Who are the #Canucks most likely to sign or let go in free agency? – Sekeres & Price LIVE

Who are the #Canucks most likely to sign or let go in free agency? – Sekeres & Price LIVE

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Amman Larson on YouTube would you sign you are allowed to sign a guy after you buy him out believe it or not threeyear deal two million would you do it if zidor off’s gone it’s either Plan B C D E is there any hope in Hell the thing is he sold his place in kits I heard might get paid well he’s going to get something like he had a good season I think he gets 4 million aav I think he do on a one-year deal no I I however it stands I I I would put the over under on the aav beside emman larsson’s name at four well I’ll put the over under a three and a half and I I’ll take the over yeah uh AFP analytics has him at three years 4.1 million per booms there you go well celebrating before the balls in the hole oh are we going there right off the bat no I voted Tyler Mt and here’s why because you’re not gonna regret his contract it’s going to be one year it’s going to be right around the league minimum yep you need Wingers you need speed you need penalty Killers he checks all those boxes and again you won’t regret the contract boy there are certain parts of Tyler toley’s game that I really like and really appreciate and yeah he has been a Canuck alongside Pon in the past and I’d be quite interested to see how that goes again particularly as the search for a a appropriate Winger for Pon continues what I would be worried about with Tyler T Foley is the term he’s going to require and how that contract will look AFP thinks he’s going to be a 4×6 million player he’s 32 years old and we’re talking about a guy who’s got a strong hockey IQ really good in short areas makes good Puck decisions in those tight areas with either people hanging off them or people bearing down on him pretty good shooter pretty accurate shooter uh but I would worry what the player would look like Beyond say the first couple of Seasons I think think if look I’m big on 35 or younger a four-year deal takes to fully to age 36 I’d be willing to do that deal if he gave me a little bit of a break on the average annual value but this is not a fast team the f is not a fast guy either he’s no longer a penalty killer so there’s a world where I could uh stomach it to fully contract but on the right turns in terms of t and I risk being mayor of rville for a second time on a Chris TANF extension because I didn’t think there was a hope in hell that Calgary was gonna get value out of the deal they signed TANF to I just felt like he was so brittle at the time that he left Vancouver here played with such a reckless abandon that he was bound to get hurt more and more that you know despite his age he would be a lot older in terms of miles on the body bumps bruises and injuries I mean as we’ve talked about he leads the league and going back up the tunnel but again I I if if tanif is going to need a four or even five years like he’s 34 years old now folks love to see him in Vancouver on a two-year deal but I just don’t think that’s gonna happen with with what he can command because it sounds like Dallas is interested sounds like the Senators are very interested and we heard the Leafs are interested as well with both of the big names I’m okay with one or two your deal that’s just not the way unrestricted free agency works unfortunately so you know when we’re evaluating all these players and all these days leading up to free agency it’s not that I or you don’t necessarily like the player in a lot of cases like the player a lot would love them to be on my team the next season but that’s not the way that it works you have to sign them to a contract that in a lot of cases outruns when you expect them to be effective and that’s what you have to use as the calculus when you decide whether or not do I want X player on my team and so using all that criteria yeah M’s got zero leverage right now um he’s the perfect kind of player to be lenus Carlson Insurance like if Lena Carlson can’t make this team you need somebody to fill out the fourth line that’s it and he’s got a lot of tools that he can be a useful Club in the bag um providing nobody on I was going to say UDA how where’s the bra uh can can make the step up and I do believe there will be somebody that surprises us from the ABY crew that does make this team one of the many but but but but you need somebody else I hear you in terms of insurance and and frankly right now Tyler mot is better than the Abby crew he’s pen it’s gonna be it’s gonna be incumbent on the Abby crew to knock Tyler M out of the 12 forwards if they were to sign if they sign him of course and and then here’s the other thing thing if that’s the case no worries it’s a good thing you got a young player moving up you know Tyler M’s going to be fine as your 13th forward right yep you got no problem with that now the points fell off the map for M uh last nine and 69 games he had 19 the previous year in 62 games split between the Rangers and the Senators so yeah um that that and and Blake makes another good point here the calculus has changed a little folks in free agency this year because the cap is finally going up for the first time in a number of years so you know guys who are at this end of the roster we’ve been accustomed the last couple of years to see them sign really short-term deals in some cases really low money deals too like Bluer I think is a a good example I think in a regular Cap World Teddy Bluer would have got more than a oneye deal last year yeah now we got a little more money from the conu and this Management Group really liked him so I think that helped float the the salary what was it one nine but I think you know in previous years a guy like that who can play the middle and kill penalties it probably gets a multi-year no more than two or three but probably gets a multi-year I think you’re gonna see that back this year that these the these fourth liners but maybe fourth liners with either a uh unique characteristic trait uh or with special teams utility the third pair of defenseman I I think you’re going to see more two-year deals profile of player we’ve already seen it Liam O’Brien signs with the coyotes a threeyear yeah $1 million deal tuna there thought it was spicy tuna spicy tuna yeah ah and again we had Big Tuna here it didn’t go well great but how often do you see how often do you see a threeyear $1 million cap hit deal but a couple of things there he has the um he has a unique attribute he an like he is just a total jackass professional ass total jackass out there the game here in January against the Vancouver kogs were you know Little Liam O’Brien’s in everybody’s face the leprechaun he is kind of a lepr biting the ankles of Zora he really is he really is and I think you that with that guy he’s just so ecstatic to be in the NHL you going to give me a threeyear deal $3 million oh I’ll sell myself short who’s our favorite example of the long-term weird deal in is it on Long Island no Colton sciss it’s Colton scissons north maner angal got one too yeah yeah they got eighty year three million aav and and cens is in the twos where are you on Tana like Beyond just you wish you could do a short-term deal that’s not going to be the case would you go four years on tanif no and here’s the calculus for me on that one is even if he for the most part has sidestepped the fragility uh of his later years as a Vancouver kite and people have to Crane their brains back to the fir in the first few years of Chris TV’s existence with the Canucks Dave Tomas and I nicknamed him Gumby because he got pasted regularly and never got injured he would get up and be like oh my god the guy cannot get hurt the damnedest thing and then all of a sudden it was made up for all the years of being stapled and not being injured he made up for it well and Blake the other thing is do you remember the Young Chris tanif like I’ve been in a lot of NHL dressing rooms and I can’t think of a guy who looked less the part than a Young Chris T oh yeah he walked in he looked like a grade 12 student 111 pounds soak and wet hula hoop in a Cheerio and it was out there in the National ho League the muffin shot you remember the shot yeah it was weird but he the problem is he plays a game not only now is he more fragile but he plays a game that puts himself in the line of fire so much rely so I I think actually calling him fragile is actually unfair he just puts himself in the line of fire so much it’s just a laot of averages at this point he will get injured because of how he plays not that he’s brittle professional Puck eater oh you remember this too like he used to be the bug against the windshield yeah all the time like a lot of guys make that first pass on the in boards and S step the final check he’s okay taking it he just makes the pass he goes I’m getting stapled the F1 he was kind of like the boxer that would just walk through punches like he’ll take six or seven to land one who’s uh who’s Mickey Ward versus Arturo Gotti yeah the two of them he is no defense he is the embodiment of a ward Gotti fight you’re absolutely right or Haggler Hearns the famous One um and yet even though I wouldn’t sign him to a I wouldn’t sign him to a a term deal I’d love to see him back with the Vancouver con Pros Pro for the next two years is exactly what they need like when you look up the definition of low maintenance player outside of the training staff of course Chris TANF is your guy yeah Mentor leader people listen when he speaks because again he doesn’t speak all that much right and is a walking talking example of sacrificing for the greater good by the way how many people do you think know what the Gumby reference is how many people how many of the young viers people know Gumby still no gr you know do you know who Gumby was no now really no it’s aaz probably but not like I can’t link his face to the name green green angular head uh he’s a rubber toy that you could Bend into different positions Gumby poke and Gumby gum and poke yeah um yeah see I look it up and I know it you know you know what to look at yeah there was a movie in 1995 was it really yeah yeah uh he debuted in 1953 wait a second is it a he I don’t know don’t assume right yeah I’m not sure of his I’m not sure of their pronouns yes careful no uh the Wikipedia page calls him an American cultural icon anyways uh yeah 1953 so a 71y old figure yeah imagine a Susi tan of second pair like a shutdown deep pairing yeah that’s that’s good shutdown this but oh for sure for sure I don’t see it happening no me neither yeah uh and you know I got people screaming on me on Twitter like Securis what is your problem you don’t want gensel like what do you have against greatness you know this is not the Droid we’re looking for we’re looking for the Winger for Patterson no no no no no no I fully agree a Winger for Pon is required I’m just more comfortable shopping from a different aisle Than Jake gensel which brings us to our top story and that is the gensel sweep stakes and the contenders are starting to let themselves be known David Pinot of the fourth period today reporting he expects the Los Angeles Kings to aggressively pursue Jake gensel of course the Kings open up some cap space in that deal last week where they shipped out Pier Luke dubba and brought Darcy keer into the crease the Detroit Red Wings Pinot also names as a team that he believes will be in on Jake gensel and of course that would help explain why Detroit gave away with a second round pick paid Jake wman 33.7 million Jake Walman over the next couple years a defenseman who was coming off a 12g goal season F gafar and we’ve had her we’ll have her on the show later has consistently said he just does not believe Jake gensel is gonna sign with the Canadian team um that that report his report was refuted I think is uh the agents going to work there saying no no no we want Vancouver to drive up the price here I’ve long said I think Vancouver is a stalking horse for gensel that the gensel camp looks at it and goes great have raford Alvine bit up some of these American teams and that on July 1 he’s gonna wind up being king or Redwing or somewhere do you think he gets to double digits is there a chance he gets 10 million no no I don’t think so I don’t think so but I can