[GuardsInsider] José Ramírez has been activated off of the Paternity List. Kyle Manzardo has been optioned to AAA Columbus.

[GuardsInsider] José Ramírez has been activated off of the Paternity List. Kyle Manzardo has been optioned to AAA Columbus.

  1. There is no point in having Manzo destroy AAA pitching again when he needs major league ABs

  2. Weird. But I guess if Josh is going to refuse to DH once or twice a week this makes the most sense.

  3. And Arias still gets to stay, what a joke. WHAT DIRT DOES HE HAVE ON THIS ORGANIZATION

  4. I think it’s good he’s going somewhere he will actually get every day at bats but it feels very much like he didn’t get a fair shake at earning his roster spot. Like any rookie would struggle playing every 3-4 days.

  5. The writing was on the wall.

    Damning stats in his 87 plate appearances:
    * 3 BBs and 1 HBP
    * 23 Ks
    * 0 HRs
    * 0.571 OPS
    * 0.207 BA

    Sure, he has an incredible 10 doubles in those few at-bats, but his .571 OPS just isn’t good enough right now. We can debate about playing time and needing consistent at-bats, but he hasn’t done anything in a while to warrant more playtime, imo, certainly not lately.

    Edit to add:

    He’s batting 0.160 this month with a 0.425 OPS.

  6. Guess JRod is going to get a real long and serious look in RF since he is staying up?

  7. Kind of surprising. I guess there’s more flexibility with DH now and Manzardo gets everyday at bats

  8. To all these negative Nancy’s in the comments. I for one am happy they are keeping JRod up here. I want to see what this guy can do and clearly the Front office agrees

  9. I’m sure he will be back up in the pretty near future but a little bit of a disappointing first stint in the bigs. A lot of potential but I can see why they feel he needs a little more seasoning still.

  10. Fry’s continued success since Manzardo’s call-up has created a logjam at the DH spot. Whether you have agreed with their handling of him since the call-up, is certainly best to give him more ABs in AAA right now. He is still only 23, too.

  11. Weird. He passes the eye test at the plate far better than Arias or JRod, in my opinion. Never really got to see him in the field because Josh is never given days at DH. Hope we get him back soon. 

  12. Not a huge surprise. Hes going to mash in AAA again until the next call up. We have to see what John Rod can do. I would like to see him with consistent starts in RF. It’s a position of need right now and the dude crushed AAA pitching. I’d love for John Rod to be an everyday RF hitting for power. Would be a huge boost to this team. I’ve seen enough Will Brennan to not want him taking up any more starts.

  13. Weird to send Manzardo down and keep JRod even though he looked awful in his time up. I don’t think he hit a single ball in the air

  14. A bit surprising, but not upset that Manzardo will get more ABs and JRod will get more of a chance to stick. When guys like Manzardo run through the farm system with plate discipline and fully lose it at big league level, it’s a good sign they could use a refresher imo. Look at Holliday in Baltimore.

    Still wondering what Bo has to do to get the same treatment, but anyway.

  15. Makes sense. They’ve never played Manzardo at first base, so there’s no reason keep a part-time DH who’s hitting .207 if he can play every day for the Clippers

  16. Bit of a log jam at the positions Manzo plays, especially with Fry being scorching hot.

    Sad but not surprising.

    And to everyone who keeps bitching about Arias still being on the team, as a reminder (since this keeps coming up) we don’t exactly have a wealth of options to replace his flexibility in the field. 

  17. Maybe they send Manzardo down to work on his D in other positions. AAA has been moving players all over lately, as if they like the Schneeman model: be able to play anywhere.

  18. I understand the move but he needs regular ABs at the MLB level. He’s got nothing left to prove in the minors. I don’t see how he gets those ABs though unless someone gets injured.

  19. Manzardo needs consistent at bats and he isn’t gonna get them with how the roster is currently constructed. If only he could play even serviceable right field but the dude hauls anchor.

  20. We will probably draft Charlie Condon, then be unable to figure out how to get him consistent ABs.

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