1,000 episodes! What are our favorite Red Wings moments since we started?
today un locked on Red Wings celebrating 1,000 episodes with our favorite Red Wings moments from that time your locked on Red Wings your daily podcast on the Detroit Red Wings part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome back to the locked on Red Wings podcast we are your hosts Brian Fischer and Scotty Bentley I’m a former broadcast producer for 97 won the ticket where Scotty’s the host over at locked on tigers as well as a freelance journalist for the Detroit news and today we have a very special episode as it is episode 1,000 of lockdown Red Wings so of course we had to bring back the OG hosts of lockdown Red Wings to celebrate it with us Ethan Smith and Nolan biani Nolan biani of course you know from the Detroit news as well guys how are you doing and thank you for coming back on I’m doing pretty good I uh you know I’m living life I just got married just got back from my honeymoon uh and the Lions just went on break for like a month and a half so about to hit my summertime you know it’s about to slow down a little bit but uh yeah doing well doing well yeah it’s I’ve also been good um haven’t done a podcast since my last locked on Red Wings podcast little nervous very excited to be back this is this is everyone by the way like this is yeah this is literally every single person who has ever hosted this show since episode one like this is this is the entire this is it there was a time in which each and every one of us had crossed over with the podcast at some point Scotty Nolan and Ethan were all hosting at one point and I was back then producer Brian before Nolan and Ethan stepped away and took over as hosts so it’s kind of a little bit of a reunion episode for us as well and what we’re going to do for you guys today is kind of because we know that you guys are Red Wings fans and you want to hear us talk Red Wings we’re not going to just you know stroke our own OS any yeah so you guys are you guys as in the listeners are all Red Wings fans we’re not goingon to just sit here and stroke our own ego egos for 30 minutes we’re going to talk about our favorite Red Wings moments from the span of the podcast um but before we can get to that I got to let you guys know that today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time appap create an account and use code lockdown NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms and conditions apply and thanks for making lockdown Red Wings your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcasts and on YouTube part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day uh so without further Ado let’s just Dive Right into this and I think it’s most appropriate just because of timeline circumstances that we go to YouTube first for your favorite moments you got to cover with the Red Wings as host of lock down Red Wings uh Ethan Nolan whichever one of you guys wants to go first go ahead and Jump Right In what is your great teams by the way that you got this was this was really tough I mean there were so many moments to choose from um there were at least four wins in the year and a half that we covered the team uh definitely like a billion losses I I was trying to think about that I think one of the like funnier moments that we got to cover was the G game the hat-trick that he had against oh yeah the predators in 2021 that was one of the first things that came to mind and then the um Anthony Mana trade yeah uh when when they got Jacob ver and the whole season was just kind of miserable and it was on the heels of the co stuff and like everything everything sucked everything in the world sucked the the Red Wings were not very good and uh and then he just like wouldn’t stop scoring for like the last eight games of the season and like that was that was like the first time that I was like man this is this is exciting you know that was like the I don’t want to say the only exciting moment that we were covering the team because you know the drafts were semi fun um I suppose but uh yeah yeah th those are the first two that that come to mind but I I don’t even really remember covering them I just remember them being hilarious yeah yeah it’s yeah basically the same I was going to joke that like I think my favorite game to cover was like the 10 to two loss I think it must have been like to Buffalo or something I don’t know it was just we couldn’t do anything everybody was working from home and then we just watched the Red Wings and we’re covering another five to two loss today in the hands of the St Louis Blues I think what you were talking about the um the draft remember we did that live stream draft stre worked we had we I printed off a huge like 20 foot Banner to put behind us at my work and it just didn’t work it I don’t think the the live stream didn’t work and we also fell from no the the live stream was fine the that was actually a hilarious thing so we like we were hosts that was the year the Red Wings had the number one Lottery odds and so we were like hosting the draft lottery show and we dressed up in like really horrible suits stained suits and um we were just like kind of interviewing people as they came through as their draft position came up then obviously the Red Wings got the number four pick and it became