Tee Higgins Franchise Tagged. NBA Finals Game 5. Cincinnati Reds | GRIP IT AND RIP IT | 6.17.24

Tee Higgins Franchise Tagged. NBA Finals Game 5. Cincinnati Reds | GRIP IT AND RIP IT | 6.17.24

e I’m trying I’m trying to get going here we’re trying to get it going uh yeah I think we’re good to go unless unless we’re not but I think we’re good to go everything everything looks good on my end not I mean you’re you’re saying it with confidence no yeah I think we’re good are we not good well we’re not good what Casey’s opening the door like we’re not good Casey Come On In we’re we’re trying new stuff today we’re trying to get some stuff no I got a thumbs up we are we’re good to go so I don’t know what the what the issue was there but we’re off and grunning 5 Hour Energy this is my best friend no free ads but I don’t care this is the only way I can get through the day I don’t know what your coping mechanism is throughout the day uh when you’re constantly on the Run uh but this 5H Hour Energy this let’s see what flavor we got today I think this is the apple one yeah this is the uh the sour apple 5H Hour Energy it’s my go-to uh energy drink of choice if you will That’s good I’ve never had a 5 Hour Energy but I’m a coffee guy oh I’m a coffee guy too but do you like is it all black coffee all black coffee all day let me get you shooting that 5 Hour Energy for for all the fans there uh yeah no I’m I’m a black coffee guy all the way through two two three black coffees throughout the day and I’m usually good to go so I saw you worked over the weekend because there was some news that came out over the weekend I think it caught a lot of fans by surprise Bengals fans that is and NFL fans in general AFC North fans may not be you know I don’t think you know as a Browns fan I’m not a fan of it but I’m keeping an eye on what’s going on in Cincinnati just like anything that happens in Cleveland us Bengals fans keeping an eye on what’s going on there as is in Pittsburgh and and Baltimore and I mean hell really the NFL with parity across the league everyone’s keeping an eye on what’s going on I mean a year ago at this time no one cared what was happening in Houston no one cared what was going on with the Houston Texans but now I don’t know about you but even as a a Browns fan I’m like what what the what the Texans do what they get Stefan digs oh they have Dell oh they they have a quarterback heading into year two and so they have what a lot of cap flexibility over the next couple years we’re keeping eye on the Texans there’s a lot of teams that we’re keeping an eye on and that team has been the Bengals the last couple of years um for non- Bengals fans even that you know the I’ve said that the Houston Texans have a chance to be the next Cincinnati Bengals team that kind of Rises up and just takes off once they finally get that quarterback right you know and and and that’s basically what’s happened in Houston it’s what’s happened in Cincinnati but they’re on the back half now they’re they’re past the back half they are on the second wave now of capitalizing on the great draft picks capitalizing on the fact that you got your Joe you got your Jamar chases your T Higgins you know you drafted well on both sides of the ball but now the next stage is being able to retain some of that and we’ve seen The Growing Pains a little bit with Cincinnati as they try to find a way to to kind of keep this train going a little bit and and although T Higgins may not be a part of long-term plans he’s definitely a part of the big picture plans for this season coming up no doubt about it for them to be a Super Bowl Contender they need T Higgins T Higgins they need him out there he needs to be out there because there’s a lot that he’s trying to accomplish as well he wants to get paid he needs to be out there there we weren’t sure exactly what to expect we didn’t really know what was going to happen with how long he was going to hold out I always thought it was silly uh you know for him to hold out mainly because of the fact that I never truly thought okay that never truly thought that it was a situation where he had anything to gain from sitting out because I’ve said before that the Cincinnati Bengals they’ve kind of made up in their mind that he is not a part of their long-term plans you know there’s a reason that they hadn’t had any kind of contact with him in over a year and I I’ve defended the Bengals in that saying well there’s no point having contact with him if there’s not going to be a long-term plan in place as far as him being a part of the Cincinnati Bengals the only thing that they need to talk about the only thing that they need to discuss is well what can we do to maximize his talent whether it be on this roster or off you know does he have more value to the team off the roster as far as being traded and and acquiring draft capital and and being able to kind of load up kind of like what the the Kansas City Chiefs did with Tyreek Hill or is this a situation where he has more value to you on the roster you give up that draft capital and you go all in for one more season well the Cincinnati Bengals went all in for one more season T Higgins not happy demanded a trade uh you know he sat out of mandatory mini camp and voluntary mini camp and we weren’t sure how long this was going to last I have to say though I was a little shocked that over the weekend out of nowhere bang the news breaks Adam shefer everyone else jumping in on it I know that’s your guy you a big Adam shefer fan I hear you guys taking shots at all Shey I can’t stand Shey and he had to have had a terrible weekend with Jamar here for voluntary mini cam and now T signing his franchise tag like I I think he swore he wasn’t going to sign and I don’t know if you saw Adam chf’s official tweet about the about the signing he scrolled all the way back to T wear number 85 with a big old frown on his face couldn’t use any any smiling pictures of te from the last year or so of him enjoying his time in Cincinnati he went and frowned a a nice flick of a disgruntled T Higgins so he he still got got his little his little Joy from from a good news for the Bengals and yeah I mean we talked about it on on Wednesday and Friday last week T Higgins was always going to sign this extension it’s $22 million to play for a Super Bowl Contender there was no way that he wasn’t going to sign it and and he did and he signed it a lot earlier than we think and you know whenever there’s a trade request from a star player of your team obviously I’m a Bengals fan and you you like to think that it’s the agent pushing those buttons and not the player you you like to think that you know David moletta has his hands in on the whole thing and he’s he’s pulling the strings of T Higgins in the offseason to try to maximize his value and with a move like this T Higgins signing this contract so early I think T finally kind of told him you know what I’m going to do my own thing I’m happy with the way the Market’s going I’m ready to be back with the team I’m ready to get to work with with the new offensive coordinator I mean obviously Dan pitcher’s been here in Cincinnati with Brian Callahan but taking over the Reigns as offensive coordinator Zack Taylor giving up his influence and play calling at least it sounds like so you know there there is new to this offense and he’ll be able to help the young guys and and even help himself get up to speed it’s so crucial to have a full offseason with the full offense and hopefully you know knock on wood over here Joe burrow can not have an appendectomy or hurt his calf or something like that in the off season to uh to hurt the training camp yeah the wrist hopefully doesn’t come back around but um yeah no it’s exciting it’s exactly what you want to see if you’re a Bengals fan you get a dark cloud off the team before everything gets serious let me ask you because I think the one reason that people are shocked about this too is who his agent is right this screams he went against his agent wishes or probably you know this was a little I mean no because it was the it’s the exact same situation as Jesse Bates the exact same MH um it seems like just based on how his agent has handled these situations in the past not just with Jesse Bates but all of his clients it seems like T Higgins kind of put his foot down and said no I need to get out there and the reason is is this like is he upset that he wants to be a bengle long term like so when there’s certain guys that demand a trade you have your shefter and others who may be positioned as he doesn’t want to be a Bengal no he’s pissed off he’s angry he he he’s demanding a trade because he wants to be a Bengal now I know that sounds weird but he’s he’s angry with the team he’s like hold I want to be here I want to sign an extension I want to continue to be a part of the trio that is Joe burrow Jamar Chase and tans he wants to be a part of that moving forward they don’t want that well then I don’t want to give them my one year where I can risk losing everything uh even if there’s a chance that I could potentially win a Super Bowl with this group I’m still going to be a free agent after next year I can go pick a Superbowl Contender have my cake and eat it too uh as far as that is concerned now with that being said it does seem like he went against the agent wishes here because I think he sees big picture what this actually means I think that this is twofold it’s not as if he’s going into a season where it’s a bad team and that you know it’s not worth it it’s not worth risking an injury going out there playing for a bad team where you’re really not have you don’t really have a shot of accomplishing something big picture but when he looks at the wide receiver Market as of right now despite the fact that a lot of us do believe that t Higgins has the Cal he is a number one wide receiver caliber type of a talent right but I do I do think there’s tiar to the number one wide receiver talents that are out there I mean you have your your Tyreek Hills and you have your Justin Jeffersons and you have your guys like that and then think you have your your mid-tier guys that I think that’s where t h not mid-tier I’m sorry second tier number one options and I think that’s where T kind of comes into play those guys like your Amari Coopers I don’t put Amari Cooper up there with a W obviously with the Jamar Chase or Justin Jefferson but I do kind of put T in that category with an Amari kooper still a guy that can get you a thousand yards uh you know can bring in a lot of touchdowns and could be a guy that is going to demand a lot of attention on the defensive side of the ball so with that being said all right T is looking at that saying well if I sit out and don’t get my 21.8 million million dollar guaranteed this upcoming season I know I can get a big time extension and make 25 million for a couple years you know sign that extension for the new team next season not an extension but signed with the new team next season or he can go out there have a chance to win a Super Bowl have a chance to have a Big Time season uh put up major yardage you know put up you know get a lot of touchdowns and then hit the free agent market and go get that big big payday next year that could possibly put him past that 25 mil a year range and I think that’s ultimately what he’s doing the the other aspect of it is you sit out you don’t take part in in team activities then you try to rush back and you know let’s say that final week of preseason or you come back week one of the NFL season and then you’re not in shape you risk you know pulling a hammy you risk just trying to fast forward a lot of things and then all of a sudden you know you’re out for a good chunk of time and now it’s just kind of a a faulty season we saw that with Jesse Bates although he didn’t really get banged up that year he didn’t have a great year right you know it almost made it like Bengals fans are like oh okay cool we avoided disaster there then he got remotiv he got paid he got taken care of and was one of the top safeties in football last year all all I know is this is a win-win for both sides I don’t think anyone lost here because I saw people saying oh man T had to bow down to the B no the Bengals didn’t lose here the the the T Higgins didn’t lose here we can’t really call a result of this until after the season if the Bengals ultimately make the playoffs win the division deep playoff run maybe get to a Super Bowl G maybe win a Super Bowl all right if they do that the Bengals they were right to gamble and do what they did okay if you know T Higgins has has a monster season and is a part of the success of the Bengals and he gets paid a monster contract next season into that upper e line of wide receivers then it was all worth the risk as far as that’s concerned but if things don’t go well and the Bengals lose him for nothing and T doesn’t have a great year and ultimately takes a second tier type of contract then both might say man it really wasn’t worth it big picture but we’ll see what happens I think that the grade on this is still to be determined but I think considering the circumstances right now this was a no-brainer for both sides one aspect from t point of view that I think a lot of people might not be talking about is something that I’ve been championing since basically the beginning of the summer I I wanted to tag him play him on the tag this year and then when next season rolls around tag him again at 120% of this tag and then trade him on that second tag with this move for T Higgins I wonder if part of what’s going on is his in his head is to build a better rapport with the Bengals front office kind of mend some of those burnt Bridges and stuff like that and so when next offseason rolls around if he does have a statistically successful season puts up the numbers that we expect from th Higgins and is the top 15 maybe even top 10 receiver in the league this season that the Bengals let him hit the open market and go wherever he wants to go after negotiating contracts like that instead of tagging him again and trying to trade him to maybe a lesser than a contender that he could go to if he was a free agent so I think that’s an aspect as well that you might want to look at T trying to build some better relationships with the front office after how this went down originally again if you’re just joining us uh here on Chatterbox Sports on YouTube the Justin Kenner show on Facebook uh we appreciate you you jumping in and hanging out with us again griet and ripet uh new full I me again new show on Chatterbox Sports we kind of did like a light launch last week Jacob learning the the producer slash host position over there trying to be Casey scale of one to Casey where are you right now if we’re doing shoe sizes Casey’s about a 20 over here and I’m sitting about size nine right now so we’re about halfway there where we are trying to fill those big shoes now you’re doing a great job again we got a brand new little Graphics package everything looks awesome uh and we’re going to have a lot fun with this show Monday Wednesdays and Fridays uh from noon to 2 uh and then of course you’ll still be a part of Off the Bench you know from 10:00 a.m. to noon and then of course we’ll we’ll change some stuff up as we get closer to the fall which what this is all about right that’s what this is all about but everything these days is just counting down moments till you’re in the fall so I saw 12 Sundays until week one of the NFL season and I’m like oh man that’s not that far off and then I started my right state math I’m like four 8 12 that’s three damn months yeah yeah brutal that is brutal three months is less than four months piss so we’re getting there t could have like drugged us out a little bit longer I mean we could have done a one more week of what’s T gon to do what’s t g to do well now he has to be boring and get the extension or sign the franchise tender and now we’re like all right now what well guess what now we turn our attention towards what’s next that’s true well because there’s always something speaking of what might be next miles Murphy’s brother tweeted last night that he’s been holding his tongue in t has been in the building for about 3 weeks and a contract extension is close to done hold up hold up there’s let me how how I’m not jealous I’m not angry like I’m I’m I’m just fascinated by this if the Bengals pull this off good for them because I don’t think anyone respects their front office people say well look at what they’ve done you know as far as that I I don’t know if people this would get the respect the front office would earn respect around the league if they find a way to get Jamar T and burrow together or if T gets that extension does that all of a sudden make you a little concerned about the Jamar Chase stop I still am not I I just I’m gonna say 0o percent chance that you have Jamar and T healthily paid on this roster moving forward I just don’t see how that’s that’s a possibility but that’s an interesting drop I did not hear that that is very interesting if you ask this is like the third or fourth time that someone on Twitter has said a t contract is is done or close to done so I don’t know how much I’m ready to believe yet I still think an extension is a long shot I love th Higgins everyone in Cincinnati loves th Higgins don’t get me wrong I’m very firmly in the camp that we should not extend him past this season I I think paying three people burrow Jamar chase a combined almost hundred million dolls in money per contracts is just not the right way to go about building a team I understand the pay your offense draft your defense mentality but at some point you got to pay some guys on the defense too so building up the o line the way we have I think it’d be hard to keep people around if you’re paying all those receivers I love tack for a year I hope he gives us the best he has but I I I do kind of