RAW | Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl 06.26.24

RAW | Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl 06.26.24

I think it it stings a little extra sometimes so um obviously accomplished a lot this year um really proud of the way we you know been written off by a lot of people so many times over and over again and um always seem to find a way to to bounce back and and um yeah create some momentum for ourselves so um obviously we’re playing to win so we there’s one team that that that’s right now Connor when you look at this you obious obviously you’ve never been this deep you can’t really go much deeper than game seven of the final what did you learn maybe about is it harder than you ever had thought it would be just mentally and physically to go four rounds that deep um you know what I it yeah it’s very difficult um it’s a very difficult uh thing to go through but um done it enough times now that it feels very normal um you know and I think the hardest part about it is just being patient you know being patient it um in terms of while you’re going through the run you know it’s um you can only play one game at a time and there’s only one day at a time that goes by and and uh you can’t ride the wave of of uh the ups and downs cuz there are ups and downs you know there’s a lot of them throughout a playoff run and um I thought our group uh learned a lot from this year hey guys this is this is for both of you I know you guys are bitterly disappointed right now and this is going to sting for a little while but will there be a time when you get a chance to reflect on this run and what you guys did for this city and how close this group got to just kind of enjoy just enjoy and say we did something special here today we didn’t finish it the way we wanted to but it was a special special run um yeah I mean of course it was it was a special run I mean um I think anytime you can um you know get pretty much a full country behind you it’s it’s special and um uh it’s obviously a lot of fun being being in those games and and um you know the the stakes don’t get get much higher than or bigger than than what what we were playing um so uh yeah it’s uh obviously again disappointing it’s it’s frustrating that um you know there’s there’s only one team that can win unfortunately so um but again very proud of um you know what what we’ve been through this year and and and how we um yeah I guess had had a whole country uh you know roting for us Leon just uh just over you want me ask that too um yeah I guess yeah it’ll take some time to uh obviously get over first and foremost um you know but at the end of the day you are going to have to get over it at some point and you know we’re going to carry on and um we’ll um get ourselves ready for another important season and um get ourselves ready to do it all over again um that’s all you can do and um will it be a time to look back um yeah you know there’s lots of um happy moments um throughout those playoffs for sure you know um a lot of great moments that that I’ll remember for the rest of my life and um a lot of um yeah just seeing the you know we sat in here after the Western Conference Final and the streets are are you know crowded with you know people going crazy and and and celebrating and um to know that um our team and our group um were the ones and the reasons they were happy and celebrating that’s that’s a great thing you know um to bring joy to a fan base and to bring joy to people um in today’s day and age is is is an amazing thing and um I think our group just feels very grateful that we have the opportunity to do that for um for Edmonton and and and and all those Oiler fans out there Leon um it’s the ultimate elephant in the room so I have to ask ask uh you know your contract situation this summer was is it your preference to sign an extension and what factors are are you kind of considering as you go about that decision um yeah I’m going to give you the most boring answer here I’m obviously um you know going to sit down with my agents here and and um you know talk to the Oilers and see what their plan is see what our plan is and um yeah just go from there do you have any of timeline on when that would be is that something you want to accomplish this summer or would you be willing to take it I don’t I I don’t have an answer to that for you um obviously I haven’t had any time to really think about it it’s it wasn’t on my mind um a lot lately um so it’s just something that you know it’s going to take a little bit of time um to to figure out what what I want what um you know what the Oilers want what what what everyone wants um and then yeah go from there and figure figure something out and sorry is it is it Edmonton first and then you’ll view whatever happens down the road after that or is it is it open I mean Edmonton has the only chance to to uh to sign me so I guess they are first yeah but um yeah we’ll we’ll see again I I’ll I’ll leave it at that um obviously I I I love being an Oiler more than anything um so yeah well I’ll leave it at that I’d ask you Connor uh you guys are pretty tight uh I’m sure good friends discuss things like that what are your thoughts on him and his contract situation this year um yeah I mean ultimately it is up to uh to to him and his team around him and um yeah um obviously I love playing with them love you know being on the ice with them um yeah do Leon you’re a guy that wants to win unfortunately didn’t quite happen this year uh there’s just no way we could look around the league and see a team that’s closer to winning a cup that hasn’t then this one uh there’s only one team that’s got your best budy on it would be this one uh there’s no question this team’s got enough money because you’re the kind of player that you are uh can you think we can’t think of a reason why you wouldn’t want on a sign here can you um I mean I I guess not if you phrase it that way the way you’re the way you’re phrasing it but um no again like it it’s going to take a little bit of time here for for me to uh you know figure out an answer or or what we want to do and um you know I’m I’m well aware of what’s going on but I have spent much time thinking about um what what really are the facts and and um what what I want to do so um yeah I’ll just leave it at that and we’ll we’ll we’ll uh we’ll figure it out when when we get there good morning guys uh I understand this is Super Fresh So if you don’t have an answer problem at all but this will be for the both of you Connor we’ll start with you what’s one thing about this stle Cup playoff run that you guys had one game away one goal away that you will take most with you in Seasons after this um that’s a good question I mean there’s lots there really is Lots um I think just the belief that you know that you know you can we can do do it you know what I mean like we can get there I know we didn’t do it but um the belief um you know I feel funny sitting up here you know we’ve sat up here before and and told you how bad we want to win and and you know looking back you’re miles away from it and and um you know now we’re one shot away from it you know um the belief has never been higher um not only within us to but within that room within everybody um I would say that is the the main thing and Leon if you have an answer yeah I I would agree I think number one is um just the belief that we’ve created um this year or over the last couple years I guess but um to me also it’s it’s just there’s no no stage that’s that’s too big for us now you know we we’ve we’ve played in the biggest game of of hockey that you can play in there there’s no bigger game than than um you know NHL Stanley Cup final game seven um and we were like like we said one shot away from from giving giving ourselves a chance right so um yeah just knowing that going forward I think is going to is going to be really big for us

