Frank Seravalli On Coaching Changes And Patrick Kane Back To New York?

Frank Seravalli On Coaching Changes And Patrick Kane Back To New York?

we got Frank on now who’s in Florida um no travel troubles no travel troubles but just think of all the children that will be born nine months from now in Edmonton after Saturday night’s game that that is a good point I don’t think hockey popularity in Edmonton is something we will ever have to worry about Frank but we were just we were showing a little bit of a snippet of the video of of the new practice facility that the Panthers built and we were just talking about how this this last cple couple of years of hockey in South Florida with how good the Panthers have been is going to inspire you know 15 20 years from now these generations of hockey players because young kids are falling in love with the Panthers who will then one day have kids and you know pass it along so I think this little Run for the Florida Panthers is is gonna have such a massive effect on on the growth of hockey in South Florida down the line I don’t know if you agree with that or not I think you heard the tail end of what I was talking about with our dad and the fers and this and that yeah I would say I’m not pessimistic on that view I just want to be a realist about it because everyone says that right and yeah there are things that you can point to that say yes the next generation is coming because of that but it also just being here boots on the ground now for the third game in Florida it doesn’t register on the RoR scale here like if you go to a restaurant and the server asks you oh you know are you here on vacation you say no I’m here for work and then they say what do you do you’re like I’m here for the hockey they’re like What’s the hockey yeah and and that’s just a fact like that’s you don’t you don’t get that in Edmonton it’s yeah they just it it’s still even though it’s here even though it’s the Stanley Cup Final even though the Panthers have a three to one lead the the TV numbers alone will tell you like we’re talking about 1% of the population in the US watching the game it’s a still a really small number and it still has so much growth that needs to take place yeah and I was just saying I have these these friends who live there that you know are are have gotten so into it over the last couple of years they’re back playing men’s league their 5-year-old boy is now playing hockey and so it’s antd it’s it’s a small sample size I’m talking about one family but it’s just it’s cool to see and Frank we already have a funny comment in the chat from Buckaroo who says I have one child as a direct result of the Edmonton Eskimos winning the gray cup so sounds like you’re probably on something I’m telling you like there were thousands of children created on Saturday night thousands oh God that’s Edon hospitals are going to be overwhelmed at some point nine months now we’ll definitely be able to look to a population boom in Edmonton to uh to winning that that game 8 to one the other night but you know Frank we we we do want to go around the league with you a little bit today you know we focus a lot on the cup and we’re going to talk a little bit about it later in the show but you know yesterday something happened that you predicted two weeks ago when Don wadell took over I know we talked about it on DFO live um and we we were in complete agreement about it um what can you shed light into the process of of the you know of wadell or Don wadell however you say it um in in letting Pascal Vincent go and do you have any idea because it is a little late in the game although there is clearly some good candidates available of you know what way they may be looking there in Columbus for Johnny gd’s what fourth coach in in two years since he joined the Columbus Blue Jackets in 10th to 10 years that’s B right it hasn’t been pretty um so what I would say to shed light on the process is Don woodell spent a couple days getting to know Pascal Vincent and had never met him before had only seen him Coach on the bench and just had a vague idea of what he was all about and I don’t think that there were any issues at all in terms of their compatibility or ability to get along um or even probably his vision of how to coach I think that there was just so much leftover baggage from this season specifically with the young players that are so critically important for that team moving forward Ken Johnson healthy scratched pan Tilly playing on the fourth line out of position David Urich scratched multiple times there’s just there was no way to put all that back together again and part of it was the situation that Pascal Vincent was handed you know stepping into training camp a few days before it starts uh some turmoil with the Mike Babcock’s exit plus I think a real push from management to have this team try and be a playoff team um that I think when you look at um all those things smashed together basically what you have is a team that needed a fresh start and that’s what they get with their next head coach and in terms of candidates um I don’t have a complete list but I’d be real surprised if Todd Nelson who’s coaching in the cder Cup Final uh with the Hershey Bears is is not on their list um but I think he’s got you know three four five guys that he wants to talk to and and there’s still some guys that are left over from this hiring cycle like I’m surprised that Dean everon hasn’t gotten an opportunity in this hiring cycle uh you’ve still got Jay Woodcraft um you’ve still got plenty of