ROSTER RANKINGS: Do the Chicago Bears ONLY Have the 17th-Best NFL Roster? | CHGO Bears Podcast

ROSTER RANKINGS: Do the Chicago Bears ONLY Have the 17th-Best NFL Roster? | CHGO Bears Podcast

[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] why you hold welcome in welcome welcome to the chgo Bears podcast and a beautiful hump day sans’s our leader yes we are ready with the sign there it is the old [ __ ] hog start the show way to go Greg excellent prep for today thank you uh took a whole hour the meeting this is what I’ve been working on this morning I mean you know I got in the office first guy here today no surprise it’s how it’s been for the last month you know you live the closest no I don’t yeah you do okay okay whatever that’s fine uh I was in here I was prepping then this guy comes in and I’m like hey what do you want to talk about today just pulled out a sign and started doing this stupid ass sign that you’re holding up this is the guy that leads us to the promised land way to go [ __ ] hog I think it’s an excellent if you if you really like dive into the sign the F and the U there’s too big of a space there and the U and the C I fixed it I fixed it it does look it does look a little fixed on there mark it does he fixed it now the C maybe the C needs to have a little more space from the U depth you know like the other words are a little more thicker the C is not as thick if you want to say that it’s a big O on the hog hog we uh we actually do have a live look in of Adam Hogue uh that we’re going to show you and uh this is currently hog not watching uh brags throw profanity what he’s doing but enjoying his yes this is what he’s doing here it is here it is for you straight live looking and H look at that that was some good we can we watch that one more time Stephen the balance there for for for I mean look at that one hand good the the right hand I mean easy going stable I couldn’t do that I couldn’t do that either I’ve never done that right in the leg go ahead F cam ah well congratulations to Adam I’m glad he’s enjoying his vacation I’m not and yes that perhaps might have been an outtake of our Dave sski video that didn’t make the cut a shout out to Dave we had an awesome time with him yesterday that was a ton of fun yeah it looks like you was so much fun it was a lot of fun talking da of yesterday and for the record you know Nick I know you only made the cut for for uh you know 3 seconds in there but my famous 3 seconds but but you know that was you know for uh Reasons from U you know way up top there we wanted to see you more you did look amazing you were breaking down film Like A Champion so you know I hope you don’t feel slighted in the in the in the least bit of your lack of camera time no no not at all it’s funny cuz uh in my my line was like breaking down otaa film there there is no otaa film but I was still break I’m still breaking something down you were yeah I was breaking down you were breaking out OTA film that’s what you were doing all right hey a lot to do on the show today we’re looking ahead to 2025 amazingly because we’re just that out in front of things you already won the Super Bowl yep that’s right how how are we going to add on to the roster after our the Bears you know ending the 1985 drought so we’re doing that in about 15 minutes and then we’re we’re having fun as per always in our C block talking about some of our greatest Bears games that we either were in a for are just watching at home doesn’t matter just looking back in time would like to hear from some of you via the chat as to your favorite Bears games when you when your head hits the pillow at night and you want and you’re going to dream about the Bears and dream about moments in time of being a Bears fan what was your favorite time so feel free to you know drop some of those in there uh but we do have as the NFL news always continues to spin and and people got to make content so we’ve got roster rankings that are coming out from all over the place and it is interesting cuz you know I think most Bears fans are optimistic minimum nine wins maybe 10 could get to 11 going to be a playoff team this is the year where the flu slp’s regime takes a major jump from 3 to seven to however many wins playing in the playoffs but the NFL despite being impressed with the Bears the experts are putting the Bears in the second half of teams they have them 17th out of 32 uh I’ll just rip through them real quick 49ers Chiefs Ravens jets are four that’s super optimistic that uh Aaron Rogers is going to stay healthy old roster lions are fifth and I think a general consensus as the extreme I would I would as this I I would say as the consensus favorite in the north proba by the Cowboys the Bengals the Texans the bills the Eagles the the Dolphins the Browns Packers are 13 so you know there’s your second place finisher in the north Rams Jaguars Seahawks Super interesting we’re behind the Seahawks and then the Bears so thoughts team Let’s uh let’s let’s hear them I’m surprised how far the Packers are down that list I mean aren’t we I mean to me the NFC North is one of the best divisions in football right like it looks like it could could have three playoff teams yeah maybe I guess the better wording isn’t best divisions of football but maybe one of the more competitive competitive for sure um divisions in football um so you think the the Packers should be even higher on on the list from 13 sure yeah I mean the Browns seem a little high there I know their defense is very good they got a good run game um Nick you put the list in which which list did you pick from this one is this the ESPN list this is from ESPN yeah so they um contributors uh worked on this to kind of get the rankings and how they kind of did it for each team they have the biggest strength of the roster the biggest