selfishly hope that this is his last year on the Bengals Justin Kenner Jacob TI it with you here again Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver T Higgins officially uh you know signs the franchise tender he’s officially uh in the fold for the upcoming season according to ESPN’s Ben baby of course Higgins signed his franchise tag this past Saturday uh of course the source tells ESPN’s Adam shefer Jacob’s best friend uh but by signing the tag the fifth year wide receiver is now expected to be at training camp and that’s what’s most important about this is because we’re going to talk about the Chiefs and their loud off season coming up in a bit we’re going to talk about the Jets and their loud off season coming up here in just a little bit the one thing you don’t want to have is a loud off season I think history has told us that about a lot of teams you know I’m a Browns fan I think I know a thing or two about loud off Seasons uh and what that does uh momentum wise as far as killing any kind of momentum you have heading into a regular season um and that’s the thing so now that this T thing is kind of put behind them right and and again more stuff comes out you know maybe they’re close to an extension they’re close to an extension you know to me I feel like he got this he he went ahead and caved and signed this tender just to put you know he knew you you’re going to play this upcoming season for the Bengals I think that’s why he just signed it just to get it out of the way or to what what Jacob’s talking about the fact that potentially all right potentially it’s a situation where okay maybe they’re close to getting a deal done but let’s just assume that that’s not the case that they’re not about to get a deal done it’s all about 2024 he is going to play in 2024 we’re no longer questioning that he’s going to be ready to go for training camp now it seems like it’s a pretty quiet path moving moving forward to training camp right there’s not a whole lot of question marks at this point you sit back you you hope that the pieces you added on defense can fix this team to where they uh can improve the second worst defense in the NFL last year statistically at least right you hope that some of the adjustments they made in the Run game are enough to improve the second worst Run game in the NFL last season statistically of course so you hope that those changes are are good enough you hope that uh you know losing your offensive coordinator and obviously you know moving you know some pieces around on the coaching staff of course you hope that that’s nothing major that they have to overcome right like hopefully from a Bengals perspective the off seon it’s a little bit quiet moving forward but if you what is you as a Bengals fan because I’m not a Bengals fan you as a Bengals fan Bengals fans watching uh you know right now on chatter box on YouTube what is that number one thing now that was like okay thank God T’s taken care of crap now we got to worry about blank what is that thing is there anything what what is it about right now that you sit back and say all right I’m glad T’s taking care of but man I’m still a little concerned about filling the blank I think everyone’s kind of concerned about the corner position you Cam Taylor Brit everyone expects him to take a next position be a proo level player be one of the best corners in the league and I I would be in that same boat I think he’s a very very special player but you have DJ Turner who showed flashes last year and then a rookie Josh Newton probably competing for that outside spot Dax Hill trying to play corner I think trying to find a a proven Corner out out there in the market would be a great way to use this over $20 million the Bengals still have in cap space I mean you have names like EX Avan Howard who I know just had had some some bad press come up out about him some some legal problems so probably stay away from him but even guys like Stefan Gilmore still out there some proven veterans that can play corner and and bolster that that backside of that defense I think would be where you look now or internal extensions I think extending Jamar chase a year before you absolutely have to would be a great way to operate and I I think extending a guy like you know Evan mcferson is something else that you should look at because he he’s been one of the best kickers in the league he’s absolutely Nails in the play play offs and in regular season games when it matters so I think extending him is something else I would look at when looking at how to use this almost $21 million in cap space the Bengals still have for this year but in all honesty I think they’re going to go in to the regular season with basically the roster that they have right now maybe a couple extensions maybe a couple depth ads something along those lines but I I really think the Bengals are happy with their roster right now even though some people outside might not be I see some people in the chat Nate Seltzer especially saying that you might as well use that 20 million to give tea an extension give him a threeyear $75 million extension frontload it all with a massive signing bonus eat that cap this year and then you’re basically getting tea for around $20 million for the back two years of that contract I I think that’d be a phenomenal move for the Bengals I don’t think there’s any way T Higgins is accepting a contract below $100 million I I think he’ll be able to get that on a four or fiveyear deal pretty easily when he hits the open market or or with another team if we do end up trading him so I think t uh taking a contract for just $75 million obviously with some higher guarantees in the suggestion you laid out but I I just don’t see that as a real possibility I think he he’s very content to have one more year in Cincinnati go for a Super Bowl and then go elsewhere and try to get his bag so I I don’t know I don’t really think the Bengals are going to make any major moves the rest of the offseason I think you’re going into the season with what you have right now uh so again question mark now that the T Higgins thing kind of put behind him a little bit you turn your attention towards what what is that NE I mean is it just smooth sailing between now and Camp I I think it’s smooth sailing for the Bengals I don’t anticipate the one thing uh Jack Duffin U Orange and Brown Report with the with the with the Browns he’s kind of their salary cap expert if you will but we have him on on a radio show from time to time and we always talk about just the the league in general some big contracts coming up and I’ve learned a lot from him about you know cash Rich owners vers you know everyone there’s a salary cap everyone’s operating under the same cap but again there’s a lot of if you have a lot of money up front you could manipulate the cap a little bit I think we see that a lot with the Rams uh the Browns who have had the haslams forever I I don’t know why the sudden they just it almost feels like the Browns have new ownership over the last five years they’ve always been loaded I guess when you’re not dealing with little uh uh you know court cases off to the side with truck stops I guess you could start to focus on your football team a little bit it’s amazing how that works but they’ve been able to keep to load up a roster you everyone said once you got Deshawn taken care of that all of a sudden they would just have no money to do anything and all they’ve continued to do is add big piece after big piece after big piece and get extension after extension done even to me it doesn’t make sense but a lot of it has to do with money upfront to be able to to frontload some contracts for some of those signing bonuses so this is why coming into this past off season Bengals fans are coming at me saying we have like 70 mil in cap space we’re gonna we’re going to load up this roster I feel like it was kind of an underwhelming underwhelming free agency period for the Bengals to their credit they they pluged some holes they they they addressed some of their needs but they didn’t go all in and that 20 million I don’t anticipate them touching that in the in the coming months heading in I think a lot of that money is going to be emergency money in case there’s a major injurying Camp uh it’s going to be rollover money you want to roll that over into into next off season because of again whether they are getting this secret little deal done with t Higgins or they’re immediately turning their attention towards Jamar Chase they’re going to need some of that money upfront to be able to use for bonuses and be it’s not just about other players it also is about Joe burrow to restructure that contract the only way you could restructure it every year is if you have that money up front to roll it in to a bonus do they have that money up front I mean that’s the one thing about the Bengals that they operate behind the eightball a little bit when it does come to other teams in the National Football League doesn’t mean that it’s bad it doesn’t mean anything like that it just means they have to be a little bit more creative and to their credit they when you know they the naming rights to the stadium and they get a deal done with burrow there was no you know there was no hiccup along the the negotiation Trail as far as that’s concerned so I think it’s going to be a pretty quiet remainder of the offseason heading into training camp coming up because the only noise that I was anticipating for the Bengals is well what if T does uh report back by training camp what if he takes this into the season what can that do you don’t have to worry about that anymore the loow hanging fruit Jacob it’s just the rest that’s easy that’s that that’s an easy one look for everyone out there the Bengals say he looks good the Bengals say this the Bengals say that well of course they’re going to tell you that the Bengals are very secretive with a lot of this stuff I mean a lot of NFL teams are they’re not going to put out bad news unless they absolutely have to I don’t think that there’s bad news out there but I’m just I’m not convinced that he’s just magically a okay I mean there’s a reason that I mean they’re saying that they’re taking it slow and he had a come to Jesus moment and now all of a sudden he’s perfectly fine with not pushing it this that and the other I I don’t know I I just like I said that would be the only concern that I would have and the only thing is about that you won’t get any answers on that right until week one week two week three because in preseason you’re not going to have any clue the social media team for the Bengals they’re only going to put the Highlight clips of him throwing it along the sideline to piano playing piano great Point very quiet weekend for uh the Bengals media it was it was little hunky dory stories maybe Jo was just playing football which obviously we don’t care about we want we want piano and throwing throwing towels so that that’s all that matters yeah no yeah I think I think the wrist is obviously the the big concern and I think the main thing for me that’s making me a little bit less concerned with the wrist uh we’re not going to do the when he had surgery thing but uh it’s it’s the fact that the The Narrative around it is much much different than the calf injury last year everything that the team was saying about Joe’s calf last year during offseason was Joe’s going to be ready for week one at Cleveland Joe’s going to be out there week one at Cleveland he’ll be ready to play week one we haven’t heard the words week one ever now obviously I don’t think Joe burough has a chance of being out for week one but every narrative that they’re putting out is Joe burrow is going to be ready to play in February Joe burrow is going to be healthy at the end of the season so I think they recognize how much he means to this team long term and if Jake Browning has to start week one week two say Joe does start the season and he tweaks it in week three maybe he sits out for a week or two which is not something that was even suggested last year so I think that shift in mentality has eased my concerns a little bit just because they are shooting for the long term instead of just rushing him back for week one which seemed like was the case last year so it’s a good point too they have changed the message they either learned their lesson that maybe they put the pressure on him uh because the fans are expecting him by week one because they social their their team against I say social media team they’re reporting what’s given to them or what they’re cleared to put out there uh so there’s that but like yeah maybe they’re trying to ease the expectations or they’re being very honest and we hope he’s back by February look as a I’m as a from the outside looking in I have no reason to believe that he’s not going to be ready to go by that week one I agree however it is one of those situations where I mean last year opening up against Cleveland a division team and and and he’s somewhat ready to rock you would like to get him out there right like with this it’s a much easier September schedule not that there’s such thing as easy in the NFL but I mean there’s some sneaky games in there as far as that’s concerned but uh it is one of those where you have a very good backup quarterback um you have a good offensive line you hope you improve the Run game you hope that the defense is better they won nine games last year with the second worst defense and second worst Run game now I know those numbers are being manipulated but at the end of the day that’s just the reality of it right you you won nine games you were a last place team but you weren’t a last place team you w n you’re a 500 team right 500 Team without Joe burrow and having the worst second worst run def uh defense Run game this that and the other you tweak those things you’re just an average run team you’re just average defense that’s a playoff team last year right without Joe burrow and they need to have that they need to remain confident that they could still win some games without Joe burrow and not risk losing the big picture goal which is getting to a Super Bowl this that and the other but nonetheless we’ll get into our we’ll continue with some NFL talk coming up here in just a little bit uh we’ll do more um as far as that’s concerned of our top five players in the NFL uh that are facing the most pressure heading into this season the the pro It season if you will they have a lot to prove now we’ll get into that coming up here in just a little bit but I just want people to be thinking about that because we will interact with you if you put yours in the chat we’ll of course you know read those and we’ll have you I heard we have some cool graphics what have a little graphic yeah they they’re ready to roll ready to rock we’ll get to that we’ll get that yeah we’ll get to that I want to get into what’s uh not what’s trending but just kind of news not news a little bit here in the middle I figured we had to open up with the T Higgins thing like that was big news from over the weekend positive news at that a lot of times you don’t get I mean how many times you get positive news in the month of June rare rare especially after Camp it’s usually more drama with contract negotiations injuries injuries oh you know didn’t you know pulled a hammy in Camp and now it’s an injury to keep an eye on heading in uh to training camp this that and the other so all I’m saying is that’s a good thing for the Cincinnati Bengals uh when they’re used to getting a lot of bad news from time to time especially this time of year but anything good in the chat anyone as far as the bang anything anyone concerned about anything feel good about the Bengals everything he everyone’s just saying DeShaun Watson has the most approved so we’ll get to that but they’re already flooding in he’s in my I think that’s a no-brainer spoiler alert I think that that that’s a no-brainer oh he’s in mine too no one’s breaking news with that one no one’s breaking news with that one as far as that’s concerned so I I got this like new little iPad trying to look all professional here looks fancy I don’t know oh there it is there it is we’re good so now we could do a little news or not news Justin Kenner Jacob Tiss it with you here grip it and rip it we appreciate you hanging out on the YouTube side of things of course uh news not news I thought this was big coming out of the baseball world Dodger shortstop what are you point that’s a good graffic up there news not it gets the job done dude it gets the people now know that we’re talking about news or or maybe not maybe not news you only have two options right so news or not news Dodger shortstop M Betts broke his left hand when he was hit by a pitch during the seventh inning and their three nothing win over the Kansas City Royals Mr Jacob Tiss it news or not news I think when a a guy who’s minus money to win MVP just like 70 games into the season gets hurt it’s obviously news and I think it’s even bigger news in a city like Cincinnati where Ellie De La Cruz probably now has the inside Lane to start at shortstop in the All-Star Game everything’s pointing that way with mooki with the broken hand he’ll he’ll probably at least be out a month or two and that would overlap with the All-Star Game and Ellie might be able to slide in there and start a short stop so pretty cool news if you want to spin it that way for the Reds but definitely news for the baseball world as a whole mooki had been playing on a different level this season I did not think of it like that as far as what it meant for the Cincinnati Reds but I’m looking at the Los Angeles Dodgers right now they have a eight game lead over the Padres in the west they are a playoff team they are going to win the West unless things just crumble with injuries but I I know this sounds wild best one of the best players in baseball goes out with a broken wrist