you know they had to carry a lot of weight and like there was kind of a feeling of that so like to see that I think is is is a meaningful thing is you know whatever it is like if they’re just if they’re having a a a a foundational event off the field a church thing like whatever it is like it doesn’t matter what it is the fact that they’re doing it together is the thing that’s important um so I mean I think that’s that’s good uh you know but again yeah I think dereck’s kind of kind of who he is though as a person but I think I think I do think last year like there was a there was definitely a shift like over that last four or five weeks where there was more chemistry there was more understanding and I think they again I think they started to figure some of that stuff out last year um you know hopefully they hit the ground running this year I mean I like the stuff they’re doing with with car and practice right now they’re kind of like you know working on his footwork and he seems to be really taken to that um you know they got the little t-shirts that all the quarterbacks are wearing about like the the footwork slogan so there seems to be a lot of buying into to what they’re doing right now and you know seeing Derek bought into that is a good thing you know I don’t think that was ever really um a risk but like you know him just kind of kind of being willing to take that coaching being you know into his 30s being willing to to say okay like my footwork could be better you know I think all that stuff is is good times but you I think the Vibes did shift last year um and I do think that the the younger guys are kind of a little bit more bot in to Derek I think they all figured out how to talk to each other and you know hopefully that that’s something that can carry on into this season now Nick correct me if I’m wrong but uh this is the second OTA that’s been opened to the media here yeah okay so what have you maybe heard in the interim practices and and what are you kind of looking forward to most today when you get out there on the field I think people feel you know um very very very cautiously optimistic about uh Trevor Penning right now um he stayed at he stayed at right Taco through all three practices last week uh you know we’ll see when we go out there today is started week two today’s the first one that’s open this week so I I expect to see him out there again though and that’s kind of one of the things that that you know people are talking about that he that he looks competent that he looks functional that it isn’t you know it isn’t a starting out at a disaster point like I think that there’s a little bit of optimism about the the starting spot now you know the cavey out there is that there’s no real blocking or anything like that but you know the analogy I would use is like like when you go to like London and you’re trying to cross the street and you got to change the way like you’re looking to cross the street like it’s hard like you you get almost hit by cars a lot like so for him to be able to flip to the right side and kind of like not look lost and like his footwork is okay his movements are right like there isn’t like this like hesitation like it looks like he he’s able to process it and not everybody can like there’s a lot of guys that can shift eyes on the line there’s a lot of guys who can’t too so I think you know starting out he looks like somebody who can and I think that gives him something to build from so that’s that’s a good starting spot um for him um you know I think they’re kind of watching their their safety depths right now to kind of see where it goes I don’t think the doors closed on on bringing somebody else in but you know I think they kind of want to see how that goes um you know Jordan Howen sideline right now because he had offseason shoulder surgery so he he’s out there he’s watching he’s close but like he isn’t taking part in the uh the team portion it he he did go through walk through before the last practice but I think that’s an area where they’re they’re kind of looking I think they feel great about their linebacker depth um you know you can kind of see it with Willie gay when you go out there like there’s a lot of range and it was kind of interesting to me he he was getting when they were in base like he was getting some snaps uh on the weak side and and um wner was on the strong side which I kind of expected it to be flipped but maybe they’re just trying that out to see how it looks so that that was kind of interesting too um you know I I think they kind of feel good about their team but everybody does this this time of year you know like that’s kind of they just you know nobody nobody’s out there like man this is a disaster like the the Panthers probably feel good about their team right now like everybody does but I I do think that um you know that that Penning piece I think there was a lot of concern and and just you can kind of hear it’s like dissipated a little bit but there is a very very long way to go before he’s actually functional and on the field uh yeah well we we see me I mean he’s young he’s young right like and he missed an entire year basically with that foot injury like there’s there’s still a chance that he does develop into a starter maybe not great but like a a a starter if nothing else uh Nick Underhill Nick Underhill on Twitter uh new orleans. foot is his site go sign up today subscribe to the noff network on YouTube Nick thank you so much for joining us again man have fun out there on the field today wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB SA

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert was joined by Nick Underhill of to talk about the latest from Saints OTA’s.

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  1. Morrow didn’t have the Patience to work with Penning . Then he benched him after the New England game of which he played ok in ? He was coming off of injury and was still a Rookie basically. I would still keep him at LT but now is the time to experiment with different options at all positions . This Offense is built on the Running Attack and a mobile O Line . Hopefully the New Staff can get this accomplished before the season starts.

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