We may have broken them…

I love watching this guy’s mental breakdowns, but what I can’t figure out is who he thinks the Reds are lmao. His brain can’t comprehend that the Pirates are just better.

  1. I dont really know how Cincinnati, as a city, so consistently overestimates the caliber of their own franchises. Have the Reds not also been mostly dogshit and among the lowest heads on the totem pole alongside the pirates for YEARS now?

    Not only do they suck, but they also suck at losing. You hate to see it!

  2. Reds haven’t made it past the wild card since 2012 idk who this guy thinks he’s a fan of lmao

  3. This guy posts shit like this to rile up opposing fans so he gets interactions. Nothing more than a troll.

  4. I actually don’t blame them for being embarrassed about losing a series to the Pirates. This is what you get when you have a history like ours and an owner like Nutting.

  5. De la Cruz and a supbar record somehow convinced them they could win the NL Central this year

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