see 95 yeah I can see 95 for sure but that at that point it’s just ceremonial my goodness if you’re going to 95 somebody can get you to 10 what about a higher it depends on how it depends on how um it depends on how close you’re cutting it to the cap higher tax state say California the LA Kings have to get they may be less 10 million Yeah well yeah I that could compute again again if you surround yourself with the appropriate accountants and tax lawyers I’m sure you can find ways to um make yourself whole so to speak in a jurisdiction that does have income tax like our Province well like virtually well most of the jurisdictions in the National Hockey League outside of what Texas Florida Tennessee it’s coming to Washington too I believe Seattle’s gonna have this Advantage uh do you know nine of the last 20 Stanley Cup champions are in the Sun Belt which leads me to believe and a couple of these tax Havens are in the sun buil yep the Florida Street right now but I truly believe I’m thinking we should do a poll question on this what’s the biggest motivator for somebody to sign and You’re gonna laugh at this but I honestly think most of these guys are going to be Filthy Rich no matter where they play right their ability to go home and swim in a pool to golf 12 months of the year and to show up to practice and flipflops yep I think that is as big a motivator to sign with a certain Club for sure over another club how many guys want to shiver after growing up in Canada how many of them want to shiver to practice in Minnesota I I honestly I think wearing short sleeves and shorts is as big an advantage as the tax bracket yep he’s as big I really do these are these are Canadian guys growing up in the Prairies growing up in rural Ontario they’re G to be making millions wherever they go so what’s the tiebreaker am I gonna be toasty yep hly think that’s it so if it’s a battle all the kucks are in on it but so are blah blah blah and they’re below the Mason Dixon line don’t like the chances now I mean the flip side is you know I’ve heard this from players agents before and maybe a changes now in South Florida but you play in Florida you play in Arizona you play in some of these other markets Carolina you’re treated like a minor league baseball player oh yeah oh the hockey yeah I’ve heard the hockey team yeah where do you guys play of oh you play out the the big arena oh okay all right so there there there are some who want to go to a place where the sport lives and breathes and of course that’s Canada that’s Minnesota that’s Detroit that’s Philly that’s the guys like barov and bosski and even fili bronic here they don’t care just want to play the game they want to go home they don’t care yep and a lot of hockey players like the anonymity yep you know it’s not a tall poppy sport I would love to see that breakdown though winning Fit price oh that’s a huge one lifestyle honestly you know and you talk to managers uh you talk to managers or agents um a big one is coach and fit yeah who’s your coach and where is he going to play me and what kind of style does he play like that role right so I I think it’s very I’m not sure there’s a great uh I’m not sure there’s a great um it wouldn’t be unanimous example here from this year’s Patrick Kane for example maybe he is a great example and look 36 years old and his best days are but like if Patrick Kane is evaluating okay do I want to go play for say someone like John Cooper and Tampa or do want to go to play for tet who’s going to ask me to eat pucks yeah and Wallwork and non-negotiables right well your past experiences guide all your future choices right so a guy that’s got cops already that’s had that success played in a big city already he’s already had a really fun experience um you know he’s gonna have make different choices than the guy who’s been playing in a small Market in the US with no success any it all it’s all I remain very skeptical um I uh would be delighted to be surprised here because I think it would be a fun story and I’d love to see gensel play alongside Pon but I I just I just don’t see it happening yeah yeah I I would be quite surprised if uh July 1 comes around I’m prepared to be very surprised but in a good way um and and I mean that on gensel or somebody else like they they aren’t going to let this uh next eight period nday period I’ll say so a couple days into free like there’s no way that the Vancouver conects are not making an acquisition of consequence yes but and we talked about this on the golf course yesterday with jpad and Jason Ruff just do me a favor and don’t do the Louis Ericson plan and and by the Louis Ericson plan I don’t mean sign a guy who turns out to be a horrible player uh like Louis Ericson what I mean is that summer and I can remember making the call to Jim Benning and him just sounding like his dog had just died yeah Matt luch isn’t coming home he’s signing it Edmonton their whole thing was let’s sign Milan Luchi bring him home and when he got seduced by Edmonton with the uh opportunity to play on Conor mcdavid’s Wing you remember that summer they signed like six Wingers they were all going to play with Conor McD David uh the conects immediately went and overpaid for the next best available Winger in their view Louie Erikson I I I I I have said this next tier of Wingers is interesting to me you’ve talked about maraso on a shorter term deal because he’s 34 uh I’ve looked at it and went boy guys like de Brusque defley Terin arvidson Tyler batusi the some others too well terine is a different metric because he’s a trade not a no he’s a UFA ter is you’re thinking n oh maybe think of n yeah yeah um they’re all attractive but don’t go out and sign one of those guys to seven and a half eight million because you missed out on gensel and the agents are putting the screws to you driving the price up because they know oh yeah these this guy this team was in on gansel didn’t make it but they’ve got money now yeah don’t let yourself don’t talk yourself in to huge money for the next guy down just to go out and say oh yeah we got our Winger it you still need to stick to your plan and find guys that fit and in the Canucks case yeah you’d prefer if he had speed because Alvine has specifically mentioned speed yeah of course he’s got to be somewhat of a goal scorer because you’re going to play him with a Pon you you you’d really like if he’s a all situations Winger or at the very least like gensel good enough defensively you can have them out late protecting leads he’s a penalty killer even better you know stick to your plan and look I think this management group based on what they did last year Blake is going to do that and deserves the benefit of the doubt on the way in because last year was a home run of a free agency season for the Vancouver conu even though none of the individual signings really mov the needle much in terms of excitement in the marketplace with the fence it’s too broad to look at trades but in terms of actual free agent signings I could see them paying too much for gensel I could see them paying too much for a right shot D like a peshi or a Montour but I think that’s the short list like I I don’t think they’re going to get caught over paying that middle class and I think a great example of this is and we got told this by a zillion insiders oh Philip ronic got all the leverage oh you know it’s going to begin with an a he’s got all the leverage I mean he did have substantial leverage he had leverage for a raise yes but well he leverage for an 18e deal as it turned out but the cap hit is not extra no like it’s it’s it’s a completely Fair cap hit yeah given where where the player is given the E economics and the salary cap bump and all that sort of stuff so I think we saw some like they didn’t they didn’t get taken out by that by that contract and given the threat of losing a right shot defenseman that that is was being campaigned for by their MVP in Quinn Hughes like I I think there was a real fear there that they would just feel cornered MH they came out of it looking pretty good so if they’re not getting if they’re not paying through the nose for that one I think they’re they’re going to have restraint for everybody but the tip of the top of uh moving right along the 2024 Hockey Hall of Fame class was announced onday uh pav datsuk who we all thought would be a first Hall of Famer sure enough MH syam Musa Shea Weber in his first opportunity gets the call polarizing decision as it turns out I wanted to Circle back on this one Blake because we talked about him earlier in the week or last week whenever it was and frankly the more I looked at Weber’s case the more I was on board with this decision yesterday as a first ballot guy now some will say didn’t win a cup never won a Norris fair enough what did he win well virtually everything else you can win in the sport a Memorial Cup a world junr a world championships Olympic gold Mills twice a first team All-Star League All-Star so twice one of the two best defenseman in the league twice a second team NHL Allstar so twice amongst the best four defenseman in the game three times the Norris finalists and that and and eight times in the top eight of Norris voting right but then you mentioned something to me yesterday you said do you know the Weber finished with 224 career goals and we thought about it went that’s like a defenseman averaging 22 goals a year for 10 seasons and and then here’s the other thing Blake Weber Weber played about the equivalent it’s it shows 16 years on the hockey card but because of all the games missed it’s closer to 12 and a half 13 years yeah that’s an exceptional career it is so I’m willing to look past no cup no Norris win for this player given the the rest because here’s the other thing it’s not like he gave any quarters defensively right you’re talking about a superior def at one point who was also one of the most offensively inclined and goalscoring inclined defenseman from 08 to 2014 here’s where here’s his Norris Trophy fourth 7th second second 8th thirdd fourth right like I’m sorry like that that’s a sevene run near the tip top with f five of those years being in the top four defenseman right in the entire league the consistency so I think I sto him a little bit short when we were discussing these uh uh these candidates earlier in the week the other polarizing one is Jeremy ronic well ronic is very polarizing he’s polarizing I think for a lot of people right off the get-go because of his personality uh which really shouldn’t both during hockey and post hockey and that should play into the role but here’s the thing statistically speaking he’s he’s there uh and we know also I think there is a uh I think there is a bias towards American players in the hall they love to try to catch up the Americans to the Canadians But ultimately his stats speak for themselves you know what his stats would be even more overwhelming if he didn’t Peter out and hang on for so long his last four years he played a lot of games and he had almost no points in his last four years if he calls it quits at the end of the 2004 season after having played still 15 years in the league yeah he is above a point per game not above a point per game now but he would have been a point game if he had called it quits then and and not hung on so long so he is ital he’s got the gold medal too in the world cup and and you know like he’s I I was less bullish on ronck candidacy in fact there’s a part of me that believes that ronck got in because the hockey selection committee is tired of hearing the whining and complaining about when are you going to put these American forwards in ronic kachuck he’s a 500 goal scorer with 1,00 points that’s gonna get you in okay this from Scott wheeler of the athletic who uh they did like a shadow selection Community ronic never won a cup never won an NHL award was never a first or second Team league all scar his best scoring season tied for sixth yeah that’s I mean you know as we know the Hockey Hall of Fame is a big Hall it’s not a small hall baseball for years and years was a small Hall it’s it’s gotten a little more liberal they’ve let more people in in the Baseball Hall of Fame hockey has always been a big tent come one come all haul the very good I think that’s where Rona qualifies and frankly Blake I found myself mightily disappointed for Alex mcy because I think this