Atlanta Braves vs St Louis Cardinals | Live Play by Play & Reaction Stream 3D Sim | #mlb 2024 Gm 77

Atlanta Braves vs St Louis Cardinals | Live Play by Play & Reaction Stream 3D Sim | #mlb 2024 Gm 77

e e what’s going on guys we give you live commentary all am I really looking at this play from the Chicago White sock tomorrow that they cannot postpone like are they going to play this game during the allstar break what is going on another rain delay yeah I’m looking at the tar as soon as I was clicking it on I was like oh another rain delay they have to get these games in wow are we live you saw me come on back YouTube see if it’s acting messed up or not okay okay wow now man they got to get this in they got to get this game in what’s up L Ross how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound you welcome back to the stream I see your F yeah man I’m man I would swear this was going to go on cuz I know that it moved from 12:45 to 145 but it’s look like it’s getting bright out there to me like I would think that they’ll be ready to play there’s no one in the stance first and foremost they’re like family members in the St so I see the raindrops it is raining it is raining but they got the little toilet tissue roll out there in um center field ready to roll it up what’s up Nathaniel how you doing welcome back to the appreciate you coming through rain delay number two we left yesterday and I knew it was going to get postponed cuz that game last night felt just like the um New York Mex that got cancelled we was sitting there for two hours and a half and then they po postponed it so I was like no we’re not going through that again all right so this is rain delay number two yeah I can’t believe that but it’s been happening for the Braves the entire season injuries and rain delays we got to have the most rain delays out of anyone in in all the baseball man we got like four games we got to make up and trying to reschedule a game when you’re not going to play them again uh maybe I don’t know maybe they can get inventive and when St Louis come to us just play one extra game I mean I know they don’t want to lose out on that Revenue but in the same breath where you going to put it I mean baseball they play every day there’s rare there’s a off day maybe once a week on Thursday so oh yeah but we got a new Sounder thanks ASA got it sound been talking about it for half the season so might as well have did it yes sir thank you babe so so who’s going to win the Braves the Cardinals or the rain or the rain you can’t stop the rain when it starts to fall what’s up Jason how you doing welcome to the stream yep another rain delay it’s real sloy down there in the midwest home of Jason Tatum there was another dude that was in high school with him that won the championship um what was the guy name kachuck yeah the uh what’s that Brandon kachuck he won the championship with the Florida Panthers and he him and Jay uh JT went to the same high school oh we can’t have a triple Hiller tomorrow Jason because this is the last today was supposed to be the last game in this series and then we supposed to go to Chicago to make up that snow game remember at the beginning of the season when it snowed and the game got canceled due to snow in the spring supposed to make that game up tomorrow at 4:10 p.m. we’re streaming that game tomorrow well it’s raining right now I’m looking on the TV it’s looking like it’s raining right now and it looks cloudy all throughout that area they watching a tugboat Sail by right now get a raindrop song Too raindrops drop top we don’t get that we gonna get the beginning of Bing bougie yeah it’s raining she got her umbrella on Hanah Yates yeah ain’t that many people in the uh Stadium don’t look like it look like it’s just friends and family right now look like a CO game ain’t that many people in there maybe they up underneath the a you know staying safe but right now the game is postponed until rain passes what’s up Tim how you doing welcome back to the stream appreciate coming through thank you guys for coming through for the rain delay Dixon way as a bra are trying to um start the first game of a double hitter today because they have to leave here go to Chicago play that makeup game at 410 tomorrow we’ll be having that game also and then fly back home so yeah no rest for the weary a unconventional s game um road trip but you’re not going to have any days off this time like uh tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day if it wasn’t for the uh the game postponed due to snow we was in Chicago on white socks and it was one to one that Series so we need to win that series um win that game to win the series uh Gibby got jokes what’s up Gibby what do they say all right man so we’re going to try to stay with this as long as possible uh hopefully this game get get started it actually has to start whether it starts at you know 1:45 or 3:00 it has to start they got to get these games in they have to or they just gonna come back like no team has two days off in the uh rarely does a team have two days off the way they schedule things now in Major League Baseball in one week and then to match both of those teams up in the same weekend said the rain stops in 25 minutes Terry all right let’s hope so then once it stops they have to fix the field so that’s starting around 3:00 that’s about a 3:00 start in my opinion it takes about 30 minutes to roll up the tart line all the uh line both you know third base and first base line chalk up their uh home plate so yeah and right now bottom of the third tiger tied with the Phillies one to one that’s their only hit is a home run they got Shawn Murphy walking the field Perez and Fano all walking the field right now if it’s light drizzle I’m sure they going to try to play in it even though the braids are horrible in light drizzle or rain they have to na the bres have to have the most rain delays in the league it have to it has to be it has to be a real thing it can’t be fake or FIS has to be a real thing Ronaldo Lopez up there right next to Greg Maddox in eras of brav history that’s that’s huge Sergeant Gibby says game starts 2:30 all right 230 Sergeant Gibby says weather permitting yeah weather permitting weather permitting my glutenous Maximus Dr Dixon link the blues physician says that’s a great stat what’s up D how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound for you appreciate coming through welc back to the stream all right look like this sun is popping out Larry what’s up Raymond how you doing welcome back to the stream time we are in a rain delay right now thank you guys for stopping by as soon as they start we start yeah definitely don’t look like but I mean I’m looking at the camera and you can see the rain drops dropping on the camera so you know uh ground screw has not come back out the ground crew has not came back out but oh man should be a great day not only is the Braves double hitter it said um the Dixon way double hitter as we’ll be covering the first game of the St Louis versus Braves and then we’ll be doing the NBA draft in the second in the evening we’ll be doing the NBA draft in the evening guys so we’re going to cover this first game and then the second game we’re going to be doing the um NBA draft I mean second stream we’ll be doing the NBA Draft so he you know I was talking a lot of mess about the Cardinals but the Cardinals only three games behind the Braves so it’s not like they a totally terrible team but we need to win these two games and win the series obviously they’re second in the central not the Cubs and not the Reds it’s the Cardinals and it’s very funny that they are well very not funny but surprising without ghost SMI you know so this team is looking to turn things around regardless on who’s hurt who’s injured so that’s that’s a sign of a scrappy team I see that I didn’t even look at their uh their record not not really hard compared to the Braves though actually these two evenly matched teams guys now we know that the Braves are severely injured so that can level the playing field but still your record is your record look at the Braves is 43 and 33 10 games over 500 know now obviously the the Cardinals don’t play a lot more games but the win total are only y y yo what’s up fam who do we have on the dish today what’s going on Mike gager how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound up for you we got uh Ronaldo Lopez up um and then in the second game is supposed to be Bryce Elder so Ronaldo definitely needs to win and then we just got to cross our fingers with um Bryce Elder yeah because basically snit wants Chris S to be able to pitch back in Kaminsky versus his old team Sergeant Gibby says Elder L Jameson Taylor says hey guys what’s up Jameson how you doing welcome back to the stream this out come on Gibby you’re saying that Bryce Elder can’t muster up that first half of the Season magic again is that what you’re saying Gibby dumus Terry says who do you want the Hawks to pick today anything anything that’s not coming from from France that’s where I’m at right now dudes want to shun the halts to go to the Wizards bro the Wizards the Wizards Sergeant giby says Elder can go to the old folks home with geriatric Gerald and Charlie Morton Mike gerer says great o snit is looking for a split I hope the baseball gods look down on us today Mike Sergeant Gibby says Hawk’s gonna make the wrong pick it’ss in Atlanta thing Gibby I mean I you know what man go get Donovan clinging I love the backstory of the kid uh tragically lost his mother to U breast cancer and she was a basketball player herself so he dedicated his life to basketball the thing that she loves so much you know what I’m saying so that’s inspirational to me kid used to be out there um shoveling snow until 100 p.m. I mean 1:00 a.m. in the morning and always be at the gym ready at 5:30 in the morning that that’s dedication man that kid is playing not for only himself but the spirit of his mother that’s a powerful thing man that kid is going to have success in his life so I wouldn’t mind him being on the hwks to be honest Donovan cling out of Yukon 72 real rim protector and ain’t no pradon nothing on Donovan clinging screams primadana it don’t it says hard work nose to the ground and get her done is he a STAR Center no ain’t nobody starting this draft n NADA but you talking about a player that could raise the defensive floor of this team I say I got Braves what’s up Ashton how you doing welcome to the stream this sound preliminary talks right now saying we’re going to start at 2:30 depending on the weather I’m looking at the rain drops drop right in front of the camera right now no crew out and it’s 2:00 so we’re not starting at 2:30 we aren’t starting at 2:30 because the lines haven’t even been marked down yet and it normally takes them between 20 and 30 minutes to put all the lines down cuz you had the big tar then you had the little tar over the uh Mound and the little tar over the uh home base in a home plate area tww says Clingan I totally agree LD we need that type big man what’s up tww how you doing welcome to the stream says 2:30 eastern time just side Vincent appreciate you coming in that sound up for you also yeah they said 230 but I don’t see anyone on the field Donovan would be a great addition to the Hawks John Brooks says I don’t get the I don’t want SAR train now he never said he didn’t want to come to the Haw his agent said he didn’t want to come here John Brooks if I employ a agent and they and they say they don’t want to come if he really didn’t want to come he would have fired that agent and buy a new agent so he don’t want to come and then when they asked him about it he said I’m going to