like yeah that’s news but to me big picture when it’s about like if ell De La Cruz broke his wrist we’d give up on the season right true so to me la de la Cruz if he breaks his wrist not happening okay if he breaks his rist we’re giving up I’m giving up I’m a quitter I’ll quit on the Reds okay I’ll do it in a heartbeat if if he goes down when you’re the Dodgers and you have an All-Star lineup you have an All-Star team you have depth and every dollar in the world to spend to me it’s the only reason I’m kind of saying this isn’t news it stinks that he won’t be at the Ballpark it stinks that you won’t get to watch him when your team plays him or you’re going to watch him live at a ballpark but outside of that I don’t think I I don’t think the Dodgers going into a tail spin without him obviously doesn’t help them but I don’t think it hurts them as much as you would think uh this team’s still winning the division they’re going to be a playoff team if we get closer to September and he’s not back that’s a little bit of concern it might be news to me a little bit later on but as of right now mid June I I just don’t think this as big a news is what might some people might react to it but again I get what you’re saying it’s a big name it’s a the you know MVP candidate from that perspective I guess yeah but big picture I don’t think it hurts anything as of right now they’re going to win 110 games with or without it so yep so that’s kind of where I’m at as far as that’s concerned news are not news um Charles Barkley Charles Barkley announces uh that next season or he announced this past Friday night that next season will be his last on NBA TV but all TV he is retiring after next season news or not news I think it’s news I think the NBA drastically overestimates what makes people watch those games and as reductionist as it may seem I think NBA on TNT inside the NBA was a big reason a lot of people turn on the game I mean Charles Barkley Ernie Johnson Shaq Kenny that whole crew is just absolutely incredible every single game night in and night out and they they they mean the clips on social media obviously do Insane number and they get viewership like crazy when the NBA is dipping this year for one of the first times in a long time finals viewership is down drastically obviously on ESPN not not TNT but removing that that Inside the NBA one of the most recognizable aspects of the NBA season move removing that from the mix I mean that’s going to make a major difference for the NBA and you wonder what happens when guys like LeBron Kevin Durant Steph Curry are nearing the end of their career we we don’t see a true big name Superstar grabbing a firm hold of that fa face of the league convers ation we had last week if you lose the these you know main TV pole Superstars as well as your your Marquee pregame show where’s the NBA headed I mean we see the finals this year getting the lowest viewership they have in a while regular season has dipped you know pretty considerably over the last however many years every year in a row I wonder if the NBA is thinks that they’re more Invincible than they are and we’re going to see them take a big step back here soon yeah it’s weird say I mean the game should matter the Stars should matter it’s weird saying that Charles Barkley retiring is bad for the NBA because he technically re retired back in the 90s right technically uh you know but he retired as a player Charles Barkley has meant and he’s a top you know 75 player all that fun stuff you go back to those Awards and all that but losing him as an analyst hurts the NBA more than when he retired as a player and he’s one of the you know the best you know bet probably one of the best to never win a ring you know all this that and the other they love to let him know that but yeah I do think that there’s going to be a huge void and I you know he gets the best out of Shaq Shaq gets the best out of him the chemistry with that little Network pregame and just the NBA today whatever not really pregame halftime postgame whatever you want to call it just the network show in general that’s a huge loss for the NBA and there I saw I think who was just uh Mark feds what up Mark he says you know who will replace Chuck I mean it’s kind of like remember we had uh Tommy thraw on years ago when Marty retired and I said to go you know there’s a lot of pressure you know you got to you got to replace Marty and he goes you’re but you’re not I’m not he goes I’m not replacing Marty I’m here to to call Reds on radio um but at no point in my interview with the Cincinnati Reds was I told that you are here to replace Marty uh you know they even overlapped a little bit I think that’s how it’s going to be with Charles Barkley uh because that’s a personality you don’t replace like Draymond okay but I I’m not I’m not tuning in yeah to hear his unhinged self so I is he gonna retire to go sit at the desk next year probably not I don’t know man I don’t know you know who he’s not as he’s not nearly as entertaining but we get to watch The Crossover with the two a lot during March Madness but I like Clark Kellogg I really like kog um he’s just he his personality is drastically different than Charles or whatever but he brings credibility as far as I’m concern but I think they want an NBA guy in there you know they’ll probably you know probably look at a Candace Parker or something I don’t know but you’re not replacing Charles that’s big news since they’re moving off of TNT one guy who I hope gets into the mix more Tim legler from ESPN he’s one of my favorite basketball analysts and they just stick him on SVP at night to talk at 12:30 a.m. about about the games and stuff and he he does great in-depth analysis so hope ESPN sticks him on the desk for a little bit Colin will what up Colin he goes they’re just going to hire all the Lebron Colt followers are you a LeBron Colt follower big time making my pilgrimage up to the museum in akan some point this summer there is a museum oh his childhood homes Museum now there’s like the shoes he wore in the finals like the block ball like stuff like that like a lot of just oneof one LeBron memorabilia I’m a big LeBron fan I want to go check it out I’m a LeBron fan too I just I I I guess I’m just used to meeting the you know all the jokes I don’t know what the line is on here on YouTu YouTube so I’ll just avoid all the jokes usually come with bringing up LeBron James but it’s usually Fillin the blank with whatever you want to call it politically after right like I me and you have talked I’ve said before I tune into sports for sports and even when Sports takes a left or right turn see what I did there um I don’t go with them I I I’m to okay oh you’re talking that cool when you’re back on the hardwood I I’ll watch you out there as far as that’s concerned but uh yes look LeBron does have a lot of power let’s not act like that’s not the case too I mean but at the end of the day how much power does he have in the tail end of his career the last remaining years that he has I mean he is about to get his untalented son drafted I mean I guess that is pretty damn pretty damn powerful if you ask me what do you laugh for you know i’ be like NBA he’s un NBA talented I I don’t necessarily agree I I don’t think he’s a first round Talent dang it’s the same it’s basically the same statline Jimmy Butler had as a freshman at Marquette so and he played better defense I think he could be Drew holiday that’s my that’s my comp for for Brony I think his ceiling’s probably Drew holiday I think it could be a very legitimate ba Defender and then he could probably score somewhere in the 10 to 12 range Off the Bench if he gets to the right system I I think he’d be a viable pick he’ll definitely go above where he should go to try to lure a year or two out of LeBron but I think he’d get drafted without without his dad being LeBron damn you are the cult follower like I thought like I’m a LeBron fan but like you you drink the Kool-Aid like you yeah no look by the way it’ll be a great storyline if he is so I’m kind of hoping that’s the case but it’s just basketball logic is just just 34 years old and you bring up Jimmy Butler that’s great but like if LeBron was not if if brony’s Dad was not LeBron he’s not being looked at anywhere I mean people he would have went back to college to be fair yeah and and people made I mean people were mad when he made as a when he was a McDonald’s All-American they said his I mean they they had like a list of like five players that should have been on that roster over him but then I’m like once again people getting mad about a fast food All-Star game that no one watches anymore so do you do you care about that game anymore by the way I I I watch watch it almost every year just because I think the recruits are cool Alabama had three recruits playing in it this year so I tuned in to see how they did but outside of that I mean I don’t really care about being in All-American or not anymore I was in I think freshman year college I remember they were in Columbus at the shot and it was Kyrie’s year so I got a chance to see Kyrie but I forgot who are some of the other names that were out that came out that year that Kyrie did but either way but no you don’t have to look that up I’m just saying that was cool I that but that was the last time I actually cared about you know going and this that and the other but now there’s I think college basketball or high school basketball recruiting has lost a lot of his luster it used to be even bigger than football recruiting because you’d see the oneandone Freshman play right away but with the transfer portal and I mean you see a fifth year senior Coleman Hawkins get $2 million over the weekend to go to Kansas State the Allure of drafting or of signing a a top Freshman Class running five 18y olds out there winning a championship and sending them to the NBA seems to be completely dead I mean that’s why calip Perry is no longer the coach of Kentucky so I mean that that different mindset I think has taken a lot of the Allure away from those All-American games as well just because you don’t see the players as instantly as you used to uh Sean Connor too going back to real I don’t even know how we got there we went from Charles Barkley retiring to McDonald’s All American G dude that’s quite the range right there on a Monday uh but the 5 Hour Energy is working in fact I got a second one ready to rock to number two 10 hours or is it multipli 25 called it and on the back it says a visit to the doctor will be uh promised if that’s the case um but no so Sean Connor says that you know Clark Kellogg and Jay Wright had some big- time disagreements this past March I don’t recall I’m not saying he’s wrong I just don’t recall I think after like the first week I don’t really pay attention to that but you know that’s how good I never watched halftime or pregame or anything in March Madness because I flipped to the other game yep like I’m I never see the desks in March Madness yeah the desk talk well that was going to be my next Point too about the fact that that’s how good Charles Barkley is and this how valuable he is like everyone out there that complains that he doesn’t even watch college basketball well again his job is to be a full-time NBA analyst at the same time that college basketball’s going on you know he’s doing best to try to sound as prepared as possible for all of these college games during March Madness people get mad at him the network knows that people gets mad uh they they know that he is probably nothing most buttoned up with every single team that makes the tournament but let’s be very clear that’s how entertaining he is that’s how valuable he is and that’s how good he is that’s going to be a tough one to replace the thing I’m always curious that you know what do people really want from these network shows because you say Tim legler and I like Tim legler don’t don’t get me wrong you know um I like Brian windhorse I like a lot of those the the NBA analysts this that and the other but like do you want analyst do you want nerd guy and that’s not a shot at these guys let me be one million per clear do you want that insightful reporting or do you want the churro jokes do you want the fat women in San Antonio jokes do you want to be entertained I feel like what we have learned from that inside NBA like I feel like we just want to be entertained a little bit more so than anything else and I I do think that there’s a way to accomplish both and I think that’s why Ernie’s there and and Kenny’s a combination of both and Shaq is just Shaq and Barkley is that personality it was thef storm it was the perfect combination that’s why I don’t think you replace him I think you have to reshape some stuff too but I think Ernie is the most important thing of keeping that all together ER uh keeping ER there is very important as far as that goes but I don’t know what are you like when you tune into those I’m I mean what are you going to teach I don’t know I guess I just want to be entertained Stephen A people get so mad that he’s there the bottom line is I know he drives everybody nuts when he walks into the arena and they’re doing the the player interest I’m glad they watermarked that I was I was going to steal that for our Twitter I know I I’m so bum we couldn’t use it but the bottom line is that’s the one of their most viewed every time they put that out there it’s one of their most viewed uh you know engaged tweets or social media postings out there so I don’t know the bottom line is is the personality Stephen A’s proof for that the personalities matter but I do think you need a little bit of a blend I’m curious to see what they do I think part of why Inside the NBA worked so well is because they joke they joke around and have fun but as soon as Charles Barkley or Shaquille O’Neal drop a nugget about what’s going on in the court everyone hones in right away because they’re the two of the better players at their position of all time so you know to to have that kind of you know validation about whenever they do flip that Switch and Go analytical I think is what made their give take the comedy aspect of it more bearable I guess for me I think a lot of people the general population does want just the entertainment aspect at that halftime spot but I think I think there is a space for more analytical people at at pregame postgame halftime shows I think that’s a that’s an area we’re missing and I know you know a lot of people a lot of people in the chat especially don’t watch hockey you don’t watch the standing Cup finals but that their desk is very analytical it’s Mark Messier and PK subin not a whole lot of fun being had at at the desk obviously PK cracks some jokes he’s a pretty funny guy but they’re breaking down the ins and outs of the game they’re doing film review and stuff like that I mean obviously Kenny runs to his Jumbotron and does his film review which is fun and great but I think there’s there’s something to be taken from from that NHL broadcast that is a little bit more analytical while still having fun but providing more ins and outs of the game which I I do personally enjoy uh yeah and and that’s going to be the thing I was reading some of these and of course it froze on me so my apologies as far as that’s concerned but again um we’ll see and by the way there’s a chance he doesn’t retire too oh always I guess they put out a list of like five times on air that he said he’s retiring and he doesn’t but this one seemed different I don’t know if you saw the clip this one seemed different as far as that’s concerned news or not news last NBA thing here and then another NFL one coming up around the corner Adam Silver NBA Commissioner was interviewed at halftime Believe It or Not uh during game four or five or whatever it was but he was asked about the non-competitiveness of the NBA Allstar game now a lot of you probably don’t care about the NBA Allstar game uh and that’s probably the first time you’ve ever had anything in common with NBA players because they don’t seem to give a damn about it either um so when he was asked Adam Silver was asked about how do you improve or how do you fix the allstar game I mean there’s I don’t think there’s any amount of money in the world I don’t think there’s any um bells and whistle in the world that you can add to the All-Star Game to make people just to make people care and that the NBA players just don’t care and this quote’s kind of alarming for those of you that are All-Star Game enthusiasts um Adam Silver says uh Jacob that we may be past the point where guys and teams are incentivized to play competitive All-Star games in the middle of the season that’s a problem that’s a problem and that’s a problem for the NBA because they keep just forcing it they keep forcing it because it’s a money maker you still have cities that bid on it you know big cities bid on it this that the other uh and that matters uh you know it’s part of the media rights deal you know when you when the NBA sells you know gets ESPN and NBC and all these others some of it is the rotating you know you’re going have the All-Star Game on NBC you’re going to have the All-Star game on ESPN one year it’s that rotating thing like they’re going to make money off it they’re going to continue to force it but the players are making it such an unenjoyable thing to watch he’s basically saying well we might be past the point that I don’t think there’s any incentive out there for these guys to want to play hard I I think that’s going to be a problem for a lot of fans no doubt I you know I understand most people don’t like the All-Star game I’m obviously not a huge fan of it now but I like what they’ve done making it the Elum ending with the with the final points so at least that fourth quarter quote un quote when they’re going to that that final that final score that Target score at least gets a little bit more interesting I mean you saw