year was his best opportunity when you take a look at the other candidates this year next year ladies and gentlemen zido chera Joe Thorton krie price Penticton Duncan Keith like they’re all going in first ballot right uh I’d have to pour over Keith a little bit more but probably yeah Cup winner gold medals three times yeah I mean I’ve never felt like he um like for instance I I think Shay Weber was a far more imposing singular player three-time Cup winner two-time Norris winner member he get two norres really M of the NHL he got two noris time 100y year anniversary team two time first first team Allstar he got two Norris two anacon SMI like Duncan Kei is in oh there ain’t no question um Carri price anybody gonna hold the reasonably roughly shorter career against him no I don’t think so Chara cop Norris seven time Allstar yeah um plus played 1680 games too and a little bit Marlo is involved there too zidan oara a seven time member of either first or second All-Star team and then of course kri price is the the rare golender or at least rarer in the modern era with a with a hard trophy right he got a Vesna he’s got a heart got a masteran he got a yeah he’s got gold medals as well um I’m I’m surprised that as well only once a first team Allstar for carry price though Duncan Keith won in 910 and 13 I’m just going back to Keith like he wasn’t a point getting defenseman no he wasn’t the biggest Point getter you know didn’t score goals no didn’t have like the sh like sh had two and a half times his goal scoring like it’s amazing that they respected him enough to give him the Norris Trophy and and Joe Thorton can we agree that Thorton’s going in and quickly yeah very quick yeah so you know you take a look at that those are four guys that are they can’t wait to get Chara and Thorton in there just for the speeches I think certainly thoron it’s it’ll be a fun fun party well and what all if and if presuming they both do go in next year together what a juxed position that’ll be for the Boston Bruins huh yeah it’s the one guy who got away every 10 years we get stupid and trade a number one centerman like Joe Thorton or Tyler Sega every once while we flee somebody yeah well you know good thing we signed that chera guy in free agency because otherwise we’d still be talking about Joe thoron and the bad trade that they made with the San Jose Sharks there so yeah I I just think it gets tougher for mcil next year I thought this was the year that you look at it went because you know look at the guys who are left off your Zetterberg some people thought Curtis Joseph might have a better chance this time around um I know some of the metropolitan area are big on uh Patrick elash so Larry Brooks tweeting about that today so yeah um the player category and learn this today there’s a player category and there’s a female player category at the Hockey Hall of Fame not very 2024 of the hall just in terms of the labeling you well yeah like player category yeah well they they have to well because I saw sarahi tweet out here are the inductees player category female player and people are like Frank what are you doing the females are players too you know why is it male player a female player and Frank had to explain like no those are the actual categories yeah that they induct people in player female player yeah it you can really just the female and put player the labels are tricky though they have to they have to have the two separate streams because they’re trying to catch up the women’s category because of years of neglect and so they want to carot yeah to for sure um and Jennifer Boll is now becoming the Alex mcil and the female player category people were like well the other thing they’re trying to do is catch up on the on the US women side that was quite evident because Blake and I have both covered women’s hockey multiple women’s world hockey championships and you know the two players inducted yes okay you’ll have to take I’ll take their word for it because I don’t I don’t know the two I don’t specifically remember them being that great but hey I I saw one of the spurned female players is Megan Dugen I know Megan Dugen yeah don’t know these two players well I mean we’re more inclined to know the Canadian players to be fair but yes no Megan douin an American isn’t she Megan Doug is an American player and and I know her you’re thinking of Megan melson maybe um oh I might be yes yeah Doug’s American right my bad uh and then we get to the Builder category where this election Committee just exposes itself the naked cronyism of colon Campbell getting in because he’s a longtime Gary bman NHL head office leftenant wasn’t a particularly outstanding player or coach presided over a a department of discipline way back when that nobody could wrap their head around and quite frankly set the sport back in terms of its steadfastness against punishing head shot for years like how many players brains are scrambled eggs because of what Coleen Campbell in the league didn’t do way back when and he’s in the Hall of Fame I I’ll put it this way Matt um like you can say what you want about Gary bman and there’s a lot of reason for criticism for Gary bman but Gary bman going to the Hockey Hall of Fame I get because a longevity the owners have wanted him to be their leader for this long that means something he brought in the salary cap system that like it or lump it has worked for this league it has worked for the league that I get name the thing that colen Campbell has done exactly that you can even devil’s advocate well that was that did do this because you can do that with Gary bman on a lot of decisions you can you can at least get Devil’s Advocate Arguments for Gary bman positions name the thing that Colin Campell has done as a builder did you see the two-page statement from Gary on behalf of colen Campbell he gave two pages just to justify it yeah when you have to do that an accomplish Junior player rugged defenseman Relentless dedication none of his coached the Rangers guided them to playoff upsets got to an Eastern Conference Final not relevant he was at the center of the summit with the players that opened the game up in 2005 Gary ketum with that you know being a part of that good brainstorming imp Central to the crafting of every rule change no matter how late and overdue my word’s not theirs and technological Innovation most notably modernizing and centralizing video review for ingame rulings and supplementary discipline a a a a technology that remains controversial to this day with its accuracy and its focus gives him credit for watching more than 30,000 NHL games and personally making thousands of critical video review calls so he was doing his job yeah the statement ends I consider myself fortunate to have had colon by my side over the last 26 years and I’m proud to call him one of my closest friends that’s right there the penultimate sentence you said it out loud he’s one of the closest friends of the commissioner so let’s put him in and the other Builder brother was David pil who has been the GM for more games than anybody in in history and did a lot with a little in Nashville for many his organization didn’t win a cup got to a cup final but boy did the Nashville Predators punch above their weight class and with and people forget this at one point but with absolute circus going on at the ownership level there once and self self-imposed salary caps right that were way below wher everybody else was been yeah so I mean there was a time they were out trolling for anybody to own the Nashville pressers anybody but Jim balsley yeah boots Del bajio Builder Builder ones will always be sort of debatable but I’m fine with Bo Bo I I got no problem with that well I put it out on Twitter yesterday you can make the argument McGill should almost go in as a builder given defecting from Russia being a trail I mean it certainly should be a credit yeah on his Ledger in the player category never mind the player and what he did as in in the league craft maradon alone oh and incidentally Coen Campbell was part of the Hall of Fame selection committee for 15 years like is that not a conflict of interest naked cronyism don’t worry we’ll get you in one of these days we’ll get you in just just vote this guy can you imagine the meeting goes around Lanny who’s up next uh Coen Campbell oh co what a great guy hey Coy the tabley he sat right there let’s put him in let’s put Gary will love that no one no we’ll get praise from the commissioner for doing that I like wasinski on this Cole and Campbell had a huge huge influence on the NHL moving on yeah that that the words you read are just s of very vague let’s remember in any other uh ethical reputable business organization colon Campbell would have been fired years ago for bullying and intimidating those in his charge about calls and non- calls against his son and his son’s team the venting hockey dad who explained oh I didn’t think anybody would read those emails well his son’s team that just won a sty there you go it’s been a big week for the Campbell family I’m sure Aaron Rome is uh really happy Callin Campbell Aaron Rome is somewhere on a manat TOA farm with a big tool digging it into something and still gritting his teeth about the suspens well remember we had him on one of those Christmas episodes still got emotional yeah he is he was shaken up by he okay 16.3 million people across North America viewed game seven of the Stanley Cup Final it’s the second most watched NHL game on record since 2004 when you combined Canadian and us television viewership which is what we should do in these instances like who really cares who’s watching it in one particular country what’s the what is the league audience thinking of it and that’s pretty good game seven outdrew any baseball or basketball finals game over the last five years now a lot of people have rightfully said there haven’t been a ton of great Series in baseball or basketball recently it really did that yes in North America in the states uh I believe that the North American audience which is still still interesting though yeah um it it you don’t you don’t get there without Canada bottom line is you know Drew any singular World Series game or NBA n Finals game over the last five years yeah still know that’s still very very good it’s the most watched Stanley Cup Final series since 2013 uh again across North America averaging 8.8 million and that’s way up and this was the most watched playoffs across North America since 2017 and the second most watched playoffs in the US ever yeah I mean I I have said it already a lot of anecdotal evidence on my behalf that right people were interested in these playoffs right and of course you know be aware of your own prism we were very invested in these playoffs for two rounds when the kcks were around right yeah I think it very much helped that the New York Rangers went to the Eastern Conference Final right that is a huge Market the irony about all this is we all felt the first round which is usually the one we all agree is the very best round the weakest we could remember in years exactly it was kind of the Stanley Cup playoffs in inverse because like the games in the conference final and the final pretty good I thought were better yeah and you know Edmonton notwithstanding and with teams that really when I would put them against other teams from other years in the final four probably weren’t as aesthetically pleasing well like Florida and the Rangers play very good hard-nose hockey and and you know they played some great games there with pace and all of that but it’s not like you’re looking up and down those teams and going oh they just just play Beautiful skating high-scoring offensive hoton no not really even some predators conect some predators the first 50 minutes of every game was not great fabulous finishes in that series but like when I think back the last few years the Tampa teams the Colorado teams they were just a pleasure to watch beautiful hockey the way they mov the puck around and everything yeah I don’t think the the floridas and the Dallas’s and the and um the Rangers this year quite is aesthetically pleased D Dall yeah no fair enough fair enough um how about this tube like and this is again from an NHL press release NHL record 89% of the playoff games were decided by one goal or multiple goals following an empty Netter 78 of the 88 