Cincinnati Reds Lose Another Rubber Game as Season Spirals vs Pirates | CBox Reds | Game 80

Cincinnati Reds Lose Another Rubber Game as Season Spirals vs Pirates | CBox Reds | Game 80

GE what’s going on Nick Kirby here uh Trace I think will be joining us soon uh bottom nine Red’s down six one to the Pirates Sierra High Drive gonna be CAU by swinsky that’s out number two hope your uh Wednesday’s going well tough day just uh not a lot of fun bear with me trying to kind of get everything up and running here one one to Stevens since we’re I’m at actually having to watch this on MLB TV uh Direct TV went out in the middle of the game kind of felt appropriate today all right that’s the ball game I’ll be back with the box score recap Trey supposed to join us here at some point hang with us High Drive left Center Fe racing back to the B the our national league central champion in the air left did he did he he he red wi right fi the First with run to the [Music] game you believe it air White Field line go to a CH R have w c onun home on an opening day by Ramon Hernandez strike away and outway is Homer Bailey round ball to third Fraser gloves throw to first and Homer Bailey for the second time in his major league career has cost to know oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] second player in history to H seven home runs in the first game in the air and the r win what a dream beginning to the career of [Music] Bruce what’s up Trace oh he’s on a call oh hey what’s going on folks uh we are live chatter Fox Red’s live uh we’re on Instagram today I mean I feel today’s the perfect day to kind of go on Instagram just to Showcase uh Chatterbox Reds and the Cincinnati Reds I mean I don’t know when else you could possibly uh want a better day to uh showcase uh what all we do here but I’m Nick Kirby Trace F be along here in a second um I’m going to go ahead and run through the box score recap here while Trace get situated got to give me just one second because I have to input uh my thing in here real quick bear with me hope your uh Wednesday is going better than the uh Cincinnati Reds ball Club all right give me one second talking and clicking I’m I’m not good I’ve never mastered that uh to save my life so sorry about that we do this after all 162 even after a like today so let’s go ahead and run through what happened today for the Cincinnati Reds uh Reds trying to avoid a ninth series loss after they won the first game of the series and the Reds would have to do so without jamer candelario he was out of the lineup with tendonitis without Jake fley he was out of the lineup with a right lower leg contusion and without will Benson just out of the lineup because uh he hasn’t been very good uh Graham mashcraft back on the mound for the Reds after two solid starts at Triple A it was nothing nothing going into the second Jack swinsky had a two out RBI single to put the Pirates up one nothing um and but then in the bottom of the third seart Fairchild had a lead off single and then India crushed a double 109 off the bat over the head of Jack winsky to tie the game at one it was the 11th consecutive plate appearan plate appearance that Jonathan India reached base on the longest streak from a Reds player since Dimitri young in 2001 but then in the top of the fourth Rowdy tles hit a solo home run off the top of the wall in left field that made it 2-1 Pirates top of the fifth Ash crap gave up a two-run home run to Andrew McCutchen to make it four to one and then in the top of the six Ashcraft put two more Runners on base his day would be done Justin Wilson came in and promptly allowed both Runners to score on a two RBI double from the Pirates backup catcher Jason delay that made it 7-1 Pirates ashcraft’s final line five in a third Innings pitched nine hits six runs one walk Three strikeouts he allowed two home runs Ashcraft eight hard hit balls allowed on the day he only got five swinging misses uh good work today i’llbe it in a you know mop-up roll Lucas Sims and Alexis Diaz each through perfect Innings with a strike out each but the Reds offense uh didn’t do a whole lot just four hits Reds fall six to one Reds Now 37 and 43 six games below 500 and we do have sort of a dsse deep Drive of the day there’s no minor league action everything got postponed there’s literally nothing to go off of you know what Jonathan India he’s playing well he had 109 mile per hour double 381 feet so Jonathan India if there’s anyone on the Reds on this day that deserves a DSC deep Drive of the day it’s you and our DSC deep Drive of the day sponsored as always by Deep South Commodities DSC is a leader in renewable commodities for biofuel production they specialize and use cooking oil collection aggregation and sales visit southc for more information thanks as always to our friends at DSC and as I get rid of this graphic I pray that Trace can save me uh Trace valer Chatterbox Sports CEO president founder how we doing I’m doing great I just realized that it says shatterbox Sports on my little ticker there I probably could have changed that but I was rushing in to try to get in the old video The Backstage uh and I think I had that on the last time I was on streamyard which was uh with that the Ripkin show and uh I basically told them that that time I think that it was a good time to catch the Reds and I wasn’t wrong I wasn’t wrong um all right before we get into this uh Ned Flanders jimes in he says I know there’s no crying in baseball but I watched the whole game I feel shame yeah I I I I I don’t know Nick um we we do these after every game and and and and and I think that more times than not there is Meaningful things to talk about I really do and today is one of those days where if anyone tells you otherwise then they’re not really I don’t know