#NFLVideos: 47 Minutes of Austin Ekeler Highlights

47 Minutes of Austin Ekeler Highlights

looking down the scam for Antonio now we’ll switch it up echar out of the back field and it’s first and goal Chargers down to the 6yd [Applause] line Austin Eckler breaks the tackle gets a first down still going Austin Eckler at the 105 he’ll score touchdown Chargers first and j e for a block he’s into the second secondary and then brought down by linebacker John Davis Bradley Roby who’s a former first rounder as well e in first and go EOL touchdown [Music] Chargers and V is taking the place of swon at the left guard F’s a rookie from Indiana it’s first and 10 and here is the handoff echler tackled in the secondary by the hard charging lineman Shelby Harris Mike Williams at the top of your screen under a minute to go first half rivers to Eckler Eckler gets away trying to tight rope down the sideline he stayed in bounds touchdown La what a play by the rookie Austin Eckler Jaguars had seen 251 passes since their last pass interference penalty which also by the way was on Boer and Eckler with the extra effort for the first down Rivers Quick Pass Eckler again he’s got the first and more Heckler at the five Dives and he’s in for the touchdown Austin Eckler have a day my friend his second of the game and La increases their lead their streak New Orleans keeps rolling and it is Austin eeka who’s got a first down inside the 30 to find its way back and they’ll be back in the playoff hunt if they count this win hold on here to get their fourth win because of some of the other results Austin [Applause] Eckler Austin Eckler he’s loose for a charger [Applause] touchdown 50 backfield for rivers on Third and two got a man opener has the catch at the 35 and is’s able to carry a cowboy Heath that is with him and just outside their own 40 rivers from the gun Brown’s giving Chase little underneath this is Austin Eckler the Shifty little undrafted rookie out of little Western State the division 2 School in Colorado 8 seconds remaining they’ll go running play and it works Eckler inside the five and they’ll run out of time Eckler was looking for the end zone and it costs the Chargers three points new set of downs for rivers from his own 46 fake the pitch and gives it to Eckler and Eckler close to the Kansas City 40 they’ll Mark him down at the 41 yd line that is another first down Rivers his team now in a 14-3 hole trying to squeeze it in oh what a grab Austin echer flag thrown how did he do it well the ball was tipped by keep the Chargers out of the end zone Rivers floats it up it’s caught a touchdown Los Angeles Melvin Gordon that’s Eckler in motion he’ll take the hand off he gets to the edge and he bursts into buffo territory and he get down to the 35 Ramone Humber in his eye when he was talking about him he he’s happy to have him healthy and out there on the field he can’t wait to get it going with him here’s Eckler and Eckler has a first out and more as he barels his way across the 45 and up to the 46 yd line Lorenzo Alexander made the tackle it’s it’s every it’s everybody but for M eved they’re going to try and take advantage of his in experience here’s Eckler again a little pitch he breaks the tackle up Edmonds and has a first down out of bounds inside the 15 line of scrimmage is now the 40 back to the ground game Eckler squeezes through big play Eckler still going finally dragged down inside the 30 the defense of stop they needed and the door is open 3523 Rams Rivers he dropped little flip for Eckler Eckler breaks a tackle walking the tight rope in the first half inside a minute to go third and four rivers taking a shot deep down the field caught touchdown Heckler a 22 yd touchdown off the stret from Rivers for San Francisco when they go back on offense it’s first and 10 Gordon flips it eer Eckler trying to get around the edge he does has blockers in room and Eckler with a first down [Applause] run Rivers almost lost control instead recovers gives it to Eckler and Eckler’s on the Move 20 10 touchdown and uh continue to restructure this program Eckler Running Room and a first down and more inside the five second and 15 from their own 40 here’s Eckler and he’s got a seam this will be a first down run and more he seemed to have been out for a really long time quick hand off rivers to breaking a tackle and little Eckler Eckler making a miss so good in space inside Cleveland territory and rivers throwing on first down again out of the back field is Eckler and Eckler across the 30 and he has enough for a first down I believe at about the 33 yd line it goes to Eckler on the Jet Sweep and he gets a block from Tyrell Williams and then Kareem his way down the sideline Rivers eer finds a seam banged on the play down about the 30 yd line and Gordon flanks Rivers they’ll include Eckler on the reverse Eckler cruising inside the Denver 30 rip so the assumption is it’s an automatic trigger rivers on a toss to eek Eckler has [Music] room but you’re right I don’t think he