games were either one goal or featured empty Nets which got it to a multi-goal which is great I they can’t help but be a little cynical there and just wonder how much game management is part of that but um it makes for a dramatic TV show which is the bottom line and then 45% nearly half of all the games were comeback wins the third highest rate over the past 30 years well I think that is abundantly clear like I don’t think any team down two goals going into the third period in the playoffs felt like they were out that game and I don’t think I don’t think fans think that their team is out of the gate uh if you’re down 3-1 going to the third we remember what the dead Puck ER was like Matt you weren’t winning that hockey game 3-1 going down going to the third I think you think you have a chance yep you absolutely have a chance yep uh John Cooper the lawyer from Prince George is going to coach Canada at the four nations in the Olympics we knew that but that’s formalized now uh congratulations to coach Coupe I think he’s Best in Class amongst the Canadian head coaches now certainly the resume is extraordinary for John Cooper and did you see this story about the Canucks revoking the accounts of season ticket holders because they say they’re reselling their seats uh City News had the story the Canuck said an a statement to city news our goal with season ticket memberships is to create a sense of community and allow fans to attend as many games as possible restricting ticket brokers from purchasing memberships and tickets will help create the best possible experience for our fans and protect the Integrity of our season ticket members uh city news I see Rob Williams we’ll talk to Rob about this tomorrow uh have found fans that said I don’t know what I did wrong like yeah I went to 10 of the 40 or I went to 20 of the 40 and I sold some of them privately I sold some of them via Ticket Master that there weren’t crazy markups so there are some people out there left wondering as to why they have been flagged on they better be pretty darn sure that uh this isn’t a guy that just couldn’t go to a third of his games yeah that should be allowed right right um so this is kind of a slippery slope on both sides of the equation um particularly if this is going to go forward I think the cans have to be very very clear with these Eason ticket members in terms of what’s the threshold what’s too much yeah exactly and can you trace it to you know any level of nefariousness because you should at least get a warning first of hey we’ve noticed you’ve sold you know 60% of your tickets right um we we don’t allow that please refrain from that going forward buy a smaller ice pack you know something there there should be fixes here with these individual accounts that can make things right because the spirit of it you do like from canu Sports entertainment oh we don’t want to just have ticket brokers or the Agents of ticket brokers buy up all these season tickets and then the next thing you know the markup because I think we are going back into that era Blake right where it’s going to be a hot ticket Rogers Rea and the Canucks next year it certainly was this year for the first time in many many years and maybe that’s why they’re acting and so I appreciate and support the spirit of this with the uh Canucks and conu sports and entertainment um but the mechanics of getting it right over thousands of uh season ticket membership accounts could be tricky yeah we’ll see the uh the investigation intern for the con you know how diligent is that I don’t know I’d be I’d be intrigued all right moving right along here to our menu are we doing menu or you wanted to do a draft thing Grady oh he’s talking about the uh oh no just the daily face daily face off challenge to remember you can do the NHL draft challenge leading up to the draft oh this is fun you know I love me some drafts 10 questions I’m a see how good you can do is that a is that a uh it’s just a onetime shot yeah we’ll unveil our picks on H Thursday want to join the daily face off 8 AM Canada day Monday for their free agent show okay menu brought to you by Greta great spot to catch game throughout the season quick walk rink Stadium go-to spot for food drink and the arcade it is an incredible arcade fun before and after the game during the game make it a game night ATR at a 50 West over aetb bar.com f gafar is going to join us here from rank wide updates on a bunch of the Canucks indigenous first free agents plus players out there on the market Frankie curado is going to join us as well after working game seven the Stanley Cup Final on Monday in Florida rubbing elbows with Roberto Lang Longo and the champion Florida Panthers we talk free agency with Frank as well on guys like sador off TANF he’s got a new nickname for you others well they both both do they both it was right there it was right there and here’s the photo very on the nose oh Grady bless you I did not call for that look at how excited Bruff looks for me there huh but I the unbridled enthusiasm he has for the achievement of others is truly one of his great personality traits it was it was it was a melancholic moment for a lot of us that don’t have the ho in one yeah yeah and do you believe that bruff’s a really good golfer Patterson’s a really good golfer neither of them have them no it’s a lot it’s a lot of go that’s the first one I’ve ever even witnessed never mind getting one myself that that surprised me because you’ve played a lot of golf and with good players yeah and I am not a good player I I’m maybe this says something about my iron play but I I have no indelible memories of like me being close really like I don’t have like oh I remember that time it hung on I have no idea like no well frankly this should be a second pool noodle cost me at 16 Northland you remember that couple weeks into the pandemic yeah ground screw goes that ball was in and bounced off the pooled noodle out should have gave it to you no we we have that discussion you can’t give no whole holy months no no it’s either in or it’s out it’s in or it’s out you take the bad break of the pool noodle so Northlands owed me one in the a but if there was ever a time for an outlier that was a weird time in history there was an object in the way I think you could make ball ski through skipped through the whole anyway so but I should say weird time in history was that ball going in yesterday that was very we I couldn’t process it for a moment Matt’s final words before he swung the club he didn’t see this on Twitter I don’t feel comfortable I don’t like the t-box back here I can’t see the I’ve never seen the markers the te markers that far back on the middle deck so I actually had a Club selection Choice which you know what club I’m hitting at Northlands really from every inch of the property to every flag but this one was so irregular that I I actually had to think what am I going to hit here so I was happy to let you and Bruff go first and then Patterson gets over the ball and says I’m so these te are so far back and I’m so short I can barely see over the reads and down to the green and so then I get over the ball and I go you’re right Jeff in all the rounds we played here in Northland it’s like two 300 rounds I don’t know how many it’s been I can’t ever remember having this view to the eth screen I felt a little off guilter well you persevered it’s true a measure of Bravery that we’ve seldom seen anyways thank you for everybody who reached out on the hole in one okay bet 365 bet of the day and bet 365 a proud partner of serson price and we are absolutely delighted to have them aboard BC lion schedule has asked them to play in the four opening successive weeks Sunday Saturday Friday Thursday that’s four straight short weeks that means fewer practices at a time of year when you really want practices because you’re bringing new American players up to speed on the rules and on the scheme and everything and then there’s Vernon Adams who missed Wednesday Wednesday’s practice session nursing an abdominal issue he’s gonna play ladak isn’t gonna play Emon they’re coming off a short week too but you’re getting a touchdown and a hook with them so I’m G to keep taking points early in the season here Elks plus seven and a half I expect a close game uh I’m G to go to and we’re going to talk uh in the final segment a can’s win over Peru historic Victory but uh not a greatl looking Victory per se get the goal while they’re up a man after the first of what should have been two red cards um so I have a ton of confidence going into their match on Saturday versus Chile the opening line for a draw plus 230 that’s the most optimistic I can get versus Chile and that will put you’re normally Mr rainbow and sun shine on this and a draw puts him in a very precarious position Peru’s taking on effectively the Argentinian second team because the’re resting everybody versus Peru plus 230 Canada the draw over Chile opening account with bet 365 today bet on a huge range of Marcus said over Chile with Chile although that would that would effectively be like a win if if the draw gets them through so with Chile thanks for clarifying open an account with bet three 65 today bet on a huge range of markets so whatever the sport whatever the moment it’s never ordinary at bet 365 use code van bonis when opening that account Earth gafar some Canuck talk next in a season like this you never want to miss a single second of what’s happening on the ice and you want to be around your fellow fans right well gret a bar YVR at 50 West Cordova the perfect spot to do so hey if you’ve got tickets a great place to pre and post they’ve got drink specials every single day and if you don’t have tickets well stick around and soak up the atmosphere with all your fellow fans play all the great video games and air hockey great air hockey setup as well at gret ofar YVR we’ll see you there 50 West Cordova the Vancouver Canadians are back at the N catch fireworks giveaways and Friday newers all Spring and Summer Long get your tickets at Canadians baseball.com next guest is brought to you by the Arnold Palmer design Whistler golf club off to an incredible start here in 2024 amazing reviews on the course conditions and service and reminding group organizers of 12 or more it is not too early to get your September or October corporate or buddy trips booked Prime times are filling up fast here you the group organizer if you bring 12 or more you play for free tell us about your group at Whistler golf.com groups joining us now from rink wide Vancouver and and Jeff Patterson recorded a new episode here today so be on the lookout for that it’s Mr iron gafar how are you gentlemen Blake how you doing Matt I’m gonna have to start calling you Ace you’re not the only one not the only one how was that how was that I’m jealous what does it feel like what does that moment feel like when you hit the ball you know you hit it and it just rolls right in so the logical part of your brain is like the ball disappeared that’s a hole in one the conditioned part of your brain is looking for every reason why that couldn’t possibly be so I looked at Blake and I’m are you sure yeah there’s something glimmering beside the hole no is it behind the flag no went in then you just sort of go through like I don’t know it was like a a fog came over me yeah the next hole is not good a haze no I I was trembling like I I could I I was happy just to hit the ball make contact with the ball on the next hole thank you r appre appreciate that yeah absolutely I mean I’m nowhere close to a ho in one but good for you uh a lot of names that we want to throw at you here Earth you tell us what you’re hearing what you think the likelihood that the uh connects are going to be able to land them let’s start with big Nikita zidor off what says you what’s going on there as we inch closer and closer to the draft a couple days away free agency on July 1st I mean we haven’t heard anything yet the last we heard is maybe the zadorov camp has come down a little bit in their ask but zadorov if he does hit free agency is going to get what he wants from somewhere uh all signs kind of point it’s trending in that direction I mean unless the Canucks can pick up the phone and and decide that they want to match what they want or zadorov really decides that you know his value and and what he thinks here is