weakness X Factor and then a nonstarter to no okay and so just to recap from the north lions are five Packers are 13 bears are 17 the Vikings are 23rd they they write for the Bears biggest strength wide receiver that we haven’t had that since the Brandon Marshall Alshon Jeffrey days um and they write in a matter of two off Seasons Chicago has gone from having one of the League’s shakiest wide receiver rooms to having perhaps the best that’s a big time comment right there but I I easily I’d say top five last year DJ Moore’s acquisition proved extremely Savvy as he posted career best marks in receptions 96 yards 1385 touchdowns nine this off season the Bears trade for Keenan Allen you might have heard of him um i’ i’ put Ro I’d put the Bears I mean I I’d like to I mean I’d be willing to try to put them up against the Rams Jaguars of Seahawks maybe it’s a thin margin with them 14 15 16 17 here all stacked together but like just on the surface of knowing those teams without having like the Deep dive of each roster who’s to say the Bears aren’t better I know I’m kind of different I’m like having trouble between roster rankings and who I think is the better team um so that certainly I think is Up For Debate the very least and then I also think the Jets are I’m not to go like I’m all over the place here cuz I think I’m going to pass out from the smell of this permanent marker I literally might it’s literally I’m like hallucinating now like in there like no but like right now it’s like punching and I think I might pass out one more sniff one more sniff the Jets and the I’m all over the place here but the I also have to say the Jets as number four are they really that stacked well the NFL seems to think that they are because they’re on TV of course they do but I no I I think that listen the Aaron missed the entire season last year and the Jets were right there at least for a good portion of it to still be at least in the conversation to be a playoff team so you’re you’re you’re betting you’re betting on a big ass season you also added a son reic so I mean there’s you know yeah so I mean the Jets they have their biggest strength as a cornerback room s Garder they have DJ Reed uh xfactor they did get Tyron Smith uh you know veteran left tackle um from Dallas you have a bunch you have Olu fashanu as well so they they have a pretty good offensive line probably a top three running back in the game right now yeah so I mean I guess longevity wise I mean they would be in a completely different category but going into maybe 2024 season I I could see it that that D is real and and and look this is not going to be a popular take but what are you laughing at I’m laughing at Stephen for what you said he said the D is real everybody’s got their head in the pants on this show not me I just say things really no no you are not saying that you of all people all I don’t want to have a whole who’s got their head in the pants uh further debate that’s un that’s uncomfortable for everybody okay so look my point is this bet against Aaron Rogers at your own Peril like and it’s fine it’s fine you want to say he’s done coming off at a killes tear switching teams doing weird stuff off the field as per now I don’t know is he angling to be the president of the United States someday whatever the hell’s going on over there you can it’s it’s the most comfortable time that you can bet against Aaron but you’re still talking about what a super MVP yeah you’re talking about one of the talent play the one of the most talented players to ever play the toughest position in sports period and of story and it’s not debatable so um but you maybe they’re getting a little too much love what do you think four that’s high yeah what do you it is it is what do you think of the contention that the Bear’s biggest strength on the roster is the wide receiver room anybody want to argue that no I I think it’s a good argument I mean at last year I would probably said linebackers still one position that maybe would argue like linebacker or wide receiver I think secondary’s starting to make a push yeah secondary is legit I mean they led the league in interceptions last year with 22 the majority of those coming in the second half of the season Once they got montz sweat so I think once they got a pass rush it was a better indicator of exactly what the secondary was who Jaylen Johnson actually is that’s why he got paid there was questions is he a top 10 Corner in this league well once you got him one pass rusher he showed that imagine if you get too now you’ve got Tyreek Stevenson in his second year who I’m really excited for who we all are really excited for Kyler Gordon going into his third year hopefully he starts the Year healthy unlike last year which he you know obviously had theough injury which threw everything off because he was primed to have a big second year jquan brisker obviously you hope he stays healthy but the talent is there Kevin byard comes in as a The Savvy veteran I know I’m just naming all the players but I’m just saying good you got him right yeah yeah but I I overall then you talk about the depth behind that Terrell Smith I think it’s sweet though you can at least have a solid debate on it cuz I’m you know been going back in my mind on because I want to I always want to push back news flash and say that’s wrong this is right I’m Karm I’m smarter than you but high-end Talent it’s the receiver room over the cornerback room Jaylen Johnson can fight us on that but you know you’re talking about Keenan Allen keeps going got a chance to be in the Hall of Fame same thing with DJ Rome’s been lighting it up you don’t have a lot of depth you know after that it falls off a clip so you can say that okay like Bard and Company have a little you at at the 456 maybe you feel a little bit more comfortable with the