other guys that have been in the mix for other positions that didn’t get them that I think are really quality qualified candidates and before someone says in the chat um we’re monitoring hey why do you why do people keep going to the same you know the retreads is is the quote that you always see why do they always hire the same people I can’t help but look at this Conference Final and say Paul Maurice Peter laviolet Pete dor the retreads are also just damn good coaches and there’s a reason why they have success it’s because they’re really good at what they do and it’s not an accident that Peter lavette’s teams have gone to three Stanley Cup finals it’s not an accident that Pete dor is one of the most successful coaches of his generation although doesn’t you know is still you know looking for more um and then look at the Stanley Cup Final I mean Paul Maurice has been around forever he’s been a head coach in this league since 1995 with the Hartford Whalers he’s the longest 10e coach without a Stanley Cup win and that is one game away from changing tonight yeah well look and the other thing on top of the whole Columbus situation and and who they’d bring in um if they do go for one of these veteran guys who have been around look you you uh you got to think Columbus that job is desirable with the prospect talent that they have um Don wadell has always to me seemed like a patient general manager he he doesn’t seem to make hasty decisions um maybe that’ll be different if he has different set of rules with his owner it sounds like Columbus’s owner is a great owner to work for from what I’ve heard and maybe you could tell me if I’m wrong on that Frank but this would seem to me like a really really desirable job I wholeheartedly agree I think especially for a general manager look at the window and run that yarm Mo kekal and just got yeah 11 years with one Playoff round win it’s crazy that’s the only playoff win in their in their franchise history too right yeah one round they they beat the lightning that’s it but think about this 11 years finally gets fired and is still I was talking about this at dinner last night still somehow Scouting For the Columbus Blue Jackets he was at the combine a couple weeks ago in Buffalo on the floor wearing Blue Jackets gear scouting for them no yes and is that a Don wad higher or is that a no that’s just hey this guy’s under contract we’re going to use him yeah we like him he just made some mistakes as manager and he’s still scouting for the Blue Jackets wow I did I mean I feel like I heard a story that he might have a role but I didn’t realize that it was like officially happening that’s got to be the highest paid Scout in the NHL yeah well Vic Vic mentioned that the Blue Jackets also beat the Leafs and the bubble but that was in the qualification round so that doesn’t doesn’t count doesn’t count um but Frank sticking with the Blue Jackets you know there’s a lot of run Lings obviously now about L Colby and I talked about L last week we we kind of went back and forth on where his best fit would be but just this whole fresh start thing right is it a real fresh start with Patrick l to this point of his career or is there just now concerns about him which wherever spot he lands in I mean I said he has a lot of baggage Frank and I said it’s it’s a that’s not an opinion that’s fact yeah I mean I think it’s a high-risk move especially at that number well it’s not going to be at that number because they’re going to have to retain in order to make it happen I think either that or they’re going to have to take back a really bad contract from someone else so it’s just another form of retained um I I think it truly is a fresh start on a number of levels one I think he needs to get out of Columbus um two I think as someone who has kep up and addressed his mental health issues it’s a fresh start to turn the page and three it’s also physically a fresh start he only played 18 games last year um it was a tough year he was another guy that was scratched by Pascal Vincent um that just had an offseason offseason shoulder surgery if I could say that correctly and he’s you know so physically mentally also scenery like I I think wherever he goes I’m not predicting that he’s going to have you know drop right in and have success but it is really a fresh start is there a certain team that you think he’d be a good fit I mean we talked about what Carolina possibly New Jersey the Islanders even um do you see one spot where you think it would work out well for him I mean how many teams need an upgrade in the goal scoring Department a lot like if I’m if I’m the Buffalo Sabers I’m taking on some damaged Patrick l Goods at a discounted price to try and find more goals in my lineup right I’m not leaving any stone unturned if I’m Kevin Adams yeah but I could also see him fitting in on a team where there’s less pressure to win less pressure to perform and I’ll give you a recent example Jonathan drewan Montreal also admittedly dealing with some mental health issues goes to Colorado gets a Fresh Start is not asked to be the guy is no longer playing under a huge money deal that he feels like he has to perform he’s not at home anymore and he goes to Colorado yeah it helps that he had a little bit of a different situation having chemistry with Nathan McKinnon but still goes there and is able to sort of fit in seamlessly because the pressure isn’t ratcheted up and it’s not all on you it’s the focus and attention isn’t all on you so I could see it from both perspectives either the team that