Minnesota Twins have its best 1-2 punch in Royce Lewis-Carlos Correa since…

Minnesota Twins have its best 1-2 punch in Royce Lewis-Carlos Correa since…

it’s the score North Twin shell little Trevor ploof Tuesday edition of the scor North Twin show we also see the twins are on the grid so I think we’ll do that tomorrow twins on the grid this week we got coach Trev in the house the sports dad Jud zulgad dressing up with a collared shirt today trying to look really sharp you know twins haven’t lost in a week so Jud puts on the college shirt and then our resident beat podcaster Dean in the clubhouse on a regular base I told Dex I had a a Carlos Korean nugget to throw at coach Trev but I actually I have a royce Lewis nugget we had this like wonderful Royce Lewis appreciation episode last week and then he goes and does even more so two fun Royce Lewis stats for you coach Trev only five games in which he has played in has he not hit a home run so far this year and if you take if you take his Pace # Pace that he’s playing at and extrapolate it to 162 games here’s what Royce Lewis’s statistics would be at this current Pace 94 home runs 148 runs driven in and 162 runs scored with a400 Ops Barry Bonds move aside I like that sounds good I I feel like the RBI should probably be a little higher when you’re hitting 94 home runs but maybe that’s the rest of the offense to focus on he’s poaching too many solo homers late in games maybe maybe we can criticize him for that yes and then Carlos kareah probably the hottest stretch of his career too um he’s got the season average up to 308 which would be if the season ended today it’ be his second highest batting average his second highest on base percentage and I think his third highest OPS plus the standard defense you see at shortstop I mean dean brought it up the other day is this the best one two punch since the Mau morno era when you guys all played together back in the day I mean have we see I mean Nelson Cruz plus whoever was a nice run I mean right now the way they’re going yeah I mean it’s it’s up there for sure I mean obviously there’s spurts of certain guys uh together but I think we need to see it more consistently too I mean how many games has Royce played 12 yes 12 games so far that seems crazy to me he’s played 12 games um yeah we need to see it for a little bit longer but it sure seems like especially if Korea continues to do what he’s doing he made some good adjustments and obviously he’s reaping the benefits of that I mean this is exactly what the twins have needed I mean some offensive Firepower and then you know as you start looking ahead to like the deadline which is six weeks away like what can you put with those guys and then you start to think about okay like where are we at you know as an organization in 2024 I I there’s potential here guys and I don’t know if it’s just because we’re playing the Colorado Rockies and the Oakland A Y and get they’re 0 and 14 against the teams they’re slow that roll just a little bit not too much I was I I was I was just about to bring it down you beat me to it because I’m looking at the schedule and results I’m looking you know okay they’re over 500 every single month and you look up at an uh 0 and six against the Yankees 0 and five against Cleveland 0 and three against Baltimore that’s not great so just just avoid those teams though in October you’re fine yeah exactly right we opt to Play We opt to play let’s see here we’ll play the A’s again first round okay so uh A’s white socks so coach Trev Korea in June 14 games 431 453 655 four home runs 16 RB he is on track for one of the greatest Junes in twins history but let me give you another great June June of 2012 certain third basem for the twins 32 7 391 735 11 home runs and 21 runs driven in in in 26 games Trevor plof Take a Bow again man that was quite a month that one month got me my entire career so that’s really like that monthe it was in the big leagues man who cares that’s awesome no I love it no he’s oh he’s been great and and uh glean put out a great um stat the other day it was like he was hitting 247 and in 11 games 12 games he’s at 308 third in the AL in batting average and it could happen just like that man so but but I think for Carlos like I mentioned like he he made some mechanical adjustments you know worked on some things I didn’t know that he had a 315 in the bag though you had to go back to 2017 for that so say what you will about all of that yeah um but no Carlos having him I always said you know even before he was doing this having him on the field is so valuable to the twins you know what he brings defensively what he brings in the club outs but then you had this offensive streak and this if he looks like this or even a semblance of this for the rest of the year I mean that is exactly what the doctor ordered was your guy and your guy talking Jake too was taking credit because ever since the handshake that took place at Yankee Stadium and then that explosion that happened with Carlos cares your boy Jake taking a little bit of credit here our friend too by the way he’s been on the show yeah your friend so we always are uh kind of like uh T it around like Astros um because you know a lot of we got a lot of views talking about the Astros and our guy Jimmy johnboy put out that video that really kind of broke everything open now there was already an article written about it like Ken rosenal and Elvin drich they put the article out about the 2017 Astros um but then when Jimmy put the video out and put the audio and synced it up and you could actually hear these bangs it went it went crazy so there’s always this large