Kyle Lowry take two charges whatever that was a year or two ago so you get a little bit of excitement in there a little bit of real basketball but I I’m in a a very small minority that doesn’t really care that the brand of basketball in the All-Star game has gotten crappy I mean you get highlight dunks you get deep threes it’s I have just as much fun watching that you bet on the over and just kick your feet up and and have a good time so I don’t I don’t really hate as much what the All-Star game has become the guys certainly aren’t incentivized to play in it I think fix to the all-star weekend is fixing the other events I I mean the Three-Point Shootout has gotten pretty numb the the dunk contest there’s no original you know options really anymore I mean there’s you can’t do a between the legs dunk four times in a row and expect to get tens non-stops and we’ve been doing the dunk contest forever so that that that’s kind of drying up I think the only way you fix that is you make the winner get a massive massive payday and make Superstars do it because between the legs 360 from g leager m clung and in between the legs 360 from LeBron are getting me different levels of excited so if you’re running out of of different dunks and different stuff to do I think you have to find a way to get the star players into it and you could honestly do away with the All-Star game as a whole and just move the rising stars game The Freshman versus sophomores game to the final day those guys are incredibly incentivized to play it kind of gets stashed in the the midday of All-Star Saturday and and no one really watches that game that game’s been electric for years and we see the young talent coming into the league being better and better so why not put those guys on a marquee stage if you’re going to do away with the All-Star Game instead of trying to come up with you know dodgeball or whatever like the NFL did my vote would be to move the move the freshman sophomore game up to to the Marquees slot I I you know obviously wouldn’t be as big of a deal here’s a couple things I would do to tweak the NBA Allstar game as well uh take it I wouldn’t have it in NBA arenas like go to the sphere in Las Vegas um I guess it’s hard in February to do this but like you know we see hockey do the the with the stadium you know the St like try to do like maybe an NFL like an outside I guess like we’ve seen College do that on some of those like ships and stuff like at the Navy yards and stuff which is pretty cool of course that backfired one year Ohio State Michigan State I think played and they ended up canceling the game because the floor was too slick because it was just too like yeah it was wild but maybe mix that up but the other thing is uh the dunk contest maybe have once every couple years or you know something I don’t know they they got to mix it up but I’ve always said too if you’re voted as an All-Star you should be required to participate in one of the activities I like that of the so if you’re LeBron whether it’s the skills competition the Three-Point Contest or the dunk contest you got to participate in one of those three I like that if you’re lazy just want to do the skills comp so what it’ll be cool to see LeBron out there doing this web and Yama three-point web and Yama Dunk Contest web and whatever but just the starters if you are a starter you have to part like the fans voted you that is a that that is a privilege uh and I believe that they should be a part of that and they can incentivize it with more money this that and the other but something like along those lines I don’t want to watch Matt McClung or whatever the hell his name is I don’t want to watch him in the dunk contest I don’t care that he won it I don’t care what did that do for the NBA how did that better your sport forcing the guys that the fans voted on to be more visible in these types of contests now that helps grow your sport that’s going to put more eyes on it it’s going to put more eyes on that individual you’re going to grow somebody uh you know that that matters dayquon cook former Buck guy he’s from Dayton um had him on the show a few times like he’s another one no outside of butt guy fans no one ever heard of him he won that Three-Point Contest and people started to hear about him a little bit but he was at least a role player in the NBA somebody that’s a g-league guy winning this what did you benefit from that so that that’s kind of where I’m at I think starters should participate even if you’re not a good dunker I’ve said before rather than watching mclung do all those cool dunks and everything that he did I’d rather watch LeBron do a boring two-handed layup then watch him light himself on fire jump through a hula hoop avoid being eaten by a tiger and dunking on a bear I would much rather watch LeBron do a layup than that I think maybe another fix to the Don contest is go completely the other way and don’t even do NBA players bring bring in the best dunkers in the world let’s see let’s see the best dunk contest you can put on watch the college dunk contest it’s incredible wild I’m like wait these dunks exist like it is have you ever seen some of these professional dunk contests not Bas it’s like long drive it’s not even basketball players all they do is train verticals and stuff it’s incredible I mean some of these some of these dunks are you’ve never even seen before we talk about losing originality it’s because these guys are training to play basketball you actually need some lateral movements stuff like that all these professional dunkers just training verticals and throwing their entire body through the hoop when they jump up and that stuff’s pretty cool so NBA puts a decent backing behind that those guys would be incentivized to do it it’ be good for the viewers get their names out there I don’t know just a different idea um Colin will says speaking of the allstar game and I agree with this wholeheartedly um the Cleveland Browns have three they they three is oh they have three yeah they have three Pro Bowl quarterbacks okay that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous okay what what’s the the backup Tyler Huntley Tyler Huntley yes when he was named as a back as a pro bowl alternate quarterback now he’ll always be able to call himself a Pro Bowl quarterback that is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard of so Colin will says speaking of the All-Star game for the NFL can we get rid of calling players like M Jones a pro bowler because he was like the sixth alternate and a bunch of people dropped out I could not agree more but Mac had that 50 yard gritty scramble touchdown in the Pro Bowl that was cool oh legendary retire his jersey down unbelievable how bad is that draft class by the way I mean even the one quarterback from that draft class that is the highest paid quarterback in the NFL right now people were like eh yeah wild class uh as far as that’s all backups outside of Trevor right but yeah yeah it’s crazy uh last one here news not news Kansas City Chief’s defensive lineman Isaiah bugs ever heard of him uh has been arrested for the second time in a month it’s impressive um so he was again got in trouble when he was back home in Alabama oh that’s your old stop uh so you may you know but nonetheless um news or not news again may not be the biggest name on this Kansas City Chiefs roster not a big name at all but again another incident for the Kansas City Chiefs news or not news I’m gonna go not news just because it is Isaiah bugs and like he might not have even made the roster anyway but at some point when these stories keep piling up someone has to ask questions about what’s going on culture-wise in Kansas City I mean all these players from your number one target Rashi rice or ear in the summer getting in a car wreck and fleeing his car all the way down to bottom of the roster Isaiah bugs who just two weeks ago got two felonies for fighting dogs and and now he’s in in jail again uh last night or over the weekend so at some point it’s going to mount up to a point where it is news but you know I I think it’s got to be a slightly bigger name for me to care quite I me but it is June so everything’s an NFL story and by the way I do believe if there was nothing else that happened this off season I don’t even think this would have made the ticker it would have I mean it might have made the ticker and oh you know defensive backup defensive lineman you know hoping to make the roster gets in trouble blah blah blah and we wouldn’t even we wouldn’t even talked about it here the reason it’s news is because it’s just more noise there like you don’t want noise in an offseason uh negative Noise by the way and it seems like the Kansas City Chiefs when’s the last time we talked about them as the back-to-back Super Bowl champions everything has just been whether it was Rashid rice as you talked about whether it’s Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce whether it’s of course obviously with the bugs right here uh you have the kicker and buter with his his speech that he did that got a lot of negative attention uh as far as that’s concerned like you go back to I mean last off season or maybe it’s two off whenever it was with Andy Reed’s son like you also had Eric beamy who even when they were winning it’s was because they’re winning of him is the league trying to you know keep him from succeeding and getting head coaching jobs I mean it’s just always noise so there’s two ways of looking at it this looking at it yes this is news because it’s just one more bullet point of news or offseason no if you will but then the other thing is I’ve never really seen a team navigate through so much noise and just continue being them they trade away Tyreek Hill they go on to win two Super Bowls moving on from Tyreek Hill is loud if the Cincinnati Bengals moved on from Jamar Chase it would be a loud off season there’ be it would be a very controversial move doesn’t seem controversial now that Tyreek Hill was traded I know we talked about this last week Jacob doesn’t seem controversial now they’ve won back-to-back Super Bowls but at the time it was like what are you doing right like they made the right choice but at the time it was like what are you doing and then it gets leads to the Eric Bey noise and then you have Andy Reid’s son that gets in trouble the week of the Super Bowl and then you have you know all the noise this past off season the Taylor Swift thing of course that took on a whole wave of noise itself but in in their defense the reason you can make an argument that none of this is news is because it just seems like it’s another day Kansas City just seems so boring but they make Kansas City sound like it is just wild like it’s last freaking Vegas over there like what is they’re the only reason that Kansas City’s relevant and that they matter in anything so it’s just absolutely wild to me Kansas City seems like a place that what happens in Kansas City stays in Kansas City it’s the only time I’ve ever heard of it being a place that just provides as many distractions as Miami come on give me a break I don’t it’s news but I could see why people say it’s not news they overcome noise all the time and they’re back toback Super Bowl champions yeah some point in the chat doesn’t matter what happens with the Chiefs as long as Mahomes a quarterback they’re the Super Bowl favorites and I think that’s basically where I’m at right now with all these stories I mean it’s great as a Bengals fan hopefully him off that three Pat trajectory but look I’m not getting too optimistic about anything happening I think rashy rice will play week one I think if if bugs was better he’d probably play week one so we’ll see I mean we’ll see what happens there but yeah I think it’s all a whole lot of nothing in Kansas City and they’re just going to hit the ground running when the season starts so it’s interesting a while back I remember Uh Kevin and I talked about this on our show which off season is more of a concern at the time now keep mind T’s taking care of now right we could put that to but at the time um was the Bengals off season is that more concerning or the Chiefs now there’s no comparing the two as far as noise is concerned right but I made the argument that I’d much rather have Kansas City’s noise because they’ve proven that they could overcome noise they’ve they you know they’re back-to-back Super Bowl champions they were overcoming the Taylor Swift distraction Rashid rice okay we I I mean they’ve lost Tyreek Hill and continued Trucking along they lose rice oh like right like it’s not convenient but oh well with the Bengals you don’t want noise that’s going to lead to distractions heading into camp and I believe T could have been a distraction heading in to Camp you know with Joe bur’s injury that could be a distraction heading in to Camp so it wasn’t a hot take I just felt like you know I’d still rather deal with Kansas City’s noise than Cincinnati but Cincinnati’s noise has quieted quite a lot right like I don’t think there’s noise at all as we talked about to open up the show today but yeah I got a lot of heat from your uh from your fan base for that oh you’re just stirring the pot I’m like I I at least brought points to the table y’all just calling to be fair you you get paid to stir the pot but but it’s only stiring the pot you’re just like Adam shefter you guys hate Adam shefer for for what what do you guys hate Adam shter for stirring the pot what’s he stirring the pot with he’s not even an opinion Giver he reports you guys just you you guys are soft sometimes you guys get your feelings hurt I didn’t even see a shefter tweet about Amari Cooper holding out and you would have thought T killed an old lady but I thought you guys said no one cares about the Browns so who cares about the Browns now you want people to care about the Browns come on J should play it both ways if you’re going to Tweet about Pro Bowl receivers holding out tweet about All Pro Bowl receivers holding out you need a five hour you’re getting a little cranky over there a little defensive you’re getting a little defensive it’s my guy Chey it’s my guy Chey if T Higgins didn’t show up don’t get mad at Chey get mad at T that’s fair that’s fair but you know when he did I had him scroll the Google Images till about page four to find that picture of him frowning so you’re upset about that and see and this is why when you got the Sports Illustrated guys like pretty funny moment in practice today Joe burrow threw a flag in the air he thought he was an official that’s funny you guys eat that stuff up attention to detail I’ll give you guys that I wouldn’t to notice the frowny face that you guys noticed but then again I’m a Browns fan everything looks sad in Cleveland so is what it is but nonetheless Reds and Pirates coming up later on tonight Carson Spears on the mound for the Cincinnati Reds Paul SK our first chance to see him we didn’t get to talk about it last week I had it on the rundown and never got to it for both shows but the Cardinals fan base skin pitched such a magnificent game and I don’t even remember what the stat line was but apparently it was it wasn’t a no hitter okay wasn’t a no hitter but when he got taken out of the game he got a standing ovation from the Cardinals fans I don’t care what happens okay and this game’s in Pittsburgh right yeah it’s in Pittsburgh yes so it’s in Pittsburgh so it’s not really relevant to Great American Ballpark in this occasion but if skes the first time he pitches at Great American Ballpark let’s be clear this is supposed to be like a I mean it could be the next big name and pitcher in baseball already is basically at this point but the bottom line is there is nothing that an opposing player can do that I’m going outside of you know Demar Hamlin pass away on the field and then ultimately you know coming back like cheer that like that’s like real what but I don’t care as fans you should be so competitive that you should not cheer or applaud a great performance from an opposing pitcher especially a divisional opponent I can’t believe what I saw with skines last week when the Cardinal’s fan base gave him a standing ovation as he got pulled out of the game and that that was absolutely insane and ridiculous to me don’t do it I couldn’t agree more the only chance maybe that you that you have something you know like that that happens is like a HomeTown kid finally gets up to you know a kid from you know Moher or s x or elder or something like that pitching in the awaya team and has like a no hitter and he loses the no hitter and comes out of the game maybe you give him a cheer but paulski has no connection to St Louis nothing like that so I uh yeah I think it’s absolutely ridiculous before we move on there is breaking news that we’re both going to be interested what let me guess uh you want to guess NFL NFL related Browns related and Bengals related is it AFC North related or it’s AFC North related Lamar’s out for the season no injuries no injury oh it’s injury related it’s not injury related um Desa it’s not even player related oh I got nothing are they playing a game overse the inseason NFL Hard Knocks will follow the AFC North all four teams in season Hard Knock series following the AFC North love it if you’re going to follow a division there is not a better division in football than the AFC North I mean you hate each other all four teams and you have four at least Fringe playoff teams they’re all going to be fighting forward in the mix they have exciting storylines Burrows injury everything with DeShawn Lamar after an MVP Kenny or not Kenny picket Kenny Pickett’s long gone it’s Russell Wilson versus Justin Fields so very very exciting story lines in the AFC North I’m usually not a hard KN guy because I think it gets in the way of training camp but doing the inseason stuff I think that’ll be really really cool to watch you get upset by frowny