[ Shackleton] Crazy watching @DangeRussWilson & @dkm14 train this morning! 6 am! Connection Special! @NFL John Ursua is smooth too! #GreatnessIsaHabit #MoonBalls

[ Shackleton] Crazy watching @DangeRussWilson & @dkm14 train this morning! 6 am! Connection Special! @NFL John Ursua is smooth too! #GreatnessIsaHabit #MoonBalls

  1. That’s nice, but shouldn’t he be throwing balls to Steelers receivers?

  2. This has DK to Steelers for DEs written all over it. Take it down before front office tries to get silly.

  3. cool – give us some picks before we have to give him a market breaking extension for 980 yards and 6 tds

  4. I’m pulling for Russ to have a great season. As much fun as it was to watch him crash and burn in his first season outside of Seattle, I want him to make it to the hall.

  5. Russ shaved his head? I don’t pay much attention). Maybe he’s getting away from red carpet russ back to focused football russ?

    Now that he’s not helping us with picks, I can root for his redemption arc.

  6. Now that the dust has settled from the Denver deal, I’ve kinda hopped off the Russ fail train and hope he turns it around. Still fun to watch those deep ball dimes.

  7. Redemption arc? Maybe. But no evidence of one in these clips. Russ could always throw the long ball. It’s mid range and anything over the middle that was failing him. His decision making was also pretty sus in Denver and his last couple years in Seattle. But for veteran minimum all he has to do is come in on 3rd and long and throw a strike for a first down and he is worth the investment. But at this point people still talking about him in the hof? Come on maaaaaaaan!

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