if they’re a ball knower I don’t know if they’re someone that’s being realistic but the truth is is like right now based off the situation and the circumstances and I’m not saying these situations and circumstances are going to be there for a an extended period of time but today’s a specific example the fact when fry got got scratched this team’s just not good enough I mean I I don’t really mean to be too pessimistic or or maybe too straightforward Nick but there’s just not enough major league baseball players that are playing for this team right now to expect good consistent play uh will they will they rattle off eight nine runs one game maybe Nick maybe they will and they did on Friday or not Friday but they did on what is it today Wednesday they did on Monday um but that’s just not that’s just not who they’re going to be and the scary part if you want to say it’s scary is that they’re going to go into play a St Louis team who’s playing relatively well on the road in a pretty big series and if they don’t find a way to at least uh I know people are going to think I’m crazy but at least take one uh split the series would be great based off of what I’ve been seeing lately um you know it can Spire out of control so I I think it’s genuinely as simple as that Nick I’m sure there’s things that we can talk talk about uh Ashcraft certainly one of them but otherwise as far as the game goes today there what is there to there’s there there’s nothing there’s literally nothing to talk about and I don’t mean that negatively we could talk about holistic things we could talk about big picture things certainly but when you look at this lineup card today you can’t you can’t actually take it that serious yeah I mean I this is not the lineup that we were hoping and look I I get it I’m not going to sit here and and try to make excuses or whatnot uh I I certainly understand the sentiment that the Reds haven’t earned the right to you know make excuses like or get of the doubt yeah the last you know like if the Reds were the St Louis Cardinals and they had a year like this like the St Louis Cardinal last year like if I was if I was doing a cardinal show last year I would have been like making I would have been the king of excuses and I would have felt confident I and I would have said you’re an idiot if you’re s if you’re you know throwing your hands up complaining and crying and they were and they were but it’s it’s it I get it it brings completely Hollow right now um does the you know like the the front office do those guys deserve like all the vitriol no but they also signed up for a job and um you got to find a way to dig out of this and hopefully at some point in our lives when we do these shows Trace if the Reds do have a season like this and we do this long enough and we’re um there can be the benefit of the doubt at some point but right now there’s just not because the red franchise has not earned it you nailed it I mean you nailed it it’s it’s the exact reason as to why people can’t stand you know you and and basically the way in which you go about your fandom and and and I’m not saying that that I don’t understand where they come from I I do think there are times where it’s like you know you’re getting you’re getting upset at people that are really just trying to find the trying to find the silver lining more times than not now I will openly admit as well that that you know the Silver Lining ultimately becomes kind of tiresome once you’ve lived through it long enough and some people have been like us um have been living this basically our whole lives so you know the idea of hey it’s it’s just stinks bad luck this year it’s a shame you know let’s just chalk it up and let’s start focusing on what we would actually have for 20125 it it it becomes it becomes just really depressing quite frankly shout out to 988 extra call if you need it uh it’s just uh but that’s the truth that that is the 100% truth Nick you nailed it right on the head no one’s going to feel sorry for this franchise and I’m not saying they should but the reality is like it or not you know the truth hurts team’s not good enough right now uh based off the injuries and if we want to be critical of the front office uh and we want to be critical of the organization as a whole there’s there’s there’s 100% a gap rate uh that’s maybe a little too too big and it’s largely because of all of the young prospects that we were excited about came up last year and they overachieved or maybe they achieved and then they got hurt I don’t know however you want to look at it but but we got excited we bought in you know he bought the hype and uh I’m not saying that’s a bad thing as a fan but the reality is is now there’s a gap between kind of this this core that we are excited about and what I would argue is the next kind of young wave of core that we probably will will be excited about next and I’m not saying that’s a great way to be to be a fan or or to live fandom because you’re always hoping for the future and at some point you like to kind of be here and now before we’re all dead but I I can’t get mad I I just can’t get mad at a baseball game today when I’m watching these guys and it’s just kind of like the last thing I’ll say about it Nick is like have you ever gone and you’ve been I don’t want to say you’re good at something but you are knowledgeable about something and you maybe you take your you know your girlfriend I’m talking to the chat not us obviously you take your girlfriend golfing or you take your wife golfing or you take them bowling or maybe you get invited to a bowling league that you know all these big- time Bowlers and you show up I watch this team and it kind of feels like how I feel about those people when they first do something it’s like ah you know it’s