faces so it doesn’t surprise me that you you don’t like uh the no um I do like that hard KNX is getting they they’re being a little bit more creative with how they’re going about doing stuff I mean hardox has been one of the most entertaining you know kind of offseason or I guess you know preseason type of programming that’s out there I love that um I’m one that grew up I want I always wanted to be a coach when I grew up like I you know when I that’s what I’ve always wanted so I’m always fascinated by coaching more so on basketball I was you know huge on baseball so I love seeing or basketball I mean I love seeing how athletes and coaches just interact and like with what you did at Alabama like I know we joked last week but I still think that’s fascinating I think that’s so cool because it’s one thing we as fans we get to tune in IM media to watch the games we might get some open practices that we go to but coaches manipulate open practices to not give the media much they’re protecting their players they’re not going to do a lot of drills that are going to potentially make their quarterback look bad as far as overthrowing guys or potentially getting hit this that and the other that they’re protecting their guys so open practices for media are they’re set up to to protect the team a little bit now it’s a little different the NFL it’s a little bit more Open Season there especially during camp but I love watching how players interact with one another how they respond to coaching um when coaches have to give bad news like to break bad news to players that’s what I love about that show it’s kind of that built-in drama some people can’t handle it so they got mad at uh what was it Jeff Fisher uh with the Rams back you know when they did that back in the day people didn’t like how he handled some of the releasement of players this that and the other so I love it I like that they’ve adapted they they’re doing an inseason Hard Knock they they’ve done uh they did one with the Giants I think that was like a Draft Day Hard Knock they followed the draft I believe I think they they’re like offseason process for their 100 year or whatever so I like that they’re being a little creative with it but I think that right now the ratings for that have dipped the last couple because I think it’s like not all these teams aren’t willing to do it they don’t want the cameras on them the entire time so I think that by splitting up the Hard Knock series amongst four teams maybe it’s less camera time I don’t know but I love it and the AFC North the best division in football the most intriguing story lines it’s actually going to be a perfect Segway coming up here in a few to our you know top five NFL players with the most proove I think it’s going to be perfect and overlap with a lot of mine I’m curious what your list is going to be but I love it there’s no more there’s no uh division that is more intriguing than that one right there and I don’t think it’s close yeah no I I totally agree you could argue best maybe with the NFC West with with the Niners and the Seahawks and and the Rams but I I really do think the AFC North is not only the best division but the most interesting with the most stars I mean every every even the Steelers who have distantly the fourth best quarterback Russell Wilson’s still a massive name you deal with you know Broncos paying him almost a Max contract to play for a different team so that’s a storyline in and of itself we’ll see what happens with Justin fields and all that stuff I think hard knocks went two for two I think the Bears training camp Hard Knocks is going to be great you’re going to see Caleb Caleb Williams come in and you know Keenan Allen romad dun a lot of exciting names on that offense montz sweat first off season in Chicago after the treade deadline move last year I think both both uh of the Hard Knock Series this year are going to be really exciting so we’ll see you know obviously see what happens when they when they come out but yeah I’m excited so we man we really need a Casey for the breaking news Sounder but that is interesting so if you’re just joining us here again grip it and rip it Justin Kenner Jacob tis it yes that rhymes that was unintentional but that’s just part of the beauty of the show so we’re very happy with that but breaking news if you’re just joining us again hardnox announces that the entire conference the entire division I’m sorry of the AFC North will be followed for hardnox this upcoming Camp uh I think that’s pretty exciting again now I say the best division in football and I said it confidently but I did forget like there’s there only one other conf only I keep calling it conference there’s only one other division that has a potential to have four teams above 500 and I think that is the West the NFC West the NFC West and the north I think if you ask you know NFC West Coast are going to pick their division because they they’re locked into that the way we’re locked into ours but I think that the class of quarterbacks makes the AFC North better and we saw both the Ravens and the Bengals go and dismantle the 49ers last year in the regular season so so oh I like how you slid that in there good yeah you know you know the the the Browns did was the backup quarterback you know they they didn’t they couldn’t do it they didn’t need starter to beat him they had to do it with one of the worst backups in the I’m just saying you know I’m just saying I’m just you know but you did it without a defense you true we did it with you know so we did it with the coach of the year though you know you have less of a talented coach guys two times yeah two so you know it’s my guy Zack Taylor over in Cincinnati though I give him a little more credit but yeah I’ll take the AFC North slightly over the West just because of the quarterback play we have a two-time MVP uh obviously a Russell Wilson who’s there now who’s won a Super Bowl pro it year will get to that moment uh obviously Deshawn who has a lot to prove we’ll get to that coming up but uh you know the Joe burs led a team two-way Super Bowl back toback AFC yeah it’s going to be a wild um Hard Knock as far as that’s concerned uh no doubt about it the Browns one’s interesting not because I’m a Browns fan but because people are just gonna be hate watching that oh yeah people are gonna be hate watching that like and I I’m very well aware of that people couldna be just tuning in any like any Deshawn clip that is him in the training room you know I and the shoulder you know you just know what’s going to come with that stuff like we we ain’t stupid no yeah that’s the easiest gimme of all time I mean you guys doing your pre-season photo shoot and what looked like the lobby of a jail wasn’t exactly the best really saved a lot of the Deshawn pictures sitting on a wire bench with a flashing light above his head for when he throws a couple picks in the middle of the season so those will come back out you’ll see him later for sure time you know Chow Time coming up here you know uh nonetheless h no anyways all right so with that uh we’ll get to some red stuff coming up here in a moment NBA Finals game five coming up later on tonight the gentleman sweep potentially talk about whether a game six maybe a game seven potentially coming or is the NBA season going to wrap up coming up here later on tonight uh Caitlin Clark Angel ree I swear the WNBA if they want to just maintain um being interesting just have them have the sky and the fever play every night every night by the way the sky that’s a team that angel re plays on the fever that’s the team that Caitlyn Clark I just wanted wanted to clear that up but uh you know it is what it it is so they should do a hard knock just with Caitlyn Clark and Angel ree’s teams they should that’s the only way I mean I would I would care for that at least I think people I think that would probably get more viewership than the rest of the WNBA games my favorite is the WWA media getting on ad like we’re talking about the bad teams we should be talking about the good teams I’m like well then trade Caitlin Clark a good team or make the fever a good team give him an easy schedule like coward said the media is driving me nut like they’re trying to tell you what you need to be interested in and that’s not how this works like Adam Sher and these I know you’re down on that I don’t mean to keep bringing him up just like he’s like you know the NFL guy right like you know Brian wior Brian windhorse isn’t telling you what you need to be interested in shefer is not telling you what you need to be interested in all right you know you look at Tim kirkin and the guys for Bas they’re not telling you what you need to be interested in they’re talking about what you’re interested in right people get mad like uh what was the Red Sox and Yankees on last night or the night before yeah I think it was on last night Sunday night baseball so I’m a program director for our ESPN affiliate in Dayton okay so when we carry Sunday Night Baseball people get pissed because all you guys carry as if I make the decision but all you guys carry is Yankees and Red Sox you think that there’s just some [ __ ] in a room that’s like well I like Yankees and Red Sox so let’s just put them out there no you me Baseball fans that’s the most listened to that’s the most watched that’s the most interesting rivalry in baseball now maybe not to me right now Yankees Red Sox is lost but that still Garners the most viewership you know ears and eyes so that’s why they keep throwing the same game out there Sunday Night Baseball for sure because people that know what they’re doing know to keep giving you what you want people get mad because the Cowboys that’s all first take talks about that’s all skip bis talks about on on Fox that’s that’s not because that’s all they they want to talk about that’s what you want to listen to them and watch them talk about you as a Bengals fan get your feelings heard a lot oh yeah you would love to tune in to First Take and have it be a oh man Joe Bro did the cutest thing at practice the other day he pretended to be an official and he tossed his towel in the air uh you know you would love that I would you would just be cheesing from ear to ear but guess what that’s not a popular thing that people want across the country so they would rather argue about Dak Prescott’s contract again even after he got the extension what about the next contract they keep it going so the WMA media needs to stop telling us what we need to be interested in I don’t care about an undefeated Connecticut team that’s not g know ARA as Yukon husky team I I don’t care I don’t know who Asia Wilson is outside of the fact that a few years ago she was dating a and flyer and would show up to UD Arena every once in a while the only way I knew who that was is because of that not because I hate women or hate women’s sports it just no one really follows the sport so stop telling and criticizing fans what they need to be interested in and start leaning into what they’re interested in and then people might actually give a damn even more perfectly said so nonetheless this is not the we hate women sports show I promise you but it’s the we like Common Sense Show uh and hopefully we can keep that going but this is where Common Sense probably takes a a break because anything I have to put put out quarterback wise it usually is met with a little bit but I’m fascinated to see if there’s an individual quarterback that’s on my list I really am curious if you have him on yours I think I’m pretty sure that there’s going to be an overlap for some for some of ours uh as far as that’s concerned but uh right now uh what time we got it’s 115 we got plenty of time this works out perfect actually so the top five NFL players with the most approve heading into this season I do need to ask you is yours nothing but quarterbacks I have one non-quarterback and he comes in at five so my to four are quarterbacks so I I did an honorable mention but they are all quarterbacks and for people I mean could have just called it top five quarterbacks with the most approve but the bottom line is that’s the one position like when the Bengals drafted Jamar Chase years ago let’s say he turned into a bust it wouldn’t have altered the direction of the franchise right it wouldn’t have altered it would have like they’re still building around Joe burrow if Jamar Chase yeah but you’re talking to a team that took John Ross and had him Buster that set the team back a couple years like I think if you would have went well I guess that’s fair too but if you would have went Jamar over Penny Su and Penny Su turns out to be what he’s been in Detroit an all proo tackle with one of the biggest extensions we ever seen to an O lineman and jamar’s a bust I I don’t it’s hard to bounce back from that especially because of how split the fan base was going into that draft I think just his case in particular it would have been a really really tough were during that time what was your were you team Su or team Chase I was team Chase I was team Chase all the way through I said it doesn’t matter who’s blocking if Jamar Mar Chase has 1300 receiving yards and 10 touchdowns and that’s exactly what happened when we made a Super Bowl so remember when they lost the Super Bowl remember how they lost that’s true but they would have even got there second would got day it’s set you know point back and for but that was one of my favorite I mean that was a great off season I kind of miss when our teams are bad it makes June and all this stuff a little bit more interesting that’s seriously like I hate how but we’re good you guys are all confident makes me sick makes me sick I have to keep reminding you that the second worst defense in the NFL last year statistically uh that’s like the new allegedly and we still just like don’t care no and I’m trying so damn hard you get upset at a damn picture I throw out facts that should bother you don’t care don’t care we didn’t add any major player defense you know but we’re counting on rookies it’s okay I can’t wait for the fall dude you’re going to hate fall oh it’s going to be awesome at least we’re going to be on the same side for college yeah oh baby I and we need each other to defend you right the rest of this office so nonetheless all right top five players with the most approve and the reason so I use Jamar as an example for me saying that if he’s a bust you have to still you know you have to adjust and you might have to make up for that but it’s not going to totally change the direction of the franchise you just have to but if Joe burrow number one overall pick ends up being a bust man now you’re set back for quite a because you you go as your quarterback goes right like so that’s why there’s always the quarterbacks at the top of the list of any list of who is facing the most pressure so that’s why I have a lot of quarterbacks on M so I’ll go go ahead and uh we’ll get started so top five NFL players with the most approve all five of mine are quarterbacks will start at number five on my list of course Russell Wilson I don’t think that this is a hot take I don’t think that this is a surprise uh Russell Wilson to me uh is one of the top five players in the NFL with the most approve this upcoming season mainly because of the fact that he could totally alter the perception of who he is I mean look he had an unceremonious exit from a team that he helped win a Super Bowl um he totally got disrespected in Denver or did he that’s what he’s having a chance to prove right now and he ends up in a place that many people believe if you can’t get it done with Mike Tomlin if you can’t get it done with one of the best defenses in the NFL if you can’t get it done in Pittsburgh then you’re done like I think that Russell Wilson this could be his last year in the NFL I don’t think his ego and his personality I don’t think he’s a backup quarterback so I think this one-year deal on Pittsburgh to me he has to prove that he’s still a high level playing quarterback or just a quarterback that can at least run an offense to allow your defense to win you games if he could do that he has some life left in the NFL but if he is what he was that last year in Seattle when they didn’t want him back if he is who he is you know the last couple years in Denver and they didn’t want him back if he’s that guy he might be done that’s why I think he has a ton to prove uh as far as that’s concerned now Jacob do you want to go five five or whole list to whole list or how do you want to do this I think we go five5 five5 okay so Russell Wilson comes in at number five uh on my list coming in at number four I know this sounds kind of wild okay but I’m going to put a rookie quarterback on this and here’s why I have Caleb Williams okay I have Caleb Williams at number four now if something doesn’t go well this season it’s not as if he’s kicked out of the NFL it’s not as if the Bears are going to pick a quarterback next year well maybe depending on how bad it could potentially be but it’s not often like Trevor Lawrence is a quarterback that everyone looked at and said was a can’t miss Prospect right now he hasn’t looked as lights out as a Joe burrow uh or the other Elite Patrick Mahomes these other guys but at the end of the day it is a situation where when you you know he’s still very very good quarterback Caleb Williams I think is going to be very very good I’m just curious if he could be that Elite level quarterback but the reason I think that there’s going to be a a prove it year for him a lot of pressure for him and the NFL should be pulling for this I love what the Bears did not many people give the Bears a lot of compliments and I’m never giving them compliments because they just seem to never be able to figure it out but kudos to them for being willing to go and get a Keenan Allen for having DJ Moore for drafting adun he’s going have three Elite wide or potentially three