FILM: Some MAJOR love to Kansas City Chiefs’ interior offensive line

FILM: Some MAJOR love to Kansas City Chiefs’ interior offensive line

football welcome man to another film breakdown here on the o line committee where uh we sit down with two former NFL offensive lineman 16 plus years of trenches experience and we sit under the Learning Tree with Alex Boon and Jeremiah sirel and you guys so in a recent o line committee podcast episode you guys ranked your top 10 best offensive lines in the league and you both had the Chiefs in your top 10 pretty high up some change is on the offensive line but we talked so much about Patrick Mahomes and the Brilliance and he’s the greatest quarterback of all time and those things are all true and Travis Kelce I feel like not enough people talk about the great job that the chief’s offensive line does up front in pass protection so let’s talk about it today gentlemen yeah I agree with you and I think that a lot of people kind of Overlook their interior players because Patrick Mahomes is so good at creating space and getting away from Defenders and he’s one of these guys that always knows where his Outlets are going to be and he can make the miraculous throws so it’s kind of like you’re going to get overshadowed and I’ll give you the best example at times Tom Brady’s offensive line was like well Tom’s just Tom and he can throw the ball and I was like well they’re really good at times right like you they’re they’re really good if you give them a chance they can still do things and it’s the combination of them holding up locks and helping Patrick to get out that allows him to have the success that he does and at the same time the Isaiah Pacho runs lately have just been so badass and if they can continue that run game like I don’t know how Jay sees them I’ve always seen case is more of a pass pro team like everyone’s kind of either or in my mind right you’re either pass pro team or you’re a run blocking team if they can start to make themselves more of a both where we can run the ball and we can have Patrick come back here they’re going to hit a whole new level of elite that we haven’t even seen yet and that’s what I think is so cool about this team in this offensive line at the same time their tackle play has to be better yeah you know and I think everything can be built off the Interior right Trey Smith Joe tuny Creed Humphrey right everything’s built off the interior because this team is built to Patrick be able to run around in the back but know that he can step up at any moment right like the crazy stuff that Patrick does when he can escape out of the pocket is what makes him so special but what really elevated his game is you have to decide as a defensive coordinator am I blitzing up the middle to try and get in his face or am I playing coverage and allowing Creed and Trey to have a double team and single up Joe tuni right those are the decisions you have to make because you can’t just let him sit back there you have to try and mix things up and look around but the way they built this team from the interior out I think was brilliant job by old Andy Reid there let’s take a look at let start with this year early in the season this is I believe week five against the Vikings this was a third and 18 with the Chiefs backed up inside their own 20 yard line right this one of those decision moments yeah the defense you bring the house and gamble which the Vikings did more than any team in the league last year let’s roll the tape and see what happens here by the way I’m curious is is there somebody deeper or no that’s it all right all right so oh yeah it’s brutal dud Cameron great right so they go three up here go back this is actually an me by the right tackle right so they go three up here they say hey we’re going to push to the left we’re going to identify 58’s our point so we’re going to go three for three 58 0 and 90 8 right we’re going to lock those three up you two go big on big on the outside over here in 9199 on the right side right you two locked Jerick McKinnon you scan 44 is your number one threat if number one doesn’t come then you bump outside to 22 right that’s how this should be picked up the right tackle freaks out and slams back inside right leaving denil Hunter not the guy you want to live alone to get a free run at Harry at Patrick here right the reason they do that go back to the top you leave the widest man free which in this case would be Harrison Smith right over here on the left side everything else you button up interiorly you leave the widest guy free and you make Patrick throw hot off of the safety you don’t want him to throw hot off of the right the right defensive end which is also another got six on you got six on six Haron Smith is the Harrison’s not supposed to be on block 24 should chip Harry on his way out instead he chips 98 so that’s another Emy they always tell you to chip the widest rusher right like right here like Jay said if we if this is all blocked properly 24 gets in front of Harry Just Another Second he’s not having to throw this ball at the same time this is Patrick just being Patrick and I trying to think is this Blake Bell that catches it who catches this uh Watson right is it Watson I think it’s is it 84 yeah I’ll go back to the wide here I’m pretty sure it’s Watson who catches this no it’s 84 okay I’m trying to think of who that is is it Blake Bell maybe no Blake Bell doesn’t run that fast uhhuh I think that is Watson I think you’re right it might be anyways um that’s just them making a great play right like this you have him right here this should be a sack he just throws the ball up and on we just make a great but again like I talked about earlier look where the pressure is not coming from right you’ve got all up all up in the middle there you’ve got a one-on-one with Davenport with Joe tuny on the left side you got a one-on-one technically on the right side with Trey Smith and a one-on-one in here and then you’re saying I’m betting you’re be able to step up right if this thing doesn’t escape if if 74 stays right there he’s going to be able to step up in this pocket Jerick McKinnon gets just enough of him there right the interior is where this is built and then you should be able to escape and then this is just Patrick Mahomes doing Patrick Mahomes things not even sure what the right tackle was thinking there because I always knew if it was gone or not like I yeah he he wasle was gone and it’s like you