Penguins Worst Trade in the Salary Cap Era??

Penguins Worst Trade in the Salary Cap Era??

let’s talk about somebody who is at the tail end of his career actually Calling it Quits on his career and that is former Pittsburgh Penguin Derek brard officially retiring after a 16-year career in those 16 Seasons he played for 10 different teams 25 goals 545 total points in 1,3 games played so before we get into what we’re going to talk about because this is a penguins podcast and everybody listening to this knows exactly where we’re about to go with this he had a very successful career I don’t want anything that we’re about to say in the next 10 minutes to make it seem like we don’t think that a thousand games played in 500 plus points isn’t a successful career you have to be a stellar hockey player to play for 16 Seasons at the highest level but boy is that one of if not the worst trades of the 21st century for the Pittsburgh Penguins it’s up there you could name some around the same length same uh but I mean when the Penguins got him they thought they were getting a you know pretty solid piece a pretty solid Center option for uh that third line position for building into what was supposed to be a uh third Stanley Cup run is that when they grabbed him yeah they they were thought they were really loading up for a third Stanley Cup run at that time um and they got out of the first round so there was some hope that things could turn into something whenever they got him they thought they were getting someone pretty solid I mean he had 18 goals he already had 38 points coming in uh with the Ottawa Senators who were just falling apart they were selling off everything they could the Penguins got in on that yard sale and thought they were getting a pretty solid piece like I said you 38 points coming into Pittsburgh at the trade that’s not a terrible number uh considering how not good the senators were and just how the production should have in there there was something stinky about him in Pittsburgh though I don’t know how else to put it he just you don’t want to say fell off a cliff but you look at the numbers as I’m trying to and it’s it’s tough I mean you see eight points in 14 games in the to finish out that season and it doesn’t sound terrible but it’s certainly not what the Penguins wanted he only had three goals in that time um and without looking at the postseason numbers I kind of forget but uh it just did didn’t work out especially if you look into the next year whenever they traded him after 40 games nine goals in that time yeah there was something about Derek Bard in Pittsburgh that didn’t work because he would go on to have one more pretty successful season at least back with the Islanders when he had 32 so he had it in the tank still the Penguins just weren’t a system that fit for him and it’s interesting too because I think there’s a little bit of a what’s the word I’m looking for there’s a little bit of a connection to today’s Pittsburgh Penguin because Riley Smith you know same number which is a coincidence Riley Smith just for some reason Stellar player before he comes to Pittsburgh comes to Pittsburgh and it just it doesn’t work there’s something off and it’s it’s not just when you watch the game it’s not just the the counting stats it’s the feel of him playing with like gny Malin with Sydney Crosby with his position in the lineup it just feels like something’s not clicking and something’s not going to click it didn’t feel like it was going to click with Derek brard it doesn’t feel like it’s going to click with Riley Smith it still remains to be seen whether or not they give him a second opportunity maybe that 40 game sample size that they gave Dereck brard in the second year but it just didn’t click for Derek brard when he was brought over the Penguins and the reason that it is one of the worst trades is because not only did you trade a lot to acquire him in the first place you traded him less than a year later and had to pay a pretty penny just to offload his contract you look at the initial trade and that was a three- team deal between the Ottawa Senators and the Vegas golden knights you traded away a first round pick a third round pick Philip gustofson and Ian Cole that’s what the Penguins got rid of and in return they got brard who didn’t work out a third round pick that they eventually traded away to the Colorado Avalanche Vincent Dunn not that Vinnie Dunn but Vincent Dunn who played zero games for the Pittsburgh Penguins and Tobias Lindberg who played zero games for the Pittsburgh Penguins that trade alone is a loss if you’re the Pitts ber Penguins then you look at the trade that they made to get rid of him trade Derek brard they attached a second round pick two fourths and Riley Shayan in return they get Nick fad who did very little for them didn’t really fit and Jared mccan who was good for them when he was here and then they let him roll for nothing so that trade Tree in in and of itself that started with the trade brard to Pittsburgh just a horrible sequence of events for Jim ruford yeah not good it’s oh man thinking of what the Penguins traded away to get Derek brard again they thought they were getting someone they thought they were getting a useful piece at the time you probably Lo before he