best for his family he’s going to end up staying but uh if I’m him you’re at that age you know you’re going to go and get your money somewhere why not go and get it so that’s one that I haven’t fully close the close the door on but it’s as we inch closer here to the draft on on Friday guys it’s one that is definitely closing pretty fast do you know what teams would be involved there Earth I mean you just look at it by by base of teams that have a lot of money that would probably you know want to go and look at it like you the the Toronto Maple Leafs right you know with with the with the tree living kind of connection there the Detroit Red Wings they have all sorts of money now the Utah hockey team’s got all sorts of money the Boston Bruins are a team that have all sorts of money that’ll be looking to improve and you know zadorov kind of fits that mold of a of a Bruins type of hockey player that big physical defenseman that you know can can can score sometimes but he’ll fight for his teammates and you know the Toronto you know how they love their media Darlings and zorov has definitely been that here in these parts have the kucks have done a good job of sealing up news generally things have kind of plopped out of nowhere Pon and ronic in particular uh while there had been reporting it was quiet before both of those signings ultimately get released so I I I wonder if it really means anything but we aren’t hearing anything about any of the incumbents like we’re just assuming Lind holm’s gone and Joshua I would have thought if Joshua was coming back that was the easiest signing to make if he was coming back and the fact that we haven’t seen that one leads me to be rather pessimistic yeah I think on Joshua because it’s been so quiet for so long and no one’s heard anything whether the agent hasn’t said anything or the Vancouver Canucks have you know you you mentioned done a pretty job of keeping everything inside it’s all signs point towards him going to get his money now whether again it’s the Leafs whether it’s a team like the Chicago Blackhawks the Colorado Avalanche that would be interested in in his services like I’ve said before a million times this is a guy that for the first time in his NHL career is going to see some real money thrown his way so go and get your real money if you’re if you’re Dakota Joshua if the Canucks are offering you if they did in fact or or there was anything of two and a half to $3 million or whatever it was and A team’s giving you you take the four all day if you’re him and I just think that that’s completely fair I’m all about guys going to get their bag I agree with you uh Blake I think that you know with the Elias slin Holmes story I think for him the offer if it was in fact true it’s seven times seven you know he’s a guy that is going to get his money out there right now if he gets a deal of north of seven and a half or starting at a 75 type of range you know in a different Market in a less tax place that’s a difference of three four million bucks right and the grand scheme of things so that’s a lot of money for some of these guys and I think that you know for his point of view you know uh fit is going to be a big thing for him you know I think that he definitely is going to want to be a center um I think that you know being a third line Center here in Vancouver probably wasn’t going to be the best fit for him um and you we know El Patterson’s probably not going to play the wing they’re not going to move that up either as well so uh it was fun while it lasted for a liand home but I’m happy for him if he goes and gets out uh if he goes and get and and gets his money elsewhere yeah um of course as he mentioned with the bigger role okay so lolm Joshua laferty uh we don’t anticipate any of them will be back we haven’t spent a lot of time on Teddy bler Earth but I understand there might be some encouraging news there with regards to his retention by the Vancouver Canucks what do you know I think they want to bring him back right and I think that Bluer might you know go out there and kind of test it a little bit but I think that there’s you know some indication from both sides that that you know he he wants to play here um that that he wants to be here and does he go back to that third line Center role the role that he was brought here for right now that lindol if lindol in fact obviously test ends up testing free agency and and signs elsewhere is Bluer a guy that you know they’re going to be able to get on that cheap value and go and spend your money elsewhere so it’s a guy who they know it’s a guy that has some experience in the National Hockey League and it’s a guy that’s proven that’s been able to play up and down that lineup so that’s an encouraging sign from both but I think he also proved this year guys he’s a fourth line Center like yeah you know for 10 days can can play as third line Center but I think his production and his inability to finish I I think that you know bring him back sure but that’s a fourth for the penalty killing bring him back yeah yeah because if you I mean you lose Lindholm on PK you’re gonna need a guy instantly that goes to your one and Joshua if you lose Lindholm and Joshua all your penalty Killers you’re going to find some you’re going to have to go and find some new ones whether that’s from within or whether that’s out there on the open market or via trade you know you’re definitely going to have to go and improve that way all right uh the big fish Jake gensel and F you’ve been skeptical that this player is GNA sign in Canada I’ve been skeptical since the beginning to be completely honest look I I think that you know there was people that said that you know the report that was out there that gensel was never going to play in Canada it was false I think that that was maybe his side trying to drive up the price a little bit and I think that you know having the Canucks maybe be interested or interested in Jake gensel Maybe we tried to drive up his price a little more he’s a guy that’s going to want 9 million a year I mean are the Vancouver Canucks going to pay north of 9 million a year because that’s probably what you’re gonna have to do if you want to even have a shot at the table of talking to Jake gensel so I understand the the knowing the front office and knowing the coaching staff and the perfect fit for Alias pson of what it could be but I just I don’t think it’s going to get done Carolina still has a few more days if they want to make it work they can definitely try so oh north of million is I think is is is is what he’s gonna get yeah I was going to ask you is Carolina still involved there who would be the other teams you think on gensel I think Carolina’s definitely won Chicago that’s another team right you know I think with the with Conor Bard and and what they have there and what they potentially could have getting a guy with the experience that Jake gensel does have and you’re gonna have to pay a premium for these type of players if you are them but he’s a guy that can definitely help um both on the ice and off the ice and you know he’s a guy he’s a pointy game guy in the playoffs so if Chicago’s a team that’s hoping to you know inch closer and make the playoffs and you know do a little bit of damage in the postseason the next couple years you know he’s a perfect guy that you want ride shotgun with Conor Bard so what’s Plan B if it doesn’t if you’re skeptical on on gensel at this point um we’ve got Tyler to Foley in our poll question as a possibility does that make sense he will be cheaper he is older uh what do you think the interest is in uh in Tyler TR Foley he wants more he wants term right right you’re not getting Tyler T Foley on a three-year deal you’re getting Tyler T Foley on a four or a five-year deal if you’re the Vancouver Canucks I think that that’s plain and simple for a guy that’s you know 30 North of 30 years old in the Twilight of his career he’s going to go and try and maximize every opportunity to make as much money as he can you know the kucks are probably goingon to lowball him right they’re going to because of because of the experience that he’s had playing here and you know you y you’re gonna get the opportunity to play with Alias Pon y you know what Tyles defle is gonna want to get paid I know he’s made a lot of money in his career but when you’re at this stage of your career you know you’ve also played in a number of Canadian markets as well so I wonder if that’s any indication of him maybe kind of want to take his talents elsewhere but I I’m them I don’t even really try I just think that he’s going to cost too much to be completely honest and then for a Winger a scoring Winger like if you go and look at it we sit here and we can go through a list of guys Jake de brust’s name has always been linked to the Vancouver canox how expensive is he gonna be guy like Anthony duclair you know is that a guy that really excites people or gets you you know out of your seat if they go and make that move probably not so the kcks are gonna have to get creative I think that Samanthas and beris we brought those two names up as well yeah but even then like berzi okay he’s had some success he played with Austin Matthews you know and leas Pon yeah he’s got a top level talent but he’s a guy that’s GNA want money right it’s like a lot of these guys are going to want to be paid a lot of money um and I think that for the Vancouver canak they don’t really have it like you lose zadorov you’re going to have to spend money and find a defenseman you lose Lindholm yeah okay you can probably find a third line Center at chap you’re going to lose Joshua you’re GNA need to find someone there and that’s where another name Matt I know you’re gonna mention is Jordan martinook that might come into play for the Vancouver Canucks as well but like mantha doesn’t excite me that much Tyler berzi really doesn’t either all that much for the most part like I see you shaking your head there Blake because both agree right like I think for them I think for them it’s an RFA I think you target who you want yeah you might not have Assets in draft Capital but you’ve got some assets that are on your team if you are willing to part with to improve your hockey team not just this year but the foreseeable future would you be willing to give those up and I think that’s the question that we need to talk about is that hoglander Earth yeah to be completely honest it is I I think that the way that you know he’s come about and had a great season you know we all know that North of 20 goal scorers and how many of them were five on five no showed in the playoffs right and I think that you know there are teams around the National Hockey League that have had interest in him in the past and if you’re the Vancouver Canucks you know on his next deal he’s going to want a little bit of more money and if you can go and use him as an asset to try and improve and get a better player in return that you’re willing to give that money to that you know that will be you know more serviceable and dependable than a guy like Neil hoglander was um you go and you try and make that move if you can you um we have uh long heard the name John Marino in this market the right side defenseman of course a former penguin there with the Rutherford Alvine group he has matriculated to New Jersey where he didn’t have a great season there and of course they’re getting uh douge Hamilton back they’re expected to be a big players on Brett pesi so the conventional wisdom is that John Marino will shake free what do you know there yeah I I think it’s definitely the case that he will shake free it just depends on where he ends up the natural uh choice would be you look at here and how he would just fit right into what the Canucks are trying to do right and I know that Patrick Al too it’s a great cap 4.4 yeah and I know that Patrick alen’s name check Cole mcard is a right shot defenseman that he wants to see more from but you need to have that stop Gap you need to have a guy that’s played in these meaningful games you can’t just hope that you fill your roster on entry-level contracts like you want one maybe two every year if you’re the Vancouver Canucks to come in and make an impact and be able to prove a lot of people wrong but Marina would be an interesting one I think that that like you mentioned Matt his name has been linked