secondary and maybe even but on the top end you got to give it to the wide receivers yeah and you know to maybe push back on that is like so you’re going to take the Bears three wide receivers who we just mentioned over most teams are going to probably have two linebackers on the field because you’re going to be in a nickel package most of the time so traine Edmonds TJ Aver TJ award should have been you an all pro last year and chain emmans I think was coming along later in the season so I think again it’s good that the Bears at least are having these conversations but wide receiver room is the strongest i’ I’d put linebacker right up there with the cornerback room just in terms of the two guys that you’re going to see primarily on the field and one of the guys they put in the the article the nonar to not is Jack Sor right is a a very quality guy that when you get into those three linebacker sets you know what you’re going to get out of sanor every single time so and that’s not even to mention Noah yeah so you have some you know he’s going to be in his second year so give an opportunity now that his Doug is feet into the league a little more but I think Karm said it right top end the wide receiver room is their their Elite yep but if you’re going to talk about depth it might be linebacker or probably more so even secondary because we didn’t even mention the safety they got from Green Bay um Owens yeah great lineage right there uh what they write about Jack San God the Bears used base Personnel 23% of the time last season and third linebacker sandborg was excellent against the run his average Run game tackle came at 2 and a half yards was ranked fifth among offall linebackers he also had a sack and good metrics when he had to play in pass coverage unleash the sand god damn it um Mark you know if they unleash the sand god he’s probably not going to be with the Bears next season this is last year Fair Point somebody somebody might step up and and pay the god I think so that’d be unfortunate yeah and I don’t want to skip over their X Factor because we got to get Caleb in here that’s the X Factor and I think they’re damn right about that uh forgive the obvious selection but the Bears have a wide range of outcomes and it all hinges on Williams this is about Caleb memo this is the season is about the quarterback is that direct somebody so quit trying to say it’s not about Caleb listen to Karm thank you Greg good to have you on my team for a minute got you about Caleb if he can hit idiot wake border if he can hit the ground running in the NFL then the upside for this team is high because of all the parts around him on offense but the team won’t run without him so that roster will be for not if he comes along slowly anybody disagree with any of that no I think that’s spot on I mean look it it all it all is on it’s it’s not all on Caleb’s shoulders but he plays such a huge factor of what this season could be for the Bears um the what he can do in the passing game what we’re projecting him do in the passing game should should open up things the quarterback is going to define the success of the players around him on offense go it goes without saying but you know for players that aren’t sure about Brax and Jones you know and try when you’re trying to when it’s the chicken or the egg discussion of trying to figure out what the issues are we’ve gone through this year after year after year is it the offensive line is it the play calling is it the quarterback is it the receivers and um you know to me once your quarterback is the the the ship the tide that lifts All Ships you know maybe we do get a better in just the way Montes sweat gave an indicator of how just how good Jaylen Johnson is can Kayla Williams do the same for braxon Jones or Tyler Scott you know in in players of that nature that we have questions about but maybe you put a little more talent to help them out now all of a sudden we find out who they really are I want to touch on one more topic about the Bears roster got a question for you too in a second and then we’re going to look ahead to 2025 looking right now though at Lucy nicotine one 100% pure always tobacco free available in pouches gum and our favorite the breakers Breakers their pouches they got the capsule of liquid flavor inside that helps saturate the pouch delicious Breakers are available in 4 milligrams or 8 milligrams there’s a ton of good flavors mint and Berry Citrus and 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that Lan side service comes in handy and a two-story laser tag arena private event spaces and 45 5,000 squ ft of fun honestly I would love to go laser tagging um haven’t done that in a while wh ball has that to offer they also have 32 craft beer taps craft cocktails and upscale bar food booking with whirly ball is an easy as an intentional walk just go to worly chdo and click and click booked now they also have a location in Vernon Hills that you can check out so bunch of locations bunch of things to do check out whle ball all right so before we get to 2025 let me just get out oh you know what real quickly we’re jumping the gun here you got purchase an hour of whirly ball and get 30 minutes of bowling for free so got to got to get that you must book with a private event to redeem book now at worldly chdo I love worldly ball shout out to Hawk shout out to you uh all right here’s a question for you I probably asked this question 100 times I’m going to ask it again I’m going to ask it again right now more concerned about the o line or the D line if you were ranking them who do you put in front o line D line o line why you put the o line ahead I’m saying it’s o line and I’m asking you why I don’t know why you do know I do because you’ve said the answer multiple times go ahead because this season is all about Caleb so how is