know whether you’re gone or not right away I don’t know what the hell he’s doing yeah he should have known there once again they would have been higher with their tackles or liability oh almost got him on the false Cadence almost got here we go Motion to one by3 sliding out again where does he escape up the middle of the pocket right you can collapse on the edges as long as you’re Stout in the middle right so they got two linebackers set this is the overload front right we call this an overload front 3D linemen to a side two two linebackers to the other and one defensive end the defensive teams love this because it creates one-on ones right you’re saying hey these two guys these two linebackers one’s going to be taken by a guard the other one’s going to be taken by a running back so that means that hey right tackle you’re on your own with CLE Mack over there no big deal right like that’s a big island that’s a big island over there but then they both bail right looks like they both bail they both bail out but you have to account for them you both bail out so they they pushed this all the way across they said nine is going to be the running back six is going to be taken by the the Right Guard so we’ll go four for four on this side and then your money on the back side over here right and then they usually run some type of game they just straight Rush this look at that punch by Joe thuny stupid oh watch that the whole thing when we talk about throwing your hands as an offensive lineman our whole thing is you want to stop the defender’s feet right when you throw your hands you need to stop his feet right there see how his feet have stopped moving forward forward you’ve stopped his momentum he now has to go to a second move right he has to go to counter move and if your quarterback’s worth a in the NFL the ball’s going to be gone yep right this is such a good set staying Inside Out waiting for him okay cross my face nope make your decision bang now you’re dead right now you’re done now I’ll just keep widening you out here and it’s nice too when you have the center on your inside of you you have a lot of confidence to throw your hands you don’t have to worry about it a lot but at the same time that could be messed up very easily and this is just a great job of having everybody run around Patrick I mean he always looks so unfazed when he’s throwing the ball and running through I mean that’s how you keep him calm in the middle I still can’t get over that last one that gone protection dude thought it was gone dude thought it was empty I know I driv him a nuts simple that means so now you change it up you go okay let’s send five right how do we get to them well let’s just single everyone up right let’s see if someone can win a one-on-one matchup nope Ball’s out right this is the decision you have to make do Blitz a linebacker and leave the middle of the field slightly exposed or do I play coverage and let him sit back there and that’s what makes this so dangerous but that’s also what makes your offensive line know hey if I can get on these dudes and I see them blitzing let’s just stick them for 1.5 seconds and then Patrick’s going to find the void right so now you’ve got okay they’re identifying to the left here that’s Murray I believe they’re identifying left saying Smith um you’re locked on 74 why am I blanking on his name it’s driving me bananas Jan Taylor Jawan Taylor thank you you’re locked on right and that’s again just having faith and saying hey we’re going to be inside here again the single-and punch by Trey Smith always phenomenal fun to watch phenomenal so real quick just for the the dumb part of the audience here like myself so you’re so we’re sliding left with the center which means that these three guys are accounting for these three Defenders right they’re accounting for the two defensive linemen and then whoever the third element whoever else comes right so if that linebacker comes he’s the third element if that linebacker bailes out and they Blitz someone off the edge he becomes the third element and then here these two guys are sorting we’re no we’re they’re money we’re man we’re the man’s side so we have the 2D lineman and nobody else yep worry about nothing else it’s a six-man protection we don’t have to worry about anything but like that inside hand punch by Trey Smith is that outside hand punch is so Leal he’s got him on his knee dude he’s about to bend him over a Barr yeah we talk about stopping his feet right he takes Inside Out whack right there he’s got to restart his feet and now you’ve got him right that’s just such a phenomenal job now this body position here by this left tackle not good don’t like that but gets him stopped right for a moment Ball’s gone that’s all it takes you just got to get them stopped when they Blitz okay now we decide again okay we rushed five last time that didn’t work well let’s Rush four let him dance let him do his thing and right here it’s so it’s got so frustrating for a defense you’re trying it has to be because even when they all know the same thing you’re supposed to keep contained keep contained no matter what you just can’t keep some quarterbacks in the pocket I mean dude yeah cuz at this point you’re getting frustrated you’re like I got to get to him I got to get to him so bosa’s like all right I finally feel like I have a chance I’m I’m I’m right there he’s right there I can see him I’m going to dip my head inside and see if I can’t beat this dude on around the inside and that’s all it takes is just a quick dip in right like I can get there I can get there I can get there because you’ll always see your defensive coach you go in there you better get him on the ground right cuz the second you did that no one has contain right you see him spin out late like oh and he can either run for 20 yards here or lure the defensive back in smart he’s like I don’t want to take the hit I’d rather get the stats do it I love it dude he’s so smooth and so is their core and this is one of the things that Jay and I and I obviously feel like a good core can take you a lot of places obviously Detroit I feel like has a strong strong interior and they have a solid tackle and pan but when you talk about this just kind of reminds me of the old uh Saints breakdown like when you used to look at there they had Carl Nicks and jari Evans and you talk about like you can win a lot of games if you have twoards dude and then John goody at at times and they also had