A Rivalry Was Born Between The Washington Nationals & The San Diego Padres

A Rivalry Was Born Between The Washington Nationals & The San Diego Padres

you saw last night’s game and this has now been transpiring over the last two games I can tell you this now last night a rivalry was born you are locked on Nationals your daily Washington Nationals podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday and thank you all for making locked on Nationals your first listen every single day as we are free and available wherever you get your podcast and of course you can check us out over on Twitter at Brian Clary 11 and as well as our show page _ Nationals for all your latest nationals news notes make sure to check us out over on Twitter there and of course while you’re at it make sure to search up lockon Nationals wherever you get your podcast including over on YouTube hit that subscriber button drop a comment drop a thumbs up or even a thumbs down whatever makes you happy will make me happy later on in today’s show the Nationals they’ve dropped the first two games against the Padres we’ve got the game three preview today with DJ hers on the bump going up against Dylan CE who by the way he stinks this year in 2024 we’ll have that preview for you a little bit later on in today’s show Patrick Corbin has been pitching pretty damn well recently what are the Nationals going to do with the staring rotation I’ve got a a few ideas for you and again this is going to be a big Hot Topic as Josiah G continues to work back from his rehab assignments down in tripa we’ve got an update on that by the way and that’ll be in the second segment of today’s show but we start right here last night a rivalry was born between the Nationals and the Padre’s today’s episode is T to you by tax Network USA and of course did you know that it’s never too late to resolve your tax issues with the IRS don’t wait reduce your tax debt and help get a team of licensed tax professionals call 1 800 549 1000 visit TN usa.com locked on so last night as we were saying there was a rivalry born yes there was over the last two games I’ve never seen a team kind of act the way that they have over these last two games under DAV Martinez not once in my life not once in your life even the Nationals have always kind of laid low under the radar you don’t really see them having crazy brawls you think back to the hunter Strickland and Bryce Harper days those were some different days that was when the Nationals kind of had that sexiness to them right now they don’t really have that sexy Vibe well if you were to consider all things here with the Nationals and with the Padres this rivalry has kind of come out of nowhere and yeah this is a rivalry at this point let’s talk about this because I’m not going to lie I hate the Padres I didn’t hate them before this but I hate them now they stink I think they suck the organization a PR let’s start off let’s kind of go back in the history of the Padres way back in the mid-2010s early 2010s even when the nashal and Mike Rizzo who’s still here by the way robbed AJ PR they sent Steven soua Jr in that whole trade package in the Nationals you get back Trey Turner in the future star shortstop who is now at Philadelphia Philly who won a World Series with the Washington Nationals you also got Joe Ross who is a good meaningful part of this rotation back in the mid to late 2010s for the organization the Nationals won that deal one of the craziest deals over the last decade you won that deal now let’s go back just two years ago the San Diego Padres they trade for Juan SoDo they give up the biggest package not only in major league history but probably professional sports history you get James Wood you get McKenzie Gore who went in last night game who didn’t have his best start doesn’t matter today does not matter you get your star short stop with CJ Abrams you get a lottery ticket with the Robert Hassel the third who by the way is starting to turn things around here you get a ylene Susanna type who also by the way throws 102 miles per hour still in Lowa fredicksburg who has also turn things around that’s kind of where it starts here well not a real rivalry you could say well jerks and profar you’re up two days ago in the Nationals completely blew apart in the 10th inning jerks and proar Hunter Harvey kind of threw a fast ball way up and in on what proar thought was way up and un on him some people were kind of thinking that he was upset about that but then in his postgame interview jerks and proar went in and was like they disrespected me well let’s think about this for a second Lis Aras probably one of it actually know the best contact hitter in all of baseball with ducks on the pond in a tie game well would you not walk him in that situation of where the Nationals stood at that moment in time what are you talking about he was felt disrespected and so of course course he went on hit that walk-off ground roll double whatever then he makes his way towards the Nationals Dugout starts celebrating in their face yelling at them doing all the different things that crosses a line in Major League Baseball the game is fun you have 162 games you should have fun it’s fine you should have fun but there is a line that you have crossed and the Nationals they were not happy with it as they shouldn’t have been he crossed that line and again some people may say let the guy have fun you disrespected him quote unquote whatever that’s stupid so stupid yesterday’s game happens we all kind of expected to have some fireworks in the game and there was so first inning the Nationals come up don’t do too hot in the first three batters whatever my eyes were set on McKenzie Gore and what was going to happen there so Keet Ruiz as jerks and profar steps up to the plate McKenzie Gore is five pitches into his game before he even gets to the Batters box keer Ruiz makes a split-second decision to get in his face and kind of say hey you need to show us respect because what you did last night and again this is all verbatim I don’t really know exactly what was said we don’t know exactly what was said but he got in his face and let him know that they felt disrespected as they should have by the way and let’s just put this right here right now now keber oiz way to go stud leader you have had a very poor season up to this date very poor in fact a disappointing year that showed a lot to me number one a leader in the clubhouse number two stick up for your guys Hunter Harvey I’m sure he probably felt some sort of way after yesterday or after two nights ago in that game I’m sure he had to you stepped up for him and you showed that you’ve got leadership great good thing Manny Machado gets in the way who has been in a million different fights in his life up in Major League Baseball he gets in the way bench is clear all this is just a you know what show and at this point in time that’s when we all knew we like late night Nats is going to be a fun one very first pitch by McKenzie Gore to jerks and proar he throws a slider and it hits him in the back of the foot and all of a sudden Mike schil goes you know what he loses it goes ballistic says how