the O how does that make the o line better you said who am I more concerned about no no I said which I’m sorry I’m passing out from the marker I’ll just pass out right now did anybody did anybody was that were you confused about the question you say more concerned I said who do you I maybe said that but I said who do you rank higher oine dline I thought you said who am I more concerned about well that would be that would factor into how you rank them if I said it like that but I but if I was confusing you in any way shape or form I apologize now I’m confused on the original question iine who am I most concerned with o line you’re more concerned about the o line than so you think the dline is better than the o line yes okay do you agree with that Greg you think the D Line’s better yeah yes it’s the best player [ __ ] I mean it’s close the it’s well it’s not it’s it’s somewhat similar to the cornerback secondary wide receiver conversation because the best player nobody would argue is Montes SWAT on either side of the ball that’s not debatable however you could look at it like well the collective the collective of the o line I’m actually going to bet more on Braxton solidifying himself and Darnell getting better and col Shel actually was perhaps an underrated signing and you know I don’t know Ryan Bates if you told me tev Jenkins was going to stay healthy all year exactly and Nate Davis was going to play all year then oine would rank higher but because of those question marks and then obviously not knowing what they’re going to do at Center and not knowing how those guys are going to fit I mean I like that we have a couple new options in here than we’ve had the last couple years not named Lucas Patrick or Sam muser but still like you know um it’s it’s yet to be determined if these guys are going to be the solution or just another extension of that problem let me ask you another question a much easier way who on the defensive line do you have the most confidence in behind montz sweat uh definitely dvon Dexter I would say so yeah is that because he was just on the show or what are you basing that on I mean I thought he finished the season well I think he’s a disruptor you know and I and I guess I am banking on his potential I’m not trying to take anything off the gervon Dexter table but he finished the I would say he finished the season better you noticed him yes we don’t have Justin Jones anymore no but you you do have Andrew Billings who I think that that would be my answer after montz be B corre that’s that’s probably the more more reason what he’s asked to do he does a good job of it it’s just it’s not not that it’s not important but you’d rather have you’d rather have more confidence in the in the three technique which would be on this season but you know Andrew Billings does play a a big role with that nose tackle right it’s just not the sexy role like Billings isn’t the disruptor he’s the he’s the Gap stopper exactly exactly like I If if I was going to put this into dating terms and let me be PC correct here you’re not I mean you’re you’re walking out with a five you know you’re you’re you’re you’re not you’re not getting the top drawer walking out of the bar at 2 in the morning and you’re you know on the other side you know you’re not walking out with with the lawyer you’re walking out with the like the the parttime podcaster basically that’s what that’s what you’re getting you know in essence you know so I I don’t but Billings is the right answer yeah so but so but so right so now you Billings and then who’s third Dexter you want to say that fine it’s it’s even an optimistic thing to say him he’s third I think it’s the right I would I would put him third too Demarcus Walker anybody feeling good or anything about Demarcus Walker I’m I don’t have a problem with him as a rotational piece but is he a Difference Maker he’s probably right now your your starting opposite defensive end of Montes right which is why which is why we can segue into 2025 NFL free agency and the Bears will buy you know right now at least they sit with $74 million which is fifth most of anyone and you can kind of assume that these same needs are going to be there next year and it’ll be another shot 100% for Ryan poles to spend some dough so we got a list here of I don’t know a handful of people that are interesting I’ll I’ll just read them off we’ve got Creed Humphrey two-time Pro Bowl Center we’ve got Zack Martin a nine-time probal guard from the Cowboys obviously different age ranges here different price points all the whole thing we’ve got Hassan reic um who get to the quarterback for you we also have Josh sweat um Eagles defensive end made our made our list here Kenny Clark from the Packers you know going to be pushing 30 here but been a hell of a productive player up there stealing from the Rival we got Tristan wors entering his prime has been a dominant left tackle for the bucks and then you know off the board look we threw T Higgins in there playing on a franchise tag with the Bengals so I don’t know we’re who who are you not most excited about in here Nick I mean you’re you’re looking at probably both those defensive ends you mentioned there um Mark with Hassan reck and Josh sweat um looking that they’ve just been productive especially you know the past couple of Seasons s reic what in 17 games last season finished with 11 sacks 2022 finished with 16 sacks 20211 sacks and then 2020 12 and a half he’s been a double digit sack guy for the last four seasons and if you could add that opposite of Mont sweat then you’re really you’re you’re forcing offensive offensive lines to really have to focus on two premier guys so I mean you’re looking at him and again sweat’s also been really productive the last couple Seasons so I’m really focused in on on the the defensive ends right