follow advice of my team and my agency so what did that tell you he don’t want to be here he ain’t got to come out flat out said I don’t want to be with the hwks his AG said it if someone ask you do you want to be the number one pick he said I want to go to the best situation that mean he don’t want to come to the hwks plain as simp ain’t no PE footing around that so no forget s straight up I don’t need no I don’t need a draft a primadonna who’s a project a primadonna project n miss me with that some people say tra draft them and then force people to trade for them n they know you don’t want them tww says SAR can kick Rock basically basically and you flat out tell the team who got the number one pick you don’t want to be there you don’t want to do a workout that’s disrespectful you ain’t no high power free agent to try to determine where you go that’s disrespectful it’s just like Eli Manny said he wasn’t going to um the charges equally disrespectful and you ain’t even got the the royalty NFL name or NBA name like the manes Archie Manny pton Manny and now Eli Manny you don’t even have that going for you you’re Alex SAR bro who are you to demand that you won’t come to the Hulk Mar Wizards what up Dixon way just dropping the like what up Mar how you doing man appreciate you coming through fam that sound up for you we ain’t starting at U 2:30 guys I I’m just here to tell you that not one grounds crew is out on the field what we need is big man that people would be scared to come down Lane on exactly that’s says yes disrespectful pot of France that’s right whatever you said that’s right man straight disrespectful bro I mean you can’t get no more disrespectful than that we’re not starting at 230 guys there’s not one grounds crewman on the field they will they will need to be rolling up the tarp right now to start at 2:30 it’s 20:5 ain’t happy okay I see two guys out there okay here come to ground screw okay ground screw coming up even though it’s drizzling they finally coming out John look like they about to start pulling it back Larry what if he turns out to be a star and then we are going to be sitting there with egg on our face Maran Franks says John brookh team cing Kong and whatever else we can GT hey look here’s the thing Brett Favre was never going to be Brett Favre here okay Brett Fab was never going to be Brett Fab in Atlanta even he said he was partying too much he was drinking too much he had to go to Green Bay where there was nothing to do but sit there and learn football that’s it so guess what s ain’t for this place maybe s got a u baby mama here who knows why he don’t want to come here but whatever they said organizational things all right so they pulling back the tarp right now now they’re pulling back the uh the home plate tarp also so they unfolded the tarp in half right now said Hey to you all all right that’s what’s up Ken Clark appreciate you coming through hope you guys have a great stream also over there with Clan Clan doing the game also he was hanging out longer than we did yesterday looking at the weather let’s go Braves and win today yes please let’s go Braves and win today for real for real all right so uh preliminary is saying that we’re going to start at 2:30 if this ground crew is super fast then maybe they can get it done but uh they’re rolling up both they’re rolling the tarp all the way out to the very Outfield going to line it up with the little toilet p uh toilet paper roll they’re going to come back fold it in half and then roll it on that uh rolly John Brooks I ain’t about to chase nobody bro you don’t you don’t want to be here don’t be here bye and there’s nobody in this draft that that screaming can’t miss Prospect that’s the thing John Brooks there are no Ant-Man no wiim B Yas no Luca even Trey you take Trey off this team and put him in this draft he’ll be the number one is Tyler going to be injured and AJ they’ve been injured for like a month and they were just put on the 10day I man them guys going to be injured for a while I I don’t even look at that they be like 10day injury they look here and AJ Smith Scher was supposed to just have a little slight oblique strain we ain’t heard nothing for him for two months it’s been almost like been a month and a half can’t wait till we get Phillies July 5 comma 6 comma 7 yep yep yeah on the six um I guess on the six me and uh play byplay with JJ will be doing a Simo cast a dual stream that should be a lot of fun lots and lots of fun make sure you guys tune in to that And subscribe to both channels please K round Tre says Hawks are going to sell the first round pick you think so K appreciate you coming through welcome to the uh who knows who knows Shay says Bryce Elder is probably going to be pitching tonight in game two yes he’s he’s put on the um lineup card for game two Bryce Harper will be the pitcher because uh snit wants Chris S to pitch in Chicago against the white socks against the team that he first started against is it more important to win this series or is it more important to have Chris pitch against his old team especially especially since that’s an American League team things to think about things to make you go all right rolling up the tar they done cut it in half about to get that thing roll it up keep rolling rolling rolling rolling I wonder if they hand rolling or they put it on a tractor Terry says that is so stupid because the white socks are horrible yeah but the series is one and one maybe they want to you know have chrisel pitch against them to make sure they win that series but then we play against Pittsburgh who who Molly wed Us in Pittsburgh they come to the house to the crib so we looking for to get back I feel good about uh Lopez pitching today Sant Gibby say we got our guys on the field right now is a cornball hey man we all can question you know things and managerial uh philosophies and stuff like that but Snick got us a championship guys didn’t he so just like Bobby Cox he’s afforded all the luxuries of hit a Miss um CS you know Dr Dixon link the blues physician says ID radically prefer sale pitch against the NL Team all right d I hear you we all need to send um letters to snit or emails now my bad emails Sergeant Gibby says there is no philosophy only dementia oh goodness not dementia this n gonna be all right man and they’re um looking at Lopez so I guess they don’t want to show what’s the big secret why you won’t show them rolling up the um tar you already got um the game against the Tigers playing I mean I don’t need to see um Lopez having a catch out there in the Outfield I don’t need to see Lopez having a catch in the outfit regardless cuz he ain’t on the mound he ain’t in the um in the bull pin either interesting Sean Lopez last outing when he played against the Detroit Tigers how we won that game Sergeant Gibby says Lopez needs some run support please please get Lopez some run support all our pitchers need run support but Lopez definitely need it he got some the last game though five runs that was great that was great but yeah let’s get some runs early and often so our guys can pitch with a confidence you know instead of stressing on every bit CU we don’t know the other team going to score y team ain’t going to respond in kind so every um picture feel like they got to throw a no hitter Now Matt Olsen is I mean excuse me uh Orlando Ria is out due to dizziness you guys think it was disiness just asking question put a one in chat if you think Orlando RC was sat down because of lightness and dizziness I put it two in the chat if you think they would just sitting him down because he’s struggling so much at the plate and he’s not even seeing the ball now he’s just throwing his b out says every time Lopez pitches he pitches great but we only get like one or two runs that’s why his record isn’t as good that is true terl rocks 2021 White T says wsp Peoples Let’s go Cardinals all right what’s up St Louis how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound you apprciate oh goodness seriously guys do you guys think that snit set him down for disiness or do you think he set him down because he just wanted them you know sit down take a day of rest get the look at the picture from the all right Gibby said two tww said two Dr Dixon link the blues physician says St Louis barbecue set him down Terry says two ARA is great in the end field but he swings at everything when he’s in the Box all right seem like it’s a consensus they just set him down um due to his struggles I can’t even disagree with you guys at all I can’t disagree with you guys and it could be a great move you know could be an absolute great move it helps you know recalibrate Orlando we definitely need it I mean you can’t sit the whole lineup so maybe he’ll do it in sections you know but guys who are not hitting normally like like they normally would I got faith in Orlando I think Orlando will turn it around for sure all right they’re marking out the uh home plate Maybe we will start this this crew is fast they already got on first base line lined up now they’re doing home plate and probably run that out down third Baseline the only thing that looks like need to be done look like they’re doing both um better box The Catcher And the Umpire box they’re going up um first base side already it look like that’s line it look like they just got to drop that line for the third Baseline okay St Louis crew is fast wow I do not see the base pass for the second base I do not see first base but normally you line it up once you line both of them up then you slap down the bag yeah they don’t have the bags out there yet John Brooks says Larry to to be Hano EST Witcher bro I’m tired of losing with the Hawks I want to win STL 2021 YT says everyone has a bad slump in this league injuries are a part of the game of any sport that’s right St Louis rocks injuries and slumps are a part of baseball TW heading into July time to get going let’s go Braves that’s right tww Terry says they’re probably not going to let Duval play against right-handed pitchers hit under 100 oh no they’re not actually he’s not in the lineup you got laurano wall and two short but short is batting 125 on the season now I mean guys we got some atrocious batting uh averages up there in the lineup I’m just going to be honest all right look like they starting to line up on left field I mean um excuse me third Basel line now gota line up first and then that base down I think ARA got sat down because of his struggles at his at bats yeah I agree John Brooks and that’s fine I agree with that happening you know just give him a day off it’s okay now do you think he plays in the second game also because they gave the excuse of dizziness I don’t think you play him in either game if it legitimately was dizziness cuz you’re not going to automatically just say okay well I’m not dizzy anymore but you kept out the first game I don’t think that’s how that works you got to keep him out for a whole day not just a game which is like one or two hours apart from each other oh we’ll see we will see hopefully the young man’s okay says I don’t think it was dizziness I think it was a bading issue hopefully the young man’s okay you know that’s a big you want them to be all right oh there go Shawn Murphy home run two run shot okay seven to zip I mean guys after Austin Ry we got Shawn Murphy lorano wall and short at least Forest wall right now is bang 273 that’s what limitated at bats but still that will be the second best average on this team actually tww says are we missing Coach Ron this much I definitely hated to see him go but a great opportunity for him I definitely think we miss coach Washington a lot a heck of a lot I think we miss run Washington a heck of a lot Mike gerer says sounds like aw with that lineup hey there you go hey guys we might start at 3:30 for real for real man this ground crew is moving things at a lightning speed kudos to them man kudos to them I think they got the bases in there they ready to go yeah I think they just put it in the bases yeah they ready to go man and fans are coming down so it must not be raining anymore if so very lightly well it’s going to be a sun out there once that sun pop out Terry says laurano and wall aren’t that bad no they’re not Lano batting on 187 on the season uh Sean Murphy batting 194 uh short batting 125 but Forest wall B 273 so hopefully wall can keep hitting at that clip that way we can break out you know break up the uh automatic outs might be another pitching duel CU Gibson is a good pitcher I think hold up Terry says is it Sean today yeah it’s Shawn Murphy today yes Shawn Murphy’s pitching today all right Gibson is 5- two with a ra of 3. 