you know three very good wide receivers let’s just put it that way Keenan Allen a hell of a talent okay you have DJ Moore and then you draft what could potentially be the best receiver in that draft so we’ll see our second best Marvin Harrison Jr don’t mean to disrespect him but the bottom line is is that he has every weapon imaginable you have DeAndre Swift at running back they added some big pieces on defense Caleb Williams should not be treated with kid gloves he should not be viewed at as oh just a rookie quarterback he’s expected to win and I think he has a lot to prove this year I think that if he wants a chance to be a CJ strad or to be looked at like Joe burrow was after that first year despite getting injured in week 11 against Washington I think everyone knew that the Bengals had their quarterback right like think that’s why there’s so much on the line with him I think you could even kind of put a tie between him and JJ McCarthy because hey he has Addison he has J Justin Jefferson of course obviously a very good tight end um but it is interesting I’m fascinated I hope that both those quarterbacks have great years because what I want to see is I’m tired of teams with the number one overall pick thinking let’s find out if we have our quarterback then we’ll add basically throwing in the white you throwing in the towel on the first season or no we’re going to give our rookie quarterback every weapon imaginable so we don’t potentially waste one year of the four-year rookie deal I have Caleb Williams coming in at number four coming in at number three Aaron roders I have Aaron roggers coming in at number three and simply put I’m a big Aaron Rogers fan I love that he just absolutely ticks people off I love that he speaks up I love that he’s the most interesting personality in the NFL not even close I mean this is a guy that we were debating whether he was going to run for president or at least run for office in some capacity I mean look we have guys like man is he going to retire or is he going to play this season this is is he going to you know run you know politically or is he going to play quarterback this season he’s a very interesting guy he goes on iasa Retreats which by the way it sounds like that is the reported reason why he missed he’s on one now mandatory camp with with the Jets so the reason I gets appr prove it year is because he’s always gotten away with this stuff because he’s played at an MVP level and his teams have won he hasn’t won a Super Bowl in over a decade but when wins backtack MVPs okay does a lot of great things with the Packers always a noisy quarterback so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s noisy here but it’s going to be even louder if the Jets don’t live up to expectations plus it’s in New York so the expectations are significantly higher than in Green Bay Wisconsin so to me I have Aaron Rogers coming in at number three he has to go out there and prove that he’s still that mvp level quarterback um and if he does that I don’t care if he goes on the iasa retreat Monday through Friday just be there Sunday help your team win that’s all that matters when it’s all said and done here we go Mr Joe burrow coming in at number two now when I say prove it it’s not as if oh man if he has a bad year that’s it the Bengals move on that’s not what I’m saying not even close Okay but I am one that despite ASA as Jacob likes to say stirring the pot this that and the other job bro has earned every single dollar that he was given not even like wasn’t even Up For Debate I I didn’t even think twice of trying to spin it in a negative light but earning it in proving that you’re worth it are two different things you get that contract and you know super banged up in Camp last year you try to play through it the team struggles early on you play through that then you get another injury you’re for the second time in four years out for an for the second half of the season I mean that’s not a good Trend right now your best ability is your availability and skill set we know Joe burrow top two quarterback in the NFL I have him right behind Patrick Mahomes of course but again that’s when he’s out there what makes Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen so significant not better that’s a bad way to put it but what makes them so more significantly interesting is the fact that they don’t miss games Patrick Mahomes doesn’t miss games he plays bang up all right he he might be pulled out for a half but he doesn’t miss games Josh Allen doesn’t miss games Joe burrow misses a lot of games and I think that this upcoming season they they did a lot I mean they bring T back and they might lose him for absolutely nothing that’s a gamble right there their their their cap space is just continuing to shrink and Shrink salary C you know that’s going to continue to shrink as they have to extend and pay guys and they have to rely on the draft a lot more the bottom line is the pressure is picking up and Joe burrow is no longer a feel-good story in the NFL now he’s going to be looked at as like most quarterbacks hey are you going to there’s expectations to win and if you’re not at least in the AFC Championship game or at least in the division around of the playoffs there’s going to be people that criticize him and say hey you got that money where are you that’s why I have him at number two it’s more so about staying healthy because I know the dude can play I’m avoiding eye contact with my guy Jacob over here and then number one no surprise here I’m not here to argue with anybody it does come down to deshun Watson deshun Watson has the most approve of any quarterback that is in the National Football League because as most of you have cried about I mean talked about uh he’s the first quarterback to ever get fully guaranteed money and I don’t know why that’s I mean if the whole contract’s guaranteed and it’s only 10 million more than your precious Joe burrow is getting paid you’re mad because that forced the Bengals to have to do it so what someone was going to do it eventually so why not be Deshawn the point is he has to prove that he was worth it because to the Browns credit people say the Browns is the Browns Browns is the Browns is continuing to get quarterbacks that just don’t cut it Deshawn had already proven that he could play the the the position at such a high level that’s why I had no problem with the Browns doing it a lot of people said well he’s a scummy person well there’s a lot of scummy people and a lot of these rosters in the NFL that we compartmentalize of how we’re going to go about shering on our teams and I can name at least five guys on the Bengals over the last five years that you guys have done it with yourself so I say that because with DeShawn it all comes down to can you stay health can you play you know when you are out there can you be the guy that dominated the Ravens in the second half can you be that guy all right when you are healthy can you be the guy that you were against the Tennessee Titans 300 yards three touchdowns and absolutely demolished the Tennessee Titans last year Okay the reason I bring up the Titans it’s not like that’s a huge win right but that was like that Breakout game for him as a Cleveland Brown and then he misses the next month after it’s like man you can’t compound back-to-back good games you want to see it right he has that great game against the Ravens I’m jacked I can’t wait to go into work the next day to talk about that great second half against the Ravens and then guess what happens we spend the entire damn show talking about he’s out for the rest of the season what are the Browns going to do like I need to see backtack performances like that we have seen Great Performances even week one against Cleveland against Cincinnati was a great performance statistically but a man he had two touchdowns he found a way in those elements I mean you guys remember how horrible the elements were in that you know in that game found ways to force his way into the end zone stop it with the jokes Force his way to the end zone all right to get the job done so to me deshun wats you got that fully guaranteed contract you have a loaded roster you have one of the best defenses in the NFL you have the one of the best Run games in the NFL one of the best offensive lines in the NFL very very good wide receiving core really no excuse deshun Watson it’s a prove it or lose it type of season for him and I’m really curious where the Browns go if it is another bumpy ride for deshun Watson that’s my top five I I agree with most and you’ll see when I get into mine here in a second there’s going to be some overlap but no quarterbacks on your lists are in the same position on my list just little nugget there I changed my fifth my fifth spot I didn’t have a quarterback at first I had Tyreek Hill Tyreek Hill has uh one year left he has an out on his contract after this year um and obviously paying Jaylen wad as much as they just did and Tyreek Hill obviously threatening retirement just a couple years ago I think he does have to prove that he’s still a top shelf receiver for them to pick up that 30 million option next season but I digress kener made a great point that uh quarterbacks are the most valuable quarterbacks have the most pressure so all five on my five are going to end up being quarterbacks coming in at number five CJ Stroud look I I I understand that that CJ might not have the most pressure in a traditional sense as everyone else but the Texans over under for win Toto right now is 10 and a half they’re projected to win the AFC South by two or three games depending on what books you look at that that seems to me that like that’s crazy when the Colts hit Anthony Richardson healthy last year they were incredibly competitive the Jaguars with Trevor Lawrence incredibly competitive started the season 9 and three and obviously believe in him enough to give him $55 million I think that division is going to be competitive the AFC as a whole incredibly competitive CJ strad top 10 odds to win MVP I just think the level that fans and media are expecting him to play at in his second season in the league some fault of his own doing podcast tours and such talking about other players in the league you know being better or worse than you after just one season and I won’t hold that against him that’s a new era of player in the league getting your face out there getting some clips out there the offseason so I I I still love CJ Shad I’m a big fan but I think the the expectations for him this season have grown to such a degree that the pressure is just it cannot be ignored W with CJ strad in Houston in just his second season in the league number four for me is Deshawn Watson much lower on my list than he was on Kenner G number one and I have for the same reasons obviously a fully guaranteed contract he hasn’t quite lived up to it he hasn’t been healthy but I think the level of play for people to be okay with deshun Watson is just so low at this point I mean we saw him be incredible in Houston an MVP candidate a top three five quarterback in the entire league to to earn this contract with the Browns and then since he got to Cleveland he’s been nothing close to that quarterback so I think he he can be 50 60% of what he was in Houston people will get off to Shan’s back and that’s the only reason I don’t have him higher on my list is just the the bar for him to be okay I I think in everyone’s eyes is just much much lower at number three I have Mr Big Money himself not Trevor Lawrence I have Jared Goff Jared Goff got 5253 million this year to be the quarterback of a Lions team who he led to the NFC championship last year he he proved that he can do it that he can win those playoff games and he won the NFC North breaking their 30-year drought so kudos to him he’s obviously proven that he is a a Bonafide starter in this league but now he’s taking another step as we see with these guys when they get $50 million a year you’re talked about in a different light so now Eric goof is not going to be compared to that second tier of quarterbacks he’s going to be compared to the first and I don’t know that he’s ever really lived up to that level of quarterback play so I’m I’m interested to see how the media and fan uh takes on him turns now that he’s getting top quarterback money for the first time in his career they have weapons Aman rain Brown that jam Jameson Williams drafted in the first round a couple years ago jir Gibbs in the first round last year Sam leaport in the third round there are little to no excuses for Jared gof they just paid him so he doesn’t have that that that you know big you know wait on his back of of securing a contract and being locked down somewhere long term he has that security so he he has no option but to play well this season my number two is someone who just got long-term security someone who should be set for years to come but to much of our surprise he was not Kurt Cousins is my number two quarterback that has to prove it this season I mean you look at what he did he signed a four-year contract with over $100 million guaranteed in Atlanta this year he would have been nowhere near this list if they didn’t take someone Michael penx out of Washington at eight in the draft with with a GM League Terry font who already has a lot of you know eyes on him talking about a hot seed if Kirk Cousins plays poorly to start this year just one year into that massive four-year contract you’re going to have people calling for Michael penics to take over a Falcons roster that is very competitive has great weapons a defense who was was swelling at the end of last year playing much much better they play in a very weak NFC South Division they should compete to win it they should compete for a playoff spot I expect them to I expect Kirk to play well and and somewhat match that statist statistical output that he put up in Minnesota but a couple bad games here or there they’re going to be calling for his head in Atlanta asking for Michael penck I think the pressure on him is as big as almost anyone in the league and then number one obviously not left off my list it is Joe burrow I think he’s distantly number one most pressure in the NFL this year and we know what he can do when he’s healthy but at some point as a bals fan it gets really really old saying we’ve been to the AFC Championship both years he’s been healthy I I would just love him to be healthy and at some point I’m not one that that hangs on the injuries and says you know he’s we can get into the injury-prone or not discussion if we want to but I think it’s just he needs to prove that he can be out there for 17 games back toback years and obviously this will just be the start of that after missing so much time last year but he needs to be out there and he needs to play at a high level you know for for a multitude of games in a row so we can prove that he 55 $5 million or five years for this guy was not an overpay obviously when he’s out there playing it’s not an overpay but if he’s not going to be on the field it’ll certainly be looked that way by revisionist history so I think Joe burrow has the most pressure by any quarterback in the league this year by by quite a wide margin all right agreed disagree first of all I did not expect you to have Joe burough in there so that’s uh that uh but but yeah and I think all your talking points are very similar as far as the Joe burough discussion is concerned I didn’t throw any shade at Jo be I I mean I know when he when he’s healthy that’s why the whole Joe burrow versus Patrick Mahomes thing picked up is because everyone’s like oh he is you know the they can go and not just beat the Chiefs but win you know at Arrowhead that’s why the the burad you know joke started and all and all this stuff is because he’s the only quarterback that’s really proven that he is not intimidated by him right like Tom Brady is the only quarterback that consistently beat Patrick Mahomes early on and he’s out of the league so it’s kind of like Joe burrow that’s looked at as the guy uh to go up against him to kind of slow him down as far as that’s concerned the one that I that you surprised me with but brought up great points was the CJ strad one I love what I love about CJ strad is the fact that like he puts out a lot of content that usually you don’t get until guys retire right and then when the guys retire I work with Keith Byers over in Dayton and one thing that he always talks about is you know sometimes it’s tough you know he’ll he’ll give out really you know hot takes on stuff or he’ll give opinions critical opinions on like Ryan day and others and then he’ll show up to their practice and have to face them after and like that’s a tough thing to do but KB just has to show up and talk to them and be KB right he doesn’t have to go and perform at a high level CJ Stroud I love the content he puts out when he’s putting out his top five QB list now you’re a little salty because he didn’t have your guy Joey be in there I know why you didn’t have I watched I watched the whole clip he said if borrow was healthy he would have been in his top five so he gave him he gave him what he was do but no in all seriousness like when you put out lists like that it’s not the guys you put on the list it’s the guys you left off right so if Houston and the Bengals run into each other you know Joe burough is always looking for something to be motivated by right like oh I remember he left me off his list so now I’m going to go torch him and blah blah blah blah blah but that stuff matters that that’s not a joke of Joey B that that stuff matters athletes are always looking for motivational factors and he talks a lot he talks a lot and I love that but I don’t think we’ve seen how that can impact things yet because when he’s T when he’s a feel-good story Rookie of the Year QB offensive play of the Year whatever when he does all that stuff