a lot less funny yeah a lot less funny real quick I I remember too I was watching that draft lottery at home I had a bunch of my friends over and I was watching on the laptop while they were watching something else and they were not hockey fans and I they thought I was out of my mind with how big of a fit I was throwing when the New York Rangers won that draft lottery or I guess at the time it was you know team H or whatever it would end up being in the second I forgot about that or whatever it was and watching them flip the card over and the Red Wings are at four when they were out of the playoffs before the covid pandemic even hit they were eliminated from the playoffs in February of that year they were on Pace to be like one of the five or 10 worst teams in the history of hockey yeah it was I I was absolutely livid and then I got really really drunk and uh that made the night a lot better so I was angry I was angry drinking that night yeah we wasn’t fired off text that say I love hockey that night not that night not that no we uh I remember doing one of the like hardest I’ve ever laughed on this show I think probably to this day is when Nolan and I did an entire episode that was literally just things we would do to the reverse Retros besides wear them and we did like it was it wasn’t the the the black ones were just this past year this was like the gray one or the white one the jerse yeah yeah and so we did an entire 30 minute show like Nolan was like I would cut him up and make him a papier-mâché volcano and like were like I would donate them to like whatever like we did an entire 30 minutes on things we would do to the Jersey besides wear them and I think that that is still to this day probably the arest I’ve I’ve ever laughed on uh on this show Nolan was it you me and Max that did the um Serio Sergio Sergio yeah Sergio Sergio Colchester right yeah did the only only like true OG lock down Red Wings fans Sergio C deep cut that is a deep cut we did the uh rankings of like best Red Wings all time or something like that and you guys put like Tyler berzi over like Sid who who that was that guy I’m pretty me probably I I definitely did he’s done irredeemable irredeemable he’s done Ryan kicked his M that’s crazy I cannot my reaction too it was it was a joke I mean like we were just messing around and it was like it was we were of all time so it was super subjective like based on like influence and uh you know cool factor and goal scor yeah all all the intangibles were taken into account you see I went to his Wikipedia page and I’m just naming I’m like okay let’s see here um awards and achievements two-time Allstar three times St the Cup champion Hart Memorial Trophy and you guys are like no no Tyler Tyler’s got the on his Vibes oh my goodness factor that another cool thing you guys got to do and this isn’t like we’ve kind of already strayed away from the main topic right we’ve talked about like moments for the podcast a really cool moment you guys got to do was have Mor at Cider on before he ever debuted in the winged wheel yeah like that was a huge moment C get and then him becoming a wing obviously was just massive yeah especially back then like when the when the podcast was still early on in its ongoings that’s a huge G and the fact that like to this day Scotty and I have still yet to top that caliber of an interview we we had Oscar sunquist on when he was a Red Wings but a red wing but that’s still not more at cider like that was an incredible moment for the podcast yeah that was that was awesome and that was at a time where like it was in the pandemic and we just had nothing to talk about he was playing over in Roga at the time and um I don’t remember I think I just like reached out to their like media contact with the team and I was like hey can we interview him they were like yeah here’s his phone number and um it just it all came together and then uh I remember like like that was a day in my life you know like I was I I woke up so early for it I like as soon as it was over I started making like videos and stuff like that that we could use um he was part of the intro for a while yeah was yeah yeah we got we got him to say hello I’m Mor cider and you’re listening to lock on Red Wings um which we could have done on Cameo uh but whatever um and so but he was like he could not have been cooler uh just with like how like he was answering our our I don’t know he was answering every question we talked about some some silly stuff yeah very genuine guy um and I cover the Red Wings every now and then um and I see him in the locker room sometimes always thought about like just going to me like remember me but probably doesn’t so you’re like who’s this the uh I still think like I wasn’t here for uh for Mo that was you two but like the uh I want to talk Gary Thorne too because that is still to this day like one of the coolest things like on this show not on this show that I have literally ever been a part of since like being a part of this industry genuinely yeah and we’ll talk about that in segment two of lockdown Red Wings so stay tuned for that show on the tracks gotta keep it on the tracks got to talk to you guys today about game time game time makes getting tickets to the NBA finals or you know your local Detroit Tigers even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets last minute ticket deals save you up to 60% off buying last minute tick last minute for sports concert comedy theater and 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a little bit about that experience because you guys were you were uh what’s the word I’m looking for driving the car I guess in this situation for trying to get Gary Thorne back with ESPN NHL got the ESPN I forgot about the uh no one at one point no one he uh you you had an entire like I don’t know like social media holder of Gary Thor balls and you were like the three of us are just gonna tweet these out like crazy and just like to like hype this episode up and like whatnot and uh yeah man having him on and and again like one of the cool genuinely one of the coolest questions I’ve ever asked anyone in this industry in three years is still when I got to ask him uh about the who Do You Think You Are I Am moment and like like that’s like not hockey related at all it’s not Wings related at all but like that is Thor genuinely that I have that clip still saved on my phone I rewatch it probably like once or twice a month like and it’s just yeah the three of us in Gary Thorn just like smiling and giggling and like I remember the recording ending and and Gary leaving the call and Ethan just starts laughing he goes dude I thought I was like playing chel like that was Gary Thor like that was it was just so wild man it was such a cool thing for real what about the beginning um because I can’t remember exactly how the zoom call started I’m sure one of you two will remember better than I can well just how how that how the podcast started when once he joined the call yeah and I go any way we can get you to turn your camera on he goes no no but so he said then but then I go I go we won’t show it format yet like we didn’t we weren on YouTube yet so we were like no like just for like conversation sake not to like put your face anywhere and then he turned it on and everything was fine but yeah that was how it started was no one being like you turn on and just going no uh too like how bad a podcast can go when it’s you’re just staring at a black screen right like you’re not able to read anybody’s facial expression or anything so the second he actually just he just turned it on out of the blue too it wasn’t like he didn’t say like oh okay that’s fine like he just turned it on wasn’t he just he was just s wasn’t he yeah he was just sitting in like his office guy dude he he even talked with us he chopped it up with us like a little bit after the recording ended too and just talked about like life and whatever and what he was up to he was he was awesome you say cut the grass cut the grass convening excuse yeah that’s right he said something like that he’s like uh what are you up to he goes I got to cut my lawn pick my kids up or something like yeah Ethan I know we’ve gotten a little off the track of like the Red Wings moments and I know that when you guys covered the team there wasn’t a lot of high moments to speak of but did you have a a moment from it can’t it doesn’t have to be a game it could be an acquisition like Nolan mentioned the Jacob Rana acquisition a a draft something that that speaks out to you from your tenure I would say that Vera getting yeah that mantha trade was probably one of the biggest things that happened when we were there cuz we were I mean we me and Nolan were really half and half on liking them just like much of the fan base was so for for us to at the time get a first and vanana in a deal for mantha which I mean we we all know how that turned out for Washington I mean that was an absolute fleece I think that was that was at least three episodes for us just of even maybe even just the energy of riding that trade was probably it was probably my Peak n delovic signing too was was like that that was really hyp that was a trade and signing too they traded for nich and then extended him they did yeah yeah well it’s interesting too because you bring up the the Verana mantha trade but that trade tree is still paying dividends for the Red Wings all these years later because obviously everyone knows that draft pick uh you traded that second first round pick you traded up to get Sebastian kosa with the one pick and then some of those other picks and players you got Richard ponik back too don’t forget that Richard Pon got a second foring yep and ponic you traded I believe was it to the Islanders I can’t remember exactly how the trade tree pans out but I remember the end result was we got Jake wman out of it yeah out of if you follow that tree far enough because the ponic deal turned into a a draft pick and that draft pick you flipped to St Louis for who did we trade to St Louis for no it was Nick lety it was Nick lety you traded for Nick Ley and then Nick Ley got dealt to St Louis I’m trying to remember this off the top of my head as we’re talking for sunquist and for Jake wman and Jake wman as we know played top pair minutes with more cider this season so that trade that you guys covered all those years ago is still paying dividends for us here a thousand episodes later as we talk about you know Jake wolman’s placement in the in the defensive core now with the uh what you would assume the rising of s Simon Edinson if I can say his name holy cow I mean