How would you grade the Seattle Seahawks’ 2024 offseason?

what’s going on everybody good morning we are still firmly firmly in the probably slowest month of the NFL offseason we are here in uh the month of June waiting for things to happen knowing that it could be a while before anything happens so we’re just kind of chill just kind of waiting for Stuff knowing that we’re having that relatively stress-free relatively drama-free off season that other teams are not so lucky as to have which is good but it also gives us not much to think about so we look towards the future and we look towards the past because the present isn’t so interesting so one thing that happens when you get to a slow part of the off season like we’re in right now is you kind of look back and try to get a feel for how the um how the off seon went for your team as a whole you kind of put the whole thing together because you’re spending all this time thinking about the moves being made and looking at the decisions being made one by one and once they’re all done you do need to take a step back and see where everything kind of ended up Landing because it’s it’s all part of one long story it’s not just every move isn’t made in isolation of course they’re made in the context of the moves that have already been made and the context of the moves that will be made in the future so that in mind I’m sure that a big part of what Seahawks fans are doing right now just like fans of every team in the league is just kind of trying to get a sense for how they feel about the off season as a whole and ESPN did uh this article a uh I think this was yesterday uh maybe it was two days ago from Seth Walder of ESPN he’s one of their analytics guys he graded every NFL team’s off season on the traditional American schooling grading scale you know a b c d f i don’t know why we skip e By the way kind of weird when you think about it but either way he did it for every team in the league and I thought it’d be fun to take a look at what he thinks and then kind of think about how we feel about it so first of all the Seahawks offseason was actually very active because in the first couple days you let go of your head coach and VP a Personnel of um Personnel decisions you let him go and you get rid of basically every coach on your team except for Carl Scott and then you have to build a new coaching staff up from basically nothing then you have free agency where we were somewhat active and then the draft so it was quite a bit there there was quite a bit going on there we had more going on this offseason than most teams because of the coach stuff so at for what Seth thinks let’s go ahead and scroll through the early parts of this article he ranks it in order from best to worst in his estimation so his favorite W favorite offseason was the Eagles by the way um I’m not going to spend too much time on non Seahawks teams because doesn’t matter to us uh the Philadelphia Eagles get an A and the move they made that he didn’t like was one of their biggest moves the saquan signing that that’s kind of weird to me I don’t see how you could give them an a if you didn’t like the saquan Barkley signing because that was such a big part of what they did their um their um offseason but um that doesn’t really matter to me and then they got the Chiefs they got the Chargers they got the Dolphins they got the Patriots at a minus they got the Bears they got the Browns they got the Colts they got the Jets b pluses by the way when the teams have the same grade he just puts them in alphabetical order so we shouldn’t read into the exact rankings within the grade it’s like a tier list right you don’t really rank within the tier list you just put them in the tiers and you go with it uh b-grade would be the Ravens the Bengals the Steelers the 49ers and the Seahawks so the Seahawks get a BG grade from Seth Walder so let’s take a look at what he had to say here um biggest move hiring Mike McDonald is head coach of course the coaching swap was Far bigger than anything else we did the move that he liked and this is not some a sentiment that you’ll necessarily see that much um on the internet it feels like sticking with Gino Smith he liked it he uh thought that was our best move of the significant moves we made I guess the move he didn’t like was resigning Leonard Williams which I mean I kind get it but at the same time we had to do it and a year from now that contract is not even going to really stand out that much right it’s just going to be like oh it’s a it’s another contract given to a really good defensive lineman this is what this stuff costs now so he likes the McDonald higher uh that’s what he says in this paragraph here and the stick with Gino Smith he says that it is a the correct Choice which obviously I agree with with now he does say that he’s not a long-term solution which I mean I guess technically that’s true at the same time I wonder how he would feel about like the idea of Gino Smith as a stop Gap versus him as a short-term franchise quarterback that’s where I think a lot of people tend to split on the Gino Smith discussion uh yeah he doesn’t like the Williams deal because we’re right up against the salary cap cap now because of it and he thinks we overpaid him and the Byron Murphy draft pick made it a bad signing I I can’t really agree with that I see where it comes from I totally see where it comes from but I don’t think you can make that trade and not give him a contract and I don’t think you would be able to get him if you didn’t trade for him I don’t think you could sign him out a free agency clean I