just like I’m not saying you’re horrible but you’re pretty bad and I can’t even really get mad at at you because quite frankly I can’t I can’t expect you to do well you know it’s going to take a lot of it’s going to take a lot more time before I can have expectations these young these young guys I I mean what do you want me to say about Levi Jordan who can’t catch a fly bball on left field that I thought should have been caught and then next thing you know you give up a two-run homer I’m not gonna get mad at Levi Jordan Nick I just can’t I can’t do it yeah this is this is not the podcast that’s gonna sit Lei Jordan exactly 92% chance catch catch rate by the analytics and it and it really wasn’t even close to being caught so and again I I I’m not going to go down to Levi Jordan this that and the next because he’s doing his best he got called up you know he want me to get mad at if you if if all things like leavon SoDo that’s his name right you nailed it um maybe Levon might be Leon Levon regardless leave regardless uh you know I I’m not even I’m going to make an excuse for that kid like he was playing really well in Triple A they bring him up here Nick he doesn’t play for like a week it’s like I don’t understand that if we’re being honest like what’s the point of bringing a guy up if you don’t really have any plans to to give him some meaningful at bats every so often now I get it maybe you thought you were and Jonathan India got hotter than a firecracker and you’re like well we can’t take Jonathan India out I I don’t I’m just not going to get mad Nick and if people want me to get mad today I can’t do it because this team isn’t they’re not even good enough for me to get mad about yeah I I’m with you I don’t yeah I don’t really know what else to say uh you know shout out to Jonathan India he’s playing well um man uh he is uh I just I did not see this coming I mean he’s playing really well that’s that’s about it on the offensive side I don’t know what to say about Graham Ashcraft I mean I don’t know wasn’t great I continue to feel more lean towards I think he probably is a bullpen guy when it’s all said and done but he have to start him right now so it doesn’t really matter but I guess that’s my only thought is I think he probably ends up being a bullpen guy but he probably deserves a few more starts to kind of cement that one way or the other I don’t know man it’s just uh if if if we were playing on a uh a team that was in the middle of a penet race right now it feel it would feel like we would all be screaming and yelling that we want Ashcraft in there as at least at the very minimum as like a Nick Martinez is type player uh by player I mean pitcher so but again how do how do we go like I I know this sounds crazy to sit here live on air and try to think this through and map this all out but it’s like how do we go about doing this as a fan like how how how do I how do I kind of do The Balancing Act of hey Reds need to do this this and this and this and it’s like I don’t know man like again to use a golf analogy like it feels like I’m playing with a guy that’s like 13 over par through five holes and he’s and he’s like slamming his driver after he hits a bad shot on the seventh hole it’s like dude just just try to enjoy the weather man just just you know like no matter what you do from here on out it really doesn’t matter and I don’t mean to be like season’s over everybody but if we’re running this lineup out there’s no reason to get there’s no reason to sa fire David Bell all right there’s no reason to sit here and yell and scream that if we would have moved this guy to that spot and this guy to that spot it it would have made a big difference we need a little bit of an overhaul now what does that overhaul look like Nick it means you get nove Marte back it means that Jake Fry’s somewhat healthy and he becomes semi-competent at the plate with a little bit of Pop behind his backat and it also means that we have consistent starters that throw the ball relatively well which they have done all year but the last two games Nick it’s not been a good start from the starters and that’s what I pointed to the other day not to be the Mr pessimistic guy Nick but this is exactly what I was talking about if this starting pitching just comes back to somewhat relevancy in regards to just being average this team is in bad shape now I’m not saying it’s going to because they have some really good starters but let’s not all sit around and scratch our heads and act like why in the world is this happening like I think we can all be semi honest with ourselves it’s not a it’s not a big league club right now definitely not a big league lineup yeah and that’s what I mean by that yeah so I don’t know I I know I mean you probably missed maybe a first few Innings I thought Ashcraft did okay but I’m not going to sit here and brag about it I’m not also not going to be like oh man it was just really bad look a couple bloops here a couple blasts there it’s like yeah I mean he gave up a couple hard hit balls that were outs too so Ashcraft is what he is he’s a fifth starter and if he’s not a fifth starter and you have somebody better that’s fantastic and then maybe he’s a longer lever in the bullpen simple as that but the offense scored one run today so if like I don’t know man it’s uh it feels like we got about nine holes in the boat brother we’re arguing over over why there’s a leak in one of the holes we patched yeah it’s like you’re right you’re right I don’t know man what do we want to argue about today yeah yeah I mean look I I’m excited to have Nova LV Marte back tomorrow I don’t know you know how big of an impact he’s going to make I know he’s a player that I’m excited about for the future excited about ell Taylor Cruz for the future