section of Astros fans that like just hate us just just because they think we did this when in reality the article was already so like a lot of the players in the team were always like what are they going to react to us like how are they going to react to us and um I think I get away with that because I’m I know the guys and I played against them and if they wanted to say anything I could say well dude I played against you twice that year so you know F off um but Jimmy and Jake are always a little scared so when Carlos came over I think Jake was like how’s this going to how’s this going to work and Carlos is a great guy and it was an awesome interaction but it did just so happen to coincide with a homer off of strowman which I think was really the thing that got him going if you want to bring it back to kareah and what he’s doing I think that home run really got him going using the opposite field like that feeling hands inside the ball letting it travel a little bit more because he was getting the front hip I even mentioned on the broadcast before he started to go off the front hip was going so um I’m happy for him man have you so have you felt that did have you did you have like an uncomfortable tension with him before you before he became a twin and before you started doing stuff I mean working for B did you guys ever have to have like a like an uncomfortable conversation or anything no I I don’t think so because I you know again I I was there I I played against them so I I didn’t reap the benefits I re the other side of that you know we I played against them with the A’s and the Rays that year and if you go back like they’re in those games like it definitely happened so yeah look I I’ve said I’ll stand by everything that I’ve said about that situation so I have no problem with it um but when you’re in the media game as you guys know like there are times like Jace Tingler I went off on Jay Tingler when he said you know we talked about tatis swinging three 0 I was like what like what are you talking about and I already had like a bad taste in my mouth because I was with the Rangers in spring training I thought they treated me unfairly and Jace was like you know I don’t know what he was the time he was someone high up in the Rangers organization there and um so like I went off on jaase when all that tatis stuff went down yeah and then you know I come in the fold and now Jay is here and like you know we ever actually had a talk I don’t even know if he saw any of the stuff that I said about him U but now him and I have you know we have a great relationship I think it’s all about putting yourself out there like I’m not afraid to go up and talk to anybody if you got something to say to me I want to be there I think that’s so important and uh seeing Dex in there like if he says anything he’s in Clubhouse and guys can come approach him and I think it’s important to do that so I don’t I don’t worry about any of that stuff and ORD like they’re not going to punch decks they just want to they just they you guys do respect when someone mentally they might punch them mentally they might might stare him down you never know about that I I I’ve told these guys the story this you know when I covered you guys from like 2010 through 12 13 and uh luk Hughes came up and we had a great relationship at least I thought we did um and he I think we do I he came up during spring training and he was like hey what’s the deal with your co-host on the radio that Roose guy and I was like oh uh Pat Patrick Roy he goes like he shouldn’t be allowed in here he’s just ripping Us in the newspaper all he does is spew negativity is this pretty good Australian accent I was gonna say kind of got him down right there yeah uh he’s got his like cut off jean shorts on and his whatever his little tight poloo and uh and I said well here’s the thing if you come out and you hit like 285 with 27 home runs this year in the big leagues he will write positive things about you or like he’ll stop ripping you as being a quad a player you get to sort of dictate by the way you play now sometimes guys like Jason Tatum found this out in Boston he can be one of the five best players in the NBA and people are still just trashing him for everything he says but I said yeah he’s going to be here longer than you and you get to dictate what he writes if you perform on yeah you got a good point okay I guess you got a good point but they like they just want to see you walk around the clubhouse and you know if they want I think that’s it I think guys understand that and I and I make it a point to tell all the young players like if you’re going to sit up here and boast your chest when you’re going off and you want to be in front of the reporters you better get your ass in front of your locker when things aren’t going right and talk to somebody that’s really the only thing that fans want media wants but I I think it works both ways like if you’re going to cover the team and and kind of I think you need to show up every once in a while you need to get give guys some face to face time and I try to do that so like that’s what I’ll do I’ll go to dogter stadium and I’ll just hang out at BP I won’t even go to the game so I go go to BP I’ll stay for two innings in leag because I don’t want to deal with the traffic but I’ll make myself available like I’ve roasted usually for me it’s managers I don’t go in on players too often I think I’m maybe one day I’ll get there um I try to be as positive as possible of players but managers all roast and so like the Cardinals came in town and I’ve I’ve crushed Ali maral many times on our show and like I went out there