played a game you probably looked at it as okay that’s about what you maybe it was a bit of an overpay even then but you’re figuring he’s should he should be doing something he should bring something that if they go on to win a third straight the Penguins were coming off two cups maybe the maybe the morale was a little higher too if if he helps bring in a third we don’t care it’s three in a row something no one’s done in a long time you totally forget about it then you see three goals in 14 games and go this is not at all what we should have gotten out of them and also the Ian Cole side of it ended up being a disaster for him in terms of being sent to Ottawa but then immediately flipped to Columbus because Ottawa was a disaster yeah so then you feel bad for a guy that just helped you win two cups and and that really does doesn’t look good on that side of things and then the trade out yeah you got good years out of Jared mccan uh and yeah Nick buad ended up doing pretty much what Derek Bard did not showing up in Pittsburgh but going on to do decent things somewhere else I mean not too long ago Derek or uh not too long ago Nick bu’s dad was a top trade candidate at the deadline yeah somehow so it’s a it’s what that just goes to show some weird things that like third line centers come in with hype play with nothing and then leave with more hype afterwards oh man Pittsburgh third line centers but yeah it’s it wasn’t ideal it wasn’t ideal and again you got good use out of Jared mccan but everyone a lot of a lot of fans these days look at Jared mccan as he should still be here yeah a lot of fans especially when you consider that that is the second time Philip Hollander has made his way into this uh this trade tree here because the initial third round pick that the Penguins acquired I mentioned they traded it to the Colorado Avalanche that was in order to trade up to draft Philip Hollander and then of course uh Hollander ends up coming back in the Jared mccan trade or going out in the Jared mccan trade I don’t know hollander’s been tossed around by the Penguins multiple different times I think it was a return of Hollander and a seventh and Hollander end up leaving after a season Once he returned to Pittsburgh from Toronto but I do remember you know you mentioned the three goals in 14 games at end of the season I do remember having the conversation I don’t remember if it was with you I know we were in college at the time saying three goals in 14 games is bad don’t get me wrong though they acquired him because he’s a playoff performer you look at the playoffs that he had with the New York Rangers especially in their run to the Stanley Cup Final in 2014 he scored a huge overtime winner for them and was a consistent force in that playoffs and then you look at what he was able to do the year prior in 2017 helping the Ottawa Senators get to the Eastern Conference Finals and playing up against the Pittsburgh Penguins he had a track record of being a pretty solid playoff performer bringing him in to be a third liner to add some of that depth like the Penguins had in 2016 2017 that’s the thought process especially whenever you’re going like you mentioned for that third cup you’re like all right you know Screw the picks they’re in a cup window they’ve won two in a row just keep this rolling as long as possible they obviously ran out of steam and Derek brard didn’t provide the jolt that they had wanted him to that they had hoped he would and then it just it got worse after that after the runs were over in 201819 then if he he didn’t start the season right it seemed like it was never going to be fixed and then the trade that you made yeah buad I had higher expectations for buad Jared mccan who at the time was thought to be the secondary piece in that trade turns into being an eventual 40 goal scorer not for the Penguins but for somebody else it’s a it’s a good piece it’s good you know bit of scouting by Jim Rutherford and his scouting staff to bring in Jared mccan as part of that deal but at the end of the day you look at all the wasted assets on those couple of Trades I mean mccan is the only player that had really solid production with the Penguins and you traded away a first a third a good goal tending prospect that has turned out to be a half decent NHL guy in Philip gustofson Ian Cole who was a stellar defensive defenseman for a couple more years after that season you know a second round pick two fourths it’s a lot of assets for not a lot of return and I think that’s where you see you know the Penguins for a while had the worst Prospect pool in the entire NHL it’s because they were giving away pieces and not all the time were they getting back solid results and the brassard trade it reeks of it all over the place and it always has it always will the J fresh card ever see J the J fresh card for Derek bassard it’s hilarious it’s production production production years in Pittsburgh tank he leaves Pittsburgh production production production it’s a hilarious card to see yeah don’t know what happened here but hey outside of Pittsburgh great career

The Nick’s discuss Derick Brassard’s retirement from the NHL and his unique struggles in his short time with the Pittsburgh Penguins.

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