little bit excited about Spen steer I you watch those guys you see how they develop and you you know you hope that you can get some other guys you know back healthy and then you you know um you see where the chips fall because this team does still have a really good pitching staff um that can win a lot of games on their own and I don’t know I’m not GNA blame anyone who’s out like if you want like again it’s just kind of you’re we’re at the point of the Season where if you’re upset I just probably not smart to say this is a guy who does a stupid show every night but just don’t watch I mean off like I don’t know what else to tell you like it’s just it’s not happening this year well I I think that I think that the only saving grace here for people to still stay tuned in and locked in and have a little bit of a puncher chance and I mean this wholeheartedly I’m the I’ll be the first guy that tells you that that that that that there’s zero chance there’s still hope the only reason that there’s hope though is because the national league as a whole is trash I mean that’s the facts um if if if we were found ourselves in a spot where we were back in the AL or they they put the Reds in the then yeah phone it in we’ll see everybody in Good Year next year and we’ll see if it all works out but that’s not the case thankfully um and the fact that the Major League Baseball has changed the rules for for the playoffs we’ve talked about that on the show before it gives them a punchers chance doesn’t give them a good chance but it gives him a puncher chance it it it definitely feels like if this was a season microcosm into one baseball game right now it feels like we’re in the sixth or seventh inning and we’re down by four runs not ideal certainly odds would say we’re not going to win but crazier things have happened so you know that’s why you tune in I guess to be honest or you can just kind of use it as group therapy every night and we could all just kind of chow out together and root for guys like uh SoDo and you know Jordan and Fairchild and I mean that those are guys that are in the lineup today and you know I when steuart Fairchild is one of your more consistent better players that you expect in your lineup it’s you’re not you’re not in a good spot that’s no disrespect to Stu we all know he’s capable by the way last thing I’ll say about this uh steuart fchild is a big league player okay he is I think steuart Fairchild could be put on a really good baseball team as the 25th 26th man and it would work out just fine they would utilize him and he would be a glue guy I mean it wasn’t Janowski he won a World Series last year Nick so and and he did a good job for what they needed him to do to be completely honest if if this continues to go south for the next month red should be looking to move Stuart fch out of the trade deadline because there’s going to be a team that will give you something for him um a good defensive a team that can’t hit left-handed pitching that that could use a fourth out Fielder um super Fair the kind of guy that that you should be looking to move and there’s no point in doing that now because no wait God knows God knows we might have a whole month of it um coming up uh but yeah I mean I like seart Richard is your fifth best hitter today right like that’s that’s where we’re at and and and the reality is is that you know Jonathan India is hotter than a firecracker and unfortunately they’ve not capitalized on it I mean you can’t you can’t play better than Jonathan India has been playing lately and the Reds have not little to know nothing to show for it the last thing that uh and this is maybe the shortest show in Chatterbox Reds history I don’t know but the only last thing I can really say that I think some somewhat relevant Nick um really is just the I don’t know what it is and maybe it’s a maybe it’s a mindset thing maybe it’s coincidence too I’m not going to see here and act like it’s David Bell or whatever but like you can’t lose this many series in a row or not in a row but you can’t lose this many series when you win the first game like I I I it almost statistically seems impossible yet they’ve done it I think it’s nine series they’ve started seven of them where they’ve won the first game and this is now I think that the uh maybe the eighth series that they’ve lost in that capacity I’d have to double check on the ninth it’s the ninth it’s the ninth that they’ve lost in that capacity that’s crazy talk man but that just goes to show you that momentum is basically just as good as your next day starter and realistically speaking Nick you know they don’t do well on getaway days like I don’t know if it’s just because they decide they were SI guys or they want to make sure people get well rested I know that’s how the Sunday in Oakland thing started I’m not going to make a bit out of that right now but I do think it’s like it can’t go that much longer without me starting to think that it’s an organizational I don’t know if it’s just the schedule that they create or if it’s the it’s the demeanor they put off on getaway day but they can’t lose this many getaway days can’t stuff that’s all I got all right want to talk about game time and um yeah love to we talk about game time um you know let’s before we do that let’s uh we had a super chat in here let’s get to that um and then um I start one but if anyone has any questions that’s other than fire David Bell or something like that we could take a couple questions because I don’t really know what else to talk about um but here we go uh we actually oh yeah we have super chat here for Molly I used to say there’s no crying in baseball but I was wrong cry your hearts out reds fans 988 thanks Molly for your Super Chat that’s right all right 988 game time Nick you need to