I again I don’t know if he ever sees any of the stuff but I went out there and I stood out there and I’m waiting for him to say something to me like I’m I’m not like a shying away for it but I think it’s I don’t know it’s just something that I feel like I want to do and have to do I think the Smart Ones don’t consume a ton like I I don’t think there’s an upside and plus now there’s so many podcasts and TV shows and like newspaper I when I cover the Vikings back in the day the only thing that football players paid attention to essentially was National shows ESPN in particular like you could torch them in the paper they didn’t read it so they they didn’t know like you can write this guy this guy’s an absolute bust and they’d be like oh what’s going on but if you went on like any ESPN show and said I don’t know about this guy they would hunt you down so like that’s the one thing uh Trev so it’s weird because like right right now I think that there is genuine cause for optimism the team’s playing great to your point they scoring a ton of runs but how do what do you make of th this team because this seems to be one of the weirdest years like if if it was you know a bad start followed by a hot spurt and then that continued but when we’re talking about 0 and4 against a collection of teams but then they’re beating up on teams and they have beaten some good teams what do you make of this team if I’m being completely honest I think they’re um a fairly average team if when you’re comparing them to you know quote unquote you know I don’t know I want call them the big boys but you’re talking about like the Phillies you’re talking about the Yankees you’re talking about the Orioles I think the depth is just a little bit different now in saying that there’s a lot of really really good pieces on this team I think the bullpen can compete with anybody I really do I think there’s like unsung heroes out there like a stalon and Alcala like they can really shine in the like you give those guys The Rock in the playoffs like that those are the difference makers um I think offensively we got some some weapons I think starting pitching to me is like is it dominant like not really I wouldn’t say that we really have a dominant guy on the hill A True True Ace you want to give Pablo that you want to say Joe Ryan has flashes of that but are you gonna put that on them I I don’t think so so I think the pitching is it can be good enough if the guy right guys get I think offensively there needs to be some upgrades and I think the roster like it could they could become a Bonafide World Series Contender if the right pieces are put into place as it stands right now like I’m just objectively looking at rosters and comparing them could it happen because it’s baseball sure but you’re not going to put them on the same level as the Yankees as the Orioles I mean the Guardians have wiped the floor with them so far this year I would I would actually probably put them on the same level as the Guardians I just don’t understand why that always happens but I I I think there needs to be additions if this is going to be a team that you’re saying okay we’re gonna get to the playoffs and now we actually want to like go deep into the playoffs I think there needs to be additions and and they have the prospects and they have the player Capital to do it like it are they going to pull the trigger like it’s kind of the big question right Dex do you want to throw out the let’s do it is this is this spe the Jim Bowden thing I think time to do this this this got a lot of attention naturally on our Twitter feed but Jim Bon of the athletic he put out like five trades he wants to see this year by the deadline and he threw out Pete Alonzo to the twins for the cost of Alex kiroff who just got sent down but still a lot of upside there maybe and two Top 10 Prospects Luke Kershaw I believe it’s how it’s pronounced khaw K keaw was the number 10 Prospect who’s having a hell of a year and then David Festa who has crazy strikeout numbers with the Saints probably will see him in a twins uniform or a major league uniform at some point this year for a rental in pet Alonzo would you pull the trigger on that Trev no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t and the twins aren’t going to do that either no I think the Mets would love this trade I think the Mets would love it too I I think I’ve heard them talk about Festa enough to know that like they’re not going to do that trade now I do think they could draw from that Talent you’re talking about Alex kof Matt wall ER even even like the Trevor lck of the world like guys that have years of control and have proven that they have the ability to do it at the major leue level like those are very viable trade chips even if the numbers are down this year teams there’s so many metrics out there the data is out there the statistics aren’t always going to tell you everything that’s what they’ll say so they can Bank on and they love the years of control so I think they can go out and get somebody to be an offensive upgrade I think Pete Lonzo is almost like too much of a name and probably will all you know too much from their Prospect pool to to to come to Minnesota so I wouldn’t do that trade either because I I think I I want to see fesa number one I’ve never even seen this guy pitch I’m like notoriously not a prospect guy like I could care less about pretty much any Prospect uh but I know them talking about I’m like and and and the Pitcher is a little bit different for me you know you you get those guys and if they’re good and you’re only paying them a league minimum that just helps your roster out