44 a whippo 1.20 okay he’s a veteran he debuted in um 2013 in the majors was drafted in 209 by the Minnesota Twins 22nd overall pick in the first round all right so that’s a high pick a 36 hope we can win this game and then his nickname is Gibby his nickname is Gibby ha that’s tight you better not be rooting for him Gibby but no man thank all you guys for coming in you guys are awesome as we’re in the rain delay but I think we’re going to start on time guys they’re going to commercial break right now and it look like everybody was um getting ready to you know getting a position they had everything lined up look like they just put out the bases so didn’t have the water the infield because it’s already Water by Mother Nature you know time to get her done let’s go mhm what what are you doing son what hold up Jacob Frederick says you want P Jacob Frederick says are you streaming NBA draft tonight popcorn Sergeant Gibby says Dallas cookle pitching for the Brewers today he’s getting lit up Terry says yes tww says cards trying to catch us for that wild card spot Jacob Frederick says read last Dixon you Dr Dixon link the blues physician says yes the Dixon way will stream the NBA draft tonight all right guys we should be starting let’s go let’s go car’s trying to catch us in the wild card spot I see yeah I’m streaming the NBA draft it’s on the um on the schedule Dr Dixon link to BL this first game and then we’re streaming yep all right guys look like we’re about to start uh is 231 um shout outs to the grounds crew that got everything lined up uh in about 25 says everybody was feebly swinging all let’s go man let’s go Jared kill off the bat here’s the one of the [ __ ] ball fouled off that’s on one account I don’t think that snit understands that St Louis is right behind us in the Wild Card position but hey whatever here’s the one in the [ __ ] J killing it look like he just popped that up yep second base got it little that’s out number one second Pitch all right that’s two pitches went out all right here’s one the pitch ball inside almost hit him in the knee good eye oh one to count let’s go come on a Al up the backat here’s the one of the [ __ ] b way outside good ey by Al abies let’s don’t let Gibson get on a roll let’s hit him hard and hit him fast please all right here’s one the pitch swing in a Miss nasty Sinker on the outside corner two and one to count two balls on strike as the St Louis Cardinal um looking to win the series if they win this game here’s the one the pitch ball hit right there oh what a catch by the second baseman that’s what happen when you have um your feet one heel in the grass in the Outfield grass you’re able to um get that now aie Al was a threat to bunt he wouldn’t be that far back he would be closer but hey and that ball gets over his head all right two outs Big Bear energy in the chat let’s go Necessities youres let’s go Big Bear let’s go uh that was not a strike but they called a strike all right here’s the one the pitch ball way outside one to1 is the count let’s go Big Bear Let’s Go Big Bear one1 is Count here’s the one the [ __ ] they better foul that off 91 mile power right at the knees on the inside corner that’s right Mike that’s right he’s the MVP you already know Necessities forget that’s right MVP Bear Necessities all right here’s one the [ __ ] swing and a miss down goes big bear one two three bravs go down all going to the bottom half of the first inning duel it is dual it is say ah man all right let’s go all right we got Ronaldo Lopez coming up to the bump yes the Cardinals are behind the Braves in the Wild Card race so this is a very important uh series for the brav and for the Cardinal you kind of need to add like man that was loud sorry about that guys that was Extremely Loud all let’s go Ronaldo let’s go Ronaldo all right let me get the pitching gun view since we’re pitching there we go as long as the picture a ain’t in the ground you know all right here we go guys on a cloudy rainy day raids and Cardinals going at it Ra’s got to win this they can’t lose this series they got to win this game because Bryce Elder is pitching next still out there drizzling I see the drizzle but nothing to detour anyone trying to get both of these games in so can’t wait too long it’s one the pitch 92 m per hour fast ball at the top of the strike zone all right good job all one account Lopez is having a historic um Brave season right now only match by the great John Maddox here’s the one the pitch ball popped up center field Jared Kellick sees it easily gently grabs it out number one like that two pitches one out all right let’s go all right here’s the one in the pitch 94 M Power fast ball up and inside good pitch against w i mean bur that’s that’s um foul ball so that’s a strike number one all right Lopez set here’s the one in the pitch 77 M Power curveball going bad bad but caught side on by Forest wall that’s two outs four pitches two outs like that yep Greg Maddox only one that’s had a better season on ER wise with the braids that’s a lofty lofty company to do that very lofty company the pizza it’s cooking son your pizza is cooking all right sit down and be patient your pieces cooking okay all right uh fast ball up missed it one of those count here’s one the pitch ball popped up all right six pitches and we can get out of this inning that’s caught six pitches let’s go Lopez very efficient let’s go all right z0 going to the top half of the second inning absolutely love to see that let’s go Braves I like it I like it a lot I like it a lot that’s right Nathaniel that’s right Nathaniel Brooks says hey hey rain rain no more delay let’s go Braves let’s win today let’s go we got to win twice today and guys we’re going to have a double hitter but we’ll be doing the um the NBA draft at 8 o’cl we will not be doing the second game of this double hitter with the um St Louis so we’re doing the first game in the afternoon and then we’re going to Pivot and go to the NBA draft and have that at 8:00 probably come on early around 7 1130 or something like that just to get the basic feel of what you guys are thinking prior to the draft what you want what your wishes are do you want us to trade that pick you want us to trade it for a player know what I’m saying like all those things and the funny thing is that’s a lot of moves already happened in the NBA that Nets Nets deal was that was a a monster the net got more for Mel Bridges than they had to than they got for um KD wow Mel Bridges worth six picks four unprotected that’s crazy here’s one the pitch ball right at the knees Matt OS watching it strike one one one to count good Sinker all right Gibby Gibby set here’s the one the [ __ ] change up he Tred to change that eye level yeah that was a great uh Larry okay okay you’re fine on two one account oh sorry I didn’t have this this up there we go here’s the winding pitch ball on outside do not hold that like you got a strike good ey by Matt osen that Miss 31 to count don’t care if you holding it there it ain’t a strike let’s go three And1 to count let’s go Mano Mato is betting 417 against this pitcher let’s hit home run right here then here’s one the pitch F that off 92 M power right by the knees on the inside corner with have been a strike if he didn’t swing at it way to protect the plate yes Jacob we’re streaming the draft 8 we’ll probably come on at 7:30 or something like that it comes on 8 we’ll probably start at 7:30 here one of the pitch ball fouled off 92 M power would have been a strike Full Count let’s go Maro get up to 16 pitches I like this first at bat being very patient oh they got QT over um in St Louis okay here’s one the [ __ ] man fou out all 93 m power would have been a strike way to protect the plate yeah I know we got a schedule for uh 8 but most likely yeah I got a schedule for 8 but I’m most likely I’m going start around 7:30 something like that here’s one the pitch ball on outside walk it out let’s go great out by Mato let’s go walk it out hit it got to hit that thing that’s right Gibby appreciate that walk it out thank you sir appreciate that walking out in the chat all right here’s the wind the pitch 90 M power at the top of the strikes on good pitch we got stone cold also righ at the back I got your beer and skull right here ready for the Sounder all you got to do is just whack that ball here’s one the pitch ball inside almost hit him he say snit if we win this game snit will look like a genius we’ll see here’s one the [ __ ] I’m definitely ear marking the game with Bryce Elder I’m definitely ear marking the game with Bryce Elder this An important series these guys right behind us in the Wild Card here’s one the pitch oh let’s go AAR hit it right up the middle let’s go stone cold beer and skulls in the chat please y’all know how we do all right we got two Runners on no outs let’s go be scull is in the chat please let’s go there’s a beautiful Shonda always putting on for the dicks away make sure you guys say hello to the beautiful Shand Sean Murphy back curve ball on inside 77 M Power Hour that Miss good eye one of those count um it’s still cooking son as soon as the pizza ready I’m GNA give it to you I promise that’s right be scull in the chat yes sir here’s wind the pitch ball inside almost hit him again to and0 count all right let’s go this is our opportunity guys Gibby is uh is faltering Gibby with us to an old account I see you R coms welcome back to the stream it sounded for you appreciate you coming through all right here’s a one pitch yes sir Kino let’s go he with us let’s go Gibby yeah Gibby keep pitching like that let’s go let’s go come on all right three and 0 to count Shawn Murphy sitting de read on something here’s the wind the pitch and he wanted them let’s go another walk it out we got Bas loaded come on this is the chance jump on these guys early let’s go walk it out in the chat let’s go giby said I’m not faltering I never get I never rest or get tired I’m talking about the Gibby on the mound not you Gibby let’s go all right here’s one the pitch o Frozen right there laurano of the bat base is loaded with no outs laurano you got to come yo do a squeeze bunt can you squeeze bunt on one to count here’s one the pitch oh ball Chopper is that gonna be a double play no safe yes RBI single that’s right let’s go Braves let’s go let’s go come on RBI single by um lorano who ran that out great job swinging bunt what’s up ker how you doing welcome to the stream this sound for you appreciate you coming through sound is acting up right now hold up let’s show this and then let switch it back that’s right C Drupal score please yes all right Forest wall looking like he was going to bunt that’ll move everybody up that will move everyone up just threatening like that yeah I know Forest Waller bu he buned and