go get tickets where do you go well you know unfortunately the reds are going to be out of town for will the next week so you’re gonna have to wait um to hustle down to the ballpark like I know everyone is is uh really trying to do right now but when you’re when when they are back in town and you’re ready to get down to the ballpark make sure you use the game time app because it’s now an authorized ticket Marketplace in Major League Baseball that makes getting tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app they actually go down the closer gets to first pitch with killer last minute deals all in pricing views from your seat and the lowest price guaranteed game time takes the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets they have all in pricing you can toggle this feature and it shows you the total up front with no surprise fees a checkout lowest price guaranteed or game time will credit you 100 % of the difference take the guess we out of buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code Cincy for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem the code ciny C ncy for $20 off download the game time app today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right and then uh as always you can see it at the bottom of your screen 247 help 988 text call as far as chat questions I I I don’t haven’t seen anything uh yet Brian obviously asks here what do you do with Benson listen I I think that maybe the most disappointing part of all of this is that there’s really no other options that are really that great and I I think the Reds know that and I just think that they’re going to ride with Will Benson until the the absolute Wheels fall off but I would argue the wheels have already fallen off Nick just for his sake for his development you can’t you can’t let him continue to go out there and get absolutely abused because mentally it will eventually just completely erode at least that’s how I feel it kind of feels like a pitcher who goes out there and he’s getting shelled all around the yard you can’t leave him out there for 45 pitches in one inning Nick you gotta just you got to cut your losses and give him a shot and then say hey come back and we’ll get him another time that’s I that’s where I think we are with Will Benson personally just give him a break maybe send him down there to Louisville for a week or to and then bring him back up even regardless of kind of how he does in Louisville just to give him maybe a mental break if nothing else but I don’t know it it worked last year but I’m not going to see her and act like that’s the Magic Touch either Nick I think a lot of people have said that like just do what you did last year send him down bring him back up like that’ll fix it I don’t think that that probably isn’t going to uh manifest itself more times than not if it was simple as that we’d be doing that with all of our guys but you know what to be fair to them I I don’t know if it could get any worse so why not you know I think you have to see where will Benson’s at mentally if does does his actions off the field and in The Dugout not actions more his demeanor sure yes is it the same as it was last year when it was struggling or is it in a different place do you feel like you know what hey he he’s getting through the mental side of this this is not mental this is just he needs to grind it out then maybe keep him up because I don’t there’s not I don’t see a better option um I mean I don’t know if I really want to watch um you know Levi Jordan or leavon SoDo or Le whatever their names I don’t know what these guys names are anymore and I watch this theme every day um I think you have to you have to gauge where he’s at mentally and it really it at this point it’s whatever is best for will Benson correct I don’t I don’t really care I don’t care if it’s keep him on the team I don’t care if it sent him down whatever’s best for will Benson that’s uh that’s what I’m doing right correct it has little to do with what his replacement will will do it has everything to do with what what actually you know will happen with Will Benson um Ricky do we just take a chance on reeins um striking out in 39% of his plate appearan is a triple A um I don’t know man I’ve not seen Reigns play enough for me to give a really good take on this obviously I know last year he kind of uh he kind of was one of the brighter spots if I remember right he kind of I don’t say came out of nowhere but played extremely well I think it was at least in Chattanooga where he played extremely well um so he was one of the names we were excited about coming this year Blake Dunn was another guy we were excited about coming in this year and they’ve both been disappointing and um flip a coin Ricky in my opinion I don’t know tomato tomato I don’t know if it matters but you know what I will also admit will Benson is not like I know people do this all the time but genuinely speaking I would be willing to ba bet On Any Given night at Great American Ballpark there is an athlete that’s in the stands that probably prob could have done just as a productive job as will Benson has done the last month that’s not trying to be funny that’s not trying to take anything away but that’s just trying to illustrate the truth of will Benson right now so if you think Reese Hines can take that spot as I’ve said before it all comes down to will Benson and um my gut tells me that he should take a break but you know like you said maybe there’s a reason they don’t want to do that I would say no un resigns I mean last year resigns was only striking out in 33% of the time that’s still high but it’s nowhere near 39% last year’s get on base at a 330 clip this year it’s 292 I think ree Hines has a potential to actually be a big league player but I feel