is this not obvious how is he not gonna get thrown out of the game he gets thrown out Mike schill and let’s just say this McKenzie Gore did not purposely hit profar you were not throwing a slider to hit someone it was just a ball that he lost control of of which is the funniest part about this in my opinion because again with this McKenzie Gore played on the Padres he’s got friends on that team I’m sure he’s not going to be the one to plunk you and again with under DAV Martinez that’s not really the way that they roll this isn’t David Bell with the Cincinnati Reds back in the day where they just seem to plunk everybody every single night this isn’t really that team the Nationals don’t do this this is not their character and again with all the relationship at play here with McKenzie Gore CJ Abrams being former Padres it doesn’t really make sense but that is when a rivalry was born McKenzie Gore hits proar accidentally obviously tempers start to flare and then of course Manny Machado hits a two-run home run the very next pitch and it’s just like whatever you got us you’re up two nothing Pro far he’s wiping his shoulders up whatever here’s my thing with this here is where I stand San Diego what does that say right there if you’re watching over on YouTube you’ll probably see what I’m pointing at that says World Series right there it’s World Series we’ve got championships here in DC you don’t you don’t know what it’s like to win a championship you don’t know what it’s like to sit in a parade and watch your team go around with a World Series trophy you don’t know what it’s like to have your right ring finger filled with a ring you guys are perennial losers AJ PR joke of a GM jerks and proar former top prospect you finally finally finally have a good season good for you here’s my thing about it this team one of the highest payrolls in all of baseball a very low farm system a solid GM even that people talk about and Rave about AJ PR this AJ PR that you gave away your future for Juan stto and you just blew it we won with him you traded him away you got nothing and again this year you are fighting against the Nationals for a postseason spot if the Nationals won last night’s game and let’s say they won today’s game the Nationals would have jumped them in the Wild Card race you are a joke of an organization the Padre’s joke jerks and profar joke all everything San Diego joke Petco Park very nice joke all of it not a Padres fan I used to actually like the Padres thank you AJ PR and again if AJ preller calls again and try to make a trade Mike Rizzo answer it and let’s do a let’s do a damn trade I mean simple as that my whole thing about this is that baseball is a fun game number one you cross the line though the Padres started this jerks and profar again oh what a joke a joke I cannot say this enough I can just tell you this San Diego and Padres Ron bergundy style I’m not going to say it but if you know you know the quote you know it I’m tired of it San Diego the Padres don’t like you anymore you should not like San Diego just because you have a beach just because you have palm trees I can tell you one thing that Washington has that you don’t have that is a World Series ring sorry we have that Manny Machado doesn’t FR ta doesn’t especially jerks and proar he definitely does not have a World Series ring Dylan CE none of them they don’t have one sorry that’s what you play the game for and now after you make all these trades you trade for Luis Aras who by the way he is slumping all of a sudden Dylan CE he’s got a mid4 erra at this point in the season you know who else has a lower ra than him Mitchell Parker was a fifth round pick back in 2020 for the Nationals sorry about it this Nationals rotation has been better than the Padres so far in 2024 sorry the offense yeah maybe you have a better offense but guess what we’re only what a game and a half back from you at this point listen San Diego I’m sorry the fans you deserve better what a joke the Padres are simple as that and that is why a rivalry was born San Diego you stink thank you all for making lock on Nationals your first list in every single day as we are free and available wherever you get your podcast went too long there but I like San Diego that’s why I did that obviously obviously that is why I did that because I love San Diego and of course I love AJ PR please call Mike Rizzo please make a trade with us yet again I would love to do business with you Mike Rizzo would love to do business with you and Nationals fans we’d love to do business with you as well but we got business to do here on lockon Nationals let me tell you guys about our friends over at eBay motors and guys passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance 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know what to expect but over his last three starts listen 17 in a third Innings pitch only 12 hits five ear runs six strikeouts five walks he’s got a 26 er a 252 feeling independent pitching 197 batting average against and a 213 slug at this point in time the Nationals they have this weird kind of situation going you’ve got multiple guys coming back from injury who by the way should be up here relatively soon including with the Forefront of that being Josiah gray Josiah gray pitched in a rehab start last night in Triple A Rochester where he went 73 pitches looked really good but here’s the news on him Josiah gray is expected to pitch again this Sunday unless the Nationals change their mind so let’s say in this scenario that the Nats and Dav Martinez do decide to change their mind who gets replaced is it Patrick Corbin at this point in time the reason I’ve never really believed that it’s going to be Patrick Corbin is because of what the have done the last few years people talk about well you don’t really have anywhere else to go you have Jackson rage in years past you have yoan adone now people might look at that and scof and be like Yan adone Jackson rutage the two guys who haven’t been good in the miners yeah they’re better than Patrick Corbin at this point they’re more consistent they’re young guys that the Nationals want to mold into their future some way somehow at least they did at one point in time but also at this point with Patrick Corbin I don’t think it’s off the books to consider trading Patrick Corbin yeah it might sound insane to you but two years ago if you remember this the Braves the Atlanta Braves Came Calling for Patrick Corbin the Nationals were offered Marcel Ozuna who is probably an MVP candidate at this point with the way that he’s been hitting certainly in the Silver Slugger conversation the Nationals had that offer on the table now it would be a bad contract for a bad contract at that point in time but the Nationals would have won that deal I’m would not be surprised if Mike Rizzo someway somehow worked a trade with Patrick Corbin and ball now is this going to be a John Lester type of deal maybe are we going to get laye Thomas back someone who has been your MVP the last two years of this team probably not it’ll probably be the 110th best Prospect in a team system you might eat the rest of Patrick Corbin’s contract whatever