QB Drew Brees To Be Inducted Into Saints Hall Of Fame! | Reminiscing On Best Years For New Orleans

QB Drew Brees To Be Inducted Into Saints Hall Of Fame! | Reminiscing On Best Years For New Orleans

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you enjoy it like subscribe Drew Brees I think rightfully so going to be the lone inductee uh into these Saints Hall of Fame uh this this this this year and look uh he is a man who stands alone uh when it comes to Saints history obviously right uh the the the the reason why you won a a a Super Bowl the only Super Bowl you have in your franchise history the reason for uh 15 what is it 16 years of a golden age in Saints football in which you were pretty much constantly relevant at times spending multiple years as a top five team in the entire NFL and even when you weren’t relevant you were exciting right you were putting up numbers sometimes you had awful defenses to deal with but you were always awesome offensively and it’s because of Drew Brees and when you look at what has happened to the Saints offense in the interum um it’s been brutal it’s been painful it’s been terrible and well that’s why when I heard this quote from Breeze yesterday couldn’t help but feel a bit a bit wow why what could have been but here was Drew Brees speaking with the media outside of the Saints practice facility yesterday I felt like there was a little bit of a lack of closure you know and honestly man if my if my right arm was still working I probably would have played another three years my body feels great U my body could play my right arm can’t um and so unfortunately that’s that’s what kind of forced me to step away and it was time too you know but I I I I try not to think about you know like the the glance back in the dome cuz I wish I wish it would have been with a packed house you know and just like that energy that is so synonymous with the super doome and you know that I’ll I’ll always remember and that what what we always fed off of you know every game day um you know my image of the Dome is is much different than that last that last moment uh of course if you don’t remember Drew’s last moment in the dome is a covid dome with less than 4,000 fans there losing to a team with Tom Brady and the Bucks that you literally beat twice during the regular season it’s about as cursed of an ending as you could possibly have like and and and it’s why it’s one of those things where it’s like when you have a beloved family member who maybe loses their way at the end and you you say I don’t want to remember them like that I want to remember them at their Peak like I want to remember Drew Brees in the dome like when he broke the was it the all-time passing record or yes yeah the all time not the single season right tquan Smith against the Commanders down the down the sideline the huge touchdown place the roof about to explode like what in the hell it was it just having New Orleans win a Super Bowl was that like too much hubis for the football Gods what in the hell did we do to deserve him going out to Tom Brady’s bucks with 3,800 in the stands and then being able to play still only his arm has completely betrayed him apparently in his everyday life Jake he he he can’t even throw it right-handed yeah he he when he plays with his kids he says he can do he can says he could throw a dime left-handed up to about 30 yards but can’t do anything with his right arm anymore yeah what was it do we do we know is it shoulder was it elbow it was a shoulder it it all stems back to that original um that original 360 laum tear from when he left San Diego at the time Dr Andrews he said told him like look you are on the path to having degenerative shoulders yeah and and credit to Breeze because he pushed it as far as humanly possible but man like he he still had left in him he still had juice like he said his body feels great his arm just completely betrayed him yeah he I mean he certainly could have played a little bit longer if if it was just like a major injury even but I mean that’s that’s different than even a major injury like when you can’t throw a ball anymore like I don’t even that’s that’s a step above major yeah again again I think the word that that that highlight is degenerative yeah right um because there’s no medical solution for degeneration right right it’s not uh fixing something it is just slowly but surely uh this is going to fail on you and you have to just see how long you can put off that day of failure and again he did forever it just sucks at that last outing is in covid Superdome the lamest of all years that we’ve ever um experienced as in Saints fans I know Drew has so many businesses that he’s a part of Walk-Ons and Smalls and Surge and all these different things and so that’s kind of what he’s doing right now but I wonder what is going to be the end goal for him as far as a career path because he’s one of those highly competitive human beings yeah um he’s done some media he did the thing with NBC it didn’t work out I wonder if it’s coaching if it’s just continue to build your brand which again he owns so many different things I mean those are just you know some of them who knows what he even owns like just where he’s not out in front of it so he actually talked about this um that basically you know like a moth to Flame he is drawn to football he said he loved that year at the NBC but the point that the hardest thing was to travel right I mean he had just gotten done playing football thinking oh I’m going to spend more time with these kids and then H he’s gone every single weekend uh because they travel during the fall so that that’s the reason that he cites for wanting to get away from that a little a little bit he he says he’s open to maybe coaching um he says he’s been re into mentoring young players like you said he had about four or five different quarterbacks young quarterbacks call him up in this off season he’s kind of able to provide some guidance on his process and how he approached the game so uh Drew Brees does have a football some future somewhere in football uh where exactly that is is uh a bit unclear alandre give me uh Breeze one here his