Are the Carolina Panthers still the NFL’s laughingstock?

Are the Carolina Panthers still the NFL’s laughingstock?

the Panthers are the league laughing stock still and that should infuriate them there’s a A Hard Knock trailer that just dropped for the Giants off season right the Giants not the Chiefs okay not the not the the the 49ers not a team that has all their ducks in a row the Giants okay and it literally may maybe not super directly but pretty obviously to me it was the first thing I heard watching this trailer calls out the Panthers front office because if if you remember during this off season the Panthers traded their best defensive player Brian Burns to the Giants and of course that’s going to be a part of the Giants behind the scene offseason Hard Knocks show so in the trailer we haven’t even watched the the movie yet we haven’t watched the documentary we just got the TR and you hear Joe Shane the Giants GM talking to Brian dble the Giants head coach and he says What about Brian Burns have you looked at Brian Burns we would have to trade like two twos and then you’d have to pay him 28 29 million did you hear that two twos two second round picks just off the cuff they’re saying we’d probably have to give up two second round picks but when the trade happened right and this is us having 2020 hindsight We Know How It Ends this is watching a movie based on a true story We Know How It Ends can’t spoil the Titanic right you know how it ends when the trade happened the Giants didn’t give up two second round picks they gave up a second round pick a fifth round pick and swapped fifths what would that be I know we always like to say a bag of Pucks in a bad hockey trade what’s that it’s a second round pick and and and whatever they had lying around the shop a bag of footballs yeah a couple kicking teas so imagine that imagine the Giants were prepared to pay I’d say significantly more than they ended up paying from the moment they even considered Brian Burns as a trade Target probably probably gonna have to trade two twos then when it happens they don’t end up paying that much so they’re obviously swindling someone right everybody has their number right it’s do you know what this is do you know what this is this is the the loser moment in the negotiation where you’re going back and forth and you’re saying I’ll give you $100 for the bicycle and they go nah I can’t do it for 100 I’ll do it for 150 you’re like ah no I can’t do it for more than 120 I’ll do it for 120 and they go all right why don’t you just meet me at 125 and you go all right fine I’ll pay 125 and then what do they say immediately I would have taken 50 for it and you’re like oh I overpaid by 75 bucks that’s exactly what they’re doing right oh no we couldn’t possibly give you a first rounder no no no we couldn’t possibly give you two second round picks no we couldn’t possibly and then as fine would you take a second round or a fifth and maybe some future fifth round pick Swap and they’re like all right fine but you’re really twisting my arm here all right we’ll do the deal and then as soon as the ink dries they’re going on Hard Knocks and saying we would have given you two twos this is not good if you’re the Panthers at a certain point you have to look at how you’re being treated by the league by the media by everybody and you have to get mad at some point the Panthers have to get mad use it as motivation say no more say they’re punking our our brand new GM on Hard Knocks there’s a video going around if you if you know uh the show you know I’m big into the uh the Olympics um did you see the video of Michael Phelps watching the trash talk I yeah I did so there’s I don’t even know where the other swimmer from there’s a women’s swimmer from some other country that goes on a rant about just how tired she is of like America winning she’s like uh she’s at some event and the Americans didn’t win and she’s going I’m just so glad I didn’t have to hear the star spangle banner and I’m just so glad I didn’t have to deal with this and that and and and just basically makes fun of the Americans for like a minute and uh somebody showed it to Michael Phelps and I know that that this was probably recorded like two days ago I feel like Michael Phelps almost went like drove straight to the trials Michael Phelps by the way he was a great Champion right my he’s won a few gold right he gets a little excited he’s pretty darn good right he has the record for most gold medals in a single Olympics you could see it in his eyes he’s like if they keep talking like this we’re going to have to shut them up and he pretty much says as much right and he talks about how he would watch it every he if he were still swimming he would watch it every day before he gets in the pool the Panthers have so much bulletin board material so much how many times is it just default well the Panthers are bad yeah every conversation that the national media has if they just need the example right if they’re like trying to compare the best and the worst they go Chiefs and then the Panthers like that at a certain point you got to look yourself in the mirror and say they’re not going to talk about us like this that’s why I was getting ready to ask you is the simple fix just as easy as as as easy as as until the onfield results change the league will start to take the Panthers organization a little bit more seriously it’s it also is a style thing right like if teams are picking on me I’m punching them in the mouth right I’m running the ball down their throat sure the panther by the way the Panthers are not going to win a bunch of games this year they’re just not hopefully they win exponentially like like three times as many as last year right like let’s get to six wins but a six win season is still 6 and 11 they’re not going to be the best team in the NFL this year but you can walk away knowing if you’re going to play us you’re not going to make fun of us you’re going to earn that win you may beat us because you’re more talented you may beat us because your roster construction is better you may beat us because you’ve drafted better over the last 10 years you’re not going to beat us and laugh at us as you walk off the field at some point you have to get mad you don’t want to be you the the NBA draft is going on tonight uh first round starting you can hear it right here on 999 the fan by the way um every time a player gets drafted they’re going to play highlights right could be highlights from their European League highlights from their college League highlights from wherever they played last year you don’t want to be the team that’s on defense in many of these highlights right when Kyle filipowski gets drafted and then they go ahead and play some Kyle filipowski highlights you don’t want if you’re a state or Carolina fan to have your team on defense during the highlights that’s what’s happening to the Panthers here their brand new front office is the one getting dunked on in Joe Shane and the Giants highlight film on Hard Knocks when they’re showing how good of a negotiator Joe Shane is in the trailer the GM of the Giants they’re showing him talking about a deal he made with the the Carolina Panthers get mad about that get mad about that the Panthers and by the way it helps that Dave Canalis the new coach is so Allin on Smashmouth football and he went and signed a couple of MERS to play guard and he wants to run the ball and he wants to run the ball and he wants to run the ball and they want to stop the run go out there and make that your identity be mad every single game because you’re the laughing stock of the league right now we want the team we want other teams in the NFL to fear the logo we want to bring back the keep pound and saying have it mean something and you play the Giants this year go give them the business and and there is usually usually when a team turns around right from one of the worst teams in the league to one of the best there is that year where like they maybe don’t increase the talent a bunch but they just change the the the vibe that’s what this year has to be for the Panthers you’re not making fun of us you you can you can beat us if you can right like if you can come out scor more points is it possible to beat us yeah you’re not making fun of us that’s what it has to be

Tim Donnelly & Graham Hill tackle the hard-hitting question: Are the Carolina Panthers still the NFL’s laughingstock? On top of the team’s recent struggles, Tim & Graham also analyze management decisions.

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