and he’s you know winning the division when they’re not supposed to after being the number one overall or one of the top picks I’m sorry uh then they get a win in the playoffs against the freaking Browns uh you know when they do all these things it’s great winning silences all but when the Texans get through a little rough patch all right and he’s going on podcast and he’s you know having beef with some players that’s where it could pick up the pressure so I agree with you I never thought of it from that perspective I love that about CJ strad but I could definitely see that being used against him uh no doubt about it another name that wasn’t on either of our lists that the chat has since brought up Justin Herbert Justin Herbert finally gets rid of the Brandon Staley excuse Jim Harbaugh in town unanimously viewed as one of the top coaches in the league just right back coming out of college and Herbert right up there with Goff and burrow and with all that big money over over $50 million a year for Herbert he still hasn’t ever advanced in the playoffs we know about his statistical output but he’s battled injuries as well Justin Herbert certainly facing a lot of pressure this season as well see I think the coaching change helps you could say that that makes it worse but they unloaded Keenan out like they got rid of all his guys right so like that’s where I’m at with him as far as like I think he might get a little bit of a break that’s fair for one year that’s true but I do know that the injury because he’s faced a lot of injuries not necessarily himself although he did miss a little bit of last year of course but like his guys around him there was one there’s a stretch last year where he played back-to-back games with nothing but walk G ons for the Chargers wide receiver that is so it is kind of one of those situations that I’m sitting back like I’m going to give him a little bit of a pass uh you know Lamar this has been a very silent off season for him you know we didn’t have him in that but it’s like it’s getting to a point where I don’t really care about it it’s kind he’s going to get that NBA treatment where I don’t really care about MVPs for you anymore I don’t really care about scoring titles anymore that’s what we do with the NBA where we’re like we don’t care about scoring titles we we’re tired of you winning the MVPs like LeBron got to that point it’s like okay cool but are you going to win a championship the Ravens and Lamar I think will be at we’ll be talking about Lamar at this point in a year from now if they don’t win the Super Bowl saying okay we’re bored with the MVP stuff we’re bored with the oh cool you can make plays with your legs thing like are you going to win a Super Bowl because that’s really what it’s going to come down to two I think is facing pressure uh you had Tyreek Hill there I’d put Stefan Diggs too Fair because oneyear deal in Houston oneye deal in Houston playing with a great quarterback you know you’re playing with Ste you’re playing with Josh Allen we’re gonna you know I think there’s pressure there where okay was it Josh Allen or was it you and if he has a great year at Stroud then he’ll be forgiven but if he has an average year then I think people are going to say oh it wasn’t Josh Allen it was you that was the problem and kind of go from there but yeah I like the Herbert I understand that no doubt but I think we’re a year from where that pressure really picks up with the getting paid thing it’s not going to stop people from really you know putting that up there as far as that goes I think at some point with Herbert too you just have to I hate saying ignore but ignore the game results since he got to the league his offense has scored more points than any other quarterback’s offense in the entire league and his defense has allowed two more than that so at some point what more do you want him to do another name thrown up in the chat here Dak Prescott absolutely whoever’s the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys will always be top 10 in pressure so that’s another name that fits in there right as well and you know it comes back to where we started the segment where you said it’s going to be quarterbacks and that’s what it is the quarterbacks get all the credit when you win and all the blame when you lose so the quarterback of whoever’s picking number one in the draft next year at the end of the season is also gonna should have been on this list so it it’s just the quarterbacks and it goes directly with how you play on the field and pressure will move all season long so we’ll see what happens yeah you know and Jordan love we could throw every quarterback’s facing pressure right I don’t want Jordan love on my list but like that’s another one like the Packers like he’s a I’ve said this he’s a dangerous quarterback I’ve always said the most dangerous quarterback is the quarterback that’s good enough to win your regular season games good enough to keep you relevant but also be the you know the same head he can give you two different headlines the headline that’s making you relevant but he’s also the reason why you’re not relevant that’s Jordan love you as a Bengals fan I think know this very well I think Andy dton fit that perfectly like Andy Dalton there were a lot of teams would have lined up to get Andy Dalton at quarterback to get that type of production right that doesn’t mean that you strive for that but like God was take that I mean as a Browns fan looking how bad they were at quarterback forever while Bengals fans were crapping all over Dalton I’m like man I think the Browns with Josh Gordon and some of those teams would have L to have an Andy dton just to stabilize some things a little bit right like that’s kind of what it comes down to but the Bengals get to the or the Super Bowl sorry to the playoffs so often with dton it was no longer about getting to the playoffs it was like oh crap we can’t see us going to that next level with you a quarterback uh and that’s why that game against the Steelers when everything crumbled on them I with the McCarron thing I said you know what I was like the best thing that probably happened to the Bengals was that crumble because what you didn’t want was the McCarron situation where they wouldn’t have won because of McCarron because he’s better than Dalton but he would have got all the pressure Dalton would have got all the crap for that so bottom line is it’s a dangerous quarterback to have you either want a really really bad quarterback or a Joe burrow exactly Jordan love I don’t like that I I wouldn’t I you know what I mean like as a pack who’s a isn’t a trace is a Packers fan Trace is a Packers fan like and he may I don’t know his take on Jordan love I’m a big Jordan love guy so I’m not quite with you on this one I’m not there yet I think I think he’s I think he’s pushing top 10 quarterbacks going into the season for me okay and it’s like and if he is then good for the Packers right my gosh like who because if if if this does work that that organization is immune from any criticism when it comes to quarterback moving forward for sure to look you look at their lineage of quarterbacks and how long and what they been getting a Super Bowl from pretty much every one of them MVPs from every single one of them um you know Brett Favre great dude by the way uh you know you and just say you know how people are you know people love you know judging people I’m just saying great dude you know uh but bottom line is you think they’re void from any criticism if he ends that would agree the last the last name I want to throw out there I haven’t really seen in the chat obviously we didn’t mention it should Jaylen Herz be on that list two years ago when MVPs season Le leads his team to the Super Bowl out plays Patrick Mahomes last year they go I think it was 10 and one they started the season and then they end up not even winning the division going down to Tampa Bay losing to the NFC South champ Buccaneers in the first round of the playoffs Herz fell off the face of the Earth you can say it was injuries you could say it wasn’t he was never on the injury report he played every game um look I I think he needs to be high on that list he’s someone in that $50 million range that I really don’t know if he’s the guy I I mean even Trevor Lawrence to a degree you can do the debate whether he deserve 55 or not but I don’t think there’s really a debate that he’s the quarterback of the future in Jacksonville whether he’s worth that or not I really do wonder about Jaylen Herz I think it takes one one Bad season two two more Bad seasons and you’re looking at how you can cut your losses with that contract I mean he he’s a guy to me that never really wowed me with his arm had one really NFL season um in college NFL talent-wise season in college when he transferred to Oklahoma got drafted in the middle of the second round I I don’t really see a whole lot out of Jaylen Herz that that makes me believe he’s the top 10 quarterback in the league and he’s being paid like it so I think he needs to be on that list as well uh yeah because they’re in a situation where they also have two wide receivers that are in the top five right with AJ Brown and a running back in the top five yeah so they have a lot of Mone to their credit they felt we have our quarterback so if we have to go into cap hell for a bit to keep Talent around him let’s go let’s go hard in the paint for a couple more years because I don’t freak out about teams that go crazy with with with roster contracts and stuff because you can unload guys very fairly easily like with the Rams they have no first round draft picks and you know what the second that they feel like they’re losing control they’ll trade Cooper cup and they’ll get some draft picks back all right puka AA if they have to P the trigger on moving him which I know they don’t want to they could do that Aaron Donald was always that Ace in the Hole if he ever didn’t if he didn’t retire and they wanted to move the Browns are in the same boat you mean like if this deshaan thing really does if the blank hits the fan and they’ve totally messed up they’ll they’ll trade miles Garrett and get a crap ton of picks back they’ll trade um you know they got new some but they’ll trade a ward they’ll they’ll they got guys that they’re going to get a ton of picks back and then they’ll mess something up all over again right but like you know what I mean like this idea that people are in Capal the Eagles can get out of this but it’s they can’t get out of it smoothly so if Herz is not the guy they have to start over and move guys to reset their their draft picks as far as that’s concerned but the NFL it’s I mean it’s not for long for success but it’s not for long being down in the dirt either now I know we’re all I’m talking all Bal and Browns fans I know we know how bad it can get uh but at the same time I feel like the NFL has I don’t what’s changed over the last five six years where I mean the Houston Texans have rebuilt twice in the last six years I I always take shot to the P Pittsburgh Steelers they give Mike Tomlin that that dang contract extension I’m not advocating that you fire him I I kind of like Mike Tomlin kind of right but at the same time the Houston Texans and the Jacksonville Jaguars they’ve been a playoff team and they had the number one overall pick or a top two pick and back to the playoffs twice with the win since the Steelers have last won a playoff game bad teams have routed the Steelers multiple times all right like that’s wild to me uh as far as that’s concerned so if you have to reset it doesn’t take long the Houston Texans I thought they were going to be in agony for years they get CJ Stout and boom like it’s kind of wild I think one of the worst quotes of all time is after the Bengals beat the bills in Buffalo what two years ago and Brandon Bean their GM said we don’t ever want to suck bad enough to get a Jamar Chase well sucking bad enough to pick in the top five is how you get out of rebuild that’s how you don’t go nine and eight for a decade like and not to mention you picked Josh Allen at seven you did suck that bad I would really wish we were doing this show together during the coin flip drama oh man dude the were you guys together for the dear Hamlin stuff and not being now like that was one of the most over dramatized thing in the history of sports uh I was I mean I wasn’t team skip Bist but I was like I was team stop pretending to be fake outrage by Skip bis like he doesn’t do a good job of reading the room but you know how many people were sitting at home probably saying the same exact thing he was but now everyone’s doing the holier than thou thing of how dare you I was oh make me sick dude people make me nauseous when it comes to that stuff but I would have loved to work with you guys during that stretch like yeah I I wasn’t I wasn’t here but I was in the stadium when it happened with a bunch of my buddies and that was the most confused I’ve ever been at a sporting event what a horrible thing that happened no don’t I’m talking about like the The Fallout as far how handled that game we had not having to track to the second seed I mean what a ridiculous resolution that is so we had so many Bengals fans call in to say well we had the lead so we should just win we should just now that was I think the dumbest argument of all it was through three drives into the game we went down and scored and I did love when everyone when we went up to Buffalo later in the year went down and scored on the first drive it was all right we’re good we did it again just stop it yeah 28 we’ve never seen a come back from there ah but uh but that and then the coin flip thing I mean my goodness Mixon pulling that out of his glove was the greatest thing ever oh but you guys love Petty oh yeah you guys love that’s why I’m only dying laughing because you’re bringing up something that I completely forgot about I’m like look at you just bringing up sore wounds dude like what the heck but yeah it is what it is dude yeah but the the coin flip celebration I probably would have liked it if my team did it that’s fair but rolled my eyes big time you know as far as what what else was there what else I know there was some other petty stuff I’m gonna have to come up with my top five top five most Petty Bengals moments in the LA in the Joe burough era oh boy I can come up with think You’ have some good ones I I I I’ll come up with it the top five most Petty moments in the Jo World era I think we might need 10 maybe 15 expand that list no nonetheless all right Justin Kenner Jacob tset here uh again grip it and rip it a lot of griet and rip it jokes in there there’s a lot yeah you know I would say the majority of today’s chats good for them I I love it I mean it’s I mean it is what it is as far as that’s concerned but um no nonetheless uh just real quick because there’s some stuff on the rundown that we’re not going to get to today which that’s a good thing um I’ve told when I got to do I got to sit on some ESPN shows in in New York one time and they said so like their program if they have a two-hour show they’ll have the three they’ll have three 15 to 20 minute segments okay and for so they’ll have nine total segments but they’ll they’ll have 15 topics heading into a show and a bad show means you got to all the topics right because that mean because they have a meter that follows like the engagement of the show and all this stuff so if like they’re following that if you get to everything that means nothing’s stuck so you know whatever uh but that’s a so I’ve always said okay if you don’t get to everything that’s a good thing plus it’s June so you roll crap over the next show right like and and who knows what petty stuff you’re going to come up with between now and when your feelings get hurt a lot they do they do you’re an emotional guy your emotional fan base uh you know being a Browns fan is harded me right like sounded weird but you guys know what I mean you guys know what I mean you know just saying sorry for the families watching it home no if it’s you know ging a r it’s a kids show that’s what we always say here it’s a kids show is it no it’s probably not probably not I’ve been on my best behavior so far uh as far as that’s concerned but uh nonetheless all right so let me see what else we still have I mean I know is there anything what like recap really quick Off the Bench uh from today because I I caught some uh you know I caught some of the stuff that you guys were talking about before uh but just what some takeaways from Off the Bench today some of the talking points we really went with how important this pirate series is for the Reds I mean going into Milwaukee and competing for three games against the team that that simply owns you over the last however long um it’s series is crucial I mean you’re two and three in your last five games against the Guardians and the Brewers which if you look at how those games were played two and three is a pretty good spot to be sitting in so to go out there and beat the beat the Pirates win this series and get back to 500 over this stretch when you’re coming home for the for the Red Sox this weekend that’s just absolutely crucial to stay in the mix in the Central and and keep CLA back in the National League where there’s all but two teams within a game of the last wild card spot within a game and a half sorry of the last wild card spot just the Marlins and the uh the Marlins and one other team are are completely out of it but everyone else in the National League within two games of that last wild card spot so you know really exciting branded baseball now and we talk about how uh you know there was some some negative opinions when they expanded the wild card to three Wild Card teams but now you have you know 15 teams in the National League still watching their games I if there was only two wild card spots the red season would