at this point in time the Nationals they’ve got a future foundation here you’ve got McKenzie Gore as your Ace You’ve Got Jake Irving as your two you’ve got Mitchell Parker as your three you’ve got Josiah gray who is your All-Star last year coming back as your four you also have Cade cavali who’s going to be coming back from Tommy John hopefully sometime here soon maybe in the next month probably two months at this point and then you also have DJ hers who’s on the bump tonight and even further more than that you do have Jackson rutage and also on top of it you’ve got Trevor Williams who I expect that they trade at this year’s deadline but at this point in time the only option forward is getting Patrick Corbin out of this rotation because while this team has been competitive and while Patrick Corban has pitched a lot better Mike Rizzo and Dave Martinez and as well as the rest of the Nationals organization they’ve got their eyes in the future you can’t lose that sight of looking forward and again it’s all about the young guys right now it is about developing pitching and which the Nationals have done at an incredible rate you also not even a mention have Brad Lord down in Triple A right now who has been lighted out you have options and again this is the best situation the Nationals could be in you have not developed pitching at this rate in Forever under Mike grizzo it just has not happened this has been the best of the best under Mike Rizzo and now you have Patrick Corbin who is still on the the equation who’s still part of this team but in reality he should not be he either should be traded he should be in the bullpen or DF him eat the contract is it more meaningful to have Patrick Corbin pitch every few days have five innings five earned runs over the next course of the calendar year or is it more important to have DJ hers develop up in the majors who by the way has shown a lot of Promise so far it is an interesting discussion to be had but I think with Corbin pitching as well as he has been recently I don’t think it’s insane to say that a team would just take a chance on Patrick Corbin not to be their fifth starter but for someone to have in the postseason who has postseason experience who has won a World Series something the Padres have not done so I think that Patrick Corbin being traded and a team wanting Patrick Corbin is not as crazy as what you may think yeah he’s not that good yeah you won’t get anything back in return whatever you’re getting him off the books you’re getting someone else in here and allows some room for your young pitchers that you can go to a six-man rotation and stretch out all your young pieces like Josiah gray like Kade cavali like Mitchell Parker Jake Irving multiple guys in that room have had Tommy John surgery with Jake Irving as well as Kade W you want to stretch those guys out so having a six-band rotation with all these young guys in the second half of the Season that is by far in way the most enticing thing and probably the best thing moving forward that this organization can do move on from Patrick Corbin thank you all for making lock on Nationals your first listen every single day as we are free and available wherever you get your podcast now let me tell you guys about our friends over at tax Network USA and here on locked on Nationals we pride ourselves on getting you the latest news from your team whether it’s the offseason the draft spring training or the playoffs it’s year round you know what else is year round collection season just because tax season is over doesn’t mean the IRS will stop 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Nationals take on the San Diego Padres in game three of this series let me just remind you guys this the San Diego Padres they’ve never won a World Series jerks and profar he stinks he really stinks Manny Machado I actually I love Manny Machado I won’t say anything bad about him but guess what he’s got no World Series ring either AJ PR he’s got no World Series ring either as a GM the San Diego Padres irrelevant jerks and profar irrelevant Dylan CE you traded for him at this this last winner thought that he was gonna be the Frontline Ace he’s got a mid four Z on this season he’s not that good DJ hers 23y old left-handed pitcher he’s going to strike out 10 batters today go six Innings pitch only give up four hits one earned run you heard that line here first yes listen it’s as simple as this you bet with good organizations the Padres they aren’t a good organization they aren’t they aren’t they made me stay up until 1: am last night fuming over the way that they’ve did just terrible awful terrible baseball team terrible organization everything about them not good guess what if I’m Mike Rizzo at this point in time I’m not conducting this in a professional manner I’m not a professional person in fact I get mad the Nationals are mad Jesse Winker by the way we didn’t even get to talk about the game and what happened in yesterday’s game I don’t care about what happened in yesterday’s game I’m mad just 10 hours ago 1230 at night we’re watching this stupid Padres team do what they have to do which is nothing be irrelevant you’re asking well where’s the preview for today the preview is the Padres stink AJ PR stinks Mike schil stinks guess what we swept your ass in the NLCS in 2019 get ejected again go for it come after Dave Martinez I’d love to see them fight so I know Davey is a little rough out there here’s my thing about it Dylan stinks the Padres stink San Diego got nice beaches stink the Pacific Ocean it’s cold just like Padre’s fans Hearts because guess what you’ve never seen a World Series in your life trash awful jerks and proar bad bad baseball player he’s had a a good year One Good Year you know who also had a good year Victor roblas but on top of that he won a World Series sorry he was also a former top prospect Victor OAS World Series champion sorry asked Mike schil about it he lost to him in the 2019 NLCS got swept annabal Sanchez had a perfect game going Max Sherer had a no- hitter going against him in that same series sorry Padres they stink irrelevant AJ PR call Mike gizzo let’s make a trade you know what why don’t you give up Jackson Merill Jackson Merill for Patrick Corbin you like selling jerseys you like the big flashy names Patrick Corbin’s still a big name he’s a World Series champ he was a winner in game seven of the World Series something that you guys don’t have sorry make that trade AJ brother call Mike grizzo so today’s preview you don’t need a preview Padre stink irrelevant stupid I’m immature sorry thank you all for making locked on Nationals your first listen every single day as we are free and available wherever you get your podcast I think a lot of you learned a lot about me today I’m a hater don’t like the Padre’s anymore still a little fed up with last night’s game ke Riz let’s hit a bomb today Manny Machado let’s getting a bench’s clearing brawl why not dj hers he gets a little wild out there he has has had some Tendencies to hit some guys in the past not purposely but his arm’s a little erratic he a young kid learning his way so what you say beat the Padres