got advice first down Rivers a little flipped for Eckler and they’re just chewing up yards Eckler is brought down along the side line green0 the to Austin Eckler back with another completion and a big gain the tail hunt the fullback no that’s Eckler who has it and gets the first down Eckler down inside the two reception day with 10 catches Eckler can he pile Drive in the endzone touchdown he got in for the Chargers so now he’s already not anymore [Applause] backward across the 45 and out to about the 48 yd line E look at that hole inside the 20 out of bounds inside the 15 yd line C Bates took full advantage of it and is playing well this season Rivers for Eckler Eckler with a couple of blocks 15 10 and down to inside the five In The End Zone did he get there touchdown well that’s just too easy Trent just third second and five and just run it right up the middle for a touchdown see if that’ll kind of change Anthony Lynn’s mind here down the stretch and start to get his starters out here’s Eckler Eckler breaking the initial tackle able to wiggle free so slippery in the open field as Austin Eckler Chargers go two tight ends Eckler no signal [Applause] yet very close [Applause] touchdown and this is Eckler out of the back field 35 Lea frogs and comes down about a yard short of a first down but here he is right now starting week one of his third season Eckler again Eckler with Running Room to the 15 to the [Applause] 10 Rivers provides such a weapon cuz he has so much range and where you can throw in the football Quick Clip for Eckler Eckler inside his blocks 40 35 still on his feet and going to go the rest of the way Rivers taking a look signaling out to his right and this is Eckler Eckler with room to run 20 inside the 20 close to the 15 yd [Applause] line e Eckler to the five to the end zone Chargers win [Applause] it the running back at top your screen five in the Lions secondary second down and eight good block by scoffield and he’s got his receiver and it’s caught by Eckler inside the 35 Allen Eckler leaping in for the touchdown a Oney leap forler who has four touchdowns in five quarters in this brand new season doesn’t Flinch he’s got a tough jaw and he’s willing to sit in there and take a hit Lions just punted first and 10 at with a nice block by pH had a good game last week and a tackle made by Walker first and 15 from the 15 Rivers out a block from Scott Eckler with lockers ahead including tevy and also out there running with scoffield a catch and run because of what happened to Breeze and Ben rothberger Chargers certainly hope that he’ll be sticking around for a lot more years Eckler breaking the initial tackle erler first down and more well this kid you give him a chance in the flat Rivers asks for Eckler to come in motion Rivers steps up throws on the Run has Eckler on the sideline XO breaks the tackle toward the pylon touchdown Chargers with 43 seconds left here in the first half that’s Allen in motion Eckler with the hand off into the endzone touchdown [Applause] Chargers 26-1 Los Angeles and Eckler has been a machine today fifth round draft pick last year now in at Center shotgun for rivers rivers has the time safety valve is Eckler beautiful move by Eckler to pick up the first down Bard progress will get him just Rivers will take a deep shot separation caught by Austin Eckler for the touchdown quick strike la Rivers underneath Eckler the catch Eckler takes it in for the touchdown the Los Angeles Chargers both teams have struggled in the Red Zone they’re going to throw it after faking it to Eckler they put it in his hands and he will find the end zone for a touchdown Conor tighten up change the play Go call it that’s going to pick up a first down as the Char [Applause] gain some yards on the [Applause] ground Melvin Gordon in the back field Rivers starts with a throw and he completes it over the middle that’s Austin Eckler in the running back Rivers throws pass caught touchdown flag is down Eckler gets the touchdown but a flag is thrown at the two yeah I think that’s probably going to go against the Raiders so Rivers check into that run play and able to move the chains as the Chargers are past Midfield a gap pressure and in stride he goes to Eckler Austin Eckler one of the better receiving backs in the [Applause] NFL first down they go with the reverse here’s Eckler with rivers out in front Eckler makes a man miss and then battles his way inside the 10 yd line he can’t turn the football over he’s already got two picks we go with the screen and Eckler who is so good in spots like this makes it out beyond the 40 yd line before he’s chased down by Ward 16 yds to get this going rivers to Eckler he’s wide open inside the 20 Heckler to the end zone and he is in for the score the Colorado Native with the touchdown here in [Applause] Denver Austin Eckler the running back good move by Eckler gets a first down and a good gain Austin Eckler very nearly gets to Midfield on the first play from scrimmage a good block by Hunter [Applause] Henry and Austin Eckler up there middle first down still going and Eckler gets to about the 25 yd [Applause] [Music] [Applause] line Austin Eckler with some Running Room and Eckler will get the first down and a lot more and Hunter Henry the tight end with a good block and Eckler continues his March he’s on target with the ball right now third down and 10 pressure coming in quickly but the pass to Eckler and here is Eckler Eckler to Midfield and Eckler is going to [Applause] score River for Eckler Eckler shakes the tackler has a first down spins inside the 25 and gets to the 21 and the owner in the next couple weeks to figure out what his future holds in Los Angeles with the charg Eckler on second three and he finds the secondary hit by Fuller into Chief’s territory puts it to the 48 pistol first and 10 after the punt pitch Eckler chased on the side by bines and Pratt and Pratt was the one to run him out as it went by and ser was very fortunate second goal at the 19 Eckler blocked by tevy outside he goes and with a beat on him is Von Bell especially when you’re throwing in last minute like this he’s got a third and four from the 20 they bring pressure he unloads it it’s caught that gets to his feet they say he was down and touched at the three Steve got a pick last week yes he did NFL debut hand off you set of downs at the Chiefs 48 [Applause] underneath that cor slides out of a hit skips through another one and down to the 26 and a gain of 22 he got away from Ben Neeman you’ve been able to kick the field or throw a pass quickly for two [Applause] yards that’s Keenan Allen wiggling middle of the field laterals it to eer on the ground with it to close out the halfen [Applause] [Music] verber sets up the screen this side Eckler with blockers 40 35 up the sideline and bounced out around the 25 yd line Justin burus made the stop green Eck Ducks inside to the 10 to the five touchdown Eckler with Running Room first down yardage and more inside the 40 yd line to about the 37 good field position at the 46 yd line and the give straight ahead is Eckler and Eckler inside the 35 to about the 32 running [Applause] hard first down and 15 team back to the ground and Austin Eckler who gets a bit of a seam runs low and runs through a luon getting close to a first down Heckler again another good hole makes a cut first down and then some for Austin eer to the 31 and a gain of 13 again 15 plays question has been can they finish him Eckler able to slip a tackle and get a first down stays on his feet and cross is the [Applause] 25 from the 25 Eckler gets it makes a nice Cut and has a ton of room a little stutter step inside Raider territory to the 48 for 27 yards his ability to stay calm and spot the open receiver who’s getting open is one of the better parts of his game this year Herbert from the gun quick delivery near side Eckler Eckler lunches in he’s in for the [Applause] touchdown final Buck 53 all tied at 16 13 unanswered points by Denver here’s Eckler he’s got his team first down and a lmore oh boy Eckler still turning out those yards all the way down to the 20 as Eckler gashes him for 24 makeshift group up front too for the Chargers this afternoon Tim Ward was the first guy in the back field that started that train going the wrong way as ecka on the screen Eckler to the goal line and in for the touchdown so the Chargers do take advantage of the Chiefs Miss Q on special teams and they’re an extra point away from tying it up what a piece he has been for this offense first and goal here’s Eckler eer in for the Chargers touchdown 18 and 19 seasons has had a huge day for this offense Eckler breaking tackles look at little Austin egler down to the 20 I don’t think he’s going to like your Nick 14 yards running play up the middle there is a seam as Eckler bounces around right into the heart of that defense got a full body of work to add in last week’s game giv him 16 games here’s akler akler finally able to be taken down at about the 41 but the quarterback makes a difference he can overcome mistakes Staley wants the two it’s Eckler moves the pile across for the conversion second and 12 oh atler What A Catch he makes and there’s a flag coming down on this one [Applause] lo you know they’re just having to get back up off the bench in two seconds Mike Williams is back in second and 12 wide open the ball is caught and it’s a touchdown Austin Eckler races to The End Zone second and 11 draw to Eckler has the first down trying to run away and he’s going to be dropped at the 20 second and one Herbert lofting Endzone touchdown it’s Eckler on the wheel Eckler breaking away End Zone touchdown Austin Eckler for the Chargers and that’s the first turnover of the night with 314 left Eckler down the sideline running away from people guard abushi is out scoffield takes his place first and 10 little play action here Heber getting a block on the play from scoffield who just came in and then he’s ridden down neckar is by John Johnson in the secondary they use analytics