Why Ryan Nielsen Can Make The Jacksonville Jaguars Consistent

Why Ryan Nielsen Can Make The Jacksonville Jaguars Consistent

[Music] on today’s show I tell you how the Boston Celtics winning the NBA Championship made me think of the Jacksonville Jaguars y’all need to hear me out on this edition of locked on Jaguars you are locked on Jaguars your daily Jacksonville Jaguars podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day exactly what it is it’s your team every day and we always thank you for making us your first listen here on locked on Jaguars I am Tony Wiggins the host of the podcast that you can find at our YouTube page called locked on Jaguars that’s right make sure you head on over there hit that like button hit the Subscribe Button as well and then hit the Bell so that you receive notifications each and every time we drop an episode and then you can find locked on Jaguars wherever you listen to podcast just make sure you tap into that location to make sure you do not miss an episode every single day today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet visit fanduel.com locked on to get started shout out to the everydays for joining us here every single day to talk about the Jacksonville Jaguars and you can be in every day all you got to do is join us every single day I’m going to tell you about consistency and why I think being consistency being consistent and having a sustainable program is the first recipe to be able to get you in position to win a championship so it’s all about being present that’s where we’re going to land at when we finish the show today in the middle I’m going to tell you about Ryan nielson’s impact on that his presence and why I think it may be uh a very short presence here in Jacksonville and how that could hinder things but I don’t think it will because of something else the team has done first we’re going to start with the fact that the Celtics made me think about the Jaguars and if you want to know why guess what I got a mouthful for you the Boston Celtics built the team with young superstars got there to the NBA finals after getting through the Conference Finals then got back to the Conference Finals the the following year and lost and it appeared that they took a step back but what they did was actually retool the team and they added a couple of players and now those young players a lot of young players that people thought in Jaylen Brown and and Jason Tatum a lot of people thought that you needed to break it up but that organization remained patient kept them together and then surrounded them with the players that they needed to win a championship and you ask what the heck does that have to do with Jacksonville well I want y’all to celebrate where we are I am no longer talking about building a foundation to get elevation I am no longer talking about a team that just kind of retools itself every two two or three years and starts over with a new hero that we all need to get behind because they have had a commitment and made a commitment as I spoke on yesterday’s podcast with Trevor Lawrence and Josh Allen and that was a really really good start giving guys second contracts that I think have the characteristics the football character as well as the talent to be cornerstones of this franchise so now we’re going to talk about sustainability and this is a this is a really really big deal when it comes to uh my philosophy of how you remain relevant now we’re led by a coaching Doug Peterson that won a Super Bowl in 2017 I don’t even think they made the playoffs in 2018 and then he got fired eventually and you you you ask yourself like wig how can we talk about sustainability when the guy that won it actually won it with a backup quarterback and in really like a magical magical season the Eagles have been very very consistent as an organization over the years they’ve had some down years but for the most part the Eagles starting with Andy Reid where dug Peterson was an assistant coach constantly kept getting to the championship game and then Andy Reid and Doug Peterson and that crew they went to Kansas City they were constantly in the playoffs with Alex Smith and then once they got the great player the Chiefs have sort of turned that thing around and now they won multiple championships and Andy Reid is rightfully sitting up there with the greatest coaches of all time because he crowned himself with the championship but the one thing you can say about them is they have always been relative and they’re relevant and they’ve always been present when it comes to being in that last group of six seven eight teams another team that has pretty much done that for the last almost two decades is the Baltimore Ravens they have sustained Excellence consistency in their coaching staff sometimes they make it sometimes they don’t but they seem like they are always around the Pittsburgh Steelers maybe not the last five or six years but for the most part in their entire existence we have seen them constantly always being in place this is why I always thought it was so important for the Jaguars to figure out who their Foundation was and who are the guys that they’re willing to build around to elevate this franchise and we can argue back and forth all day of whether or not you think Trevor Lawrence on one side of the ball and Josh Allen on the other side of of the ball is enough we think they’re enough the Jaguars think they’re enough and I think the benefit of the doubt based on the way that those guys have played regardless of what people think should be