Taylor talks punt game and Aussie roots | Sippin’ with Screeden | Chicago Bears

Taylor talks punt game and Aussie roots | Sippin’ with Screeden | Chicago Bears

hey everybody Welcome to sippen brought to you by Duncan I’m Lauren screeden I’ve got Bears punter Tory Taylor here with me now this segment is brought to you by Duncan and I know you’ve been on the hunt for good coffee here in America have you found some oh I wouldn’t say it’s quite up to par with Australia but um I certainly I actually am a big funnily enough I actually am a big um Duncan fan so what’s your order I go there every Saturday and Sunday really yeah large ice latte uh little ass it’s kind of annoying because when you get such a large coffee it’s a little bit too milky so yeah to all the Duncan workers out there I don’t I don’t like mine too milky all right well we will work on that how is life in the NFL so far yeah it’s great I mean it’s just all the guys really welcomed me amongst the team which is yeah pretty special like I don’t have any family or anything like that over here so I guess you know similar at Iowa like it is here all the in the building they’re all my family and things like that so I’ve loved it so far it helps when you got a veteran kicker and a veteran Long Snapper and Pat and car kind of leading leading me along the way so that’s but yeah it’s an question I’ve absolutely loved it so far they’re a fun group those two great you guys got great bunch of guys this is a good time to be in Chicago Chicago summer all that are you enjoying it yeah I’m loving it although I was in Iowa just down the highway so I certainly know what Winters are going to be like but it’s probably going to be a little bit colder it’s a little bit different in the winter but what’s Australian summer like it’s similar to now but a little warmer okay it’s never really humid uh cuz it’s right obviously by the ocean overall weather’s a lot nicer in Australia uh what’s tougher Australian football or American football American football cuz everyone’s a lot bigger yeah I’m not afraid to say that I mean it’s a little different in some regards cuz Australian football there’s no pads and things like that and there’s a lot of people and moving parts coming from different directions and things like that whereas American football is kind of me vers who you kind of know where someone’s at yeah uh but guys are just so much bigger over here everyone’s yeah huge I mean I’d never seen so many big guys in just really one place at one time it’s not like that in Australia that’s crazy I mean you’re not a small guy though like I mean I am compared to other guys here it’s yeah it’s crazy yeah um do you miss Australian football no no no not cuz I’ve always LED just kicking balls and I get to do that without having to run around it’s ni what was the weirdest adjustment you had finally enough it was probably like food coffee weather yeah and just there’s certain things um I guess people don’t really understand what I’m saying half the time so a lot of the time I actually have to choose my words carefully so some words I won’t say now because I know people are going to oh what does that mean well that is the perfect segue for our next game we are digging into your Australian Roots here so I’m going to tell you the American version of a word and then you’re going to tell me the Australian version okay good I hope I know it I think you’ll know it we’ll start out with an easy one friend mate good job okay College University or uni yeah beer oh we would say beer you would yeah what’s a stubby oh stubby is like a according to Google so bear with me Jay you’ve really gone and found a few things uh stubby is like is wild a beer and a glass bottle if that makes sense yeah okay um flipflops thongs I’m 12 trash can that no that’s right yeah uh trash can bin rubbish is that true oh yeah okay um guy dude I don’t know bloke oh bloke yeah we say yeah he’s a good bloke see have you grown out of this a little bit maybe I have God you’re so American now no not at all okay uh pickup truck this is a weird one oh yeah what’s up with that utility vehicle it actually makes a whole lot of sense like a truck like I’ve got a I just bought a new truck oh okay like if I went back home to Australia now and said to a couple of my mates oh I bought a new truck they’ be like oh what you bought like a big commercial truck really yeah so I’ve kind of got to explain it to him wow do you like your neut Tru yeah I love it uh sandwich Sanger everything in Australia is abbreviated you might bring it up but like afternoon would be Aro oh yeah yeah like the weather’s going to be nice to Sao okay well yeah so gas petrol petrol see that makes a whole lot of s sense cuz cars run on petroleum do you really abbreviate Christmasy yeah yeah wow yeah it’s Chrissy time I like that I’m using that one I can’t wait for Chrissy time uh chicken we’ say oh Chu yeah good job C CH yeah yeah it’s a weird one I don’t know how I feel about that one um candy lollies yeah W you really are Australian I no I say I say candy now oh you do yeah and like even my family like oh shut up you know what I mean so I got to I got to watch my language everywhere I go now otherwise I’m just going to cop it like I said I feel like a lot of words that were originally in my vocabulary of kind of distinguish I don’t cuz I don’t use them anymore okay well our second game here punt or go for it this is just whether you like it or not if you like it go for it if you don’t like it got it okay tim tams go for it absolutely Tim Tam slam love that uh kangaroos I mean is in like kangaroo meat oh sure yeah kangaro meat go for it yeah I used every day at work I’d have two kangaroo burgers really yeah kangaroo Burgers piz of lettuce and ketchup no there kangaro maybe somewhere in Chicago shout out Chicago restaurant the car yeah if there’s a restaurant out there let’s do a deal I’ll stop by barbecue Bobby is that what you say go for it yeah barie yeah do you actually do the barbecuing do you do you cook uh so we actually had a little grilling contest amongst the rookies and I came second so I’d like to say that I can see all I saw from the video was you love steak like yeah big steak guy yeah um congratulations thank you meat pies oh go for it absolutely in a meat pie Savory mints in a pie yeah or you can have whatever you want like chicken and steak mushrooms yeah whatever you want oh okay I like that fairy bread oh definit looks delicious go for it 100% we are going to end it on our fan question here what’s your pregame ritual what do you think it is you eat peanut M&M’s the night before yeah Peanut M&M’s every Friday night will be every Saturday night now oh yeah you got to switch it up yeah and there’s I won’t tell what game it was but there was a game where we traveled away and we stayed out in the middle of like nowhere and I didn’t bring Peanut M&M’s and I had a bad game the next day yeah is this like we’re eating like five or six or you’re like housing a no like one of those like small like skinny things yeah not like a big family size I love it all right well thank you so much for joining me we’ll see you next time

Lauren Screeden sits down with Chicago Bears rookie punter Tory Taylor in this week’s “Sippin’ with Screeden” brought to you by Dunkin.

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