$88M cap, $65M floor.

  1. $300k more than was expected. Good to see it go up by more even if it isn’t much more

  2. It’s going to hurt to see these two teams battle it out tonight. I’m tired of saying “we were right there” and always come up short. Please, Drury. Make the tough decisions this summer. You know who are not it.

  3. That’s a decent depth contract still would wonder how the cap would look if escrow wasn’t an issue last few years

  4. Imagine if the rights were owned by an organization that actually wanted to grow the brand and made watching the whole league easy …

  5. They need to just jump to $100 million and let’s get this shit moving

  6. If the rangers were in the final imagine how much more it would’ve gone up

  7. This is the offseason that will define drury’s tenure. He has to step up. The writing is on the wall.

  8. First and foremost, have to lock down Igor. Everyone keeps saying move Goodrow. He is a strong fourth liner and he’s making less than 4 million. I also hear that he is great in the locker room.

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