that’s that definitely was a significant moment especially in that span Scotty uh I think we should wait until segment three to get to your moment because we’re getting close to that break so let’s use that as the tease Scotty’s top moment from his tenure and he’s probably the longest tenured at this point host of lock down Red Wings Nolan but you think it’s no I think uh I don’t know I think I think actually at this point I bet Brian has overtaken me even because I think I we’ve done three full seasons yeah I tapped out somewhere around in the late 300s or early 400s or some some some somewhere along those lines I think I so not that’s ridiculous that shouldn’t be thing it’s appropriate though because I think you’re the best like podcaster like I’m justf over here I guess wonderful I think you’re wonderful I think I’m wonderful as well but as wonderful as Scotty I think I’m wonderful as well I think let’s just get everybody covered I think e of Gap I I I I remember I saw this kid making Twitter videos when it was free Casey M until it’s backwards dude and I was like electric I need to I need to sign this guy I was like Gord how it happened I DMD me and got a random phone call he’s like what’s your number I need to call you I was like I don’t know who this is but like and now here we are three years later so no and I was right you host two podcasts and you’re you’re incredible you’re incredible Scotty that’s the that’s the that’s the takeaway from this episode Scot is the takeway is that I was right about Scotty being oh yeah gotta remember who recruited Scotty it was noan really really it’s Nolan who’s incredible you and I apparently and Ethan Nolan actually is responsible for all everybody here being on the show it’s true he’s taking all the credit it’s true I’m not taking all the credit but I do deserve he’s a team Builder’s he’s a general manager he uh he’s a pure team Builder all right you got I know you gotta get some break but while we’re on the topic of numbers I like I do just have to say like I’m very proud of what we did with this like especially in the early stages through some bad years but like the fact of the matter is that you guys have taken it and like just turn it into something that it never was like it was Never As Good As the product under with me while I was there is never was Never As Good As it as it has been over these last couple years because you guys are doing so much and the product is awesome and I’m I’m you know after all these these jokey jokes about me you know being the best um I like do want to say like you guys have not like all of this is you guys like we we were here doing the early episodes but like all the success that you guys have had has been because of you guys like the the Brian what you do is is not easy like doing the show and then editing it and then all the promotional stuff and you know Scotty same thing so uh I do just want to point that out that like we were here in the beginning but like you guys have been here longer and taken it to places that we never did so I’m happy for you guys and you know I am honored to be back you know on the show so doing this once a year we’re just gonna get all four of us back I think we should the reun yeah June or July and like the dead point of the off season yeah if if Nolan’s going to come on here and pump my tires I’m open to it like go I’m down for that uh no and like it’s the the same is you know reciprocated here too I mean we couldn’t have gotten to where we are without you two laying the foundation for the podcast as well because it wasn’t easy for you guys early on this was just this was just an audio platform and the team was in the depths not it was an awful team yeah they had just barely started a rebuild what did you was Ken Holland still general manager when this podcast started or was it right Steve Eiserman took over no it was it was right as Eisman took over so like literally day one of the rebuild yeah January rebuild podcast and despite that you guys were able to build a pretty successful following and then thankfully Scotty and I took over and right after that mider Lucas Raymond’s rookie season began and I I will say those two and the Red Wings getting better have definitely helped carry the podcast the new heights but thank you so much for the the kind words I do have to get to a break though right now behind segment three locktown Red Wings coming up stay [Music] tuned got to talk to you guys today about ultimate hockey GM hey lockdown Red Wings fans I want to take a moment to bring up one of our partners the mobile game ultimate hockey GM ever dreamed of becoming an NHL GM and managing your hockey franchise do you think you could run the Red Wings better than Steve Eiserman well your dream can come true and this game is definitely for you manage every strategic aspect of your team play through the seasons and Lead it to Glory hire the right coaches and staff trade players or draft picks and navigate through free agency and the draft all in a challenging and realistic game world as a Red Wings fan you know there is no offseason GMS are constantly making moves at every point of the year to improve their team’s chances at and that’s why I think you are going to love this game ultimate hockey GM is completely free and playable offline play on the