now well reic sat out mandatory mini camp unexcused absence Robert slow was talking about that we do have a video of what he was doing uh which I think we can pop up here as uh son is is seeing the world and he’s seeing it in interesting ways I I believe if you look closely this could be Greg Braggs uh but it it would that be Greg bre cuz yeah that’s excellent point you would never have this much style Andor this much Charisma but look at this guy uh uh music looks very lovely I mean he samur out like an anime yeah kind of digging it I’m going to show up to the studio like is that a kilt what is that Samurai it’s like a it’s not a kilt it’s what I don’t know what uh someone dress is not a dress that what it’s called no no where is he is this is this uh your boy Boogie knows I got a feeling is it is it the is he in Japan where where is he he’s in Japan he’s in Japan my brother was just in Japan did I yeah so what is Rex’s so what is reck’s kind because that’s what your boy Boogie’s asking in the chat too like there’s an out in 20 25 okay um but yeah he was with the Eagles and time with the Jets Aaron Rogers explodes as achil again they’re going to blow that team up is that what we’re saying I mean look they have a lot of like aging veterans on that team a Kono that’s what TW a kimono kimono thank you tww Scottish bear come on help yeah so I mean yeah I I I’m with you on reic you know I want difference makers I want disruptors Kenny Clark certainly fits that mold too I’m not worried about age I’m not worried about price you’re not no because the it’s a win now mode the one thing I do agree with you Karm where you say this season is about Caleb Williams and I agree with that ultimately the number one thing that matters I’m not saying nothing else matters the number one thing that matters is what happens with Caleb Williams in his development this year but they are also in win M win now mode to Hog’s Point um that he was trying to counter with you and so that’s why I don’t have a problem with him whoever becomes available or is available right now or if somebody becomes available during camp with Cuts Surprise Cuts or if they want to wait until next off season you’ve got Caleb Williams on a rookie contract that was the blueprint for how the Seattle Seahawks won a Super Bowl with Russell Wilson you the you take advantage of that opportunity because there will come a day where you have to pay Caleb Williams a lot of money ideally because he has worked out here and now you won’t be able to get all these high ticket items around the rest of the team so to me this is your chance to get those kind of luxury players on your roster for the next four years I I’m I’m looking at Creed Humphrey you’re talking about a dude who entering his prime already a multiple Time pro bowler already a two-time Super Bowl champion has the experience of working with the best quarterback in the game Chiefs are not in a great position with their cap they’ve got 15 million available for 2025 got a lot of high price Talent around there can they afford to pay a center premium Center money I’m going to guess not so could the Bears and and and are the Bears after this year do you think they’re going to have that position solidified with whoever emerges as the starting center this year that’s a I would call an unlikelihood so that’ be at at bare minimum a name a name to watch I mean I’m not going to tell you I will in fact I will June 26th Creed Humphrey will be a bear this time next year how’s that June 26th wow okay Mark it down Stephen so the Chiefs have 13 million in cap space for next year so they’d have to get creative to find a way to keep him exactly it’s going to be tough that would be a huge loss for that I mean they see my homes restructuring his contract every year yeah to keep certain players that would be one to keep I mean he’s got a billion dollars so he can figure it out Ruby saying that he’s not leaving the goat he’s going to go from one goat to the next goat my brother that’s what’s happening going to be like and he’s that’s what he’s going to say and then he’s going to leave because the Bears are offering him that much more money yeah Money Talks money talks in the end so right that would be a huge get yeah huge huge get uh all right Gregory what what do you want I want you to answer this question yes sir of the guys that we just named mhm greed Humphrey Zack Martin Hassan reck Josh sweat Kenny Clark Tristan wors T Higgins you can have one I give you one they’ll land with the Bears who you taking Ric okay oh is George KD a free agent we got enough tight ends there Nick whoa well we’ll take George K you don’t want to see George K i’ Love George KD in a Bears uniform but we’ve got two tit loves the Bears I know he loves the Bears he had some medical procedure in theice offseason you lost a bunch of weight George yeah oh H like 20 plus pounds wow it’s a lot for a tight end too yeah that’ be fun selfishly that’d be fun I take it um it it it it it it would be it could be it is Gregory you’re up buddy yeah well uh while we’re figuring out 2025 roster looking ahead that’s what we do we’re always 10 steps ahead trying to make sure the Bears are looking for multiple Super Bowl championships Ray CDG cdjr is taking care of you right here right now when it comes to finding your next vehicle make Ray cdjr your number one draft pick this June shop Chrysler’s Dodges jeeps and Rams at Ray cdjr in Fox Lake where Adam hog will be surfboarding uh and for a limited and and during the make this Summer Event find the perfect vehicle and score huge savings as well for a limited time lease the new 2024 Jeep Wrangler for only 419 bucks a month or shop over 125 Vehicles priced under $20,000 let the amazing team at Ray 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have a sign you and elri are