needs to get back in the mix like Buffalo or the team that’s already there and is just looking for supplemental help um I think he’d be a really good fit in in those types of situations but Colorado’s already they’re as an example they’re already dealing with their own cap issues yeah I mean Taylor Hall kind of thrived in a situation where he didn’t have to be the guy when he went to Boston um obviously a different situation um but you know I I I hear some of those team teams that and like I think about like Patrick W and like leaning on line and I I I just I I don’t know how those types of things you know would would play out um you know Frank look I I wanted to talk a little bit about your buyout article that you wrote um in the last week on on when you you put up some of the biggest you know the names of the biggest candidates who could be you know buyou uh players and you know Pier Luke deis you had at the top of list um and we looked at it on cap friendly and you wrote about it you know not actually that devastating to your salary cap to buy that that contract out actually kind of shockingly reasonable but you know Rob Blake said we have no plans to do that and I know these guys can change their minds I remember when shaton Kirk got bought out in New York they said they had no plans to buy him out and he literally got bought out the next day I lived it with him and remember being with him when this happened so um on that list who do you think is the big name that’s G to get bought out I mean I know you had JG Pou on there Tory KRW um you know Campbell I I remember when JG Pou was kind of the bell of the ball when he first got traded to the Islanders and they were like this guy’s gonna put us over the edge and blah blah blah but who are who is gonna be the guy that you think actually a team pulls the trigger on I think the Oilers have to do it with Jack Campbell they can’t go through another year of Campbell counting against almost 4 million on their cap to play in Bakersfield just doesn’t work not with all the other you know considerations that they have so his buyout would drop to 1.1 million next season and that would save them 2.85 so it would almost basically wash away the mistake that they made with Conor Brown because his contract this year is a bonus over that carries over to next year so he’s 3.25 million on next year’s cap even though he’s likely not playing for them and that so essentially the Oilers would just be kicking the can down the road right because then the Campbell contract stays on the books beyond that but at least in temporary terms you get some relief and for a team that’s in the Stanley Cup Final that you could easily see a path for the Oilers to get back there next year um it all kind of makes sense so I think he’s an almost certainty I think he’s a 95 percenter um in terms of you know confidence that he’ll be bought out um but I still to go back to dub like I I know what Rob Blake said and you just referenced it like first off the fact that the question was asked and no one was like oh my God what a stupid question like you know that the team’s been thinking about it the question is will they be able to pull it off because he turns 26 on June 25th or 4th and once he turns 26 then the buyout is double the cost yeah it goes from one3 to two3 right right and so you the buyout window doesn’t open until 48 hours after the conclusion of the cup final so they if it goes to game seven they won’t actually be able to pull that off but this is one and only chance he like I said he turns 26 in a week’s time so you either pull the trigger and you get out from under a really bad deal that’s going to be on your books for the next seven years at eight and a half million bucks and you live with a relatively minor buyout for the next 14 Seasons which is not comfortable but at least you would have saved yourself $31 million in real cash like that’s $31 million you get back for your owner and you admit that you made a mistake you traded Assets in addition to the contract that really makes it painful but you live to see another day and I I think I I cannot stress enough how much sense it makes for the LA Kings to get out from under this if they have the opportunity to do so because the only thing worse than making a major mistake is to double down on it yeah and and every year that goes by Frank and every time the salary cap goes up that buyout hurts you a little bit less because the percentage gets a little bit lower Johnny why don’t you when when it’s 3 million bucks a couple years from now the Cap’s going to be $100 million and you’re talking about a 3% hit when it’s down to a million again and you’re in years 12 13 and 14 of this buyout like we’re going to be talking about a quarter of 1% that that buyout hits and it just again cannot stress enough how much it makes sense and by the way cannot stress enough how much we need a place like cap friendly um yeah the fact that they’re going away around July 5th is makes horrible well and just to address Katherine in the chat uh Rob Blake’s exact quote because I looked it up today was we don’t have any plans to do that so he didn’t say we’ll never do that we’re not doing that he said right now that’s our plan is not to do that well that gives you a little bit of a wiggle room to to say well our plan changed no so what like so let’s take take us back to April they don’t know if the sanley Cup finals going to go seven games what if they don’t get the chance so if you say uh yeah we’re going to do it all you have is