go as you want and when you want to by the way lockdown Red Wings listeners get a 100% free boost to their franchise when you’re using the promo code locked on NHL in the game store so make sure you to check it out download the game just visit hockey gm. apppp hockey gm. apppp or look it up on the App Stores ultimate hockey GM start your Dynasty today segment three locked on Red Wings podcast Scotty I think we’re on to you now because I’m going to leave myself for last we I downloaded that app by the way super super easy Nolan supporting the Pod well he’s on the Pod you gota love I’m EXC I’m excited to start my career I was I was gonna ask so do you think it’s worth more an ad read by the host or a guest because like I’m not as polished the guest wouldn’t be as polished as the host but like if you got a guest to read an ad you’re sure jumping right back into the flow of it don’t know do do you want me to share the screen and you can read the whole thing no no no no I don’t want to but like Scotty said something earlier about it and I was I’ve just been thinking about it like from a business standpoint that that you know what next time we have Max on we’re going to have Max read it for us I’m going to tell him like Max there’s a condition to you coming on for free and helping us out you got to read our ads for us and I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to jump at that opportunity awesome ah man probably not but all right Scotty we’ve been covering the Red Wings as they thankfully Nolan and Ethan dipped right as a decided to start turning around thank you for that guys it’s been a lot more pleasure it’s been very very helpful no uh Scotty almost said Nolan Scotty what’s your top moment H covering the Red Wings as Lockdown Red Wings host yeah I um I don’t know man I I’m in the weird position where like the the two of you Nolan and Ethan you guys dipped right before the team got good and and Brian’s first episode was like Raymond’s debut so like he got you know like kind of the hype right off rip and and I kind of had uh because it was the three of us for what four six months right like we we did the the the trio there for a little bit so I I got kind of the the tail end of the really really Bleak like nothingness and then that off season and then transitioned into uh this like current ERA of like pretty exciting hockey so I there’s a few I mean like covering honestly with Brian like covering the Patrick Kane return to Chicago was like one of the coolest episodes we’ve done I think and just the amount of uh like we just threw the template out the window and it was just like pure excitement right after the game and we were just like buzzing right like that was that was obviously really fun but then like also one of the most fun I I want to say probably like two or maybe even we got a week out of it I don’t remember Nolan but the uh the last draft we did before you left we covered the absolute heck out of that draft man like I I don’t think I’ve outside of baseball I don’t think I’ve ever been more familiar with a draft class in any sport and ever in my life than I was with that draft and just uh like we went to the to the draft party obviously like at LCA as well and we tried to do I remember like uh like on the street Mike didn’t work you couldn’t hear anybody and we just had to bail on it and just do our own stuff like that was uh that was a really fun because that was also a fun like they they trade up for kosa like that was a really exciting draft as well interviewing jper walet was really really cool we did that in uh like leading up to that and if if we were going to get him he said he’d come back back on the show and then we real real quick so that part was funny like they said so when we interviewed wallstead we were like off if you know you get Tred by the red rings you got to come back on he’s like yeah absolutely that’d be awesome would love to whatever um and then obviously they trade up we think that they’re trading up for wallstead and they take kosa and um you know jer’s still out on what that looks like but the the even funnier part of that at least from like from a Content standpoint is that I think out of all the first like I’m pretty sure Sebastian kosa is the only projected first rounder that we just didn’t cover and I was like well you know leaving ourselves open a little bit but I mean hey what are the what are the odds you know no you’re right you’re absolutely laugh tell them your plans right I I think wal that I don’t think we covered kosa until after until after we had drafted him um but yeah that I don’t know that almost like kind of added to the um I don’t know want to say excitement necessarily but like the drama of like that situation was like H like we we did all of this C coverage for for wallstead like all of it and like all like we try up and took a different goalie so that was kind of a a wild thing as well but yeah I don’t know I I didn’t give like a clear answer but there’s there’s certainly a few I don’t want to steal Brian’s Thunder but like I’m I’m pretty sure I know what Brian’s gonna pick and like that was a really cool night for us and it was in a really weird time of transition for this show as well but that almost made it like even cooler uh in like a weird way so Brian if if you want to do yours