enough to have everyone think that they’re enough now I want to ask you have you ever heard anybody use the word enough that many times if it ain’t enough then that’s okay because I’m going to keep talking about it do you have the goods in order to create a situation where you’re not a one-year wonder where you’re sustained and you have sustained effort and sustained consistency that allows you to cre create an identity and it allows you to to understand it’s like a computer program if you do the same things all the time then the same thing going to be done all the time out of repetition right and that repetition is always important when it comes to talking about being consistent and being present and being around you can’t win a championship if you don’t make the playoffs you you can’t compete with teams if you don’t compete with teams consistently I think back to the Indianapolis coach and I know anybody around here doesn’t want to talk about the coach there in our division but the thing is is Tony duny and pton Manning and Tom Moore and and and Marvin Harrison and Dwight Frey don’t they hung around man they hung around for almost a decade maybe even a decade and they just kept chipping away now much to their you know dismay they had to constantly run into a team that was right smack in the middle of a dynasty in the New England Patriots but still they were they managed to get one and that’s what we’re talking about how do you get that one sometimes in order to get that one you got to be around a little bit so here’s what I’m going to tell you today I think the Jaguars are set up really really nice to start this consistency now it it took a little bit of a hiccup last year this argument and this whole debate would sound even better if they would have been coming off of two AFC championships and two consecutive playoff appearances but that didn’t happen but still all is not gone okay we’re just going to chalk last year in the way that last year ended up as just a little bit of a bad Omen and and and Murphy’s Law and Trevor twisting his foot and things going the way and a drop ball here and a drop ball there but they went into week 18 having to win in order to win the division so I don’t think it’s a total step backwards from this process and that’s why I’m going to keep talking about it the way it is I think one of the biggest keys that I feel this way is I think they have Ryan nson and Ryan Nielson staff on defense there’s a problem though I think Ryan Nielson is so good that when the Jaguars improved this year and the defense actually plays better every single time they stick that microphone in his face it is an absolute resume going out to talk to other teams so I’ll tell you why Ryan Nielson could be the gift and the curse to this team because I don’t think he’s going to be here that long in fact I don’t think he’s gonna be here past this year because I think somebody maybe the team in Louisiana is going to hire him as their head coach I’m going to tell you why that could be problematic but for us it won’t because there’s somebody else on staff that I think can continue what Ryan neelson will start this year and his name is Chris Richard we’ll talk about both of them and their impact on the Jacksonville Jaguars in the immediate future as well as the long-term future where I hope that they have a decade of success that are enables them to put themselves in position to to to win maybe one maybe two or whatever but let’s get the first base first we’ll talk about that in just a second here on locko and jaguars but first I want to tell you about today’s sponsor and that is FanDuel you know what summertime means right I hope you caught your parlay last night I hope you had the Celtics winning this thing but now it’s time for baseball that’s right baseball is in full swing and teams are really really understanding who the bullpen is who the middle relievers are and guys are really really starting to hit the ball out of the park so right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet on everything from how many home runs someone hits uh what pitcher is going to do what I’m telling you man you can get all of this information on FanDuel especially with baseball man anytime the Yankees and the Red Sox play fireworks are going to happen so make sure you’re in place to win you some scrill on that visit fanduel.com lockon and add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel is America’s number one sports book and it’s time for baseball all right second segment here on lock on Jaguars talked about why the Boston cel made me think about the Jacksonville Jaguars so what I’ve done is I’ve started to anytime I see a sports franchise in whatever Sport and I see the Euphoria of the fans and I sit and think like damn man I wish I could see the Duvall people go through that I whether you listen to the Jaguars this particular podcast or not the Jaguars have some of the really really good fans man and and they mean good sometimes they get mad at people that do this for a living that don’t say what they want them to say but it’s all about the passion and we get it and I understand it and if you don’t you probably need to understand it but this team has never won anything unlike those Celtics fans that have won 18 more championships in the NBA than anybody this was almost a feeling like they wanted to you know bring get the world back in order right with Boston holding a trophy I got a news flash for you the last time they did that was 18 years ago and while it is different and while