got on one time all right here’s one the pitch ball in the dirt yes sir we got Runners on the corners we already scored one let’s get some more man laurano great job hustling down that line great job hustling down the line beating that out so it only instead of being a double play it was only one out we can get a sacrifice fly right here by wall they’ll be excellent too here’s wind the pitch ball almost hit him in the face two and one count here’s one the pitch forward wall drops a but but fouled it all right he can’t try that no more can’t try it no more but I love the I love it because he buned to the right side I like when they bun it to the third base side force that third baseman to try to come up but basically the runner be coming in with the third baseman here’s one in the pitch yes sir Full Count this guy ain’t pitching no strikes he ain’t throwing no strikes let’s go let’s load bases up come on he going to give us a opportunity to get back to the uh top half of the lineup let’s go War let’s go wall good D bait the first base but he’s safe let’s go let’s go all right Forest wall standing there here’s one the pitch and he walked him let’s go walk it out let’s go all right we got to take advantage of this guy come on man come on walk it out all right Walk It Out in the chat please Sounders ain’t acting right but y’all know what to do put them walk it out in the chat please all they coming out pitcher coach coming out talk to him bases is loaded right now top half of the second inning bravs are threatening to put a huge crooked letter up we do not need to hit into a double play right here we need to score a single might bring in two runners short could drop a bun also he could he definitely could short definitely could drop a bun talking to the pcture right now trying to get this thing going on with the Sounders come on Sounders act right all right come on short what’s my favorite word here’s the one the pitch ball way outside good ey got to make him throw strikes that’s right one of those count hey walk in another run brother please do he got 18 balls and 17 strikes love to see that here’s a one the [ __ ] F that off one to one is countar oh whoa don’t walk backwards there you go ball outside let’s go two and one to count let’s go short short does have patience he definitely has patience here’s W swing got a Miss straight down the middle go in the room go in the room what’s up bull how you doing appreciate that Super Chat that sounded for you well I wish it was but thank you for the Super Chat we appreciate you short hit it right up the middle let’s go great single short let’s go what’s my favorite word score let’s go short with the RBI single let’s go here we go let’s go that sound up for you raging boy appreciate that Super Chat brother thank you thank you short hit it right out the middle what a hit let’s go man we needed that oh the wifey gifting out um five memberships let’s go all right so Terry a new member Ken Ross mountain Billy AJ Blue Eagle and yeah all right that’s what’s up shout out shout out to the wifey making it rain out there shout out to the wife and making it rain let’s go all right wow we’re up three to zip guys what an inning Jack Kon got the bat we got two Runners on with one out one to one is a count here’s wind the pitch ball inside almost hit him uh oh Gibby is faltering BL let’s go man here’s one the pitch that’s fouled off where is the you can’t see it on the main okay two and two the camp come on Jer KY you got this man yep look like Gibby run out of gas no keep him in there we need to score five come on Jered Kon hit a home run right here let’s get the sixes zip here’s wind the pitch ball hit right up the middle let’s goore in the Gap let’s go that’s one score we got four is that going to be five let’s go let’s go bra J kill it with the RBI oh no it’s just four okay it’s just four it’s just four all right I thought we scored two that’s all right great hit by Jared Kelly let’s go let’s go come on come on come on all right so the Atlanta Braves have put on a clinic in the top half of the second inning man I might have to check my son Pizza I put it in there and this a long inning oh ball right at the eyes come on let’s go if kellet try to hit home runs every time he’ll be hitting under 200 it fits his new approach yeah yeah yeah this new approach fits him I agree that’s right get on base here’s wind the pitch it does look like he um adjusted his um what he was doing since he’s in the lead out cuz he’s trying to get on base now he’s not swinging for the fences that a great observation Gibby great observation all right one to one is Count he wind in the pitch a ob is fing off ball number two all right is one and two his count one ball two strikes when I say he fouled it off I know it’s a right but I’m just saying it would have been a ball if he would have swung that that that’s all all right here’s wind the pitch aie Al weakly hit it the first base they throw it home he’s out and they took the um it took the out that home plate what a weak hit by Azie alus who reached out there and just smacked it right to the you could have burned that and had more result and see that’s a problem when you don’t even threaten the bunt guess what they can sit back get it and yeah yeah and do that that’s all they had to do now if you bunt at the third base guess what he shorts probably safe and you’re probably safe but hey whatever yeah at least he wasn’t a DP that’s true that’s true all right so it’s still for the zip here’s a one the pitch Big Bear watching it what a great inning by the Braves who’s almost batted around as Gibby is giving up four runs in this inning I’m plyy enough for uh Lopez plenty enough for Lopez all right here’s one the pitch and Big Bear Just po one up into right field that’s going to be the end of the inning but the bravs put up four runs in the top half of the second inning so gotta love that uh Rhino C how you doing man welcome to the stream this sound for you appreciate you coming through or not I guess I’ll just do this one welcome to the stream let’s see let’s see if we can get this thing back working thank all you guys for coming through uh this is Dixon way all about the a Sports Salt where we give you live commentary all our favorite sports sces for the braids the H of Falcons the Bulldogs my white gets all right so let me go check on this pizza because that was extremely long in it and uh probably ready by now for all right they get my son’s pizza and we’re back all right so one and two is a count with uh Ronaldo Lopez let’s go g Smith is playing okay here’s W the bits so ghostman was was not playing due to um I don’t know why he wasn’t playing the first game but he didn’t all right still one and two as a camp guess it was just a scheduled day off and they won the game which is really depressing all ball ripped down Third Base Line gold smith that’s going to be a stand up double unless gold smith can’t get there all right ball thrown gold smith coming in and the ball was errant so uh stand up doue for gold smith Paul gold smith uh going to be a first first ballot Hall of Famer when he uh put that the bat great hit by ghost Smith All right we can’t we can’t get Lac of desle now just because you got a four run lead I know you’re not used to that little pass but uh come on stay sharp like it’s still z z here’s one the pitch do another slide and miss that all right two and 0 to count two and 0 is the count Donovan up B 269 on the season here’s the one in the pitch nice is my power fast ball at the top of the strike zone fou that off two and one count two balls one strike all there’s a run on second base with no outs got to dance through a few rain drops on this one and that’s another high fast ball three and one to count Lopez faltering a little bit after that magnificent first um inning that’s allor right calm down don’t worry about it here’s one the [ __ ] there you go nice6 M Power four SC fast ball Full Count three two to count let’s go here’s one the pitch Andy walon 96 M Power hiding outside got a little lost control of there all right two outs with nobody on we need a double play right here right now let’s go Lopez all right guess the thunderstorm still there I appreciate that K son we just trying to you know there’s plent of people that’s better than us out there we’re just trying to make our way arado playing to today too here’s wind the pitch I wonder why both of them didn’t play yesterday all right good slider right at the knees on one count yeah we got blown out and they didn’t even play well we didn’t get blown out we we came made a comeback but they didn’t play it’ll be all right JB what’s up Lisa how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound for you maybe let’s see if it’s working nope I give you the sound there you go we got plenty of Sounders welcome to the stream for you all right two and one to count Ariano Nolan form of the U Rockies been with the uh Cardinal so long that you forget about the Rockies here’s the one the pitch ball popped up thank you needed that popped it up caught caught by short could he had drop that and then throw it a first and second or throw it a second and excuse me throw it to Second like catch it throw it a second then tag the guy out cuz it’ll be a force out throw a second you tag that then throw the third base for a for out here’s one the pit swing in a Miss we still got a chance for a double play right now Gorman is batting one 195 on the season he was swinging for the fences he got 16 home runs I see why he’s swinging for the fences that’s what he does he’s either swing a home run for this kid he got 16 home runs on the season here’s one the pitch ball way outside 97 M hour one swinging at that one two and one to count we need a ground ball inducing double play right now be honest here’s the one the [ __ ] n a curveball three1 account cannot get Bases Loaded don’t give it all the way back after getting four runs in the inning very unfortunate uh events right now for the Braves uh hopefully Ronaldo Lopez can pull this out of the fire here’s the one the pitch 97 M Power straight down the middle missed it all right Full Count NFI fly Ru will be in effect oh okay okay I got you I got you so we can’t do that dang it all right here’s the wind the pitch ball on outside wal them base is loaded now Lopez in a heap of trouble right now Lopez in a heap of trouble and we got four runs in the top half of the second inning and now Bas is are loaded we need a double play in the worst way right here here wow you don’t expect this for uh for Lopez he got the four-run lead he just lost Focus for some reason and now it’s a ball on Lopez cuz he took too long so he’s already starting one to know his account he is extremely nervous right now wow please don’t get this all the way Ronaldo up to 27 pitches wow here’s wind the pitch he only had what six or seven pitch no six pitches in the first inning wow he’s up to 22 pitches in this inning Matt Carpenter is 444 with bases loaded with two grand slams on his career strike on the outside corner Perfect Pitch two and one to count Lopez look real real scared right now he’s messing around with his feet all right wow here’s one the pitch all that ball fouled off thank you two and two the count I mean he does a he doing a lot of fidgeting up there on the plate I mean at the uh at the dish man like come on man take a deep breath you know here’s the one the pitch that ball fouled off 97 M power just rearing the back throwing as hard as he can yeah I would have did that before um I would have did that right then once he loaded bases I would have did that I would have went out there and talk to him but hey it is what it is here’s one