go for it because I I’m pretty positive I know what you’re G to take here but uh but that was also a a a really really wild like it was just a huge moment and it was our first show and it was like well like here we go we’re kind of getting thrown into the fire a little bit yeah I mean I had an a Very eloquent setup for how I was going to reveal mine and then Scotty just goes and spoils it at the start of segment three here uh the Lucas Raymond hatrick episode uh October 24th of 2021 it was my very first episode as the the D in the driver seat for lock on Red Wings and I cannot think of a more notable way to start a a a podcasting career than to be covering a rookie sensation breaking out and scoring a hattick against an alltime rival it just that moment really it threw me into the deep end too right like Scotty and I had had conversations about like how we’re going to handle the show this that and whatnot and I’m at work I’m at 971 at the time I’m running the red I’m actually running the Red Wings game for the Red Wings broadcast on the radio I’m physically producing it hearing these goals be scored in real time and I’m just like at the edge of my seat waiting to run back home and it was similar to like what Scotty was just talking about when the script got thrown out when Kane scored the OT winner in in Chicago whatever we had planned was right out the window immediately because we just wanted to sit here and be all giddy over the fact that Lucas Raymond just scored a hatrick as a rookie and it was my first ever episode but I mean there is this season alone right with the push to the playoffs you there’s umth number of moments from this season and it almost would feel like a cop out to name one of them like the six-game win streak which was a Eiserman era High you had the three the overtime winner against Toronto the Lucas Raymond hatrick against Pittsburgh the Lucas Raymond two goals against Montreal the David Pan game time goal against Montreal like all there at the last week of the Season there were so many moments beating Colorado two to one in overtime there were so many moments this past year that could have been it but I felt like it had been a disservice to our listeners to not go with a little bit more of a deep cut and be like guys this is how it started and it’s been you know ever since it’s just continued that we watching Lucas Raymond Mor cider has been speak Mor cider right called her Trophy winner that’s another incredible moment you know they used a clip of our podcast in their social media video when they they announced it which was huge another moment for the podcast which was awesome and then of course Oscar sunquist agreeing to play men’s league hockey with me when we had him on that was also relas that did happen I I for uh I forgot about that we did get a verbal agreement that he would play play in Brian’s men’s league I I think the the the the thorn in the side of that plan was that he had to still be in North America after he retired which I don’t know if he will because you know he’s Swedish by nature but uh if he’s still in North America I it’s on it’s on video he has to legally Bing contract yeah yeah he’s got to play men’s league with me once he retires so I uh there’s a lot go ahead no have you guys seen the movie uh Little Big League yeah of yeah you know you know how like it all buil this I’m going to I’m going to spoil this so if you don’t want to be spoiled of a movie that came out in a kids movie that came out in the 1990s don’t listen years but like it’s about this this kid who becomes a baseball manager and they make this run and they’re trying to get into the playoffs and it’s this amazing story about a kid who’s managing the Minnesota Twins and then uh there’s this guy on the team that’s dating his mom and uh he they have like this real big moment in the bottom of the ninth right before he sends him up to pinch hit you’re like basically he’s like you can you can date my mom it’s all good uh and you’re like okay well here’s the at bat you know and uh never felt more like a moment of Destiny than when uh Lou Collins decks this uh some Pitch from Randy Johnson you’re like wow here it goes they’re gonna make the playoffs and then Ken Griffey Jr comes up and catches it and then the movie just ends and it’s like you know sometimes it’s about the journey not the destination that’s how I feel like the red Wings season this year was there’s never been an almost team of Destiny more than the 2023 2024 Detroit Red Wings with the way the last couple games played out and all that other stuff uh exciting as hell but like I that was that was insane the way that ended you should have seen that episode we did what said the 06 tigers are my number one almost team of Destiny all right all right host of lock on all right they made the World Series and got crushed I think that’s a little bit better than missing the Playoffs when half the league makes the playoffs all right okay all right you know what you know what Scotty bye have you guys covered the outright uh embarrassment that is B Sports Detroit uh on this show because no I bought I bought Comcast like a month ago hilarious so that I could watch B Sports Detroit on my TV because I was sick of like people being like ah just stream it from your computer I’m like what are we