like right now you’re setting him up for failure um and so I I just I I would rather just hey we need you to get that that strikeout right down we need you to start getting back on base like you were last year before we consider calling you up I I if Reigns wasn’t a guy that I felt had any sort of potential to actually be a big leager that could stick then I would say sure just call him up right now yeah what do you got to lose but I I I don’t think you’re setting him up for success and I think he’s going to get overmatched and it’s gonna be you know something that’s gonna maybe kick a guy that’s even down more than he is right now yeah unfortunately I just don’t think that there’s put it this way there is not an answer we all know there’s not an answer the answer is unfortunately uh already been answered which is you got to have good players to even have a chance in the good players that we knew we had coming into the season all all of them every single one of them have had some semblance of an issue this year outside of Ellie that’s the facts what are you laughing about you see the screen yeah I mean what are we doing you’re giving her Airwaves you’re giving her I mean that com FY fer there’s still there’s still 156 people watching this after the r just got four hits against the Pittsburgh Pirates I mean I I’ve never felt better about this show than I feel right now yeah I mean listen our our community and by say I say our I’m talking about everybody even the chat the chat has their own little conversations going 90% of the time they I don’t sometimes I wonder if they even kind of listen to us which is perfectly fine I mean if you want to come in here and just have fun with people that’s fine too I don’t care how you do it um you know I think it’s group therapy if anything at this point and I think that that’s uh that’s more than fine that’s more than fair sometimes you got to vent and uh that’s what this Show’s been I don’t think there’s a lot of substance in this show um and maybe going forward there will be more substance and I also know damn well that if the Reds rattle off three of four in in St Louis or they they sweep St Louis back World Series is back on like that’s how this damn thing goes and you know what I’m here for it if that’s how we want to run the show then that’s all the way we’re that’s the way it’s going to go but on a day like today I got nothing I I I I know what I’m saying like I know we want to try to do a good job for the chat and I know there are days in which you know you’re supposed to maybe come up with other Oddball conversations hey Nick what’s your Mount Rushmore of Red’s players like I’m not doing that I don’t have time for that I don’t care about that we don’t have Airwaves to fill I don’t have to be on here till 4:30 like the radio okay that’s why they come up with the dumb conversations they do all the time because their boss tells them that they have to be on till 4 30 so they have to come up with these stupid dumb ridiculous takes and that’s all it is I’m not doing that okay I have a life you have a life the chat has a life if we don’t have anything good to say or something insightful to say which some would argue that that that never happens on this show then you know what pack our bags we got somewhere to be and it’s not going to be sitting here coming up with dumb takes all the time like I don’t know one I seen the other day why don’t we just put Connor Phillips in the big leagues the guy hasn’t gotten anybody out and like basically all season maybe maybe we should put him in the big leagues I couldn’t imagine listening to the big one right now and listen to the call-ins I bet that’s riveting content James dor comes in says uh maybe they need to send Benson to the ey doctor for a checkup I mean he isn’t even coming close to hitting the ball yeah I mean James you’re not right you’re you’re not wrong I I don’t I don’t have I have let me say this this my last thing on will Benson I like the guy I think he’s a good person I think he cares a lot I think sometimes that can get in the way of your overall perception because you let things snowball and unfortunately for him I think it’s snowball to where it’s just he’s all out of sorts so send him to Triple A let him get let him get a breather period I I’m gonna say this though on Wednesday June 26 at 4:03 PM Mark me down will Benson’s a big leager he’s gonna have some success again at some point it is coming I don’t know when it’s coming I don’t know if it’ll be this year I still believe in will Benson sue me I’m not gonna sue you for saying that but I will say that it’s I just don’t think what he did last year I don’t think he could do what he did last year for as long as he did it wasn’t a month it wasn’t two months I mean this was a good four months of a baseball season it was where he dominated right-handed pitching dominated right-handed pitching was it was the only thing that I would say that I would push back on is that I think there’s a lot of guys in this world that have the talent the skill set to be professional athletes at a very very high level the only ones that can that can concede on a cons or secede at a on a consistent basis are the ones that have a very very mental tough approach and they don’t they don’t allow one thing to affect the next thing and uh I don’t know if that’s the case for will Benson that’s my fear for him is that I don’t know if he’s ever going to find himself in a spot where his mind mind his mental approach or whatever whatever term you want to use his mental fortitude is going to allow him to be the consistent player that we had seen towards the end of last season and um we shall find out I’m not rooting against him but you know again there’s a lot of guys that can that can come to the