Jared Goff was always meant to be a Lion. Here is Goff talking about his affection for Detroit.
Jared Goff was always meant to be a Lion. Here is Goff talking about his affection for Detroit.
byu/Dry_Cobbler_610 indetroitlions
Jared Goff was always meant to be a Lion. Here is Goff talking about his affection for Detroit.
Jared Goff was always meant to be a Lion. Here is Goff talking about his affection for Detroit.
byu/Dry_Cobbler_610 indetroitlions
Sorry man that’s literally me
This brings me back to when i was a kid watching Remember the Titans , loved Goff in that movie one of my favorites.
Goff is Kenough
is this ai? i dont know anything anymore
Hey! It’s Lion Goffling!
I kept telling my girlfriend that JG was a Walmart Ryan Gosling, and she never believed me until I showed her side by side pictures.
The resemblance is so striking it’s funny.
Goff would be a great actor. Maybe a movie about Barbie biting off knee caps and he comes in with the super hero assist and they plummet some piece of shit Packer fan with one ass cheek and three toes. All of the zombies on the wrong side of Lake Michigan get together with Cheese heads on and head towards the Mitten. They bring their cousin wives and some people they know that make cheese curds and the forces for good lead by Goff and Barbie head west from Detroit and fight to a bloody death in Ludington. In the end only Lions and Goff and Barbie are standing. Then the Lions Kerby Joseph walks in with the ball he intercepted from Darth Rogers. The Ewoks appear from the woods and the wacky music plays and the celebration begins!
It’s such an important part of the Goff vibe that he had been the hometown kid for the Rams but he was never trusted and embraced there, but as a castaway he’s found his flock and stuff. He compares & contrasts Hutch well.
omg he’s literally me