[Kempski] 10 reasons the Commandes will be a dumpster fire this season

[Kempski] 10 reasons the Commandes will be a dumpster fire this season

  1. “Collectively, Ertz, Wagner, Ekeler, and Mariota will make roughly $20 million in 2024. Why not use that money toward signing another impact player or two who can be part of the long-term plan? Like, why spend $6 million on Mariota? You’re probably better off just losing any game a backup might have to play anyway.”

    He has a point on this one, that could have gone to a single player for better long term investment.

  2. Even as a super cynical fan (at least over the past 10 or so years), a lot of these are bs. I will say I agree on the oline coach, and oline in general, but I’m hoping I’m wrong there.

    Unless this is an annual thing for this writer who I’m unfamiliar with….He’s probably only writing this bc there’s genuine hope here for the first time in a long time.

  3. >My “Best Feeling a Player Can Have in the NFL” Power Rankings:

    >Winning the Super Bowl.

    >Getting traded by the Commanders to literally any other team.

    OK, that got me laughing a little.

  4. Trey Lance wasn’t a Peters pick. So point 7 is moot. Point 10 is basically “they haven’t had sufficient time to fix what Snyder did, so nyah!”

    Kind of a disappointing entry in the series.

  5. It’s cute that he thinks Adam Peters had the say on drafting Trey Lance instead of John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan.

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