Saints O-Line Ready For MAJOR JUMP In 2024! | GLARING Weaknesses For New Orleans In 2024?

Saints O-Line Ready For MAJOR JUMP In 2024! | GLARING Weaknesses For New Orleans In 2024?

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you enjoy it like subscribe all right uh let’s get into or on Saints uh otaa is continue to go on and this may be a bit of a faxa so I apologize okay um but one of my other favorite Saints writers um along with NF I love noff has always been uh Jeff Duncan wherever he’s been at and he had a headline um that kind of proposed an interesting question that I would like to post to you and get your opinion on and it was uh do you are the Saints right now because when you look I think they have like the least amount of bets on them to win the Super Bowl um nobody feels particularly High about them they’re they’re over under win totals at seven and a half in a 17 Game season are the New Orleans Saints right now in your opinion after a couple weeks of OTAs here getting his eyes on this team are they overlooked or are they overwhelmed is this a team where there is some value some juice to be had or are they just as bad as the kind of hive mind is pointing them out to be I I just kind of like rolled my eyes a little bit at myself because like this is the time of year like I I I buy in every year like right on now too dude I feel you I feel it like and I know I’m going to end up being wrong about it but I mean I feel like I I I have like a semide decent sound thought process here like if if the offensive line is even a little bit worse but you bring in better coaching you have an offensive identity you have a a plan um their single high for a a single player high in rushing yards last year was 80 80 yards was was the high and I think they only had somebody go over 70 maybe two other times off top of my head you know I feel like they could probably be a team that could get a 100 yard rusher um I feel like they’re going to do a better J job of like building off some of the stuff and we saw at the end of the season last year just kind of what play action could do for for a shaky offensive line um there’s a lot of May on the defensive line it doesn’t feel like all of them can go wrong like if one of them is a yes like you’re better than you were last year at that at that spot and that’s like between Chase young Cam Jordan I think I you know cam Cam Jordan being just realistic like I think if he gets just healthy like he’ll be slightly better I don’t think there’s like a turn back to clock like this is the foundational piece of your pass rush but like I think he can be a little better than he was last year Isaiah fosy if he can give you anything if pton Turner can give you anything if one of those four things is yes you’re going to be better on the defensive line than you were a year ago um I am concerned about wide receivers still I don’t think they did enough to address it and I don’t know if my perception is real or not and I think mini Camp’s going to be be good for it I mean I think at the beginning of this this process like at Perry looked really good in the first practice and then the next two it kind of got quieter and it’s like okay well why’ that happen and and is it because they’re installing more and like he’s kind you know that just it’s it’s kind of slowed him down a little bit or did we just catch him on weird days like we saw three out of nine practices like I think seeing all three of these kind of kind of will help I I’ve been um I have no impression to Kendra Miller so far which I think is kind of a bad thing at this point and if I had to make a projection today and obviously there’s going to be a lot more new information between now and the in the opener but if you just said you got to make a decision today based on what You’ seen I I would have Jamal second and Kendra Miller third on the depth chart but I mean obviously so much can change but I think it’s been a little bit slowo for him so far so I’m kind of down on those things but I think overall like I think if they’re the same uh I I think if they’re worse on the offensive line but you add in better offensive line coaching taking some of the other factors like that has to be kind of the same right like it feels like it I don’t see how they’re going to be significantly worse I think they can win I cannot have them as worse I I I cannot believe they’re going to be wor I think they could win the same amount of games and and you’d feel different about it like I think I think it could be the same same outcome somewhere in that you know that 500 range and you can’t be 500 anymore so there’s a variance one game each way like if you’re somewhere in that range like I think you could feel better about the outcome just based on how it looks like if you took last season and just flipped it and put it on its head and they started out how they did and then finished and then it would be like oh well Derek Carr got hurt and there were some of these like other things and you know it slowed down and you lost Alvin CRA for for three games and you know I think it would just look different and the feel would have been different but it started off like ass and then got okay at the end but like you kind of never got that taste out like from how the season started and and you know I think they just got to kind of figure out um you know how to start a little bit better but I think it could be the same and you feel better about I don’t see him being that much worse like I don’t know the way the