have ended in May when we said it was over now now you’ve been able to claw yourself back and get into a position to play for that wild card spot so you know if they the Reds can keep playing 500 baseball up until the All-Star break for about you know a month month and a half now we we could be talking about a team who’s really in the playoff mix coming down the final stretch so I like um and I was pulling this up because they they did some of their their playoff odds or just you know Major League I mean again we’re pretty much through the spring I think when’s the first day of summer aren’t we coming up on that is that today I mean it’s hot as hell it’s always 21st right yeah so it’s coming up so like Spring’s wrapping up so they put out their kind of spring recap uh numbers and stuff and just kind of the the odds for the playoffs and this that and the other so of course as I’m stalling trying to find it because my phone’s not loading that fast oh here we go so like the Reds I think are like plus 240 to make the playoffs or something crazy like that which is wild because you sit back and you look at them right now and it’s just kind of one of those things I’m like are they a playoff team I wouldn’t I mean you got they’re an interesting team because you could make money off of them making the playoffs if that’s the case right they’re not a guarantee 280 280 to make 280 good call good way to be on your feet there good job uh but yeah 280 as far as that’s concerned uh to make the playoffs and you look at the Cubs at plus 155 uh you know the Pirates are plus 550 and you just start to look at some of these it’s interesting as far as how that’s concerned now I like what we talked about some people complained when you know went to the three teams to make the playoffs it does make it more interesting more fan bases are keeping an eye but I have talked to a couple of people that you know that work have worked with the Reds in the past or work there now that have brought up like yes it it increases the chances making the playoffs but sometimes just because you’re in position to make the playoffs it doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily a good team right like so for instance there’s a lot of bad we’ve talked about how bad the national league is a bad team’s going to make the playoffs I remember when LeBron was dominating in the NBA Playoffs for that decade what nine straight NBA finals and there was even one point where you know they would run into the Boston Celtics early on uh with Tatum and brown like when they were first second year in the league and I’m like well the Celtics are technically in the Eastern Conference Finals but like no one looks at them as an actual finals representative of the Eastern Conference that’s how bad it was that’s how bad the East was right but like hey you you’re there right like teams well under 500 in the NBA make the playoffs all the time so you’re you’re there but there are some baseball execs that are not fans of it because of the fact that sometimes it gives off the illusion that you’re a lot further along in your progression than what you actually are so when the fans get mad at the front office for standing still at the trade deadline it’s like what are you doing you’re in the playoff hunt and blah blah blah it’s like yes mathematically we’re in the playoff hunt but when you look at the structure of the roster we’re not really a playoff team technically like we don’t have the guns to go to war if you will um with the elite teams in baseball this that and the other so I’ve always found that part interesting but from a fan perspective yes like the reds are in the hunt we’re in the hunt right there half game one game out now uh but yeah the series is important with the Pirates because they started looking like go back to 20121 the records are the Red’s record against the NL central1 120 that is their record against the Central right now the Cubs is I mean it’s wild to me that that is the only team that they are above 500 against in the central in that time 31 and 27 I would have even guessed it was higher than that and anecdotally I think we kill the Cubs yeah maybe it’s because we’re so bad against everyone else in the division yeah and then so the Cardinals they’re 24 and 30 the Brewers they are 20 and 37 and the Pirates are 25 and and the reds are 25 and 2 6 against them since 2021 I chose that year because that’s the year that they started to blow it all up uh as far as that goes but the Brewers interestingly enough I’m used to and I think you’re conditioned enough as well when you look at the Reds oh it’s the Cubs oh it’s the Cardinals I don’t think this young roster anymore I don’t think they even though the record shows that they’re below 500 against those teams they’re 31 to 27 against the Cubs in that range but like the Cardinals I don’t think they’re afraid of the Cardinals I don’t think they’re intimidated by the Cubs I mean they just went to Wrigley and took two or three from them couple weeks ago and then they take three or four against the Cubs at Great American I don’t think they fear the Cubs anymore I don’t think the Cubs have that aura to them that that uh those early 2010’s Reds teams just feared them right same thing with the Cardinals um and the Pirates I just think that’s one of those you you it’s hard to get motivated to play I I don’t know but the Brewers that’s that dominant team now that’s that team that the Reds find ways to lose against that’s what made that game one against the Brewers so fun which by the way okay to take my Red’s cap off found as many ways to lose that game as yeah how did they how did he who had the game tying run or the game winning Run for the red no um the throw on Friday night hold on the uh when when the catcher he put his arm out and pushed him away like how did he not get called for that like I know the glove he slid right into the glove so he got called out and the Reds were able to hold on to the lead and that’s great but that was one of the worst looking saves ever uh my goodness that was brutal I know pitching was a point of conversation for you guys I know you called out David Bell uh you can’t do that around our guy Elliot he ain’t going to let that happen um but when he put the glove out he slid into it but his off hand he kind of he kind of pushed him out as well I I just don’t get how the Reds got away with that but it don’t matter if the catcher has the ball you’re allowed to block the plate so as long as the ball hand you could push him out oh okay learned something today look at you Jacob the well the one thing I I guess to go back to the Reds it’s like you you win one game of a three- game series The One game that you decidedly played the worst in I mean you could easily flip a couple things and the Reds get swept in Milwaukee or you flip a couple things the other way and the Reds sweep in Milwaukee so I think that just goes back to how close this team is the losses in may just felt like they were you know mountains to climb over to get back to competitive baseball and now you lose games and it still feels competitive so you know that that is an aspect to it and another thing going back to the playoff expansion adding a third wild card team the third wild card team last year and the year before in the National League won the pennant fair so that I mean the Diamond Back snuck in last year everyone thought they were an afterthought at this point in the season they made it to the World Series obviously didn’t get over the hump against the Rangers but same thing with the Phillies they fire the manager when they’re about 10 games below 500 and they end up clawing back to that third wild card spot winning the pennant the year before so it though it might not seem like you’re as close as you are if you’re if you’re in that next mix we’ve seen that that third team that gets into the playoff can make some noise if they have you know a roster to do so obviously the Phillies not a normal third wild card team with guys like Bryce Harper and Kyle schwarber but you know I digress again right now the Reds Pirates coming up later on tonight uh Paul SK Reds to get their first chance at seeing him uh here this season and again sk’s been one of the most talked about pitchers out there no doubt about it the Pirates seem to have that that piece down pat pretty good so that’s pretty good for them their their rotation is just ridiculous skin Jared Jones Mitch Keller on your third day I mean it doesn’t get much better than that and that’s why you look at the N National League central the Cubs and the Pirates have are favored to finish with better records than the Reds and it’s strictly because of their pitching rotation we talk about how how good the Red’s pitching rotation is with green Abbot ldo Montas you know pitching pretty well on most outings but when you go to Chicago they they I think lead the league in starting pitcher ra I mean show managa has been incredible he’s probably going to win rookie of the year then you you know you have guys like Justin steel who who’s regressed a little bit from last year but he’s been great and then we just talked about what they have in Pittsburgh and with with how we know the Reds lineup can get into those valleys as well as the Peaks you know like we talk about all the time the they’re a little less consistent on the mound as these other teams are at least on the front end of their rotation and that’s why you see you know those other teams be favored to have have have a better chance of making the playoffs better chance of finishing second like we talked about with Casey in the National League central but the Reds Peaks are so much higher offensively than those other teams it’s just can you find that when it matters so it’s really going to come down to it the deadline especially if the Reds stay healthy of course that’s always the big key in anything you know deadline talk will pick up as we get closer you know I’m still not sold that the reds are going to make a move at the deadline I I know that sounds wild it’s just it it they didn’t do it last year and they were in the same spot that they are this year right in the right in the middle of things right like um that’s going to be the interesting thing I know no Marte is actually has pretty good games you know over in Louisville uh but I don’t think offense is the number one concern for this team it’s going to come down to pitching and are the Reds willing to part ways with prospects to get pitching and are they will I mean let’s be clear and you brought up those good points too the quality of pitching that’s in the NL Central you can go get another good arm but to compete with those teams to give you that that that big name you know to complement the likes of adello and green are they going to pull the trigger on on that I I don’t I doubt it I doubt it but we’ll see again the big thing for them keep winning divisional games keep winning divisional games that’s why you guys talked about it this pirate series very important I know everyone wants them to get back in the hunt look they want I mean they what six and a half back of the division when they started the series with the Brewers and now they’re eight games back and they even won a game in there like these divisional games could be brutal they can help you out a ton but they could bury you pretty quickly think it’s going to be a wild card race we could talk about how they stack up against the Cubs and Brewers and all this I think you got to start looking at the diamond and some of the other teams in the Wild Card unfortunately at this point even though they were one of the favorites to win the division coming into the year as we wrap up the show another nugget you tired dude you tired you know four hours hours no no I’m good to go I’m just looking at the clock Road I had hit the road I’m with you keep going as we wrap up the show another nugget of breaking news before we log off I don’t know if you’re a UFC guy but I am and Israel adna is back for the first time in two years he’s fighting draus dupy at UFC 305 for the middleweight belt that’s that’s a really really big deal what you what did you D who Israel ad Ofna against draus dup C like ABC EAS is one two three and that’s usually what happens when isra goia steps in the ring so excited to see him back back fighting obviously with McGregor and Hamza pulling out in the last couple days UFC has taking a big hit to their Marquee fights but 305 was one of the least exciting cards of the year and now we get a big big time headline fight so big big news for the UFC big news for everyone else it was also taking even when McGregor was expected to fight like it was kind of wild like they were moving down the card right weren’t they expected to headline that they were they were they were they were always going to headline it but he ended up pulling out with an injury but he got hurt during the training right yeah yep well cool all right well that wraps it up for us this is the first full official week of griet and ripet uh Jacob tissit of course going to be pulling double duty a lot uh for the next couple of months wouldn’t want anything different technically you were hoping that you’re working double duty well into October that’s that’s the that’s the plan right like that’s the if if if Jacob’s just uh putting all his focus on griet and rip it by the end of September that could be got a or not it’s all Bengals NFL from there nonetheless college football that fun stuff but that wraps it up for us thank you guys for hanging out with us um griet and ripet every Monday Wednesday and Friday griet and ripet presented by we’re trying we’re finding somebody where we’re working on it right but uh nonetheless uh of course members only contact tent to keep an eye out for um and then of course uh Off the Bench Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to noon uh repurposed and re-aired in dating on 1410 ESPN Radio which of course is what I’m going back to dating to do right now so I’m hitting the road Kenner and Kev coming up at 3 o’clock hopefully traffic lets me get there in time what what happens if I sudden I start running into traffic consistently first hour of the show will be here in studio second hour is me in the car just holding up my phone we go 50-50 Zoom call Chatterbox red Style you’re driving down the highway that’s got to be illegal right you can’t text and drive you definitely can’t zoom and drive I don’t know well well no you just put it up on the little side I guess you’re right hands free yeah hands free look ma no hands all right thank you for tuning in until next until this Wednesday uh at noon this has been griet and ripet with Kenner and Tiss it

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The Reds lose their 8th consecutive series to the milwaukee Brewers. They lost yesterday 5-4. There was a glimmer of hope in the ninth inning. Fairchild reached on Adames’s throwing error. Elly was walked. There was first and second with 2 outs and it came down to Santiago Espinal. Espinal comes up clutch with a soft base hit to center. Fairchild wasnt close to home plate. Potentially catchers interference was waived off.
Frankie Montas went 5 innings and gave up 3 earned runs. He was pulled in the 6th after allowing the first two batters to reach. Lucas simms came in and gave up a three run shot immediately.
The Reds had 8 hits, 2 of them by Elly de la cruz including a home run and a triple. Elly also scored on a bad throw back to second.
Steer had 2 hits and an rbi
The Reds are back at it tonight against the pittsburgh pirates. First pitch is at 640 where paul skenes faces carson spiers. Skenes is 3-0 with a 2.43 era with 46 strikeouts.
Around the league
The Twins beat the athletics in a thriller 8-7 the final score in the second game of the double header..Larnach, miranda, and royce lewis all hit homers. Twins also won the first game of the double header 6-2
Red Sox crush the yankees 9-3. Rizzo left early due to a collision at first base. Aaron judge did hit a home run
Mariners shutout the Rangers 5-0. Logan Gilbert went 8 innings allowing 2 hits 0 runs and striking out 9
Dodgers shutout the royals 3-0. Mookie betters fractured his hand after getting hit by a 98 mph fastball
Diamondbacks obliterate the pathetic white sox 12-5
Giants dominate the angels winning 13-6
Pirates have their way with the rockies winning 8-2. 6 pirates had multi hit games
Astros pulled Ronel Blanco after 7 hitless innings which would have been his second of the season. They win 4-1
Mets crushed the padres 11-6
Guardians fall to the blue jays 7-6. Varsho hit his third career grand slam. The 2 run rally in the ninth came just short
Orioles with their 8-3 win over the phillies have won their third straight series and are 3 games behind the yankees
Cardinals beat the cubs 2-1 winning that series. Cubs have lost 9 straight series. I dont count the white sox win.
The Fever beat the chicago sky 91-83. Caitlin clark played great scoring 23 points with 8 boards and 9 assist.
Angel Reese scored 11 points on 4-13 shooting with 13 boards. She is shotting 37 percent from the field
The mavericks go to Boston for game 5 tonight at 830. 6.5 point spread as the celtics are favored at home. Mavericks will look to extend the series yet again after a 40 point win friday night.

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⏩ Watch More:
◼ BOOM! or BUST! Cincinnati Bengals Draft Grades | Off the Bench Clips – https://youtu.be/Skc98MN16-A
◼ Breakdown of Cincinnati Bengals Draft pick Amarius Mims ft. Brooks Austin – https://youtu.be/G-3Z5FSc5pI
◼ Should Cincinnati Taxpayers fund Bengals’ Stadium Renovations? | Off the Bench Clips – https://youtu.be/fl9k-lawMdU
◼ Paul Skenes Called Up to the Pittsburgh Pirates…Should Cincinnati Reds Fans Be Scared? | OTB Clips – https://youtu.be/IPb0jPMWr_4

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