next on my list I can’t see to have a sign can you not there stay paused okay all right true fan travel is your passport to the World of Sports 8,000 plus fans traveling over on over 145 trips it’s your trusted travel partner PR for for professional sporting events all around the world including London so if you’re coming with us via true fan travel this what you’re getting you’re getting a flight to London you’re getting a four to five star hotel accommodation you’re getting a welcome event you’re getting a private boat cruise on the river Tims are we yes you are you’re getting an all-inclusive tailgate party right close to the stadium we’re going to rock it you’re getting an upper level ticket to the Bears game you’re getting Transportation you’re getting airport transfers you’re going to and from the game you’re getting on-site trip coordinators these people are the most fun people in the history of the planet uh we’re going to try to offload brags to them for a permanent gig breakfast at the hotel every morning meet and greet with the chgo team how do you do all this well you head to Trufant Trufant you make your deposit you secure your spot and October 9th to the 15th Bears Jaguars in London going to be a ton of fun and yes you can itemize exactly what you want to do you don’t have to fly with us you don’t have to you you you want to just come and hang out and you have your own ticket you could go that route there’s a million different ways you can do this so whatever you need Trufant will take care of you that’s right super excited it’s like uh get your your One-Stop shop for July 31st is the cut off even elri is is invited elrick keeps asking about our Saturday day trip to Milwaukee is he coming I saw him yesterday asking like when is this it’s on Saturday we’re starting at almost home in Chicago what time will the bus be arriving 9M at almost home yeah so ideally I mean logistically probably waiting for everybody to get on the bus get boarded probably 9:45 at Circa and W Keegan I mean that’s that’s being this generous this was a trivia question just to show you that Greg K doesn’t know the Chicago land area and how far it is to Circa and the time it takes to get on a bus I’m going to bet probably what hour 30 yeah 10:30 yeah okay 10:30 well whatever I’m going to meet inwa and that’s where I’m starting yeah that’s where I’m going to start my day we going to start on the we’re going to play a couple uh yeah couple games at Circa so yeah come to Circa I’m going to get there at 9:30 are they open I I can gamble at 9:30 you can buddy all right so at 9:30 we’re going to lay some bets down at the circus Sports Po in W Keagan and then when the bus gets there whatever time it gets there we can bet on what time it gets there oh and then we’re going to hop on this sweet ass party bus go to Milwaukee I’m bringing card games I’m getting messed up okay let’s go all right I’m going to bring a baseball bat and hit Karma over the head with it it’s going to be a hoot Nanny all right looking forward to seeing everybody there all right I was uh driving in today and it’s actually earlier than that but it popped up on my my Instagram this morning as I was rising to the world and it was September 19th 1985 Thursday night in the now long gone Metrodome you had just turned 32 I had just turned 32 years old I was so I was so I was Hammer drunk really annoyed the Bears were losing 17 to9 to the Vikings and Jim McMahon was in the air of Mike dka begging put me out there he was on 100 muscle relaxing he was he had been in traction all week he hadn’t practice dius whole thing at the time was if you don’t practice you can’t play mhm and then Off the Bench he came Vikings with the all out Blitz sweetness picking up the block McMahon getting killed but still firing a dime over the top of the defense to Willie G touchdown Bears followed by two more bears 33 Vikings 24 on their way to winning the Super Bowl the only time in my life where it really felt to me at least like you were Invincible like something not something terrible was going to happen but something amazing was going to happen because you were that team you had that winner and and then I was thinking about it I’m like I think that was my favorite moment in the history of my bear’s life that night I can picture it it was so like they’re losing you think they’re going to and it’s like oh my God they’re they’re they’re not cuz we’re amazing and and we’re going to win the Super Bowl and they did right that’s how it felt with that’s how it felt with Michael every year you just knew you it was it was I mean I mean going into each season with Jordan’s like you think they’re going to win again yeah I think they’re going to win it again that must be nice except it was amazing man he was like it was like watching it was like watching Superman of as a kid like K was an adult but and then of course the Geniuses over there just decided they absolutely knew when it was going to end and they could just predict the future and so let’s end the dynasty side note I’m sorry I shouldn’t have gone down that road but no invincibility of that team and the great players you know the greats when you see them MH right so so then I wanted to ask you guys the question cuz you are younger than me just by a couple of years much younger right sure go ahead Gregory uh your favorite game as a fan in Bears fandom yourself history Chad throw your favorite one your favorite game in there I saw somebody actually put the McMan game in there so I was earlier when I brought this up to start the show I was impressed that it made our chats list but where where you going going on this Nick you look confused you’re in the moment no no I I have it um I go back to December 28th 2009 when I was still going to games with my uncle Monday night against the Minnesota