[NYR] Congratulations Glen on an illustrious Hall of Fame Career. Thank you for all your contributions to the #NYR organization.

[NYR] Congratulations Glen on an illustrious Hall of Fame Career. Thank you for all your contributions to the #NYR organization.

  1. Made some good trades but also fucked us pretty hard on the flip side. Enjoy retirement.

  2. No idea how this guy stuck around the organization for so long with so little to show for it. Hiring Brian Trottier as coach should have been the end for him in 2002, I have no idea how he stuck around for another 20 years. When I was a kid, maybe 13 or 14 I had a shirt that said “Sather Sucks” in the shape of the Rangers logo.

  3. I’ll believe Sather is truly no longer working with the organization when he dies. And even then I wouldn’t be shocked if Dolan broke out a Oujia board to ask him which washed up free agent they should sign.

  4. Didn’t glen say if he had the rangers budget he’d win the cup every year. ?

  5. Good riddance. But this is only one tumor that needs to be excised from the Rangers organization. The other one unfortunately is going to be much harder to get rid of.

  6. Sorry, I won’t believe for a second he’s done meddling and sticking his nose into things, or whispering into Dolan’s ear, until he’s dead. He’s the main reason there hasn’t been a Cup in NY since he took over. Him, being Dolan’s boy the last 24 years, basically being “tenured” in our front office has hindered this franchise. Smug asshole who’s accomplishments in Edmonton were mainly due to their insane scouting and luck having so many all-time legends. His real talent was forming good relations with other executives around the league and bedazzling Dolan for all these years.

  7. Glen Sather once said that if he had the Rangers’ payroll he’d win multiple cups

    Here we are almost 30 years later, with 1 *appearance* in the finals and 0 cups, both of which are fewer than that of the Panthers in the same timeframe

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