think that he probably goes somewhere else and then they mention a couple other things that we did he doesn’t really offer any kind of an opinion on what we did he just is like okay that happened that happened that happened that happened that happened okay so he likes it he likes the offseason that we had it’s a b now I’m looking back at the offseason that the Seahawks have had and I’m thinking about the fact that we did flush the head coaching U well not head coaching the coaching room basically every coach got out of here and we brought in guys like Mike McDonald who I’m pretty into I think he’s going to be really good they brought in Ryan grub who has the potential to go wrong obviously right there’s a real risk in Ryan grub and even if he ends up being good it could take a year before we find out if he’s going to be any good but it’s the right kind of risk it’s not oh let’s just go hire some boring um I don’t know let’s just go get somebody like a um what’s the guy’s name uh Roman Greg Roman like like somebody like that that would have been a risk of the kind that I wouldn’t have been into at least Ryan grub is like you’re swinging for the fences Greg Roman would have been like you’re trying to get a bunt single or something sorry for those of you who don’t like baseball but if you do you probably know what I’m talking about um a lot of the assistants you brought in seem like they’re going to be pretty good I’m not going to speculate too much on that but the assistant hiring process seemed pretty good and you guys know I wanted Pete to go I didn’t think that Pete had the juice anymore I didn’t think that Pete had the had the sauce anymore at least not at the level that we need to get to where we want to go so obviously that’s something that Seth is not really going into too much in this article he says that predicting coaching performance is tricky and he usually avoids it in the uh paragraph that he wrote about it but he he did admit that he liked the McDonald hirees so that’s a great way to start the off season we keep Gino we keep Leonard Williams which I’m not going to say I love what we did with the Leonard Williams thing we gave him a lot of money we gave him more money than I wanted to more money than I thought we would have to but at the same time I think that it was something that you needed to do and I’m not and I don’t think it’s bad I just kind of feel like it is right it’s not good it’s not bad it just it’s just something that you do um I liked decent chunk of stuff in the off season some of it kind of could go one way or the other like I don’t know about the Noah fan thing I don’t know we’re going to have to see I can definitely see it working but it’s going to have to get better for it to be worth it and then you get to um the uh linebacker stuff that we did where I like the idea of signing short-term onee relatively cheap linebackers like we did so far it’s not working out great because those guys aren’t healthy but I like the idea of going cheap at that position I like the idea of going at least somewhat cheap at the safety position and then you get to the draft where I mean I I’m cool with pretty much everything that happened I I don’t love the draft the way I’d loved the last two drafts that we had but it’s a good draft for sure it was definitely a good draft so I would probably go a little bit higher than this obviously I’m speaking from the position of somebody who wanted Pete Carroll to go that’s not the perspective that this article is being written from it’s a little more agnostic to the coaching situation but if I were to grade the Seahawks off season so far looking at everything that’s happened since the season ended I’d probably go more like a minus so I’m not saying that this is wrong because he’s writing it from a slightly different perspective and he’s more or less just grading the Personnel decisions he’s grading free agency and the draft it feels like more so than a coaching change because that that’s hard to predict and there is something to be said for that but I will say that McDonald was one of the most desirable head coaches this cycle and getting him as of right now has to be looked at as a win even if you didn’t want to fire Pete even if you wanted to keep Pete Carroll you got to admit that if you’re going to go get a coach getting somebody like Mike McDonald is a big win he was clearly of the coaches that actually got hired because Ben Johnson ended up not getting a job or well he ended up removing his name from consideration when all was said and done McDonald was probably the second most desired coach in this cycle after Harbaugh so just thought it’d be fun to take a look at this and kind of get a feel for it and see what other people are saying I like I mean this is going to be one of the I I feel like this is going to be one of the few people out there that actually says I like the fact that the Seahawks stuck with Gino and that being the case I probably I feel like this should be graded a little bit higher based on his description but at the same time he only has a few paragraphs to express how he feels so you’re not going to get everything across in it’s not even really four paragraphs so yeah uh that’s what Seth has to say about our offseason how do you feel about it as a whole How would would you grade the Seahawks off season as a whole going from right after the season ends firing Pete Carroll and getting all the coaches out to the personnel and draft decisions being made after all right see you guys later

Big picture it.

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