Vikings it was an overtime game between the Bears and Vikings and to start overtime I believe it was Hunter Hillen me forced the fumble on Adrien Peterson Nick roach recovers it inbounds and then what was it one play after that that looking at one play after that Jay Cutler hits Devon Aroma do for the win Roma sh do for the win I was in that end zone where Roman shadu caught the touchdown and as a fan like my uncle and I we’d always go to these games we had never seen a loss and this is one where we’re thinking wow well I guess we had a nice streak of seven eight games and it wasn’t that night Mark the Devon Aroma should do just a deep vertical route J Culler hits him in stride walk off with the wi I don’t even think I went to school the next stay cuz we got home pretty late but how old were you that was 2009 I’m 29 now I don’t even know what year were you born next I was 1994 okay I’ll help you out then do the math for me because I’m trying to even think where that means you were 15 so freshman in high school maybe yeah okay yeah yeah yep decked out I mean I have so many and it’s the chat’s nailing a few of them obviously if we’re gonna say games that we weren’t at the Monday night Miracle game I had a bunch of friends over half of them left at halftime my buddy Pete who’s the best man at my wedding he left he’s a Panther fan he left at halftime talking all this [ __ ] and I’m hammered when the game’s over just celebrating like we just won the Super Bowl because it felt like that team was going to win the Super Bowl just the way they were trending that year and then that game so I went to his house and woke his ass up I was like I just literally just his house I would just walk in no knock I would just walk in his dad be like do we knock in this [ __ ] house like no we don’t Mr L I’m walking in and so I I went in and was like Pete guess what and that was that was just such a beautiful night what a moment Devon huster obviously with the theatrics um the the James Allen Hail Mary the Mike Brown pick sixes backto back weeks that was Mike Brown and Brian ER Locker’s rookie year so for me as a bears like in the ’90s I loved watching football but watching the Bears every week you know like you’re watching football but you never really felt like the Bears were that team and then in and when ear locker and Mike Brown showed up and then all of a sudden the Bears made the playoffs we had something to get excited for uh so that was like that first moment where I started dreaming about the bears actually winning a Super Bowl at some point in my lifetime um for games I’ve been to um it’s a it’s a lot so I don’t know I I really it’s hard it’s hard to pick my favorite one probably the year in 2006 where the Bears did make it to the Super Bowl um was when they clinched the division against the Vikings uh Devon Hester’s first ever touchdown at Soldier Field it was like a squibbed punt he kind of let it trickle back and he and he picked it up and knife through four Defenders cut to the left side come down the sidelines Peanut Tilman clearing the way in front of him he rolls on top of peut Tilman to roll into the end zone for the touchdown uh the 2018 season was special and I went to every home game that year except for the New England game because the New England tickets were so expensive the 2018 season and Club Dub and the the energy of this the crowd I mean Mitch trabis had six touchdown passes in one game that year the B Deion Allen brought it up he’s but he had four it was actually six against the buck it was six it was UN like look that was like the Messiah had showed up at Soldier Field because Bears fans had never seen an offensive output like that in a game they destroyed them defensively too they that was the moment where it was like holy [ __ ] we’ve entered the new era of football where we could actually play offense later that year the Vikings game on Prime Time the Rams game on Prime Time were unbelievable atmospheres where the defense was just completely dominant khil m back so I mean that whole 2018 season was pretty unreal so like I said I could probably talk about this topic all day long I mean I i’ I could go all day about this we need more of those de Hester against the Panthers where he uh Barrel rolled like four times into the end zone as he broke the record for punt return touchdowns I was at that game oh yeah a good one y yeah it’s there’s a lot of good ones lot of good ones do do you remember your first game ever at Soldier Field my first game ever and I’ve told this story on on this show before but my first game ever at Soldier Field was the last regular season home game in Soldier Field where Keith tractor trailer had the interception that we see every year that was my first because at that point I had never been to a football game my mom would take us to you know baseball games in the summer but in the winter I went to a couple uh games where played so that was like it was like a dream but we didn’t always go to Bulls games cuz they were so expensive and we always just went to baseball game so I had never been to a football game up until that point I was like I have to see the old stadium so my mom I was like 13 or so she dropped me off at the stadium by myself and I went in and just made friends with whoever I was sitting around the Bears won the division over the Jacksonville Jaguars that game was rescheduled because that was supposed to be that game was supposed to be played on 911 and so it ended up being played at the end of the year the Bears clinched the division Keith tractor trailer with the infamous interception where he’s looking back trying to hand off you know lateral the ball to somebody else as he’s running out of gas it was a great moment and and the Bears went on to the playoffs to eventually lose to the Philadelphia Eagles