to this team for for quite some time um if they’re able to go and make something work to to try and get it done I think that you know players on this team would welcome it with open arms and I think the fan base would too do they have like a deal in a drawer for Tyler Meyers do you anticipate that it’s just a matter of when with Tyler Meers probably I I I think that you know as much as the agent might say and the team might say we haven’t talked and and there’s no deal we haven’t even gotten anything to the table yet you look at it and all signs point in that direction you know he’s a guy that played some of his best hockey this season and you know we know you know in his personal life of of a reason why he wants to stay here in Vancouver as well and um another thing guys he’s a leader on that team you know it may not look like it on some next on the ice but off the ice he is a leader in that room he’s a guy that he’s a person that guys gravitate towards to and you know bounce ideas off him and you know he’s a guy that has a lot of experience in the National Hockey League and if you’re getting Tyler Meers at two and a half three million bucks on a two or on a three-year deal um I think you go ahead and make that move all day agreed um there’s a lot of smoke around Jake debrus to one of the Alberta teams of course you know his dad works there in Edmonton are you buying that like do you think the conu are a player on De Brusque or do you think he’s already got his Targets in sight it’s funny when we do these things because each and every year we sit and talk about the players that have had their names linked to the Vancouver cans and yes Jake dbras is there once again um the yeah dad works in Edmonton covers the Oilers and obviously he’s had a pretty good National Hockey League career in in in Louie um it would be interesting like if the Oilers are gonna go and get Jake de brus it’s say byebye to Adam Henrik is that your guy that is probably gonna walk right um what’s gonna happen with Evander Kane there in Edmonton he’s got a couple years left like is is that g to Trend in a different direction for Evander and the Oilers so I I think that kanuck should be in I think that they’re at least all they should owe it to themselves to have a conversation and see what the fit could be I think he’s a good player I think that you know he plays hard on both sides of the puck I think that he can put the puck in the net at any given time um kind of a streaky goal scorer in that sense but you know if the fit were to work say it doesn’t work with a guy like Alias pson you you can see a guy like Jake D Brusque and JT Miller having some success as a as a Duo on the conu top line as well I’m noticing a lot of uh skepticism on you’re half behalf Earth and ultimately they gotta sign somebody like they do have cap space somebody’s gonna end up a Vancouver canak on July 1 yes their money not who are you gonna over who are you gonna overpay well somebody like are you gonna overpay like okay so Jake gensel I think is out to be completely honest Jake debras is probably your next best option overpaying a 34y old Tyler tooi like you’re you’re just not doing that I I don’t think you can I don’t think you should to be completely honest I know your poll question guys it has I think it was Tyler Mt and and Chris tanov there as well I get the Allure with Chris TANF I really do but he’s gonna want his money and you’re not overpaying for Christopher tanev who I think to this day still has never played an 82 game regular season yes he’s great in the playoffs and yes he’s he’s done a lot here for the Vancouver Canucks and like okay penalty killer in Tyler M but other than that really like he’s a guy that’s going to look to cash in as well so it’s going to be interesting for this team right and I think that without having a pick until 95 if you’re the Vancouver con there’s gonna be a lot of sitting around at that table in Vegas waiting for something to happen and I think their focus needs to be unrestricted free agency maybe there is a name out there that the cans are really interested in but of the ones that we just mentioned all them that we went through I think it would be I think it’s going to be tough to make some work is m in training camp do they make a move there to create the cap space Oh I’ll counter this to both of you who wants ILO MF if if if um the player in Detroit oh his name’s not coming to me Jake wman Walman cost a second round pick at three3 million what does Elia mckv cost at$ 11 million what’s left in real money I think well and wman had more goals as a defenseman than mckv had as a Winger um so I mean good for Dan milstein to go and get the permission to go and facilitate a trade but I who wants AO MF yeah no who really does no they uh they have the conu over the barrel there I uh I think they may just have to hope for a bounceback season and retain him uh marvelous stuffer busy week you’re going retouch Martin nuke yeah retouched it yes yeah I think it’d be a good fit to be completely honest I I really do I think that you know he’s a guy that can play up and down the lineup he’s a guy that’s proven that he can score in the playoffs in Carolina and what three million bucks three and a half million bucks for a guy like him maybe a little bit less than that you see uh Grady gets these names in his head and he just can’t let go of some of the names oh is that what it is E just wants you to please sign Jordan Martin today if you could hey he played for talking in Arizona see okay but if we’re going by that and who’s played for whom and the relationship with the front office we can sit here all day and name an All-Star team and I just think I just like I just I get it and I and I like the Allure of of being able to sit here and play arm sh GM but we have to look at in the reality of it and the reality of this hockey team is they’re not going to come back as assembled they were one wi away from the Conference Finals and they right now are worse than where they were because of who you’re going to lose right if you lose Elias lyol you’re not better you lose a guy like Nikita zadorov you’re not better those are two big holes that you need to fill you know figuratively and realistically so how are they going to do it it’s completely G to be on them but uh it’s going to be a fun time I think July 1 is going to be interesting because there’s a lot of teams out there that have a lot of money and I’m not entirely sure the connection to be able to to to to compete with some of them I think you’re right um don’t get Grady started on La law and kuss that’s right oh my God he oh my God might marry who the new guy you had this morning Ryan lomberg all right why because now he has a Stanley Cup that’s right he’s a bowling ball yeah great all right great he’s a bowling B it’s great that’s about all he is talk it guy hey keep an zooker they had some interest at the deadline on zooker he’s he’s free agent uh and he may come in at a far more uh digestible contract than some of these other guys but does he even excite you is he gonna push your team over the edge Matt no well look hey F last year look who they signed yeah okay in free agency Carson Susi Ian Cole Teddy Bluer PE Suter did anybody from last year’s free agent crop excites you no Carson Carson Susi did because it short up a need for them yeah it did I think it did and on the deal that they got for him I think that that was a need for them Earth is on the opposite into the spectrum of Grady Grady wants fourth liners and all fourth liners and Earth wants all first team Allstar well no but my point is is that they had a very responsible very professional off season last year they had holes on their hockey team they filled them with good if not great players they signed those good not great players to Fair contracts did we spend a single minute this year sweating a free agent contract from last summer gentlemen no no because they had a sense of here’s what we got to do to fix the club we’re not blowing our brains out we’re going to get quantity over quality and it works if they have another similar off season I am a with that yes but who are the names that are out there like you mentioned those guys that were available to them like there’s not a lot of guys that are out there that are going to be available like that that are gonna that are gonna be able to come here on a te deal come on there’s you’re right that the flat cap suppressed tickets a little last year I I will I will absolutely grant that but I still think there’s some good Fair Buys in free agency that uh if you have the discipline and I think that’ll be the big thing and when I say discipline with this franchise I mean somebody has to keep the owner away right like somebody has to keep the owner from oh making more money for this guy you know I love him no no no no execute a good professional plan signing fair market value contracts I think there will be some I have all office I really do I I think that what they’ve done and what you just alluded to before last year or sorry in free agency last year are some very good things you look at the trades that they made this year and what they were able to do and how they were able to integrate themselves into this team it’s just going to be difficult I I I really do think it and and I just think that and I just think that especially in the Canadian Market you know I’ve talked to people that have submitted no trade lists a lot of those no trade lists have Canadian teams on them sure sure so I of that second tier of Wingers uh you know de Brusque bruzi terrain arson to Foley blah blah blah if one of them gets priced down because the other guys are are more attractive to teams sign that guy what I’m saying is if you’re in on pesi and you don’t like that where the price is going on P or peshi says no to you look at a guy like Kier G to be about three years going to be about $4 million can play second pair right side all I know this is this guys and I think this is a th% true the money will be spent on some oh yeah money’s gonna be spent the money’s gonna be spent and there’s gonna be people that are not gonna like the deals like that’s that’s for damn sure of course not but but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking we’re a finishing piece away from being a Stanley Cup champion there’s still a multitude of holes on this team and your your mission is to go out and fill those holes in free agency with contracts they’re going to age well and not handcuff you from improving the team next summer and the summer they’re unless there’s a trade to come as well we’ll see there my biggest thing is are they gonna go are they gonna get a backup goalie or is it gonna be sheaves like that’s my thing because is sheaves gonna be is it does it have to be or are they gonna want him to play in the American League some more and it has to be she Los because of yes the salary structure because he’s earned it and and you go out and you get another organizational goalie basically a number three more veteran guy to be your HL goal tender bring to leilo along and if you have an injury it’s a risk but it’s one they have to take no I think it’s one they have to take we were talking to them about them taking this risk last year yeah so I I I think it’s appropriate after what you saw from she loves yeah in the playoffs fun times good conversation for this problem anytime northland’s Golf Course download the app and book te times with a touch of your thumb and while you’re on course open the app for whole by hole GPS and track your score 6 to 90day reservations jump the queue lock in your date for $10 per player booking fee limited daily availability check it all out golf northland.com Great Clips is the official hair salon of the National Hockey League their 37 salons in Vancouver and the lower mainland all canadian-owned and operated download the app and find the nearest to you when you’re up next for a cut you’ll get a ready next text Great Clips it’s going to be great now by former Vancouver kanuck TSN hockey analyst Mr Frank Cado who was down on the ice interviews asking all the questions he’s expanding yeah you guys you can call me a a reporter a broadcast journalist and Matt we can call you Ace what’s happening Ace thank you buddy appreciate it you can still answer Carter’s line hey Bubba Ace hey