schedule sets up it could hit a rep quick and it goes off the rails but it’s just kind of I don’t know I it feels way too negative to me and I think it’s just kind of some in the middle like and I think that’s the conversation with everything with them like Derek Carr right now is somewhere kind of in the middle Dennis Allen is as the Saints coach has been somewhere kind of in the middle like and being mediocre in the NFL is kind of the worst thing in the world because there’s just kind of how do you get better if you’re worse there’s this idea that you can get better by being worse is often not true but being in the middle is the most frustrating thing in the world so I get the feeling locally um but I just don’t I don’t think it’s this just this cocktail of crap that like it kind of seems like everybody thinks it is right now like I think it’s just I think it’s mid like I think it’s just right in the middle and look objectively again like it’s easy to handwave away the last six weeks of offense uh from last season because of the frustration but it’s like okay if you could do that in that system which we we kind of all agree wasn’t really setting yourself up for Success like you should be able to have more in this system so look I get it right this is a saint team where the main questions are arguably o line pass rushan quarterback the three most important like elements of football but there are reasons to believe you can maybe answer those questions positively uh here heading into mini camp excuse me how do we feel uh about you know with a couple more weeks of looking at it the kind of continued Evolution what are the players saying about Clint kubak as as we we we we you know for these offseason conversations kubak is the panace he is the reason that you’re going to hit your wagon to if you want to believe that this Saints team can overachieve yeah I mean look everybody’s up you know it’s it’s the vibe around it is significantly different than than it was a year ago and you know the one thing that I kind of like it stands out like you just hear it like you hear coaching you see people getting corrected you hear people getting yelled at and like you know that just kind of wasn’t really happening last year there there’s more more enforcers on that side you know I think uh kubak just more vocal than than Carmichael um you know I uh Keith Williams the wide receivers coach is just kind of he’s kind of like that Curtis Johnson like Curtis Johnson kind of was the guy that could like just check people and you saw it and you know I think that’s I think that’s important I think you kind of need some of those people around and I think they were missing that on that side of the ball um you know I think he can kind of be one of those guys and he does it like in a you know with a smile kind of so it comes off like the right way uh and look I you know he he coached um Fresno when Derek Carr was there and I think that’s important too like I think all stuff adds in but I think the staff uh you know I think there’s a lot of optimism I think I think there’s just a different feel like you know you’re out there and it just feels different last year being in that locker room it felt like incredibly heavy like there was just you know you felt the cloud there was a sense of Sorrow almost like and just every interaction of frustration how does it get better the fact that they came out of it at the end of the season is is still shocking to me six months remov looking back at it like I I don’t know how they figured it out um but they did but it’s a different it’s a different feel right now and then you know we’ll see if Alvin’s out there I think he will be I know for sure marshan ladore is going to be there that’s big that kind of takes a little bit of that that cloud away a little bit so I just think the vibe around the team in general is just it’s it’s it’s better like it just feels different it feels it feels like you know a fresh start like that’s exactly what it is I think that was badly needed here yeah yeah through nearly two decades so so that’s kind of answering the o line question to some extent and the quarterback um exploring the pass rush look I’m excited for Chase young uh if if there’s anything to update their injury wise feel free but yeah I mean yeah I think there’s uh I think he has like a checkup soon and like there’s supposed to be an update um but yeah it’s still kind of kind of up in the air but look I know like he’s around people say his attitude’s good like all that stuff so I mean you know at least that aspect of it sounds good so what but but but another piece I mean is the Isaiah fosy piece and it’s funny because fosy and Penning are are are in similar boats to me in terms of guys who um you got to feel like there’s I don’t know maybe if the ceiling will ever be what maybe you once thought it was but there’s more there on the floor uh to be had uh and and youall have a piece up right now talking to Isaiah fosy and trying to kind of overcome um the the quote mental block that styed him uh what is fosy doing to try to uh find the success that just completely eluded him in Year One him him struggling last year was kind of one of the bigger surprises for me because he has the pedigree like Notre Dame production against real teams you know that’s yeah this wasn’t like one of your Marcus Davenport or pton Turner’s like uh ra draft picks like no this was because we always complain like why I get the guy who just gets a ton of sacks like well he did yeah yeah like