tradition does mean something 18 years is a long time for somebody to be able to just go back to 2006 and tell yourself that if somebody asked you in 2006 would you think the Jaguars would win a Super Bowl by 2024 and most people would say yeah that’s a long time so tradition doesn’t have anything to do with it there’s all you know how you change tradition let me tell you something I saw Tampa Bay in those ugly orange uniforms and since then the Bucks have won two Super Bowls I saw New England I remember the Patriots with the little man hiking the ball the Center hiking the ball on the helmet he didn’t even have a helmet on and he was on the helmet hiking the ball I remember the snowplow in New England and they were the laughing stock of the league and now they have a tradition of winning because of what happened over the last two decades all you got to do is just do it one time and you change everything ask New Orleans team that I mentioned in round uh in in the first segment shout out to Ross Jackson covers the New Orleans Saints for locked on Saints and uh he’ll be very happy to hear that I’m almost firing Dennis Allen and making Ryan neelson the coach because Ryan neelson one of the people when I did my research to find out who Ryan neelson was and what he was all about is I talked to Ross and Ross told me you’re gonna love him people’s here he told me people in New Orleans still love him they still talk about him and when you got when you have a guy like that that has those love ties to a community and that particular team has a problem with their coaching staff or a perceived problem with their coaching staff you know what they’re going to do they’re going to bring back somebody that’s familiar but that guy has to do a good job first this is me making a declaration that Ryan neelson is going to do a fabulous job for this team this year and have that defense as a top six top seven defense in the National Football League I wholeheartedly believe that feel that way so then you’d say well damn wig you’re talking about consistency you’re talking about having people together you’re talking about having the right situation in place for years and years to come I think about the Chiefs and I think about Coach spagnolo who may or may not get another chance to be a head coach so they’re lucky to have him right there in place and they don’t lose consistency and credibility in their staff I get it and the reason I feel this way is because of neel’s ability uh to to improve teams wherever he’s gone uh for him to to sort of the way that they’ve built their staff with guys that understand his workflow and the and the way that they have built his staff with people that are likeminded his leadership ability his ability to communicate and explain things to us in layman’s terms and the fact that he leads with putting guys in a position to win this is why I am so optimistic about this year’s Jaguars team I think he’s going to get the absolute most out of these players and he’s going to get it where those players are going to be in a position to be at their very very best so if he’s only here for one year after the Jaguars make a decent 12 or 13 win run into the playoffs how does that help consistency I’ll tell you how because the Jaguars also interviewed Chris Richard as the defense coordinator he’s been a guy who’s a defensive back coach here in Jacksonville who they actually hired in that position I get the same feels when I hear Chris Richard with his intensity the way he speaks and talks and Ryan neelson and Chris Richard are extremely familiar with each other so I think what the Jaguars have done is build the type of staff that if if they do lose a defensive coach you already have an incumbent that is on the team that they can move into that position and that sounds a lot like the Baltimore Ravens because they are known to do that the Ravens got coaches spread all across the league man and they got them in they got him in in Seattle as the head coach Jim Harbaugh came in and took his some of his brother John Harbaugh’s people and even took people lot of the organization but I guarantee you nobody out there thinks or believes that the Ravens are all of a sudden going stop doing what the Ravens have all always done and that is because not only do they have development within their players they have development within their coaches they have a lot of coaches that have spread out around the league that understand the Baltimore way now the Jaguars don’t have that with a lot of coaches because first of all the Jaguars haven’t had a quote unquote Jaguar way of doing things so they had to basically put it on this year’s roster I think there’s enough on this year’s roster and I know some people out there tripping saying and then we’re going to talk about this in segment three we got enough blue sky this year and enough stuff this year to worry about wait why you skipping ahead because I’m a macro thinker and in order to be a macro thinker you have to be a fool to understand that if or to not understand that if the Jaguars improve and get better that there’s going to be a natural reaction from people around the league and they’re going to be looking for that next guy so if we have attrition which is based off of success that means there has to be a plan in place for the Jacksonville Jaguars to continue to have consistency in case those things happen you have to know what comes with success what comes with success is you got to pay players more money but the thing that folks don’t always think about is the