Leading the majors with 17 one run losses this season…

Leading the majors with 17 one run losses this season…

Leading the majors with 17 one run losses this season…
byu/ProperTeaching inCHICubs

  1. No Cubs no! No Cubs no! Hey, Chicago, what do you say? Can we win a f@ckin one run game today?

  2. Last year, there seemed to be a lot of talk about the Cubs and their poor record in one-run games. Especially compared to Milwaukee. The Cubs I think are now leading the league with 17 one-run losses. The manager change was supposed to make a difference there, so we were told.

    Somewhere, David Ross is cackling while making love to his beautiful girlfriend.

  3. What bothers me most is it seems the players don’t even CARE. Usually, when a team is in a funk like this, someone on the roster will step up and say something or call a “players only” team meeting. Nothing. They just go out there every game, play uninspired, boring, careless, and ‘going through the motions’ and walk off the field losers. No fire, no desire. Maybe they didn’t like the Ross treatment and this is their way of showing it?

  4. The construction of this bullpen is reason enough to fire Jed. Yes, I know the offense sucks and we have no power but to blow 16 saves is ridiculous.

  5. From the second I heard it I knew ditching Ross was a mistake and I know doing it for Counsell was a mistake.

    “Hey. I got it. The team leader catcher that helped the Cubs win their first World Series in 108 years and personally hit a crucial homerun in Game 7? Well fuck that guy. He’s gone. Then we’ll spend even more money for the guy in Milwaukee everybody in the Cubs world hates with a passion! Yeah! That’ll win us more games!”

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