the pitch all right that ball hit but will it be enough all right here comes the throw throwing it home but they got in sacrific fly the throw was there but it was aant it was up the line so he had enough arm to get it there it was just up the line all right so uh all right two out sacrifice fly all right that’s not the worst thing that could have happened all right let’s get a strike out right here you can get up out of here man let’s go Lopez Let’s Dance through these raindrops come on let’s dance through the rain drops all right here’s one the [ __ ] fast ball hiding outside that fast ball been R riding out too what’s this kid name s of the bat made some good in Outfield um catches ball way outside curve ball nowhere near the plate two and0 to count all right don’t load them back up come on all you need is out man all you need is out come on man let’s get up out of here up to 34 pitches wow all right Sean Murphy come out to talk to him here’s one the Pitch Perfect Pitch on the outside corner wa High two and one to count unfortunately been falling behind too old in the last few batters man can’t never get ahead he’s always pitching from behind ums ain’t going to give you no call you pitching like that they just not here’s a wind the pitch 96 M power on outside put in the exact same spot two and two them let’s go here’s the one in the pitch got him yes sir you swung get that yes sir go sit down cheer in the chat please goodness gracious oh we that sound still don’t want to act up that’s all right we got the strike out that’s all that matter man all right Ronaldo way to dance through the rain drops bro way to dance through the rain drops all right so we only gave up one run with Bases Loaded it and uh no out so that’s a win for me that’s a win right there you want some more pizza you want some more pizza what do you say yes you may all right excellent job by Ronaldo getting up out of that situation come on and wipe your face wipe your face I get you for all right guys we back top half of the third in mi the back here’s the wine in the pitch bowl on the outside 88 mph sinker it’s starting to rain again it is starting to rain again and it’s raining hard man osen Walt in his first in Gibby still up there thank you I crush this Matt OLS here’s a wine in the pitch swing get him Miss 88 m per hour cutter on the inside Perfect Pitch right at the top of the Zone jammed them all right 0 to the count here comes the rain hey we got 21 likes awesome man man appreciate it appreciate it thank you guys you guys are awesome swing in a Miss man OA can’t see it through the rain 21 likes that’s awesome guys you guys are awesome thank you let’s get up to 30 likes let’s try to get up to 30 likes all right Al up and the yeah he’s shaking out the rain the rain coming down real Fierce right now here’s the wind in the pitch High Sinker right underneath the chin had to dip back one and know account let’s go Aon Ry is one for one for today let’s go the [ __ ] Aly fou that off 90 M Power Sinker on the inside jammed him up good pitch one1 is count here’s the one of the [ __ ] ball inside yes sir tried to jam him again a was not swinging at that one good job Austin all right two and one to count here’s the one of the [ __ ] 89 m per hour sink at the top of the strike zone two and two the count now the rain came out seemed like he done game moment momentum always seem like that against a brav with these rain games here’s the one and a [ __ ] swing get a Miss way outside sweeping curveball that’s two outs nowhere near the plate about seven inches off the plate osado could not lay off of it unfortunately yeah reach swung and the ball wasn’t there never was there ball look like it went um three inches past his backs and he had to reach out for it so yeah all right on one account right now sea Murphy out the bat he walked here’s one the pitch ball on outside corner Sinker 89 M Power good pitch now see I don’t want us to get complacent like oh we got four runs let’s sit on that now everybody swinging for the fences here’s one the pitch Shawn Murphy fouls that off way to defend the plate that would have been a strike all right one and two is count one and two is account here’s the one the [ __ ] hit it right up there but second baseman got it throws over to ghost Smith he’s out all right 1 two three brav go quickly down in the top half of the first inning one two three as the rain started to you know fall heavily in St Louis but you know what BR got the lead by three runs four to one love to see it and U it was basic loaded with no outs in the last inning for the Cardinal so they definitely could have went sideways but it did not so you got to love that you absolutely got to love that you’re a brace man absolutely gotta love that be BRAC all right raldo coming back out he’s up to 37 pitches again um he had a 31 pitch inning first in he only had six pitches at last inning he had 26 pitches so I mean 30 31 pitches so hopefully this end will be a quick inning newly gifted um family member Terry says see if Sean runs uh he could be Sav oh you talking about Shawn Murphy would have actually lagged it out no man maybe I think they took their time because they know Ashan Murphy I think if he would have really been hustling down that line they would have got the ball down there quicker all right not too many people here here um today is just the makeup game you know I’m sure people that was there last night got to redeem their tickets but know most people like man it’s going to rain again yep always raining bab not here though we in a drought it ain’t rain here since before we went on vacation here’s the one the pitch ball fouled off all right let’s go one one is count we up the bat he 0 for one let’s make that 0 for two please you right Mike ball fouled off that was that was a ball but he fouled it off thank goodness on one and two his account yeah we can get a completed fifth inning they will call the first game just to be able to get in the second game they will call the first game they would call in be like hey we got to play the second game we can’t play all these out and be up here until 1 o’clock in the morning oh what a pitch oh man what a pitch and he didn’t get it wow that’s that’s unfortunate two and2 the count that was that was strike three in my opinion but how he struggled the last in it woo swing in the Miss let’s go man chairs in the chat please chairs in the chat go sit down what’s that three chairs no two chairs two chairs in the chat please two chairs in the chat for Lopez that’s the second strikeout let’s go let’s go all right here’s the W in the [ __ ] her ball weekly hit the uh second base he throws him out all that’s two outs one pitch two outs let’s go all right Brothers come up there hacking yes sir look like the rain slowed down a little bit it’s going to be a little burst you know rain significantly slowed down still sprinkling but uh not like what it was little popups little pop pops appreciate those chairs in the chat guys you got you guys awesome appreciate that participation here’s W the pitch ball too low 87 mow slider missed it William contras excuse me Wilson contras his brother is other the bat former CB here’s the one the pitch swing get him as got that slider a little bit up he swung right over it love to see it when to Wi his account oh my goodness and he hit him on the backat swing all right here’s one the pitch F that off one into his account let’s go there’s one in the pits oh weekly hit the Austin righ he got it throw across the diamond he’s out all right one two three inning love to see that for Lopez let’s go man we needed that that’s right I’ll take it I will take it absolutely take it won’t even be ashamed of it give me that five in win hey guys we ain’t got no we ain’t got no time to stop and then restart up at 7 o’ and try to get you know four more in and in and then start the game around 9 o’ players ain’t even going to have no rest uh that’s right one two three one two three gotta love that man all right man so the Braves that’s the bottom half of the third inning Braves up by three runs four to one absolutely love to see that we got Lono coming up the bat he got a RBI uh sacrifice U Force out so sacrifice hit so oh no I can’t tile your Fe all right uh great second inning by the Braves uh Ronaldo Lopez dancing through all all kind of raindrops had bases loaded with no outs and got out of that situation with only one run scored what an amazing piece of escapability by our picture yeah he got that sacrifice when uh they tried to do a double play but he hustled it out no no son put your feet down all right 88 mile hour Sinker one of those account good pitch right at the top of the St Zone who me all right here’s the one this [ __ ] Lano hit that being like a rocket the third base but good backand throws him out good defense a play right on the rocket hot rocket side arado all right here is one the pitch ball on the outside Frogger man how you doing Frogger man welcome to the stream the sounding for you appreciate you coming through oh whoops there we go um hopefully it’s not another one we already had on one here’s one the pitch ball weekly hit the second base that’s out number two what all right Forest wall goes down off two pitches Gibson AKA Gibby is settling in after that disastrous um top half of the second in for he has settled in all right two outs here’s the one of the pitch ooh High cutter he’s getting the calls he’s getting the calls like he didn’t have that bad um first oh he got the uh little counter thing on his glove instead of on his weights little strike he’s hting the top of the strike zone right now I know that much one and two the count ain’t nobody on base right now frog O2 to count two outs nobody obas here one the pit ball outside he hopping and skipping that wasn’t nowhere near the plate what are you talking about that like 4 inches off the plate stop it one ball two strikes up to 69 pitches right now here come number 70 he sent Gibson say he’s the one in the pitch High fast ball did not get that call either thank you thank you all right two and two is a count short is up what’s my favorite word he’s one for one right now with RBI single here’s one the pitch ball way outside good eye by short full Camp let’s go let’s go short let go J KCK looking to have another crack at it here’s the one the pitch and he walked them let’s go man walk it out in the chat please let’s see if the sound are working now no that’s all right y’all know what to do man put them walking outs in the chat please Walk It Out walk it out let’s go short would definitely draw a walk he’s definitely patient at the plate love to see it all right jerro KY got the bat we got to run on first base two outs we want to have a little two out magic and get this run back please here’s the wind in the pitch ball low he missed it all right Wheels might be coming off now all right 73 pitches for Gibson one of those account G night show appreciate that Walk It Out Terry with the Walk It Out here’s the one in the [ __ ] ball fouled off 88 mow on outside corner Sinker one1 is Count fouled off let’s go JK my dad would to walk it out here’s the one the pitch Jerry Kell swinging the ball jammed him up fouled it off one it to his the count one ball two strikes yeah he had a 40 pitch inning in the second inning here’s wind the pitch J K hits that thing through the hole let’s go right to right field short is going to third base let’s go man K Jared kill with a uh with a single oh we got Runners on the corners let’s go man let’s go come on come on Braves let’s go let’s go Braves chops in the chat let’s go see them chops in the chat oh sorry about that hit the wrong thing all right here’s