Charles Leno as their tackle and um what’s his name was their right tackle uh the coach now I’m trying to think of his name for the Broncos what’s his name strie Zack strie Zack strie like dude there’s a lot of ways to make up the offensive line but when you have two solid guards that can be strong in the middle be firm don’t give up a lot of ground and can still block one-on ones you can do a lot of things offensively because you can get help to the tackles in a lot of ways you just can’t get help to the guards that’s why it’s so hard to find offensive plays that you like at times they would tell the fullback like hey if you can get through here try and help the guard and he’d be like the who no chance that guy’s coming through yeah right the running backs are always taught to help the tackles help hey get out and help your tackle I’d be like hey I’m right here can you help me no who the are you are you on this team never mind oh that’s terrible I mean so yeah they’re going again they’re working a little play action here so you’ve got a single block with Trey Smith boom they get through here Donovan gets swam instantly and luck he falls down no big deal I’ll just throw it over here I didn’t even look to see I mean look at the guys that have to win their one-on ons right this right tackle is the money block on this play it’s the hardest BL oh that tight end’s doing all that work look at this what do you mean number Nine’s trying number Nine’s trying to keep contain on the tight end watch this yeah cuz he’s terrified of mom’s getting out of the pocket I know so he’s like oh God keep widening keep widening keep widening keep widening keep widening didn’t even touch the ball’s out yeah the ball’s out but the one over here doing any goddamn work it’s like hey I’m going to set my shoes boom he’s not going anywhere right come to me you want to go in there sweet I got full control of your chest right there game over I mean one guy gets clean beat on that play clean whiff by the left tackle right I mean this happens this is an oay block right Olay see you it’s the worst hey let’s be honest it’s the worst part about play action the tackles cuz they stuck on an island by themselves and it sucks the good ones and they say sell run it’s like yeah okay you sell run against mix Max Crosby over there tell me I remember one time jro yelled Anthony Davis and I cuz we didn’t sell run on a 359 and it was uh Von Miller when he was young and I was like remember Anthony Davis was like you go sell run versus him you know how hard that is we’re going yeah that guy’s quick as guys there’s no way we were selling the run down this one you wanted to kill our quarterback or not it was it was oh was it him and Jay R him and somebody we were like no way we’re selling the run on this they got so mad here we go again so again decid nice jump set here by the left guard dude look at Trey just taking on Max Crosby like it’s no big deal look how many one-on-ones the guards have had right the slideaway guard and they haven’t gotten beaten I know we picked certain plays but this was all year bang shoots his hands refits his hands hop hop ball gone right that’s just a bare fight for two and a half seconds that’s all it is from the left guard right that dude’s right on your fa teeth right there you know he’s coming right down the pipe you just got to set throw your your hands and fight and that’s what he does right I mean that’s just that’s all pro stuff you do that every single game you’ll be an all pro like as simple as that rep is it’s an incredibly hard block so hard what about this what about this little twisty that’s my whole point is that right tackle doesn’t even do anything Trey Smith just gets obliterated by Max Crosby but he still holds in there right there accept it I mean dude these guys are stalwarts they’re big dudes they love to use their hands they’re great with their feet it’s very rare that you can find big dudes that can move like that I think Trey Trey might be aund million doll guard I think he’s he’s probably the next hundred million doll guard I mean if Robert hunt and Landon Dickerson are making some of the money like he he’s going to demand $100 million 25 a year type of guy yeah rightfully so I mean six round pick right six round pick and has been starting since day one he’ll get he’ll absolutely get paid also what’s what’s just incredible is how great you don’t have to be perfect for quarterbacks like Patrick Mahomes you can I mean how many different times even than just these five or six plays that mostly one of the tackles get beat here’s a swim move here there but it’s okay like as long as as long as four guys win their block or the two interior guys momes knows how to take a step forward how to exactly and that was the old process was that the tackles could allow the defensive ends to rush as far as they wanted up the field as long as the interior didn’t give up any ground then the quarterback could go back set everybody to want to rush him and then as soon as the lines were set he would start to step up so that they would be offt Target and the tackles would just run them by it’s the old Saints and that’s how Drew Brees threw for 5,000 yards a year because nobody could go after him because he had the most Stout interior and the tackles were just running dudes by and he would just Huck that ball downfield dude it’s it’s a great it’s a great way to approach the offensive line because it is so hard to find a great right tackle and a good left tackle that a lot of times I feel like if people would just go after great guards or find better Center play the tackles will come but dude to find a good one is very hard yeah guards matter guards matter they do guard lives matter we do matter matter we care man oh man all right that’s Alex Boon Jeremiah Cal little love to the Kansas City Chiefs interior offensive line here on this oine committee film breakdown see you next time

Jeremiah Sirles, Alex Boone and Phil Mackey break down the Kansas City Chiefs’ awesome interior offensive line. Patrick Mahomes plays perfectly off this trio of talented men.

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Two former NFL offensive linemen (Alex Boone and Jeremiah Sirles) team up with a die-hard football fan and media dweeb (Phil Mackey) for entertaining, informative, opinionated, behind-the-scenes discussions about the game — from a trenches perspective!

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