consistency of the coaching staff after you start having people leave I can’t sit here in good you know good intention and tell you how good I think Ryan neelson is going to be and how important that is that we have consistency in our coaching staff to have long-term and sustained success I would not be uh doing you a good service if I didn’t tell you about that and then also mention this other little thing that comes with it uh oh by the way if we actually do get as good as I think we’re going to be and if we actually get as good as I think we’re going to be and it’s because of a young energetic smart Great Communicator coach that has these leadership qualities that but we might lose him so that’s why I’m giving you a little bit of a an off-ramp and a safe landing to say but there’s something that can be done about it if you’re tired of all the yelling and screaming when you turn on ESPN on your TV or Fox Sports then no need to turn the volume down when all the screaming starts you can put your TV on mute and you’re going to still hear it make the switch to locked on sports today a free 24/7 Sports streaming Channel program for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day I’m gonna explain why even though we’re looking ahead we actually have to stay in the moment and be present because the thing that I’m talking about the Jaguars doing they actually haven’t done it yet and that’s the risk you take sometimes when you’re trying to actually make people see the bigger picture they have to see what’s right in front of them there’s some things that could derail them this year but there’s also some things that we we don’t talk about very much and that is the IE word guys getting hurt injuries but do they have enough depth do they have enough role players and how can the Jaguars make sure that they all stay present in and and focus on what the big picture is for this team I’ll tell you about it in just a second here in the third and final segment on lock on Jaguars thank you for joining us here third and final segment on lock on Jaguars I talked about how the Celtics made me automatically think about the Jacksonville Jaguars because I love whenever I see success I like to imagine the team that I cover here in Jacksonville the city that I love so much I imagine the great fans here having that experience all right we also talked about Ryan neel’s impact and if the impact is too good how that might mean that it makes a little bit more difficult to have sustained Excellence here’s what I want the Jaguars to do last off season we got upset because the Jaguars appeared to be saying okay now we’re good we’re going to just develop the guys that we’re on we have we like our team all of those things were cool the fact that they loved their team the fact that they knew that they had to develop players and they a lot of the second year guys that didn’t play last year are going to be asked to be very critical um contributors this season with the Jaguars so now we’re going to say how can they be present well I thought they made a mistake of looking ahead too much and forgetting about one key thing and that is competition this thing doesn’t lift itself you need competition competition creates friction which creates bust ability which creates propulsion I guess somebody did pay attention in in science class and that was me maybe I just like that a little bit because I had to do a uh I did a once I did a a book report on uh combustion and propulsion uh for lifting up airan airplanes and I have always used that as an example because everything has to have its own identity and everything has to happen when it is supposed to happen that means being present that means doing your job right that means focusing on right now and Brian neelson or any other coach they can’t get to that level of success without the hard work and the day-to-day the day-to-day micromanagement and the day-to-day overseeing of this program and if you listen to Ryan neelson talk that’s exactly what I think you’re gonna get and if you listen to Chris Richard talk there’s like I I heard a interview that Chris Richard did Brother there was no nonsense ain’t no fluff you ask him a question he is going to answer the question and if you try to throw any leading information in there that tries to lead him a certain way he’s going to tell you I don’t know about that I’m just talk about what you ask me and this is what you ask me or we don’t worry about that and what I call that is I call that being present I don’t call that being rude I don’t call that being combative or confrontational what it is is we got to make sure that we keep the main thing the main thing I have heard that since I was a little kid keep the main thing the main thing it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have other stuff that you have to focus on like injuries like next man up like somebody pouting every now and then like maybe a player who needs a little act right and and like for instance I’ll give you another good example last year I was watching the team that ended up winning the championship in the Chiefs and I saw some games and I was like there ain’t no way that’s a championship football team no way impossible and guess what they stayed present and they got it all together and got to the playoffs and a team like that is very dangerous once you put them in a very familiar situation especially when they’re playing teams that that aren’t very familiar so being present means the Jaguars have to uh learn how to be in familiar territory that