Yet another breadcrumb that the Raptors are going purple

Starting with the credits of the last episode of Open Gym of the season, next to all the draft nostalgia posts with a purple heart, and now this draft night post—Raptors are clearly leaning into purple.

Separate note, why is that clock icon set for like 12:16?

  1. Wasn’t the draft hat released and it was not purple?

    EDIT: yes, but apparently all the teams needed to have the brown hat. Purple Dino’s are back on the menu gentlemen!

  2. If they bring back the Dino it’s gotta be the between the legs dunking one

  3. I think they should retire 15, and the logo this year should be the dino doing Vince’s between the legs dunk, on purple / white jerseys.

  4. I might be in the fringe minority but I’m not a big fan of the purple. And if the Jays city connect is any indication, don’t get your hopes up.

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