so much so I don’t think that’ll work I I do think like a JD Martinez would be awesome uh and that’s like basically getting Pete Alonzo but that’s a you know Pete Alonzo at home even though JD Martinez has had a much better career than pet Alonzo but at this point in his career he’s gonna cost less so I an offensive upgrade has to come like you need to put somebody there um I just don’t think it’s gonna be Pete not for that price yeah the other name you threw Vlad Jr out like a month ago just for fun um I mean the the weird thing about him is so his power numbers have dropped for four straight years what’s your what’s your I mean the name Vlad Jr is is one thing but then you look at his peak in 2021 as a 22y old and it’s just been this kind of a decline since then we we I I’ve talked about him quite a bit uh on some of my shows and I I think we we unfairly will just you know Crown guys um you know a young guy puts up that kind of season it’s hard not to yeah but you mentioned like the rest of his seasons are all around 770 Ops you know 780 Ops and like that’s a fine player at the major league level but we’re we’re talking we were anointing him future Hall of fam or perennial MVP candidate now he’s come on really well as of late you mentioned the power numbers are down like he’s been hitting the ball well I don’t know what the Blue Jays are going to do they’re in such a there’s so many teams in such a weird State um that they’re stuck in are we contenders or are we like you know just here because of the extra wild card I think that’s that’s been the biggest change in Major League Baseball is if you look at the national league there’s a bunch of crappy teams that are within a game of the wild card so like they’re like they all these teams have to make this really tough decision whether stand Pat sell or buy um I think there’s what there’s like five teams that are clear Sellers and the rest of them are like N I don’t know what we’re gonna do the twins could sell would it surprise you if the T sold off a little bit wouldn’t surprise me at all PR is gone though this this year for them um do they I mean care about that care too much about that yeah I mean that’s an so what what Ty type of trade Trevor what what are we talking about when when you look at the current Twins roster and say okay average team not with the big boys not a terrible team what raises the water table trade-wise potentially as far as positions go probably where you where you would say okay this takes them from an average team to if they get to October which they very well might they can actually play with the Yankees the O’s teams like that it’s a corner bat I think whether at first base or left field like those are the two positions I think that could easily be upgraded there’s a lot of guys like that available um names off the top of my head I mean Josh Bell Marlins are going to sell like could he be a fit switch hitter uh I mean Santana’s been playing so good lately too so it’s hard to like talk about that right now um I guess it’s just a bat you want depth like lineup depth when you look at the teams at the top there you just like the Orioles man it’s Relentless it’s Relentless even when we play the Yankees you see it like they might not have the power up and down the lineup but those guys at the bottom lineup are putting it together like pretty good at bats and the twins like sneaky kind of have lineup depth if you look I believe right now without Royce Lewis because he hasn’t qualified I think they have seven guys with Ops pluses over a 100 which is like pretty pretty dang good but I I think like a power Corner bat and like we like sort of have those guys like walner could be that girof could be that L could be that but do you want like a maybe a right-handed or a tried and true guy uh coming to do that I I mean that’s kind of what I see them going but I also see them standing Pat and just kind of you gota wonder too do they look at how many how many chips do you want to take off future poker tables to to help this year’s game so to speak or do you look and say man this is we have some loaded especially some of these Outfield bats we have in our system that if we just if we look at let’s do what we can this year let’s get in as a wild card team maybe win a series again and then next year through 2027 full year of reyce Lewis Etc I just it’s hard to know what they’re thinking are they willing to do I mean maybe it’s not for Pete Alonzo but are they willing to give up two Top 10 Prospects and a kiroff or a walner or someone who’s been in the big leagues for like a rental I I’m with Trevor I think it would have you’d have to have some team control attached if you’re going to give up a couple of Top 10 Prospects I think you have to weigh like okay Jose mandez a 792 Ops guy right now now are you banking on him to be that guy the rest of the season Carlos an has really turned it on are you banking on him being your everyday first baseman for the rest of the season is he going to be that guy you have to think about stuff like that because you can’t really let you know a two three four week stretch kind of like affect your your thought process yeah but if Santana’s coming off the bench because you have a stud JD Martinez that you brought in and now you’re in October and you’ve got you know this veteran bat coming in against a heat throwing reliever like that now you have depth so yeah I think that’s an interesting part of all this is because the twins like to pinch hit so much like and I don’t think they’ve been particularly good at it I I okay so I didn’t know the numbers just eye test not great right so I think