familiar territory is being competitive in these games and being competitive in the fourth quarter and being a team that learns how to win once you are in that situation and you understand it’s not going to be luck over the last two years we saw the Jaguars win games that they weren’t supposed to and then lose games that they weren’t supposed to lose once we get to the point where this team understands every single thing that they have to do to win you’ll notice that they’ll start it’s like a recipe they’ll start having that little bit of DNA they’ll sprinkle a little bit of this and sprinkle a little that and they’ll know the exact recipe that they need in order to win games that is what we call a football identity that is what we call culture but that isn’t built by looking ahead the way that I have decided to do because I’m not in a locker room that is built Brick by Brick by Brick do they have the right coaches as communicators yes do they have a people that can identify and change things and fix things right where they need to be fixed sure they do and one of the ways that they’ve been able to do that is to increase the personnel and not do what they did last year and just rest on the starters and think that their team was good guys are going to have to be fighting for their lives and their minutes now I was on the phone with my man Sam this morning and we were talking about Drew holiday and we had two different perspectives on how Drew holiday is a really really good number three he’s a really really good number three player and he could be a number two player at any moment but when he does that the next man up has to be just as good as him or he’ll be viewed as a guy who’s a failure because having Drew holiday as your number three means that when you replace your number two with Drew holiday then you have to replace Drew holiday with somebody who can be a good number three and sometimes times that doesn’t happen and the Jaguars I think kind of learned their lesson they’ve gone a little bit overload on the defensive line they’ve got extra linebacker help they have more receivers than than balls when people are considering guys for Fantasy Football they’re talking about the third and fourth receiver here now and thinking that he’s going to have a good year the keys to this team is they got to F make sure the offensive line is as good as they think it is and they have to make sure that they have enough de in the defensive back field that they can sustain guys getting banged up because everyone in the league knows guys get banged up so it’s going to be a key for me to make sure that the Jacksonville Jaguars stay pres stay stay in constant competition fight for everything fight for everything learn your roles do your job trust your teammates and all of this I think starts and stops with the things that I’ve heard heard from Ryan neelson and Chris Richard so do it today don’t worry about the fact that you may lose a coach here down the line but they still do currently have I think a structure to where once success comes and once success starts to happen the players are young enough the players are under contract they’ll start taking ownership of the team and then they have a familiar Voice who I think is also where Ryan neelon was a couple of years ago when he was just the position coach I think Chris Richard is going to be that bridge that allows the Jaguars to at least have a few years of this sustained excellence and then learn how to replace coaches with other coaches because once they get good that is going to be something that they need to do but in order to do that you first have to have a culture you first have to have have an identity and I think it starts the hiring of Ryan neelson and the hiring of Chris Richards and they can come together and get this thing the way that it’s supposed to be another thing that can happen man you can check me out and all of us here at locked on you can check us out on locked on sports today remember to make that switch to locked on sports today it’s a free 247 sports streaming Channel program for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all of the rigar roll and yelling and screaming locked on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every every day also thank you again for making me your first listen here every day on lock on Jaguars for your Jaguars coverage to my veterans around the world that our Jaguar fans are and aren’t home check us out I give you a little Touch of Home and let you know what’s going on a little quick weather report it’s about 86 outside today so if you if you’re somewhere where it’s cold and raining and gloomy hey you just got a little bit of sunshine coming through your Airwaves all right until tomorrow man make sure you guys take care of each other we’ll continue to bring you Jaguars coverage that you want and desire so much here on locked on Jaguars Until the End y’all take care of each other and I’ll do the same

Watching the NBA Playoffs reminded me of something we have discussed on Locked On Jaguars for a few years: How the team should be built to compete for a decade under Trevor Lawrence. Also, how just being competitive allows teams to chip away the obstacles that get them closer to a title like the Boston Celtics did. We explain the parallels and different challenges an NFL team has to be able to be that patient.

One thing is for certain. Keeping defensive Coordinator Ryan Nielsen might be the biggest challenge to get to that point.

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