they have a dual threat quarterback they can do a lot fourth and two it’s Eckler’s got the first down bursting into the secondary and finally brought down by Green Herbert and the drive and a touchdown by Eckler an extra point away from tying the game second down 16 Eckler’s the bat slay of the block on Miles and there goes a pass to Eckler with a block by fer he’s going to take it in Cork screwing for six that affects things too in terms of uh how this all unfolds Eckler first and goal he’ll dance and he’ll stop and they push him in Browns push them in on a three- ydd touchdown they take the lead right there over the middle got his man Eckler out of the back field and Eckler Motors across the 32 about the 32 or 33 yd line where Deshawn Elliot makes the stop could easily be bigger but he’s in a really good spot for himself right now great play of the drive shake and bake move doesn’t work for Eckler New England’s defense holds up although once again the extra effort oh my goodness touchdown that looks stood up at the line and the Chargers muscle their way in Herbert is a pedestrian 9 of 18 for 103 yards a touchdown and a pick Eckler that’s one way to do it Eckler takes it into New England territory Herbert all 6′ 6 in of him will get the first down himself 2yd pickup Herbert had a rough going against Allen in motion second down down and 11 Eckler drives through Eckler puts Los Angeles in proper position going quick on third down Herbert over the middle oh he throws it right into the hands of Austin Eckler the tightest of Windows found by Justin Herbert and the Chargers Take the Lead keep it on the ground and into the end zone Austin Eckler get get it they just do with the play off Herbert a dart again caught touchdown ech going to be joined late no what no Hayden no Fitzpatrick tonight with the big stars e for a gain of 12 but you are really feeling now what some of these other players met to the Steelers on defense four drive for the Chargers swing it out to eek great move there even more all the way in for the touchdown wiggle waggle on James Pierre for 17 yds quite first and gold can he get in for the fourth time he does Austin Eckler for the [Applause] touchdown and it’s across the board on second and 10 Herbert throwing and that’s complete to the end zone is Eckler for the [Applause] touchdown two picks of Herbert in his last six throws this one is complete to Eckler on the near side of the field and out to Midfield and still going there are three guys all bigger than Austin Eckler and they couldn’t bring him down hand off Eckler lunges touchdown chargers they set it all up through the air and then Eckler takes it in for the score still doing it after all these years of they’ve asked him to do a lot of different things this year in this defense Eckler first down run can Los Angeles run the football with confidence here and use clock only Jonathan Taylor who has as many touchdowns as the Giants entire offense has more than Eckler this season and here he is with a hole and a burst and a first down in a Giant’s territory out of the jumbo set it is Eckler and he is in for the touchdown impressive drive from the Chargers to take the lead for the Giants front on the other side of the 50 here is Eckler Joshua Palmer went over there for a block and that opens things up for Eckler to take it down inside the 35 18yd run for Eckler what a great way to set up your offense on the opening drive Eckler again has some room first down plus down inside the five first and goal here’s Eckler touchdown finally for the [Applause] Chargers ready the interview process just to get the job head off Eckler inside the five Austin Eckler got a key block from Filer and gon for 14 next excellent job pnap hand off Eckler takes it in touchdown strong opening statement for the Chargers 13 tackles two of them for a loss let give me against the Las Vegas Raiders loss of four Herbert slings it underneath andler remains upright down the sideline Eckler hit from behind a long catch and run eventually dropped by Fuller up empty here so will have a six shortly as Herbert is under pressure escapes a sack fires and it’s juggled and then deflected and caught Eckler is there at the 45 yd line 35 touchdown passes there a charger record that hole exploited staying on his feet Austin Eckler for the touchdown so many times his ability to drop it over somebody in coverage and in between the next guy in coverage has just been so [Applause] impressive changes hands and hands it off to aular and he’ll pick up 14 yds before he scampers out of bounds near Midfield got away from TRU fun and the Raiders are used to going into overtime they’re three and0 in overtime here’s Herbert on the second and 11 here’s EK trying to get his 20th touchdown of the season and he does does how do you think they feeling in Pittsburgh about this point here we go two-point conversion and that is going to be hold in for the two-pointer by Eckler Herbert keeps it alive Eckler gets free and it’s a