the one in the pitch a I always RI that thing down the first base line but it’s a foul ball okay a on top of that he’s like throw it again please that’s a long strike come on come on come on come on aie you was the one the [ __ ] ball almost hit him and a my power Sinker way inside all right one one this count let’s go Raymond Collin with the chop Lisa with the chop let’s go like it’s getting bright out there love to see that one one is Count here’s one the pitch why would you swing it that oh my God goodness that ball was way inside and too low you had to been down just to try to make contact on that oh my goodness he buckled your knees on that one wow I hope you put that in the data banks Man one and two his account he GNA throw that again I know I would all right throw it back over the first base he’s safe come on man two out magic to wind the pitch knew he’s going to throw it again I would all right two and two the count I would throw it again curveball missed I’ll throw it again throw it a little bit higher aie breaking down to his knees I’m down hey stolen base let’s go we got a stolen base by Jared Kel B way outside let’s go Full Count a single brings in two runs let’s go man great stolen base by Jared KCK the pitcher ain’t paying that no attention he just trying to get this out here’s the one the pitch Paul inside and he swung at it that was Ball Four thank you that was Ball Four that was ball four man they almost hit you Azie literally we had to turn on it super early for it not to hit you look at that he had to turn on it early for him not to get hit all right still three and two the count way the battle though get his uh pitch count up he’s up to 82 pitches top half of the fourth inning he definitely not lasting after this but let’s get some more runs on him before he leaves two out rally right here guys come on come on a let’s go come on a Alis let’s get it man he’s over two let’s make that one for three please here’s the one the [ __ ] ball almost hit him and he walked him let’s go walk it out in the chat let’s go walk it out in the chat let’s go walk it out let’s go like we got basic loaded with two outs and a big bear hey man you got that Big Bear energy that home run Big Bear energy let’s go man come on Big Bear let’s hit a grand salant so we can get this thing over with here’s the one of the P ball way outside good ey let’s go man come on let’s go let’s go what’s up Ryo how you doing welcome back to the stream this sound up for you appreciate you coming through that’s big be just SW right through that sweeping curve ball missed it 81 m power straight center cut Gibson up the 85 pitch we got basic load with two outs all this Happ with two outs come on man welcome to the let’s go hey we got a new uh family member hold on and Big Bear file that off all right one and two is the count uh Bronx what oh Bron RX Roy man that’s too much U welcome to the DI way family man you know that train sh all the boy maybe if the Sounder come up if not oh well sorry about that we normally have a sound for that but appreciate you coming through welcome to Dick way family and Marcel Zuna swing at a ball 4 in off the plate and that’s the end of that all right well we had a chance to uh we had a chance to steal some runs off of there with two outs but well good things y’all didn’t St Louis unfortunately for the braids you guys help held true all right yeah couldn’t hold off on that um slider couldn’t hold off on that sweeping um slider all right all right well Braes u wasts a golden opportunity to get some runs right there yes it was two outs but we had Bases Loaded got to be able to scratch out for that especially with your best best player up your best hitter up y what’s up Lisa I see you oh welcome back to the stream I guess we’ll get this sound appreciate you coming through all right so going to the bottom half of the fourth inning the score is four to zero I mean four to one hopefully stranding those Runners do not come back to bite Us in the glut Maximus hopefully he doesn’t all right Ronaldo coming back up G Smith coming up also G Smith first batt of Hall of Famer uh he and um him and Freddy Freeman are the gold standard uh first basem offensively and defensively I think Freddy is better personally but gold smith is right there I think um just off the top of my head I would say that gold smith got more Golden Gloves but Freddy got more silver Sluggers just guessing I didn’t even look that up I would just guess that well I think ghost Smith has a MVP also here’s one the pitch inside good pitch cider one1 is account I have no idea Lisa right now the Philly playing like the best team in baseball he wind the pitch ball right at the knees 95 mile power good pitch one and two is Count it’s too early to count I’m just worried about the brav um you know working out their Kinks and you know find the Rhythm more so than worried about struck him out go sit down great pitch by Ronaldo all right that’s chair number three please three chairs in the chat let’s go three chairs in the chat please let’s go here’s the one the [ __ ] b right at the knees okay getting the calls now just SK that that plate on one account all right let’s go Lopez here’s the one the pitch ball hit right there short grabs it throws it over great defensive play out number two let’s go two pitches love to see it let’s go appreciate those chair in the chat na appreciate appreciate that F Rond car with the chair also appreciate you yeah that was a good defensive play that was a RC like play all right let’s go good job short what’s my favorite word here’s W the pitch 96 M popped up by arado here’s the one the [ __ ] ball rocking down Third Base foul ball all right quickly ow into the count way to get ahead Lopez let’s go got 50 55 pitches bottom half of the fourth inning yeah yeah ghost Smith definitely a first B Hall of Fame for show for show here’s one the pitch ball rocket it into left field all right that’s going to be a a single Lano ain’t quick as he used to be when he with the uh with the Rockies all right two outs man on first base snit what are you thinking about snit on the top step all right here’s one the pitch nice 6 M power on outside corner fouled it off oh one account here’s one the [ __ ] 97 M power did he go I think he did yes he did strike two let’s go let’s go great pitch by Lopez who had definitely turned it around after that shaky uh second bottom half of the second in it come on let’s get Gorman up out of here he walked the first time let’s strike his butt out this time come on Ronaldo here’s one the [ __ ] 8 98 mow oh he got that thing up there okay I see you Ronaldo you got that fast ball up there and it was that the top of the strike zone he better had better had fouled that off that was going to be strike number three caught him looking all right let’s go Ronaldo here’s one the [ __ ] try to drop it with a slider did not Chase it same arm angle different trajectory though okay sir I’m coming all right here’s the wine in the pitch got it go sit down let’s go let’s go great strike out e e e all right guys we back we are back Mato at the bat we got a new pitcher Cal Le uh oh swinging a Miss 95 M Power with the top of the strikes on good pitch all right 0 and2 the camp Mato is 0 for one let’s make that 0 for two I mean one for two please excuse me come on Mano here’s the one the pitch sweeping Cur ball that Miss way low good ey good ey Maro let’s go top half of the fifth inning Bray’s leading right now when is to his account here’s one the pitch ball way out there did he go no he did not 95 M power up and out two two the count good out by Matt Olsen AKA Mato there’s W the pitch Matt Olson rips that down the first base line but he got it Go Smith quickly ties the base that’s out number one all right that’s all right all right Sean Murphy on no no no this Austin R excuse me here’s one the pitch ball on outside 96 mil power about 4 in off the plate high and outside one or count o Ry one for two for today here’s wind the pitch ball fouled off 90 mile power in the strike zone slider he hung one but Austin couldn’t handle it that’s all right one1 is the count one ball one strike here’s the one of the pitch osy got a hold of one going straight center field going B back to the wall caught it at the warning track good catch good catch that’s out number two he put Good Wood on it just not good enough that’s all right it’s a lot it’s a solid strike he’ll get it all right and now Hasan Murphy ball on outside that was about three inches off the plate two inches off the plate called strike very unfortunate I mean Shawn Murphy already struggling you don’t need to you know have calls go against him also 96 mile power way outside did not chase that good eye by Shawn Murphy B 191 on the season three home runs a RBI with Ops a 6 to0 here’s one in the pitch ball way outside good ey two and one to count good ey by Sean Murphy This Guy’s eating sunflower seeds in the middle of the game here’s W the pitch Sean Murphy right down center cut couldn’t connect on that slider ball foul ball he has literally got a bag of sunflower seeds in his back pockets canani here’s the one in the pitch ball low did he go no no sir no sir for a count good job by Shawn Murphy holding off on that come on Sean Murphy you got this man you got this brother all right two out magic let’s go here’s one the pitch High fast ball nice six mile per hour had to protect the plate good eye F off still three or two to count sh Mur been batting 320 his last s games here one the [ __ ] ball way outside should have took it would have been a walk Sean Murphy a little bit too happy come on Sean Lock in brother lock in snit with his hand over his face Full Count three balls two strikes two outs top half of the fifth inning Shawn Murphy at the play here’s one in the pitch fast ball 95 mph popped up catches pursuing pursuing and right over the Dugout foul ball all right good at bat by sea Murphy here’s one the pit ball way outside Walk It Out take your base sir that’s right great job by uh Shawn Murphy inducing that walk walk it out in the chat please yes sir great job by Shawn Murphy inducing that walk all right we gonna get some more two out rallies let’s go Lano up the bat uh Le he up to 17 pitches let’s go here’s one in the [ __ ] 95 M Power fast ball above the letters good ey by laurano not swinging at that he’s over two let’s make that one for three please let’s get a stand up double so we can score this here’s the one the [ __ ] Lono got a hold up one he’s going back back to the wall going going a he stopped right at the one track he’s out all right well that’s out number three we’re going to the bottom half of the fifth inning two balls wall but um only one track PA Power I can’t imagine him coming back out there how well we hit him even though he got him out we still squared his um pitches up though appreciate that walking out Terry and my dad y y all right going to the bottom half of the fifth inning right now he can rain all they want to now no no we got to get through this in it once we get through this in it then that’s it it can rain all they want to now got a three-run lead it can rain all it wants to now but my name is Larry one half of the Dixon weight my beautiful white Shan is the other half he provide you guys with live commentary all our favorite sports scenes guys hopefully you guys enjoy the content if so please hit that like button subscribe hit the notification Bell do everything you can to help us get it in the algorithm and uh let’s give a shout out to our partners at Fanatics right now the Dix and way are officially partner with fanatics fanatics is your One-Stop shop and providing officially licensed Atlanta braids apparel