Tell me again who deserves the third SS spot for the All Star Game

Been seeing a lot of people saying Seager deserves it over Correa when Correa beats him out in nearly every batting stat currently. All while playing 8 less games.

  1. If things are similar to my post, watch this become a Texas Rangers appreciation thread.

  2. Correa should be in the 3rd spot, but due to missed time, his hot streak being recent, and the general lack of Twins popularity it’s a moot point.

  3. I mean the defending World Series champions SS or the twins SS?

    Obviously Correa should get in over Seager, but it’s not hard to see why he won’t.

    Also the All Star game is at the Rangers home ballpark. You’re being obtuse if you don’t think that plays a role here.

  4. Henderson, Witt, Volpe, Seager, Correa,…

    Correa’s a long shot but because each team is represented, someone who’s deserving is getting left off somewhere.

  5. I’m fairly confident he will get a reserve selection if he keeps producing even at a “regular” C4 level. Fan voting is always wonky as hell and you can’t take it seriously

  6. We all know the All Star game is a popularity contest based on who pundits say are good. Until we start blowing away the Central, ESPN pretends we don’t exist. Welcome to the life of a mid market team.

  7. We don’t live in a state big enough to support an all star vote.

    We need to up these numbers with bots and completely fuck up the algorithm.

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