seven-point game I live it yes from the 41 yd line Herbert looks back the other way dangerous pass but gets away with it and eckar has a lot of room to roam and finally gets taken out of bounds after a long gain got away from Willie gay Eckler little bit of room and a lot of good moves there to take it out [Applause] close Herbert for e with a couple of blocks in front of him across the 30 out to the 35 and a first down for the Chargers before he is brought to a halt at about the 36 yd line lofty totals to live up to those like that lofty total nice I see what you did there back to Eckler can he get him their first rushing touchdown of the Season yes he can 10 yds for the [Applause] score you’d like to catch some touchdown passes from Justin Herbert on the the draw ankler with a lot of space sprinting for the pylon and he’s in for his second touchdown of the day this one from 20 yds out on first down it’s Austin Eckler couple of nice Cuts gets into the third level and still churning those legs out across the 30 and a run of 13 Eckler got it and a lot more inside the 35 first down Chargers as they get the fourth down play Eckler wide open inside the five touchdown Chargers 14 yds this time a receiving TD and it’s the third of the day for Austin when your best player really on defense Derwin James misses a tackle it’s not your day and they’ve got to turn it around fast this is Eckler Eckler Breaking Free Eckler in the clear can they catch him to the 15 the 10 inside the 5 yd line before he’s brought down from behind by Greg [Applause] Nome [Applause] Echo I don’t know if he’s finding the holes or if they’re opening up in front of him but it’s getting the job done second and goal Herbert Under Pressure got rid of it that’s Eckler Eckler to the five Eckler to the end zone for the [Applause] touchdown miles Garrett putting the pressure on Justin Herbert Herbert stood in and delivered the ball second and 10 now for the Chargers from the Cleveland 22 Eckler Eckler inside to 15 10 five touchdown and there is a penalty marker down right about where he made his inside cut he’s been able to get the ball out so fast they haven’t been able to impact the game here’s Eckler Eckler with Running Room and then some across Midfield and inside the 45 yd line brought down by Denzel Ward be marked down at the 43 yd line well here here here’s Eckler and that is Eckler just refusing to go down touchdown Chargers getting some players back but they just look a little sluggish right now they really need to turn on the gas pressure coming as Herbert gets rid of it to Eckler up the sideline first down and much more down near Midfield boy M finally caught him after a 23 yd pickup a big Target for him to just catch and knife forward for a first down on first and goal Eckler with an opening on the left side Eckler lunging over for the [Applause] touchdown this is a Seattle team that’s surprising a lot of folks this score will surprise even more Eckler up the middle he’ll get the first down to the 38 yd line a pick up of 13 for Eckler once more Herbert sidearm sling and it’s a touchdown Austin echler into the end zone for six two tight ends an extra offensive lineman and a fullback here’s Eckler and he walks it in for his ninth touchdown in the last five games very difficult on the defense that Target has been talked about how challenging it is New York gets involved looks at the replay makes the decision and green laws out of the game Herbert is back in Eckler with the run there first down to the Niner side of Midfield it is Eckler following the fullback into the end zone what else is new Eckler touchdown it was a flag down play clock at three Clap the snap it’s off to Eckler fer looking to lead and a block and a dive to the one he’s got the first down first and goal got to take a shot in the end zone here Herbert they of his choice and Eckler touchdown he got it on first down setting up the screen here is Eckler Eckler following blocking and out of bounds and they’re going to Mark him out at about the 33 yd line great to see him back and contributing significantly third and goal Eckler’s got a long way to go can he get there oh he’s the one ball goes out of bounds but he was out of bounds first so no Touchback it’s at the one Herbert hands it Eckler in for the touchdown denied from the two in the first quarter they get in from the one and the guitar celebration and now he is using those legs inside run good second effort by Eckler first down to the 8 yd line and this Miami defense that was on the field for 84 plays last [Applause] week eer gets by Weaver stays on his feet Heckler breaks the tackle inside the five Eckler trying to fight his way in still going and he is in touchdown Los Angeles ninth rushing touchdown of the season for Eckler but a big Point here in this game from the one first down and goal touchdown Eckler and the Chargers strike first [Applause] tonight I’m a big fan of Jim Harbaugh so Eckler takes it down inside the five and they’re going to