and merchandise so if you’re looking to buy that new Atlanta braid fit please use our affiliate QR code or click the link in the description to make your purchase to directly support our Channel while looking good doing so thank you and go Braves all right thank you to the beautiful sh for cutting that excellent promo excellent promo Terry says I would imagine Travis playing catcher for the second game I would imagine that so Terry good observation I would imagine that also and a ball quickly hit one pitch hitting to right field all right lead off single Matt carp got a RBI sacrifice RBI when base is loaded Lopez up to 62 pitches bottom half of the fifth inning here’s one the [ __ ] slider Miss Low by the shin all right one of those count we may we may tww we may here’s one of the [ __ ] fast ball hit right down the left field line oh my goodness that’s not good and that might score run right there that thing was so well hit no Runner did not Advance thank you all right stand up double you got Runners on um first and second base with no outs Lopez looking a little iffy right now all right more rain drops he got to dance through literally and figuratively Mt Gaga said that’s right we need to finish in inning yes we do but they’re going to uh they will hold it off it’s like a two1 2011 Run game they will come back to play it well it’s like three runs normally it’s like four runs they’ll be like okay that’s it but it’s three runs is still within balance uh one and0 the camp bottom half of the fifth inning there’s two runners in scoring position with no outs Lopez got a dance through some rain drops here’s one the pitch ball way outside to and not count Lopez up the 66 [ __ ] all right what what you going to do about it here’s one the pitch three and 0 to count oh my goodness what is going on are we about to no not your piz okay go in the room please good job good job here’s wind the pitch and that was a strike but not called cuz he’s struggling you’re never going to get the calls you’re never going to get the calls when you struggle the entire time with the first two batters all right basic loaded with no outs here we go again can he escape out of this BR is coming out to finally talk to like it it what does it take oh you want the drink all right take this drink over there here go over to the table son go to the table yeah put the drink up there please be careful don’t knock that over all right come on it’s too early unfortunately it’s too early for the UNR cap Lisa and if I was going to use it it should have been way before this this an impossible feat for the UNR cap right now all right we got bases loaded with nobody out here’s wind the pitch 84 m per hour good pitch but just missed by an inch I’ve seen him give that call but right now Lopez is not going to get bailed out by the Umpire he will not Alec Bergen up here’s the wind the pitch ball way outside two and 0 to count all right this is looking like the second inning we’re in the bottom half of the fifth inning um last time we seen this it was the bottom half of the second inning he managed to get out of that with only one run let’s see if it happen again ain’t nobody really swinging he got to throw some strikes now uh that was straight down the pipe good pitch they are taking approach that you got to throw us out all right here’s the one the pitch 95 mile power fouled off thank goodness thought that thing was heading to the Cofe Corner again all right two and two to count Larry get down from there don’t hang over the seat like that please Larry get down thank you all right two and two the count here’s one the pitch he fouled that off oh that was a ball right there glad he swung at that that was ball number three that was absolutely ball number three oh my goodness all right two and two the count Bas are loaded with no outs I’ll take a double play to get what to get uh I give up a run for a double play right now here’s one the pitch ball popped up going back back back to the wall that’s going to be a sacrifice hit and running shoot advance and what a horrible throw to second base all right sacrifice run and runers Advance over the second and third you could even keep them the uh on the corners what a horrible relay um by Forest wall what a horrible rebate relay throw to second base all right it should have been two outs all right here’s one the pitch swing get him Miss ni s m power uh Wilson contras swung out of the strike zone that definitely uh was not a strike Dylan Lee up in a bull pin here’s the one the pits ball fouled off and oh Matt Olen did not did not think that it was going to be fair in um foul territory but he had a opportunity to catch that just came up short all right 0 and to the count we needed that we needed that catch actually all right here’s the wind the pitch ball on outside 98 mile per hour just missed about two inches off an inch off wasn’t a strike but I seen him give that pitch the Umpire give that pitch and yeah Shawn Murphy moved that thing over a little bit too far here’s one the pitch ball low two and two the count slider missed way outside and low Wilson contz of the bat all right it’s four to2 right now Bray’s got a two-run lead here’s wiing the pitch swing and a miss struck him out let’s go all right good job let’s go man chair in the chat please let’s get that chair in the chat that is five chairs in the chat for Willam conteras I mean for um Ronaldo Lopez five chairs in the chat please all right here’s one pitch ball way outside slid that Miss Lopez up to 80 pitches go SMI up he’s one for two for today you definitely want to avoid this guy with runners in scoring position we a dangerous precisions now but hey it is what it is here’s one the pitch ball way outside two and0 to count 2 and0 the count appreciate those chairs in the chat guys you guys are awesome all right Ronaldo Lopez against the Hall of Famer gold smith here is the wi of the pitch swing enous all right two in one count nasty slider swung right over the top of it love to see it what’s up what’s up rich how you doing welcome back to the stream this sounding for you appreciate you coming through guys make sure you check out TSR sport I do you should too got some excellent um content over there here’s wi the pitch and ball in the dirt just thrown that slider three times and he ain’t swung at n one all right you might as well walk him you might as well walk him do not Groove anything for gold smith you might as well walk I’m serious I’m dead serious cuz this could go over the fence if you grew one here’s one the pitch 97 m per hour he was swinging for the fences and you supplied the power but he fouled it off all right Full Count three and two to count don’t throw that outside slider he ain’t swung at it once I guess you could try to get him to swing at it N St Louis rocks nope nope no we ain’t trying to make a mistake all right three and two is the camp here’s the one in the [ __ ] 98 mow center cut ah St Louis just room for its team Lisa that’s fine that’s fine he’s been a fan that’s cool we welcome all fans here from all teams here’s wind the pitch ball on the outside did not get it nope that wasn’t a strike that was about two inches off the plate all right you know snit don’t like taking people out until they give up the lead right y’all know that right y’ y’all absolutely know that right like it’s not a it’s not a like a myth it’s not a myth what’s going on JJ man y’all make sure y’all check out on play byplay with JJ we’re going to be doing a uh a Simo cast and there’s a hit right there but center field going b b caught it let’s go get off the field that’s the that should be the last inning for Ronaldo Lopez all right gave up one run again dance through a lot of raindrops thunderstorms in the chat man raindrops dancing all of that because that man just Escape bases loaded with no outs two times this game we’re only giving up two runs wow all right man if I’m Brian Snicker he comes into the Dugout I’ll say shake my hand shake my hand shake my hand your game is over your game’s done your day is over shake my hand yeah guys make sure you check out U play byplay with JJ got some excellent content over there Philly uh fan covers everything in Philadelphia uh so yeah make sure you check him out also make sure you check us both out on July the 6 that should be interesting we going to have swelling B pitching against uh Suarez they don’t B well for us but hey whatever uh what’s the video oh that is uh it’s a paid service by MLB it’s a paid service by MLB is a part of their U package uh TSR yep yep yeah so we try to you know seem like everybody’s starting to do it so I know Lisa I know we just want to be welcomeing here we welcome all fans yep and just like I said Snick came up tapped him on the chest and shook his hand like yeah that’s it shake my hand shake my hand exactly here’s W the pitch wow looking like he was about to bunt you know that’s a that’s a that’s a um that’s a mystery for the Braves we don’t like the butt so when we see it it’s like it like throws me off it totally throws me off when I see someone attempting to bunt here’s one the pitch wall swing and a miss one to one is Count wall and short will drop a bunt and we’re so injured guys we’re just trying to make end meet right now to be honest here’s wind the pitch High fast ball good ey two and one to count for wall induced a walk in the second in it and scored the Run here’s one the pit swing and a miss 90 m per hour slide at the top of the Zone all right wall couldn’t catch up to that that’s not a good look this is a come on man moment hey man he made it through that I’m happy here’s one the pits ball chopped off there there could be a swinging but let’s go Force who let’s go great hit by Forest wall with a swinging bunt love to see that all right so he got a little Chopper in there hey it’s a bunt either way there you go it definitely was a bunt The Swinging bunt that time though let’s go all right all right let’s go man I don’t know what’s going on with the Sounders man it’s supposed to be chopping right there but that’s all right what’s up JL how you doing uh welcome to the stream this sounding for you appreciate you coming here’s a one [ __ ] ooh Frozen hey he didn’t get the call did he swing no he did not let’s go life is too short let’s go Zach short he’s one for one with a single walk and got two uh RB on that single earlier today hit it right up the Gap all right as farest wall gonna try to steal a base all right here’s one the pitch High fast ball 95 m per hour good eye by short I love his approach he swings at his pitches not yours okay here’s one the pitch yes sir High fast ball again good ey three and0 to count let’s go all right guys we got no outs three balls one strike we’re run on first base let’s go man let’s go short here’s the wind the pitch oh 95 M Power good pitch right at top of the strike zone all right three and one to count three balls one strike braaz are leading four to2 right now top half of the six inning throws it back fors wall got back real slow wow if that was a real pickup move he might have got caught but that pickoff move was real slow and Forest wall got back to um first base really slow he got a big lead though here’s one the pitch fou off by short all right Full Count three and two to Camp Mt gager say stop cussing you talking about bunts yeah bunt is a curse word to the um bravs to be honest it is a curse word here’s one the pitch oh wall hit it look like a little blooper ni Centerfield go back oh my goodness you better not get thrown out Forest wall okay thank you all right that’s the first out short got a pitch he just could to handle it popped it up PO it up in center field all right lay he up to 