cut uh his his opening statement on on being inducted in the Saints all this is a tremendous honor always great to be back in this building we’re no strangers to uh to New Orleans or or to the to the Saints facility this is like a second home and it always has been uh the 15 years that I spent here from from 06 to 2020 were 15 of the best years of of my life my wife Britney and I were embraced by this city by this organization by Mrs Benson and by the unbelievable staff that you know it’s so great to just I think see the consistency you know throughout this building we hoped that we would be a be able to make an impact uh not just on the field but off the field never of our wildest dreams could have imagined that it would be 15 years and then we we’d raise a family here and um all four of our our children would be born in New Orleans and consider themselves new orleanians and now all of a sudden I have a son who’s talking about wanting to go to LSU so uh Tigers this is a tremendous honor and I am so grateful to everybody here and forever will be once a saint always a saint bro do you know how cool it’ be to be Drew Brees’s son at LSU that I mean that that’s pretty Elite Big Man on Campus stuff those jerseys would go crazy um I’m I just mean like a breeze Jersey I just mean yes but I also just mean from a purely social standpoint yeah you are Drew Brees’s son at LSU you’re gonna do very well for yourself 100% um he raised him the right way what can I say I’m trying to think how like how old his children I mean he’s online 15 years they quite literally raised a family here he’s got to be getting close to in her in high school somewhere somewhere around there I mean we’ve seen him ever since they’ve been little kids running around with all the L shoe gear on they were obviously massive Joe burrow fans like everybody else is and continues to be or was and continues to be but yeah man uh again so you hear the breeze quotes about what was left in the arm you you think about what happened here in the interim and it’s really like somebody of the chats earlier said man we had it all and and and and and you truly did um but let’s not let the cursed ending uh overshadow the good and as we sit here and celebrate the Golden Era of Saints football let’s remember the good times um the’ 06 run making it to the NFC Championship Against All Odds reigniting a fan base post Katrina bringing a city back from the brink of Extinction um the 20 11 team and its record setting offense which with Darren sprouls is UN as Unstoppable as any NFL offense has ever been in the League’s history uh even the run from 18 to 21 or 20 when you know the Nola no call yeah awful but for three or four years there you were again a top three team in the entirety of the NFL and the fact that while many quarterbacks have won 5,000 yard season Breeze has what like four or five of them things Mike Thomas single season alltime lead receiver just an unbelievably volumetric productive year mention the tquan Smith moment it set the rec it’s just moment after moment after moment that you can think back on and and celebrate with Drew Brees and these New Orleans Saints so you know he may not live here anymore uh but he is a uh Louisiana hero forever yeah he’s I mean the best player in franchise history it’s going to be very difficult to ever get him off that Throne of being the franchise best player and he brought the Saints to something they literally not even remotely got close to which was one of the most consistent teams in the NFL his entire tenure there like they always had a chance they had an opportunity to go get in the playoffs win a playoff game before he got there what they win one playoff game in their history if I’m not mistaken uh yes yeah yeah because they didn’t my my old man went 0 and four unfortunately and then um they had the one Aaron Brooks SN the Vikings or the Rams it was the Rams yes y it was the RS the Muff Pont and you go and win that game so so think about where they were to where they are now yeah when you look at the history of the Saints in the playoffs and all of that is because of Drew Breeze and Shan Peyton in that era of Saints football I mean remember you had like the two-year stretch where you didn’t lose in the dome they started making the domination shirts and everything um Jess mccor the chats the Dome was absolutely rocking during this a I mean yeah it was it was the Golden Age man it was the Golden Age and you know what’s nice at least you know sometimes it’s hard hard to recognize uh the importance or the immensity of the times in which you live right um I love this saying from Dan Carlin about asking somebody to describe the times in which they live is a bit like standing a person six inches in front of a billboard and saying okay what’s on the billboard like you have to take a step back you need some distance to really see it for what it is but that’s not always the case and at least because of its tort the the Saints tortured history at least we were given the added benefit of appreciating the times for what they were like we were fully aware that we were in a golden age and I think that because of that people were able to be in the moment and really live it for everything that it was worth so prayers up Drew we love you sorry about the right arm but you a dog thank you for putting it all out there and um yeah hope to see the kids in the purple and gold one day for sure wow just amazing black and gold gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB SA

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester talk about the career of former Saints QB Drew Brees as he gets inducted into the Saints Hall of Fame.

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  1. I thank god we got to see hall of fame level play in a saints uniform. Who knows how long we’re gonna have to wait to find the next great qb for our franchise.

  2. This man will always be my number 1 qb. Ofc I'm biased bc he brought my home city our first super bowl. But I will always remember tenacity dedication and accuracy. There will never be another. Love ya #9.

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