The Lure of Luke Goedeke | The Bay | Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The Lure of Luke Goedeke | The Bay | Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I got one I got one oh crimes Casey we’ll see who is bigger uhoh uhoh oh monster let’s go look at that look at us catching fish at the same time no if you lose it it doesn’t count there you [Music] go you’re from Wisconsin yeah yeah I’ll give you I’ll give you the pass of I had to do first of all I’ve heard it from you you got that Wisconsin accent just a little bit too yeah a little bit a little bit yeah just a tough so it’s so different from theirs so now that you’ve been here a couple years what do you think about Tampa I mean I love Tampa I mean I already told my parents like I’m never moving back to Wisconsin and they understand they go down to the Keys 3 months out of the year as well so they understand like what florid of life is like you have one yes oh it’s on let’s go there we go let’s go oh live action had to see it but hats off to Casey for catching the first one Casey one Luke coming out of high school in Wisconsin first of all were you not even planning on playing football in college having no recruitment process I played my whole senior year of high school injured and everything I was like dang maybe this isn’t isn’t the route isn’t meant for me even though growing up all my life that’s my childhood goal and everything play D1 football for the Wisconsin Badgers so I almost hung up the cleats but I mean one day left in summer I realized hey I mean I I came this far I might as well give it all I have and see what happens and start a w Stevens Point catfish that’s minus one what a catfish there you go that’s a fish oh Christ did you have one did I ever did I ever felt like a Volkswagen Street Beetle down there God I was going there originally for chemical engineering and paper science engineering I was like they have football team and I played tight end then that was about 60 70 lbs ago ended up winning the starting job that year and got tape and everything and then sent it out to Central Michigan and WW Wisconsin smile for the picture there we go pety see now he’s tamed now he’s tamed what are you naming him pety pey ready peety be free so you already had changed positions once in college then you go to the NFL where you’re already stepping up to a whole other level and then you end up having to as a rookie change positions again it wasn’t only transitioning from tack the guard it was more so from right to left side just rewiring your whole brain to move in a totally opposite way that you move for so many years with playing right tackle and everything and just trying to do everything perfectly and like I’d get too caught up and I’d get down when I wouldn’t like do it properly or do it perfectly every time and kind of was able to reflect later on that that year on like I’m here for a reason and everything so just uh taking the good with the good and the bad with the bad never getting too high or too low hey Luke do you want to look at a fish I bet you forgot what they look like no no I got one right here Casey yeah you got another one yeah oh boy he’s coming back yeah we should have stopped a few minutes ago guys oh monster oh I feel the head shakes oh boy get the nut oh man Eddie get the nuts get the nut Eddie Casey out here feeding fish meanwhile I’m catching fish what can I say are you Whispering your trash talk cuz you don’t want me to hear it no mhm one thing that has never changed during all of this is your demeanor on the field yeah little little bit edgy is that a way to put it yeah that’s a that’s a good way to put it yeah I’d say I mean it’s just always how I’ve been I mean I play aggressively and with a mean demeanor and everything and I mean obviously you can’t have that when you’re out in real life and everything and it’s just something I’ve always been wired to do I’m playing football 95 no you’re not going to do that you’re not going to do that look at you back up look at you backing up 4 five hell no hell no oh yeah oh yeah I like that I like this this is what I like it’s kind of like a Boiling Pot of water just before the game and everything you’re just heating up kind of on a warm simmer and then like right before kickoff you turn the heat up a little bit more and getting close to Boiling and then right before you’re about to run out you kind of get boiling that’s where the smellies come in and everything who’s got the smelly where’s the smelly oh peppermint it’s over as they watch you both fisherman Luke come in hot oh oh no slimy boy they only get bigger from here boys crazy on the field Luke to see this guy that now has become such an anchor of this offense of line what do you want people to say just a man of the people trying to help the Bucs win a Super Bowl and just be great guy in the community as well

Follow Tampa Bay Buccaneers tackle Luke Goedeke & team reporter Casey Phillips as they reel in fish, discuss the right tackle’s journey to the NFL and dive into his game day mentality.

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