The last two games have been a roller coaster all because of one guy… Jurickson Profar. Jurickson Profar crossed a line by celebrating towards the Nats dugout, and Keibert Ruiz showed him up last night. Ryan gets into why the Padres & the Nats are now rivals. We then look at baseball cause this is a baseball show, what will happen to the starting rotation when Josiah Gray comes back healthy and with Patrick Corbin pitching well recently? Lastly, we preview today’s game with the Nats and Padres as the Padres have never won a World Series.

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  1. Stop bad mouthing the Chargers and claiming this is a rivalry, they might stop trading players with us, I like making trades with them.

  2. What the Padres have that we don’t is a stadium full of their fans at every game… And a television deal where they make money… But I will take the scrappy Nats 10 out of 10 times

  3. Corbin developed a third pitch at the Wake Forest pitching lab, he is probably getting settled in with his third pitch and that is why he is improving. I think they will be able to trade Corbin as long as they are willing to eat Corbin's salary. The return won't be amazing, it will probably just be a team's mid-level prospect.

  4. I know fans are gonna be biased on all sides, but your recount of what happened is actually pretty hilarious. If the tables were turned, you would absolutely "take exception" to a catcher camping out to get in your player's face and put their hands on him, the opponent's pitcher hitting your 'guy in question' ON THE VERY NEXT PITCH after warnings were issued (intent shouldn't matter in that case. ON PRINCIPLE he should've been tossed). Padres talked with their game while the Nats threw a tantrum. Maybe you like that, I dunno, but call it what it is.

  5. Everyone, every player, every year in MLB says that when they walk the guy in front to face you is disrespectful. Calm down. It’s an easy storyline. Profar never said anything to the Nats bench. He was talking to the fans. Also, Dave Martinez gets mad and sensitive towards everyone and everything that happens to his team. He is a constant whiner. Lastly, explain to me without your homer bias how it’s so wrong that Profar celebrated but it’s totally commendable that Ruiz can step up to Profar and poke his chest repeatedly?

  6. Not the best takes, this all could've been avoided if keibert didn't act like a fool before profar even stepped in the box instead of just letting gore plunk him in the back, the baseball has been handled forever

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