big leagues in my opinion and they’ll they can Shine for a short period of time the question is is are you good enough to consistently stay here I don’t know I I I I’ll add this I’m more confident and will Ben and the I am Jake Fry at this point in time it’s fair yeah that’s fair um yeah I feel like we’re arguing we’re arguing over two four we’re arguing over two fours at the bar trying to figure out which one’s hotter and it’s like I don’t know Nick they’re both pretty ugly just saying any other comments or questions no uh well we’ll go ahead and put up Reds in my be really tough day for there to be two games postponed that were Day games could even have some minor league baseball to talk about uh Louisville and uh someone else was it the DSL Reds I love them the DSL Reds beat up on the DSL Royals Ventura uh 97 but there there’s no one that I know on the team so I don’t really have a whole lot to tell you about uh Louisville and uh Dayton were postponed Chattanooga 20 and 50 Lookout taking on Rocket City at 7:15 plenty of tickets still available and then um Daytona taking on Jupiter at 635 that’s your uh Reds milb uh do we do a little who what when where Trace I think we do a little who what when where and maybe why yeah Red’s taking on the St Louis Cardinal Cardinal currently trailing 42 to the Braves they are playing a double header today um a split double header um they play their second game 7:45 uh tonight um your series tomorrow is Andrew Abbott uh versus miles Michaels both pitchers six and six that’s kind of interesting uh Abbott of course he’s having a great year miles Michael has been pitching a lot better of late but your matchups for the entire series are as follows Friday is an 8:15 game Frankie montis up against Andre Palante and then Saturday 215 Carson spes against Sunny gray I think that’s the first time yeah the Reds of Sal Sunny gray since he was in a Red’s uniform and then Sunday 215 hunter green up against Lance Lynn uh Cardinals they are a national league best 25 and 13 since May 12th and uh they’re 21 and5 this season at home uh the Cardinals currently hold the second wild card spot only a half game ahead of the Padres so um yeah I mean look I’m not a big you know this game must win or must not but I mean you could do the math you get swept by the Cardinals in this series you’re it’s over it’s pretty much over yeah I mean it’s over yeah but you sweep the Cardinal you win three of four right and you are right back in it it feels like it feels like three of four losing three of four feels like we’re on our deathbed doesn’t feel like we’re dead sweep feels like we’re dead split feels like it’s just kind of like nothing’s changed it’s just it gives us maybe a little bit more time before some of the calvary comes I don’t know who that is if you’re asking me so don’t ask um but you take three or four or you sweep then you kind of get your you know you get perked back up a little bit you start to you start to get fired up about David Bell and whether he matters or not I think that’s that’s that’s probably what will happen could be wrong might be right AJ worse no comment anything else trce no I got nothing um the last thing I’m just going to say to everybody is uh I don’t know what we’re going to ultimately talk about uh if if things go south but I’ll just say this we very much appreciate the fact that you continue to support us because at the end of the day getting on here and doing shows in the middle of the day at night every single night when we ultimately feel the same way that you do about this baseball team at times it it it’s a pickme up you know I’ll be honest if we got on here and there was 12 people it would be very very very disheartening but that’s never been the case because of all of you you come in here even if you come in here like I said just to kind of morally support us that I I very much appreciate it so I don’t you ever think that we don’t take that for granted because we do not and uh hope you enjoy the rest of your day quite frankly you have a lot of it left don’t let it get ruined by um a a a triaa baseball team right now and that’s that’s okay and you know what hopefully it’s not a triple A AAA baseball team going in to uh this weekend and then following next week CU we kind of need to win some baseball games and maybe maybe we’ll get lucky Chattanooga though you could be a diard Chattanooga Lookout fan they’re 20 and 50 Noel Marte tomorrow Noel Mar I tell you what if there’s ever been a three hit day needed from a player for him for his fan base it’s Noel V Marte God I hope we we we we pop off at 950 10 o’ whenever we come live and we’re talking about Noel Marte coming back having a big day uh man God I need God we need it we need it Trace we need every bit of help we can get and if not then I guess we talk about the MLB draft and who we TR trade deadline trade deadline yeah I mean that’s that’s where we’re gonna go but you know what I’m not giving up hope yet at least Nick said he’s not out on will Benson on June 26th 2024 I am going to go out on them and say that I’m not giving up on the season on June 26 2024 I can’t do that I’ve made a mistake before in the past of thinking the season’s over guess what as bad as this is the NL Central is not good and you know what else isn’t good the national league as a whole so truth is you still got a chance you might as I said before maybe there is a bunch of four sitting at the bar and you know what maybe the reds are a three right now but you know what all it takes is to be a five if you’re a five sitting at the bar with a bunch of fours you might as well be a 10 and that is going to be the goal for your Cincinnati Reds going to the end of The Wire here in 2024 [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music]