Frank it’s Ace that’s I I expect nothing less from you now every time you introduce yourself hey it’s Ace SEC Caris St what was it pitching wedge from 110 yeah right I’ll give it like this was uh a big boy hole it’s an easy hole that wasn’t set up easy that day it was it was a good whole one not a boy congrats congratulations that’s awesome thank you but it’s not about me Frank it’s about you uh or it’s at least about the Florida Panthers and Lou uh we caught the conversation what was it like being down there and taking that in and and particularly your moments there with your uh ex teammate here in Vancouver Roberto yeah yeah I mean listen so I was with uh mclenon who’s you know one of his best friends ex- teammates duthy and Lou are are pretty tight um and I think Lou looked at me and kind of did a double take like I kind of think I know this guy I can’t really Place him um but anyways it was nice we had the group hog after you know what it feels like when you’re down on the ice there and it was it was a new experience for me you you feel like you’re almost imposing on all these other people’s incredible moment and you’re almost like okay am I in the way you know are we pestering people are we bothering people and like when you play right like your your kind of dream goal is to win the Stanley Cup so it’s really cool to be around you know that celebration and all that stuff but it kind of almost feels like you’re maybe not hijacking in it but you’re you’re like these guys earn this moment you know I played in the league now I’m standing on the ice next to them while they’ve earned it it’s kind of it’s a weird feeling if you feel like a pigeon a little a very normal feeling for me by the time you guys got up there I think it was appropriate you know it’s a little bit tougher when you’re broadcasting the game and you’re out there immediately after because then the players want nothing to do with you they are still in the throws of the intense celebration you guys because you’re not the right soers get invited you know a few minutes L and by that point they’ve had their moment I think they’re ready to chat about it at that point aren’t they pretty much yeah everyone and you know what all the families are out there the kids it’s really cool like I think it Go was from and Port system for all these guys and um it was pretty cool like we got some great quotes from like we got to talk to Lou Veri Bennett kachuck um you know the thing that those three guys said um and they all used the same word free like they felt like in game seven for some reason they were able to play more free than they did in games four five and six and I mean it showed like I would I would describe it this way the Florida Panthers were more like the Florida Panthers than the Edmonton Oilers were like the Edmonton Oilers in in that game seven you know like whatever the Panthers do that makes them great they did it in game seven and the Oilers couldn’t do what makes them great in game seven and the opposite was true the opposite was true in game seven that the Oilers for the first time they had the pressure of trying to win the cup right for three nights they just had the pressure of not losing the cup they they had no expectation upon no we can’t do it right then all of a sudden you can win the Cup tonight it changed for them too yeah and and the other thing like so their focus which is a great point you make their focus in game seven was not singularly just on what’s happening on the ice anymore now they had to deal with what Florida was dealing with where games four five and six family was flying to Edmonton to Florida to Edmonton like dealing with all that kind of stuff still having to play the game now was the that was the first time they were really on an equal playing Ground as far as what’s happening on the ice and off the ice because Edmonton had to they had to do that actually Matthew kachuck brought up a good point with us too and he he noted that uh last year they had to do the extra flight because they had to go start the series in Vegas and he felt like that extra flight you know played a little bit of a factor and he goes that extra flight for Edmonton don’t kid yourself like that’s you know that’s a sixh hour flight whatever it is he goes that that’s something we we remembered from last year in that series and they had to do it and we didn’t yeah um we were kicking this around yesterday Frank and perhaps it’s not as obvious with this Panthers team as it has been with previous Cup champions but are there any Stanley Cup lessons here like in terms of team building in terms of style of play like is there anything that jumps out to you that you think other teams might mimic going forward or try to mimic in pursuit of a cop you have to defend at a very high level with a lot of urgency to do so and you know I think it’s great in the regular season you got teams that that play you know Run and Gun uh a lot of Point Getters all that kind of stuff let me ask you something so let stay with me here I’m going to like I’m going to Galaxy brain this for you for a second game seven Stanley Cup Final okay we all played that in street hockey right did we not we all did and now you get game seven Stanley Cup Final in the NHL both those situations if if you if you take yourself back to your old street hockey days what would change when someone said last goal wins or this is game seven like what would change within that game all of a sudden there was guys blocking shots there was there was way more urgency defensively it never went in the snowbank never like you know what I mean it never went to oh I got to stretch out for this Breakaway pass or you know what I so so now you get to game seven and the team that played better defensively uh that had that kind of game plan they’re the team that won and you could say that is true for the whole playoffs where you know like that was the backbone of how they play and they basically steamrolled their way to the final and in the final they get a you know obviously Edmonton brings it to game seven but I mean if you’re a team that’s building this offensive Juggernaut and you’re going to roll the dice and and just say we’ll we’ll just be good enough defensively I I don’t think that gets it done in the playoffs like it it turns into a very defensively minded game well it’s funny you say that um because I was thinking about this yesterday uh on the drive up to the golf course first of all I if you’re talking about Relentless defensive effort that should vote well for the Vancouver Canucks and what toet is trying to uh Implement system-wise here and and culture-wise here and I’d love you to take that on but also Frank please don’t tell me this is a turn back to defensive hockey because the long history of Stanley Cup champions offens has carried the day over defense for the most part typically the best offensive players break through and win cups if not multiple cups um the Jersey Devils Trap Teams uh the St Louis Blues that don’t didn’t really have a pure premium offensive Superstar or or at least offensive uh Center Ice Superstar um they they have have been the outliers are are but that’s the double-edged short is you you no but you need offense to break through the great defense well so is the forecast more that people are going to look at this and go wow the way Maurice got them all the play defense like are we taking a turn back to defensive hockey I don’t think we’re taking a turn like you still need Superstars you still need offense no one’s like no one’s going to deny that get getting that group or those types of players to buy into it means a lot like look at the Oilers the Oilers didn’t change anything about their core it’s the same core that had been going out there and losing to Vegas at five on five and getting steamrolled by Colorado right but they they yes they surrounded them with some different players but as a group that team bought into defense is g to come first and then we’re going to play our offense next and we’re when we do so so I I don’t think it’s a a change in the way you know the game necessarily needs to be played tactically X’s and O’s where a sudden now we’re going back to the the New Jersey Devils of the early 2000s I just think it’s a mentality for those top guys to say that priority number one is going to be being on the right side of the puck it’s going to be making sure I got to take this hit to make the play or I got to make the hit um like that’s the number one priority then the other offensive stuff which might come a little easier to guys that’s going to sort itself out at the right time but I think that’s more it’s about getting your offensive guys and and the group the group group as one to do that first and everything second so how similar is that to your understanding to what tet’s trying to do here with the con I mean he’s not a dumb guy like he’s he’s a pretty smart coach like you you guys listen to him talk all season long the stuff he talks about like it’s he’s very honest um but he’s right about a lot of the stuff that he’s saying so um you know that that’s that’s exactly the kind of stuff that he’s trying to hammer home it’s like you have these certain non-negotiables that you just do away from the puck that you do when you take care of the puck um and and make the right plays with it and then that will lead to your opportunities you know if you start forcing things offensively now you know instead of you know instead of the other team having to work to get the puck back it’s bonus time for them because they got the puck back like okay I I’ll let let’s talk about game seven okay so we’re sitting there in the first first period and I’m I’m writing down my my biggest takeaways of that period so Florida was more physical um that was Florida looked faster than they had in the last three games that was for sure the other thing that really came to mind was the top two lines for the Panthers played the best first period you know and they played their best game that they had played in a while but the thing that I that I thought about after was how come McDavid didn’t have the puck much in the first like how come how come I didn’t see how come I didn’t see that and then I it it dawned on me those first two lines for the Panthers when they had the puck they connected more whether it was you know tape to tape stuff or putting it to an area where someone can skate onto it so you know kind of executed better with the puck Edmonton wasn’t able to just you know get it and send McDavid get it and send dry CLE and whoever like they had to work to get it back so skill is still going to be a big part of it Matt because if you don’t have skilled players you can’t do that you can’t put the puck to places where you’re going to get it back you can’t make all those plays and execute but Florida the three previous games it was like shovel this into the middle NOP Edmonton has it uh Puck Off the Wall doesn’t work Edmonton has it pinch no support Edmonton has it that wasn’t happening in game seven so as much as it’s it’s defensive minded but still with your skill involved if that that’s exactly where I was going to go is that it’s an evolution we talked about this a couple days ago that uh you know for years the big man was starting to get doubted a little bit and we were starting to tote the uh oh smaller players are getting a chance uh because they’re speedy and they’re skilled but now the big guys are also speedy and skilled and it was sort of an an evolution to to that perfect player I wonder if if we’re GNA take an overarching lesson that that I can hear here is that you want a superstar that is super defensively responsible as well like are we in the Patrice berser on era here that he ushered in where unless you’re Conor McDavid and even if you’re Conor you’ve got to play defensively as well and that’s what barov does I think barkov’s a very interesting conversation now like he he was outstanding in the playoffs and I agree with you like and McDavid and the Oilers this year that was the thing that really clicked for them that was the thing that really changed was that they the leaders were going to buy into this kind of you know we’re going to defend hard and and we’ve learned over the years in our experiences that what we’re doing is not working so we kind of have to um you know do