freaking what am I 18 years old uh and then I so I finally signed up for Comcast for the first time in like year like the first time in my adult life and then probably a week later uh Comcast in B Sports Detroit had an unprecedented SE parting of ways and uh now I just have cable for no reason and I’m pissed about it and I haven’t signed back the Sports app but I’m probably gonna have to Once hockey season comes back and I’m even more mad that I’m going to do it later yep yep so uh with that all being said do you guys have any final thoughts to the people we’re way over time that was my final thought so now that we got what else I gotta get off my chest here oh yeah I can’t listen to Jason B got got two years of grievances he hasn’t had a platform to complain about on so he’s just gonna just go to the go Detroit News opinion I’m sorry I mean like you called the bank to talk to a person and they said you to a robot so I think those are all my complaints oh man I’m serious we should we should make it a a summerly thing we should uh everyone back and and uh whatever just talk wings at some point because again like June July I mean it’s this in in draft pre usually so yeah yeah I’m not going to top anything Nolan just said Nolan’s been Nolan’s honestly been the highlight of the episode I didn’t get any REM sleep last night so I can’t like control my thoughts so that’s real doing great Scotty SC what do you got for us buddy what’s your final thought um I’m I’m glad we did this this was a lot of fun though um yeah I I appreciate all of you I mean seriously this was again like the no and Ethan obviously starting it off and kind of um I don’t know Paving the way laying the foundation whatever phrase you want to use and then uh the two of them agreeing to to let me be a part of it and then obviously the me being kind of the the the Baton that was handed off in between Nolan and Brian and and now here we are and it’s it’s awesome and there’s been as we’ve highlighted a lot of ups and downs on camera off camera on the ice off the ice whatever but it’s been um it’s been really cool like this being I don’t know when I was uh coming out of high school if you would have told me you know when I was like growing up that this would be something I would do one day I I would like laugh at how awesome that is so I I appreciate all everybody that’s a part of this right now because obviously I I’ve uh I’ve worked with all of you on on camera before I think actually I’m changing my answer my favorite episode was when noan was out of town and Ethan and I ran a solo show Nolan goes follow this format and Ethan and I got on air and we went we’re just gonna talk dude I’m not doing this just ripped for half an hour I think that’s actually my favorite one but yeah Spiel over I I appreciate all you greatly and uh yeah this has been this has been a lot of fun 40 minutes in Scotty’s like I’m gonna change my answer all right guys thank you so much for taking the time to join us I’m with Scotty I think this should be at least every summer thing if not more there’s plenty of downtimes in the summer and even during the during the season as well there’s there’s down allar break whatever All-Star break yeah there there so this was a lot of fun thanks so much for joining us I love all you guys I hope to see you again soon Scotty thank you and again congratulations Brian host Brian he’s had a lot of titles over the year lot hat We There It Is We bow you guys want to say it with us weeball I I don’t think episode I don’t think I did that when when I don’t think I’m I don’t remember when it started I just started saying at the end of every episode and now I like literally say it I don’t think that was a thing when I first started I don’t remember when it started think so it’s I it started with me because I remember at the end of every episode I asked you do you have any final thoughts and you just started saying we ball at the end to the point now where it’s part of our vernacular like I’ll see like threads talk about people talking about podcasts on the internet like what Red Wings podcast to listen to and people if someone says our name there’ll just be replies underneath that say weeball weeball weeball down the thread it’s it’s it’s amazing I love how that’s our thing I don’t know where it came from or why or what but anyways guys again thank you we gotta send it off uh stay tuned to lockdown Red Wings we’re gonna have more draft profiles for you guys next week as for what comes Friday I don’t know Scotty and I figure out when we get there same time same place see your team every day
Locked on Red Wings is celebrating its 1000th episode! We are inviting original hosts Nolan Bianchi and Ethan Smith back on the reminisce about the top Red Wings moments we got to cover over the course of these last 1,000 episodes! #LGRW
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I love every episode you guys do but my favorites are the mailbag Q&A questions because it touches on the hot topics
Been an everyday-er since February 22' and my favorite moment was when Scotty went Nostradamus and called Ned's shutout against the Canes, down to the shots saved. Love the show!
This podcast has become part of my everyday routine over the last 2 years I love this podcast. I appreciate you both Brian and Scotty