Mark him just short of the end [Applause] zone Chargers hurry it up hand off and now he gets it here Eckler touchdown Los [Applause] Angeles second touchdown of the night and 16th of the season for Austin Eckler fourth straight game we mentioned with Williams and Keenan Allen both healthy and this impressive Drive continues here’s Eckler Eckler through a seam Eckler touchdown Good Feeling with the whole offense but I I love how driven he is Eckler finding a seam showing the wheels to the 20 Eckler house Cole no Flags 72 yds for the [Applause] Chargers Herbert will begin from the shotgun pocket starts to muddy over the middle completes Eckler boy little Juke maneuver beautiful keeps himself inbounds and he picks up those extra yards up the sideline finally tackled by klor R and Eckler climbing the record books in the history of his franchise as he passes the great LT first down and 10 a pitch to Eckler running right nice move by Eckler spinning his way to the 20 yd line Eckler the running back on second down and eight play action a screen Eckler there’s the record single season and he’s still going going Eckler slipping tacklers up to the 40 did I say tacklers for Eckler whatever it is that’s his 107th catch of the year which is a new franchise record so a big day and a big night for the Bosa boys little toss here Eckler looks for room and into the end zone he goes for the touchdown so the man who led the league in touchdowns this season gets one here in the playoff final minute to the outside there he goes cuts it back touchdown Austin Eckler he must have heard us talking about him that end zone is like a magnet for this guy mcky is the fullback he’s a tight end third and goal Eckler mckin the block touchdown Chargers and they cash in on the Miami turnover and they’re very excited about that with a first and 10 Herbert Eckler oh he’s got the big hole into the secondary look at him run chase down field pollen gets him fake to Eckler Here Comes chub there goes Herbert Eckler’s got the ball the first down in room to Rome knocked out of bounds by Deshawn Elliott another huge play by Austin e picks up 35 on the catch and run brings up first down and 15 fake it to Eckler again now throw it to him one of the best out of the back field doing this has blocking Waits For The Blocking picking his way down inside the five so they could fit in over the cast and the rra now gloveless but he’s got Eckler and Eckler’s got the sideline and Eckler got a touchdown Austin Eckler from 39 yds out his first receiving touchdown of the season it’s first and five after the flag there’s bring a fifth rusher it’s Eckler got a block on a ton of room Austin Eckler on the run of the 24 yd line that’s a pretty good one to get the ball to he proved that last week he tosses to him here and Eckler runs into his own man and throw him [Music] is in for the touchdown but a flag is down at the [Applause] seven Heckler the touchdown machine is in and the Chargers add to their lead with under three and a half to go here’s Eckler his second of the night and the Chargers fans in attendance able to cheer that I mean Herbert had an incredible September and they’re going to go screen here on second down Heckler breaks it into the secondary and he’s down to the 38 yd line great block by Will Clap the center got to motion someone back or forth It’s Zone coverage inside hand it off here it is to Eckler driving driving it’s close Chargers think they have it Detroit says we’ve denied it official on the far side says touchdown Murray was out there Clayton tun the rookie out of Houston gets the touchdown here’s oal toss to Eckler and Eckler’s got room he’s inside the 30 and he’s down to the 22 yd line here he is out here ready to go third and short trying the left side bouncing off contact and Eckler down the sideline chugging inside inside the 20 and yanked down shy of the 10 Anthony Johnson finally caught him Erikson in motion on second down oh big hole Eckler blasting through it an ankle tackle trips him up with the 45 yd line his Ravens defense showing pressure backing out of it on Third and 17 Keenan Allen backwards pass to Eckler to get the first down right around the 39 ydd line how about that play the best drive for him though and they need to score quickly and off back up the middle and in touchdown and the Chargers are finally on the board it’s their first touchdown since the fourth quarter of the Ravens game in week 12 shoots it out here to Eckler breaks a tackle turns it into a nice run and that should be a first down he’s tackled by Bal [Applause] Nicholls caught running his way Eckler he picks up a first down

Austin Ekeler Top Plays of the 2023 Regular Season, 2022 Playoffs and 6 other Season Parts

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  1. First one here also I want to play for Louisiana Tech and then get drafted to the NFL hopefully from me and then enjoy the United States Marine Corps afterwards

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