hysteria for for three months being like Oh my God they’re buying out dubba and instead you’re able to put it to bed and if it comes up again and you pull the trigger then it makes sense Frank I just wanted to ask about one specific player that we had a question about in the chat from Adam Kerr uh I actually haven’t like seen or heard much on Patrick C but are you hearing anything on him and Detroit cuz seemed like his messaging at the end of the season was that he won’t be returning to Detroit and testing fore agency have you heard yeah I think they’ve still been in contact but I I think the expectation is that he’s moving on um not 100% certainty but look I think Patrick Kane’s only gonna be better next season he he finished on a pretty strong note and had some magical moments for the Red Wings as they fell just short of that playoff spot um but you know you get finally a normal summer of training like I can’t stress enough how important that is for someone that’s his age that’s been through a lot um he’s as hungry as any player I’ve ever seen I think his passion and his drive to be the best is as detailed and dialed in as anyone and I think if you can find a place that he really likes and give him some term like I’m talking like three years deal something like that the aav is not going to kill you and I think he what he can provide for you is near Point per game performance that he was really close to that already um I’ll tell you what I don’t know if they’re actually gonna make it happen or if they want to but I can tell you that they had interest in the New York Rangers and he had interest himself when he went through the free agent process because he felt like when got to New York and was hurt that he tried to do his best but that he sort of um disappointed them they didn’t say that but he felt like he left something on the table because he wasn’t at full strength and I think wanted a chance to maybe try and do that over again to make it right you think there’s a Redemption opportunity here no and knowing him that’s exactly his personality he will want to go back to New York and show people that he can and look if you could get him at let’s say five million bucks for three years and and you can get 75 points out of him I I I can’t show me a team that couldn’t use that I I I’d be hard pressed to find it with all due respect to Tyler T Foley I don’t think they’re in the same category not even at this point so but do you think now well and I guess we can save this conversation actually for after we let Frank go Kobe but you let’s let’s just ask Frank let’s let’s put him on the hot seat really quick before we we say goodbye to him because we know you have a busy day to-day Frank um you’re in Sunrise uh or you’re in fortt Lauderdale you’ll be in Sunrise this evening I’ll wave to you uh upon Landing in Florida this evening but uh what’s your prediction on tonight’s game I mean is is uh the Oilers gonna drave Berta and or or are we gonna see the the Big Shiny cup handed out uh in Sunrise for the first time ever tonight man I I gotta tell you that I have basically zero feel on this yeah if you’re a gambler I if you’re a gambler and that’s what you’re looking for is Intel um I don’t think there’s any I’ve seen the lines from betway I don’t think there’s any value in in playing the Oilers I have a hunch that the Oilers are gonna try and find a way to to send this back to Edmonton for game six but I could just as easily see bobovski coming back and shutting the door after a really tough performance like you know I mentioned driven and detailed athletes like bab rovski is in the same category in terms of Kane and their drive and I man I’ll tell you what though if Edmonton finds a way to get back there for game six I think we’re in Sunrise again for game seven yeah also that’ be the dream what we all want you know if you’re if well not all of us um because this draft week and you know you’d be flying right from there to Vegas which is fine if need be um but I the if you’re the Florida Panthers you you got to empty the clip tonight yeah it has to be a game seven mentality right this is this is your this is your shot to make it easy and not sweat yeah all right Frank well listen go get go get a little uh vitamin D if you can today um get yourself a little uh little fresh air we know you’ve been buried in the in the computer doing shows writing articles we appreciate it though catch Frank today go ahead we we all know that col’s all about the D so it’s good is that what you’re gonna start doing now when you leave the show he always he always comes F you can get Frank catch Frank today on The Daily face off live on The Daily Face Off YouTube channel at noon with Tyler your mchu um along with anywhere you get uh your downloads your podcasts on this exact YouTube channel so make sure you’re back around noon Frank appreciate you coming on today um enjoy your day in Florida and uh we’ll see what happens tonight see you guys what’s up hockey fans if you enjoyed that video then you need to be hitting the Subscribe button right here at Daily face off exclusive interviews and Analysis from our hockey Insider Frank zali fantasy updates from Brock s and a daily live show at noon Eastern Monday through Friday you don’t want to miss any of the Fantastic cont content so hit that subscribe button

Frank Seravalli joins Morning Cuppa Hockey to talk coaching changes, buy-out candidates, and an interesting potential landing spot for Patrick Kane.

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