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Story we are following from ESPN:

Reds and Pirates play to determine series winner
ByData Skrive
Jun 26, 2024, 04:02 am

Pittsburgh Pirates (38-41, third in the NL Central) vs. Cincinnati Reds (37-42, fourth in the NL Central)

Cincinnati; Wednesday, 1:10 p.m. EDT

PITCHING PROBABLES: Pirates: Luis Ortiz (3-2, 3.45 ERA, 1.30 WHIP, 36 strikeouts); Reds: Graham Ashcraft (0-0)

: LINE Reds -128, Pirates +109; over/under is 9 1/2 runs

BOTTOM LINE: The Cincinnati Reds and Pittsburgh Pirates meet on Wednesday with the winner claiming the three-game series.

Cincinnati has a 20-22 record at home and a 37-42 record overall. The Reds have gone 16-7 in games when they hit at least two home runs.

Pittsburgh is 38-41 overall and 19-21 on the road. The Pirates have gone 23-6 in games when they scored at least five runs.

The matchup Wednesday is the sixth meeting between these teams this season. The Pirates have a 3-2 advantage in the season series.

TOP PERFORMERS: Jeimer Candelario has 17 doubles, two triples and 14 home runs for the Reds. Elly De La Cruz is 15-for-39 with four doubles, a triple and three home runs over the last 10 games.

Bryan Reynolds has 19 doubles, two triples and 13 home runs for the Pirates. Rowdy Tellez is 11-for-35 with three doubles and four RBI over the last 10 games.

LAST 10 GAMES: Reds: 3-7, .237 batting average, 4.08 ERA, outscored by five runs

Pirates: 5-5, .223 batting average, 5.22 ERA, outscored by 13 runs

INJURIES: Reds: Nick Lodolo: 15-Day IL (finger), TJ Friedl: 10-Day IL (hamstring), Christian Encarnacion-Strand: 60-Day IL (hand), Emilio Pagan: 15-Day IL (lat), Brandon Williamson: 60-Day IL (shoulder), Ian Gibaut: 60-Day IL (forearm), Tejay Antone: 60-Day IL (elbow), Matt McLain: 60-Day IL (shoulder)

Pirates: Dennis Santana: day-to-day (arm), David Bednar: 15-Day IL (oblique), Henry Davis: 7-Day IL (head), Hunter Stratton: 15-Day IL (shoulder), Ryan Borucki: 60-Day IL (tricep), Quinn Priester: 15-Day IL (undisclosed), Ji-Hwan Bae: 10-Day IL (undisclosed), Marco Gonzales: 60-Day IL (forearm), Martin Perez: 15-Day IL (groin), Joey Bart: 10-Day IL (thumb), Dauri Moreta: 60-Day IL (elbow), Endy Rodriguez: 60-Day IL (elbow), Johan Oviedo: 60-Day IL (elbow)

  1. Yeah this season is pretty much a wash. I don't care how many games are left. It's time to be realistic and accept that they just are not good and too injury prone

  2. Maybe instead of signing and then applauding Krall on signing an 8th infielder during the off-season you guys should be ripping him for not signing an outfielder

  3. The reason why the Reds are injury prone is because they drink RO water and purified water, and distilled water. All of which are waters without minerals. Without the minerals in our water we never enter into a state of hydration, which is what we saw from Hunter Greene on the mound last night. What happens if you need to drink more and more of these waters and again never hydrate from them, only wash away the minerals that you do have in your body to mush the minerals into your cells to be absorbed for hydration. Which gives you an acidic body and makes you injury prone. Not to mention the Red40 diet the club is on in the dugout, chewing double bubble and drinking "sports drinks". Which is why we're seeing all the errors and mental lapses, poor focus on the base paths. The solution is spring water aka mineral water bottled in glass.

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