that is somewhere where you could look okay who who are some guys out there that you know can come off the bench and give you good at bets like it’s it’s not an easy thing to do so you have to really be selective in the guys that you bring over but you know I love my guy farmer and you know like there’s a place for him in the big league somewhere but I think the way he’s being utilized right now is not good for him so like depth pieces on the bench or another way they they could go yeah it’s tough hey before more speed and stuff like you know there’s just these championship teams start to nitpick and start to find little different ways to separate themselves yep before we get into a couple other things here including uh Trevor pushing a new nickname for Target Field on the public a shout out to our friends at the St Paul Saints so there’s some some good players we mentioned Mount walner is red hot right now there’s a there’s a couple arms Festa is just striking everybody out there’s some fun players to watch at the St Paul Saints game CHS field every Thursday is thirsty Thursday featuring $2 beers two for one seltzers Sundays are family days at the park um also admission into the city of baseball museum is free during all St Paul Saints games so tickets in full schedule at Saints baseball.com Saints baseball.com and our friends at redcow are really good at making delicious food and pouring delicious adult beverages six locations in the Twin Cities there’s five and then one in Rochester in fact later this week we’re going to be doing a purple over beers episode for purple daily at the Uptown location um at a day in time to be kept secret so we can post it on the YouTube channel at some point but you’ll probably see us if you happen to be there pounding award-winning double barrel burgers and cheese curds and chips and dip and you name it plus plus 36 beers on tap local bruise craft cocktails belly up at the bar where there’s a line of TVs for sports viewing Red Cow five locations in the Twin Cities and one in Rochester Dex where do you want to go yeah let’s uh let’s go down this path of the lake here Trev so I I I noticed you you mentioned this that maybe we should call Target Field the lake which is interesting they got the Pontoon now out there which is one of their new additions above uh kind of the Home Run porch where do we go where do we go how else do we Market this as the lake see that’s the thing everyone’s like well there’s not even a water feature like how could we call this thing to L tax taxpayers we need we need some we got to work on that you know what I think right field go go old school kamsky park that bvec had showers so on a hot day you could pull the water and it would come down and refresh you how about that for the lake wow the lake I don’t mind that like a little dock leading out to there okay that’s awesome we have a ponon out there right now don’t we so you know also I feel like they’ve they’ve renovated wri field about a 100 times in 14 years what if we just put a body of water out there and a couple LIF guards now is perfect for that I’m that’s where they wrote that in a lineup tweet one day like Hey we’re wearing they keep saying drip all the time not too much drip guys just relax right um marketing meeting yeah at the lake that makes that makes a lot of sense to call the lake like um and then uh I got a call from Dustin Morse PR extraordinaire um and he’s like well I don’t think target would be too happy about that and I said well they’d have to buy into it dude they they’ have to call it like Target like targets the lake so because we because we were yeah so instead of calling it Target they’d be losing out on some name Dustin Dustin Dustin no Trevor’s on to something this is a great idea now first of all first of all they introduced this because of the city connect jerseys like you wouldn’t have mention this without that so they went down this path and and it’s still Target Field but you could have Lake days on the city connect days right you advocate for this this is a great idea I I think it’s awesome teams need to understand that people want to be entertained and it’s not always always about the product on the field as much as it is about the product on the field like going to a ball game should like it it’s more than that dude and you want it to be more than that that’s how you’re going to continue to draw people in especially in Minnesota they love the summertime they want something to do they want to be outside so baseball has that part of the Year locked down right someone brought this up to me on Twitter said what about the lake house so I’m like kind of torn between the lake and the lake lake house I think they’re both pretty good um the Lake’s a little cleaner to me yeah uh but here’s my idea so I want everyone to put this out there Marlin stadium whatever it’s called now used to be a fun house and I didn’t really appreciate it at the time I said what that thing is so ugly in left center field then they took it away and it’s the place looks stale it looks like a i there’s no there’s nothing there right so I I miss that plus if you guys remember what they had behind the plate they have the aquarium that’s also gone now I think we might need to bring the aquarium put some Pike in there have it rolling around in the back like a freshwater aquarium like think about that behind the plate like this is what we need to dig into as an industry across the board we got to get more creative with what we’re we’re bringing to the table because you know we don’t want to lose fans we want to bring in more people that’s the point right well how do