in that you know P Penning is is in the same boat but like he’s more understandable because he comes from like it’s a small school and you look back at it yeah like like there were probably things there that that got overlooked just due to the height weight speed uh factor of it and you know fosy felt like yeah he he was robed like he had ways to win and he was winning against real people and I thought he was going to come in and you know that was my thing when they picked him like well he’ll come in and probably you know have production right away and he’ll get better over time um that mental block I guess is a real thing though and it’s it’s something that he struggled with big time last year and you know I think part of it for him is just figuring out how to struggle you know when you when you’re kind of Highly touted guy you go to Notre Dame like you probably haven’t faced real adversity ever and then trying to figure that out is something that you got to figure out and I don’t know he says he has we’re going to see I mean I would be shocked if if he if he doesn’t give them anything this year though like I would be shocked at a repeat last season and granted there were injuries but even when he was on the field it just feels like I don’t know I I’m not I’m not willing to believe that there’s nothing there yet you know I think he’s still someone that that can be good like I think he he’ll be part of it and even if it’s just like four five sacks like that would be a nice little come up for the team they wouldn’t have to manufacture those four or five sacks like if you can kind of get them within the flow uh and then you know your your third down package if they decide to go four down like if he’s productive that gives them another option another body type you put him on the edge maybe you kick one of the bigger ends to the inside like it just opens things up a little bit so you know I think it’s I think it’s highly important I think he’s going to give him something if pton Turner can be healthy like I still believe there’s something there I I don’t think he’s a a complete Talent bust like it’s a it’s an availability bust I think if he can find a way to stay healthy he can give him a little something I’m not betting on him though um no that’s just a big question man yeah wait till it prove it so so how yeah how are you feeling about the chase young situation it’s it’s I don’t know I I have no idea that was like it was you know it was like remember when they signed Dez and it was like the high and the low like great back to back the one of the greatest saint that never played oh it was so good dude God yeah this is but this is a guy like in his prime but like it followed the same the same parallel like it was just like oh man they got Chase young like this could work this could be the answer and then wait a minute did they get Chase young like is he gonna play like what’s the deal like I think he’s gonna play I I you know I still I like the signing I you know I think Chase young has more to lose than the Saints like if Chase young doesn’t give him anything like it’s it’s a few bucks like big deal he’s gone he moves on like I think Chase young has to find a way to get healthy he has to find a way to be consistent so that he can make the money that his talent dictates he he should make but you know it’s the things with him has been like you know buying in consistency I think the way this is set up like he has to do both those things he has so much to lose if he doesn’t so I think he’s going to get healthy I think he’s going to get on the field I think he’s going to find a way and I think he is going to be part of the the temporary solution like and then if he is you resign him or you tag him and you know if you look at the two-year average if you tag him and you say okay you got two seasons and you kind of do the divided by two like it’d be a worthwhile Endeavor at that point you another year to to maybe draft the defensive end that that you’re going to need because pton Turner’s coming to the end cam Jordan’s kind of at the end you don’t really have great answers with fosy gerson’s a good piece but I don’t think he’s kind of with you’re hang hang your hat on but like maybe it ends up being chase young long term but you know I think they’re in a good situation there I think he’s gonna he’s gonna do something he’s going to give him something they didn’t really pay him anything you know I think he’s going to exceeded the the dollar value on his contract it’s just a matter of like by how much yeah so much uh to lose and also so much to gain for Jace Young wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications WE Post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB SA for

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert was joined by Nick Underhill of to talk about the biggest areas of concern for the New Orleans Saints heading into the 2024 NFL season.

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  1. With Tbob being a former OL, maybe a film breakdown of each OL would be cool. Could look at a few snaps from each guy with upside & downside (Fuaga at LT, Saldiveri, Penning)

  2. Saints won 9 games last year and improved on both sides of the ball. Makes absolutely no sense for so many pundits to think they will only win 7 games SMH

  3. When Tbob said scooter was his favorite writer is where he lost me. That scumbag isn't a legit writer. He's a Roger the clown Goodell ball licker.

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