it a different way like and and I think we talked about this but it’s worth reiterating you know Sasha barkov um every year nhlpa players poll comes out and the players keep saying he’s underrated and we’re like we lose our minds now this year it’s like we got to give him maybe he is underrated because he’s a top 20 guy no he’s a top seven guy anyways we’ve talked about this I know um the thing about the Panthers and and when it comes to you know how they changed they won a president’s trophy two years ago right though they have 122 points something crazy like that and then Paul marce takes over you know team is different they go down to 92 points then they go to the Stanley Cup Final then this year you know they go to Stanley Cup Final again like they just I think there was a realization there that the runand gun high octane stuff like wasn’t going to work and they found a way to make it work with a lot of the same players like there’s obviously a very drastic change with weager and huberto out and kachuck coming in but I don’t know there’s a lot of lot of the guys that were there that that made it happen still here’s what I would say fellas if we are moving towards a world where the Alexander barov and the Patrice berson of the world are the Carrying Championship piece that is not good for this sport um because it means a less aesthetically pleasing brand of hockey is carrying the day and it means that your pure offensive superstars who transcend a little more aren’t winning championships can I just cut can I cut in there can I cut in there quickly do do Alex Sasha barov I keep calling him Alex Sasha barkov’s assist against the Rangers when he flips the puck up bats it down and like this guy this guy’s not a like this guy is highly highly skilled I’m not saying he isn’t capable of making a spectacular play same goes with Patrice berson but they’re not doing it on the with the regularity of people like Nathan McKinnon and Conor MC he’s still an 85 90 point player he’s a damn good player Blake don’t get me wrong but if you’re paying to see an NHL player tomorrow how far down the list is Alexander barov but I’ll say this though mat is that that’s in the playoffs and in the playoffs when the the enormity of the gain carries the day we said this about about the oiler KCK game that objectively speaking it wasn’t necessarily the most aesthetically pleasing series and yet everybody was on the edge of their seats because it was so tight and kind of crazy like in the in the regular season Frank I think we’re still GNA see offense carry the day but you have to be able you have to be able to flick that switch in a playoff mode and do it relatively seamlessly okay hold on let me ask you this carries the day more often than not in the playoffs too though it does it does Sasha barov wanted to okay if Sasha barov wanted to he could he could say forget about defense for this season I’m going to play offense probably could be a 100o guy like I I I just think that’s the way he’s wired right and for right or wrong Conor McDavid was wired very similarly this year and Conor McDavid had what did he have 130 points did he get there down here down here he had 130 points in a down year and he and he focused on defense and then in the playoffs he focused on defense first and he had 42 points and the only two people he was chasing are Gretzky and Lemieux like I I still think there’s there’s there’s a place for it it’s it’s not that Sasha barov is now all of a sudden going to be the face of of what it means to be a winner uh we’re going to get someone different next year and someone different the year after that probably but this is what worked with this team this year Nathan McKinnon worked with the Colorado Avalanche you know uh Vegas was a different build Tampa was totally different um you know like I I just think if Braden Point wanted to be you know Mitch Marner plus he probably could be but he he plays a different kind of way um and and I think the same goes for Sasha barov all right um let’s move on to the Vancouver Canucks uh because this is a big week ahead zadorov five years 5.2 5.3 million do you sign that deal Frank I don’t know I don’t think so I don’t know I I I think it’s rich like I think that’s a rich deal and and you know what I think there’s someone that’s going to but five years is a long time and F even with the cap going up 5.2 5.3 for a guy that um ideally would be playing on my third pair maybe you know pinch hitting on the on the second pair uh I don’t know I I think that’s a lot of money like I think I can find someone massive to play on the third pair and cross check the [ __ ] out of guys uh for for half the price hasn’t the Chatfield and Dello contracts told us though that the contracts are going to be pretty big this year like well the Chatfield one at three million is probably a little bit of a a discount like I think he’s you know probably worth yeah like he’s probably wor interesting the Dello one is interesting so if you watch Winnipeg play or if you watch Dello play there’s nothing you know there’s nothing sexy about his game he’s not a like he’s not a flashy skater doesn’t do anything with the pocket like offensive numbers aren’t aren’t great um but he’s played with Thomas Shabbat Thomas Shabbat has had basically the best years that he’s had playing with Dello and Dello played well Dello has gone to Winnipeg played with morsy morsey has had his best years and that pair you know they crushed their minutes basically on a night toight basis so if there’s one thing we learn is that this guy can play with your number one offensive D and help them out so for $4.9 million I think in a vacuum Dello at 4 .9 you’re like H but then you realize the impact of the game you’re like okay I get it um and he’s you know he’s 30 years old so this will you know be big 31 yeah yeah so now he’s ancient at 31 yeah um yeah so I don’t know I just and now okay so now the the Market’s set right so I think for UFA right so Dello is a first pair guy he’s getting 4.9 but zadorov is massive he was really good in the playoffs he does he can do things that other guys can’t do so does that put him at the same price or more that’s my question to you guys well so I I think Dello uh took a little bit uh less to stay in Winnipeg I I think he’s a little more Frank I I think he will fetch a little more at least yeah I could see that I I I could see it I think I think someone ultimately is going to give zador off more than five million and maybe they tack on an extra year like five years feels like a lot too but I would I would be wanting to go less but he’s like listen he’s he’s been banging the drum right like the we know there’s going to be demand for him and uh I’m just I’m curious to see who who goes there uh with him and and what what team they are and where they’re at in their kind of place in the league would you go to four years for Chris tanif I would go to five or would you yes and I’ll tell you why if you have money if you’re a team that has money if I’m a good team and I want to win I would be willing to tack on extra years for T of you know why because there’s a one-way ticket at some point to Old robida Island that’s true that is true okay and if I can get the cap hit to a manageable number I would look at that and say I need this guy let’s say you you feel like you need Chris tanv I need him for the next three years but I won’t get him on a three-year ticket so if I got money and I’m willing to do it as an owner there’s a there’s a Rob Island bottle and lawn chair and umbrella waiting for you at some point but I need you for the first three years first of all I don’t believe robida island is allowed per the CBA uh if if you’re talking about having a player he’s talking ltir you’re you’re talking ltir correct yes so it’s honestly it’s not too dissimilar than committing the seven years to the 30-year-old knowing that the last two years are are probably going to be [ __ ] right you’re going to have to deal with the or but but you but you also know that like it’s an inevitability with Chris tanip like the guy the guy will retire injured he’s not gonna retire well yeah okay yeah yeah and and then for him his incentive is you’re gonna give me I don’t know what would Chris T have get like I don’t know 4.8 five million something like that four five four or five AF so call it 4 five you’re telling me now I’m going to get 4 five for an extra two years while I’m on ltir I don’t know there’s a little added incentive to sign that deal I I think you would need you would need you know the right owner to do that uh who’d be willing to part with that kind of money but anyways that’s that’s my my my long way of saying I would I would really want Chris tanv um and yes I’d be willing to have him for three years good frame last scouting report for me uh Tyler T Foley um because he works the guy has an uncanny ability to put the biscuit in the basket and yet he doesn’t have any one particular skill that leads you to believe you know how he gets it done like he’s just got a nose for the net he’s got a decent shot but he doesn’t move well um he’s got pretty good hands he’s good in short areas kill penalties too or he did like when he was in LA he was killing penalties but that only going One Direction Frank it’s gota 32 coming off 33 goals and the AFP analytics prediction is four by six million for to I would think he gets less than that I’m not sure he gets six maybe not much less but yeah I I think that’s probably right right in the Wheelhouse listen if you need someone who can score on a on a power play like give you I don’t know he’s gonna score 30 goals probably and and he’s pretty trustworthy guy like darl Sutter used to trust this guy to go kill penalties on La when they were winning championships like I I would think over the years like that didn’t just you know Fall by the wayside he’s you know’s he’s a responsible player who’s going to give you 30 he’s not the fastest but you probably don’t need him to for check and run guys through the boards you could probably put someone on his line that’s going to do that I I like toley I think I would have liked him for the Canucks this year and I still would have liked him for the knucks next year like I I’m not I’m not so big of a buyer beware on Tyler tley because I think I know he’s coming I think he’s I think he’s coming as advertised like I think you’re going to get you’re going to get 30 goals and you’re going to get a guy that you can you can play and and you don’t have to protect and uh make sure he’s not out there against certain opponents y he did not kill penalties for Winnipeg or uh New Jersey uh and in fact uh didn’t kill them much in Calgary either so I think the short-handed days are behind those are over those days are over no you’re right no right like he’s well we used to say this about him when he got here Blake like he’s a pretty heav player like he he knows where to be and when he gets his Puck when he gets the puck on his stick in short areas he makes pretty good decisions with it too there’s not a lot of like you know um dumb plays there’s not a lot of like unaware plays he’s yeah force it like he’s not gonna he’s not going to jam you up and force it into bad spots like he’s he’s pretty intelligent um and that kind of leads to him him being productive because he’s he’s not flying around the ice but he is kind of thinking way around the ice efficiencies marvelous stuff uh buddy it was fantastic seeing you do the Stanley Cup Final uh it has been a marvelous year and it keeps on keeping on here with what will be a busy week ahead draft in free agency we will catch up next week Frankie Blake Ace we’ll talk next week hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kid it’s called subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now

We’re inching closer to July 1st and it’s the #NHLDraft is just two days away! That means trade rumours are rumbling and silly season is nearly here with overpayments galore coming with the cap going up. We welcome Irfaan Gaffar to share the latest he’s hearing around the team, what free agents they could sign and how the team will have to be even better next year. Then, Frank Corrado joins us to recap the Stanley Cup before pivoting to the Canucks and what players he could see them adding.

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