Connor and Leon discuss the season and the Oilers outlook heading into the summer.

  1. The only good questions from media is from Oilersnation, through the entire playoffs. Why is that? Because they respect and love the players and the team. Msm can just f right off. Jerks.

  2. I just loved seeing these guys go all the way to the final. They showed everyone what a great team they are. That game 7 was so close. Sometimes it's just the luck of the bounce. Wouldn't you know it. Edmonton all most scores and Florida scores right after. It was even a shot that nobody knew if it was even going to go in.
    These boys will be back. It will a whole lot of work. As McDavid said, "Patience."🙂

  3. To the guys that put their bodies through hell, for their cities they represent, nobody put themselves through absolute hell, got shat on by their own fans more than the Oilers team did. But I am so damn proud of our boys. They proved themselves 100 times over that everything negative that was said about them, can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. You made this city believe in you and I couldn’t have asked for more. Yes we wanted the cup but just know no one is angry at what you pulled off this year!

  4. i also dont care about what pppl say but one day IF the NHL choose to be a league where talent can really shine 🙂 we wouldnt have those kind of playoffs where all that matters is calling 2 high sticking and let everyone hold drag interfere each others …….. pathetic NHL but be ready next october because if you barely touch the jersey you will get called for 2min !!!! LOLOLOLOL that BS NHL

  5. The Edmonton Oilers are the only team I will ever cheer for and be excited for. They gave all they could. I am looking forward to them winning the only prize that matters, the Stanley Cup.

  6. How many times do they have to ask about his contract ?find some other questions how about being patient and let it work itself out ,spectres gotta just keep asking like 6 times

  7. It sucked to see them lose, sucked even more to know these guys were 2 goals short of their ultimate prize and turning Edmonton into party city for a while, but they did really good, and it wasn't a fluke. We can rest easy knowing the finals aren't out of reach for this core

  8. These guys are licking their wounds a couple of days after the toughest loss of their lives and multiple reporters in a row looking for a soundbite about something a year away so they can stir sh!t up about contracts. It’s beyond despicable. Ask relevant questions to what just happened. It’s all that’s on their minds at the moment. And it’s all any fans care about hearing.

  9. I've always loved my team but I am beyond grateful to these two players for making this the most entertaining and exciting year since I've been a fan. I could watch them play all day, every day!

  10. Leon…. please do your self a favor, your a great player and in your prime. Leave this dump of a team and city and play for a cup worthy team that's going to make you the captain you deserve to be.

  11. Good damn like wtf, interview the guy rather than grill him on if or if he won’t stay…keep it up he may find reasons not to..

  12. It sucks but they came a long way this year, can't be more proud to be an oilers fan and glad i got into watching hockey regularly this year, been a fan since the 07 time frame in elementary school but never really watched. So glad I started this year, looking forward to October.

    Hopefully Drai stays with us

  13. May as well keep the team in Edmonton this summer so McMuffin can get an earlier start on his captains skates to begin this years “cup or bust” tour lmfao. Leon’s lucky he’s getting out of there finally.

  14. So I will say this, since conner has a CS now, next season, you'll have a chance Leon to grab one yourself and both hoist the grandaddy of trophies in professional sports. Best of luck, that was one of the most exciting finals I've seen in 50 years, that's saying something. No reason to hang your heads lots of reasons to be ready to go next year. Peace ✌️ 😎. Leafs-Oilers next year, let's get it on.

  15. Glad to see these two brightening up a bit after the loss. I agree, knowing you can overcome any obstacle is the take away from this season. Have a bad start to the season, you can over come that. Get behind in a series, you can over come that. Get behind three games, you can overcome that. This group of players has now proven themselves, they just need another opportunity and they can get over that last hump. Reminds me of the oilers losing to the islanders the year before they won their first cup. Now they have seen what its like and know they can get there. Look out next season!

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