[Dhaliwal] Canucks UFA defenseman Nikita Zadorov’s agent Dan Milstein on his future in Vancouver : I’m being very open minded and will not rule anything out till July 1st.

[Dhaliwal] Canucks UFA defenseman Nikita Zadorov’s agent Dan Milstein on his future in Vancouver : I’m being very open minded and will not rule anything out till July 1st.

  1. This might be the worst cock teasing I have ever seen when it comes to a player re signing as a Canuck.

  2. What if we signed him at a slight discount and then just traded him 😂 I think Calgary fans would agree he’s not worth 5m.

  3. I’m increasingly sure he’s gonna stay. We all know how Milstein uses the media and it’s no coincidence that the reporting has shifted away from them being too far apart ever since that report about the Canucks ‘final offer’ like a week ago. If they rejected it entirely we absolutely would have heard.

    It feels like they’re close but not yet settled and basically playing a game of chicken to wear each other down before the deadline. I expect a June 30 signing, mark my words

  4. I love big Zed but idk if im totally ok blowing tons of cash on him same with Guntzel. Im more of the mind shorter lower numbers spread over more ppl… We just got out of some cap hell and honestly we need to off Ilya or make damn sure hes in a lower role next season.

  5. I’m not a fan of negotiating in the media. But reading between the lines, Milstein wants to find a deal with us. And, as usual, going to the media means he’s trying to apply pressure on the team. I interpret this as a good thing. Our management is pretty savvy. They aren’t going to get fleeced. I bet we get a reasonable contract done in the next few days.

  6. We need defenders period. I hope he stays at a fair price. We need goals scoring as well obviously but solid defence (depth) & goaltending is the backbone.
    Get it done Alvin.

  7. Seems to me he wants to stay here and also wants $5m, management trying to keep the number low. My bet is he resigns for 4.75 as Allvin convinces him round numbers don’t mean shit

  8. If this says anything, which it **barely** does, it’s that Z really wants to stay in Van.

  9. Pretty sure big Z is gone. If Canucks can’t move mik, then they’re going to pool their money left on guentzel sweepstakes and hope to move mik down the road or at trade deadline. They’re not going to use it on Z and have no money left on offense, then we’re no better than we were last year

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