my first game was in 2007 the year after obviously the Super Bowl year uh it was against the Saints at Soldier Field and Deon Hester like many people was like my favorite guy and he ends up taking a punt return back for a touchdown in that game there was like nobody in the stands at that point I remember I was like running down the stands with kind of Hester trying to just watch as he’s like going into the left part of the end zone but that was the first one then ever since I was hooked so there it is my guy Brad hassie here in the chat um my wedding gift to him was to take him he lived down in Dallas so he drove down to Dallas and saw the Bears beat the Cowboys in the new Stadium uh Lance Briggs had the interception for a touchdown touchdown iner had a receiving touchdown oh that’s right yeah yeah the one-hander in the corner that was wearing pink yeah that was a it was a cool that was a that was a fun memory I I’ve been to a lot of tough losses too I’ve been to the NFC Championship where um you know Jay Cutler got hurt I was there too love that one I was at the Randall Cobb touchdown oh that was ter I was at the the week before when the Bears lost to the Eagles like 55 to 10 and was like all right we got one more week at home against the Packers and then Randall Cobb happens I was at the Double doink game that was really [ __ ] hard really really hard what was like walking out of there after that one it was death it was like a funeral that had to be death it was like a funeral um yeah I I was at game seven of the NLCS for 2003 with the Cubs that was a funeral the day after the Bartman game funeral so that was a funeral and the double do game they were so similar in The Vibes walking out the only difference was was Eagles fans just rubbing it in bears like you would think the Eagles fans would just take their win they had already won a Super Bowl and just be like yeah we got lucky here sorry guys you know no they did it they were brutal as we walked out they’re Eagles fans I know they were brutal and uh yeah when he missed the first when they iced the kicker and called timeout or he made it but barely made it like it didn’t feel good and the The Vibes in the stadium were like you could feel it the entire stadium was like he’s not making this kick and I have a great video of it somewhere um my buddy Jake I convinced him to fly all the way up from Austin Texas like you have to come to this game wasted all that money and d double dink I was doing postgame shows with hampen ob at that time it’s the only time I’ve ever seen Dan Hampton throw like a full water cup when the the double ding they all knew I mean there’s the video of the NBC Sports Chicago guys with Briggs and all them like everybody knew cuz he had missed four in one game that year so it was shaky the whole year oh yeah and I’ll say this much like and I know we’ve been talking about the great wins and the great games we’ve been to and now we’re talking about the losses but to me that’s what makes being that’s what is fun about being a fan is the journey and so the day the Bears ever do win the Super Bowl just as it was for me as a cub fan and I’m sure for a lot of people as socks fans like we went through so much [ __ ] and the fun the wins are fun but when you have to experience those losses that’s how you earn those scars for that moment when the champagne pops the champagne always tastes sweeter through the the pain and if you don’t go through the pain if you jump on the gravy terrain after the pain then it’s just not the same right now Greg is definitely talking to himself in a I can’t I’m just excited for the day the Bears win it cuz I know that we’ve all earned it Jake Flanigan has earned it we’ve all earned it hey uh We’ve earned a Super Bowl here with our pain and suffering okay all right we we’re going to wrap up have you seen my sign Jake you seen it like like it yeah uh all right we’re going to wrap up that topic now Gregory I I I knew that was a fun topic I I knew I knew it would unleash you and it was it was fun to watch you we’re having a uh and I by the way just watching the chat it’s it’s just cool to see that we do have Bears fans from all the Heros

An ESPN article laid out the rosters in the NFL and ranked the Chicago Bears as having the 17th-best roster. With offseason additions of Caleb Williams, Rome Odunze and Keenan Allen among others, do the Bears still only have a middle-of-the-pack roster? The CHGO Bears crew makes the case for the Bears being ranked higher.

Later, we take a way-too-early look at the 2025 NFL Free Agency class to try to find fits for the Bears’ remaining needs. Is Creed Humphrey a prime target to fill a crucial need at Center? Can Zack Martin improve the team at Right Guard? Mark Carman, Nicholas Moreano and Greg Braggs Jr. answer those questions on the CHGO Bears Live Podcast.

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  1. Whatever year it was for Hester returning a pair against Denver. Remember Devin hurdling Todd Sauerbraun for one of them.

  2. 1980 1st round playoff Chicago vs Eagles. Bears got robbed Chicago outplayed the Eagles in veteran stadium. 68 rd td run by Walter Payton called back killed the bears!!

  3. 17th sounds about right…as of now the bears are a middle of the pack team in the NFL, until these young guys take that next step 17th ranked roster overall is 100% accurate

  4. Lol 3 playoff teams in the North? Is Minnesota supposed to be that good? It's amazing how delusional Chicago fans are as a whole. Cubs were supposed to be good this year too

  5. my favorite is when i worked the sidelines at solider field against Detroit.. Urlacher's last game in in soldier field. BRANDON Marshalls td catch in that game when he dropped to his knees and prayed to the sky.

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