you do that well you got to make it entertaining so I’m in for it I’m just backing here cuz I think first of all I vote for Trevor uh if you want to run for commissioner whatever like vote for Trevor you know the the Astros used to have a hideous mound in play in their Outfield yes when it was Enron field back in the day and there was like a flag pole and you could didn’t Lance burkeman stumble up there one time and make a great ridiculous catch like 20 years ago let’s just put a body of water out in the just just don’t even have it blocked off by anything can you imagine it’s the ninth you to dive into it pop up and you you can you can show the ball actually what what if you Incorporated some type of thing like that just beyond the center field fence yeah like underneath the B what yeah the where the grass grass is how about that and ball Splash at the lake that’s amazing this is this is so good I am so people can be fishing from that is it still called catch or what are we calling the the bar yeah that’s great just dropping a line down there we’re already calling watch out I H to center field I hooked Castro this is out standing as much as we’re having fun with it because this I mean look at how much fun we’re having just talking about it if if they Incorporated some of that stuff I mean look that’s I mean that’s what Minnesota’s about man being out on the lake like every freaking person has a lake house and if they don’t they know somebody yeah and all of it Target okay all of this conversation brought to you by Target whatever Target Field you know the lake your Lake appar Target go go the merchandising alone is worth it I told Dustin that he was a little iffy on it because he thinks in that way but well if you want to go on target why don’t we just do City connect jerseys there are a bunch of red bulls eyes all over the place you know what I thought of I think what’s next throwback Little League Alternatives where every team has a sponsor as their primary Jersey cuz if you guys remember like like when you played right Babe Ruth yep Jordan Ford for me Jordan for I think that’s the next thing juice Bo and everyone gets a juice box and they can sell those suckers and they will sell like crazy and and and you will appeal to this is how it was when you were a kid yeah I mean so that already happens in like I mean soccer the biggest sport in the world that’s what it is you just have a one massive logo on your jersey so like the slippery slope has already been slothed man like we’re here we put patches on NBA’s got him front and center we got him on the sleeve eventually it’ll be that college football is is on the verge of renaming like the the Big 12 is going to be like I don’t even know what the sponsor is but like the State Farm or something ridic the toota Big 12 why does like why why do companies pay so much to for stadium naming rights it like once it’s named something I feel like you just call it that like that’s the problem does anybody call it American Family field in in it’s Miller Park Miller Park if you’re the first if you’re the first one in think about that first San Francisco I don’t even know what is it Monster what do they call the San Francisco to me it’s pacbell is is pacbell even a company anymore be Oracle yeah Oracle it’s Oracle now but it’s had like five names but it’s Pell pacbell stadium in my mind from 2001 you know yeah you have to be first you’re totally right about that if you’re not first you’re out last you’re just ignored but your ideas are fantastic and and tell tell Dave St Peter and Dustin that you’ve got this yeah just tell back off a little bit like yeah just hey guys get the games back on TV I’ll worry about the marketing okay I can’t watch Trev I can never watch You Now sucks I know I we we feel like we’re talking out to the abyss when we’re on we’re broadcasting I saw Dave St Peter um but was before I had the idea so I need to go back and and talk to him there so much we can do with it we we’re gonna get on his calendar iar I don’t know about the pond in play although I like the idea I think we’re gonna get I’ll send you some I’ll send you some oh my God Kepler’s drowning Kepler’s drowning someone throw server how about this how about this we we’re going here the bullpens what do we need like in between home plate and the Pitcher we don’t need anything there so he put a pond in between the pitcher Mount and Home Plate and the bullpen so you’re throwing over a pond Pond I love this who don’t need we don’t and has a little dock a walkway for the for the catcher to get to I think I saw someone posted was it Marcus strowman’s offseason workout Bullpen dock on a dock so the mound is on one end of the dock and then he’s throwing to the other end of the dock you know it’s that could also be a way to do it you’re it’s the whole thing is a body of water and you’re warming up on a dock guys and there’s it’s sponsored by a compy the warning track is a lake and you’re there’s a boat that takes you to the I mean come on there’s endless ideas here all right there is coach Trev Trevor plof Tuesdays here for all your marketing needs you can follow him on social media and find him on johnboy podcast all right dude we’ll see you next week thanks Trav see you see you okay let’s go our twin show

Minnesota Twins have its best 1-2 punch in Royce Lewis-Carlos Correa since Joe Mauer and Justin Morneau; Clubhouse dynamics as a player and outsider; The State of the Twins among the best teams in the AL; Should the Twins pull the trigger on the Pete Alonso trade proposal and what should we add Target Field.

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