30 pitches hey go to sers wow the sound is just activated what’s up three dirty how you doing fam welcome back to the stream this sound for you appreciate you coming through welcome to the stream or not let’s give you that one man old school s what’s up 330 I see you fam all right we got Jared KCK he’s two for three having a magnificent game today let’s make that three for four please two singers RBI and a stolen base Jer kellet got his average up to 271 here’s w p swing G Miss 95 M hour imagine man jerck kick has been the second best on the bra this season definitely has hit over 300 since he’s been put in the leadoff spot on one count here’s the one of the [ __ ] ball outside 95 m per hour miss about two or three inches off the plate good pitch but the Umpire ain’t giving it to you try to frame it them contrarious boys no they try to frame things one one is count here’s the wi in the [ __ ] Jared Kell got a hold of one Jared KCK going back back to the wall he just smoked one let’s go man Jerry carnick with a two-run shot let’s go Braves let’s go chops in the chat let’s go let’s go man Jared KCK just smoked one that’s what I’m talking about JK JK three for four two singles and a jet two run jet let’s go man let’s go bra let’s go he son no no tickle on your feet no ticket your feet oh and gold smith got it Go and step on the bag that’s out number two oie Alby swinging at the first thing he saw Larry put your feet down son put your feet down Mama call you Mama call you what’s up Ken Ross how you doing fam welcome back to the stream this sounded for you appreciate you coming through Mama call you son Mama call you go to Mama go to Mama go to Mama you hear her calling all right here’s the one the [ __ ] o ball way outside good out by Marcel launa wasn’t swinging at that that’s how he got out on that uh on outside one’s account spam call here’s W the pitch Marcel launa foued that off hung a slider but couldn’t um get a hold of it I’m good Ken Ross how you doing fam welcome back to the stream I see you well go to Mama go to Mama all right what’s that one and I mean two and one to count yeah two and one to count here’s one the pitch ball fouled off 96 mile power in the strike zone all right two and two to count here’s one in the pitch ball Ling outside good eye Marcel ain’t swinging at right now he’s 0 for three right now trying to go one for four Big Bear let’s go oh I didn’t play the Sounder well those Sounders been acting up so I don’t know if they’ll play or not here’s one the pitch got him got him looking outside corner good pitch all right but hey Jared Kelner increases the lead back to four it’s 6-2 love to see it let’s go guys let’s go imagine if they put auna in the outfield for the second game they would never do that Terry auna had never played The Outfield he is horrific if there’s one thing that extended aun’s career here with the bravs is them switching to National League switching to designated hitters he would have been gone if it wasn’t for designated hitters he cannot play in the Outfield l i mean he just can’t even if you stick him in left field he can’t so about the best thing happened to extend his career is was designated Hy for real for real all right man excellent we’re going to the bottom half of the six with the Braves have the lead excellent excellent excellent thank all of you guys for coming through my name is Larry one half of the Dixon way my beautiful wife sha is the other half we provide you guys with live commentary all our favorite sports scenes from the brav the Hawks of Falcons the Bulldogs even my wife Gators we appreciate every last one of you guys coming in and being a part of the uh stream if you like the stream please hit the like button subscribe hit the notification Bell ding ding get all our L videos thank you thank you share on your socials let people know about the Dix and way interact uh with the chat you know what I’m saying we love interacting with people on the chat it makes the stream more enjoyable and you’ll like it too you know what I’m saying you would definitely like it all right so yeah let’s get back to the action oh yeah it’s a double hitter but we’re doing the draft uh later on so we wanted to do the first game of St Louis versus the Braves and then we’ll be having the NBA draft as Atlanta Hawks are picking number one in the draft so yeah we’re definitely cover in that Dylan Lee up let’s go Dylan and I like they bringing in Dylan Lee at the beginning of the inning instead of trying to get out of trouble here’s wind the pit swing get him Miss nasty nasty nasty slider Ariano that’s un swung right over the top of it let’s go Terry finding the new um emojis got that blooper all right here’s W the [ __ ] ball in the dirt all right one one is account slider bit a little bit too much on that one one to one is it count here’s the one ball on outside 993 m per I’ll take it call strike one and two his account good pitch by Dylan Lee here’s one the pitch low change up two and two the count say get the chairs warned up Ken Ross I hope so I hope so here’s one the pitch ball Little Blooper right there running in and that’s out Jerry Kelly with the catch all that’s one out Dy Lee with five pitches one out let’s go Nolan kind of upset with himself but whatever all right we’re in the bottom half of the six inning here’s one the pitch after uh what hour almost hour about 45 minute uh rain delay for today after postponement because of rain last night before in Clement weather all right here’s the one of the pitch ball fouled off 8 88 m per hour slider at the bottom of the strike zone good pitch quickly ahead of the count is Dylan Lee love to see it oh into the count and got him cheer in the chat let’s go y’all know what it is swing and a miss Dylan Lee let’s go nasty slider go sit down cheer in the chat please let’s go let’s go man excellent job put that chair in the chat go sit down go sit down all right let’s go look John to see it all right one chair in the chat please Ken Ross with the chair let’s go t with the chair all we got two out we got a new better uh what’s it Ferman he’s up he’s a right-hand hitter don’t know his stats they ain’t showed it yet here’s one the pitch ball in the dirt maybe this his first um at bat of the Season yeah you did tell me K here’s the one the pitch ball up ball number two to an old account let’s don’t get these two out Shenanigans again come on Dylan Lee of the 10 you have the 10 pitches let’s go all right this guy’s batting 162 no home runs no RBI with Ops are 460 let’s get him out of here quickly thank you man this dude is nothing no get him out of here man 162 don’t play around with your fool Dylan Lee do not let this dude get on base here’s the wi in the [ __ ] there you go 94 M Power you have a 4run lead with a 162 hitter up there he has no RBIs he has no home runs you better throw that thing directly down the center of the plate as hard as you can don’t be cute here’s wind the pitch ripped it down the line so what foul ball two and two the camp he’s literally 162 all right he was on top of that inside fast ball throw that change up of the slider right there he going to swing right over the top of it he’s going to swing right over the top of it cuz he’s a 162 hitter here’s one the [ __ ] told you but he fouled it off knew he was going to swing over the top of it but he fouled It Off two and two the count here’s a w the [ __ ] ball in the dirt that had no chance he was never swinging at that all right Full Count Full Count you got a four-run lead Dill Le don’t put Runners on all right that should be a strikeout he wasn’t set by eight these umpires don’t even know the rules he one the [ __ ] ball fouled off if the runner is not set before 8 seconds it is a strike on the runner that should be a strike out where’s the clock at right now where’s the clock 10 n eight they not even showing he’s not set it was at five six seconds here’s one the pitch got it oh they didn’t call it good pitch by Dylan Lee but uh call the ball that was disgusting all right run on first base with two outs the fact that dude got on it’s troubling hopefully it don’t come back to bite us here’s one the pitch swing going to miss change up on the outside corner great pitch Carlson swing it through it oh one count good pitch let’s go Dylan Carson batting on one 19 189 here’s one the [ __ ] ball on the outside corner same spot but he didn’t swing at it that time didn’t get the call was an inch off the plate was a inch off the plate here’s one the P swing in a Miss he swing at that slider one to his account let’s go come on Dylan Lee he’s up to 20 pitches this should be the only in he pitches let’s get out of this and go shake my hand after this here’s the one the pitch didn’t bite on that slider all right two and two the count two balls two strikes two outs with a run on first base and St Louis has two runs that’s a whole bunch of twos but bra got six here’s round the [ __ ] all right 94 M Power hit it run it run it run it caught it all right it’s a lot of sound they played every Sounder right there appreciate that sound it’s way to kick in at the right time my PR sounds about 15 minutes ago if it had big bear in it yeah that was the last inning all right all right we got out of that situation no harm no foul wonder if Snick gonna squeeze a lemon we’re going to the top half of the seven inning guys Braves leading 6-2 love to see it let’s go let’s go great game by the Braves as we try to um even this series up one to one the Cardinals won 4 to3 in the first game as we tried to come back and score three runs in the bottom half of the ninth inning no we scored two we already had one but we couldn’t get that last run to tie it up yeah I know CEO Bryce Elder we that’s why we have to win this game we can’t have no crazy comebacks by by the Cardinals we have to win this game and cross our fingers for the for the second one uh CEO you doing the second game this evening are you doing the second game this evening okay you guys make sure you check out on the go with CEO he’ll be doing the game tonight for the bra covers I’ll be doing the NBA um draft actually what you can do you can split screen us on your laptop you can watch CeeLo and you can watch me on the draft how about that boom winner winner chicken dinner there you go yeah CEO link is in my description well sh I seen you over on CEO stream before so you know where he’s at or to the camp oh you talking about the uh screen sorry here’s W the pitch all right that’s a ball good eye by Mato that ball was over his head I’m I’m imagine he would swing at that a two and two to count here’s the one the pitch ballway outside good eye let’s go Full Count three balls two strikes Le in there for 45 pitches like he started or something all right here’s wind the pitch ball here right out the middle but straight to the second basem and he’s out all out number one all right good at B though push to a Full Count so I’ll take that I’ll take that we got a four-run lead right now six to two what we going to do barbecue or me de all right so that’s 650 um Eastern Time 550 Central Time time all right Stone Cold Al Raleigh at the backat top half of the seven inning here’s the winding Pitch hit that thing right in the right field good hit by Stone Cold Beer and skulls in the chat please is it going to come up there we go beer skull in the chat please Stone Cold a Ry can get a hell yet let’s go good news Elder is two and0 with ER in last two start okay well that can definitely be a good ideal hopefully he continues hopefully that continues but yeah here’s the wind the pitch swing going a Miss big swing yeah I think Travis do know is going to play the next game no way Shawn Murphy plays back the bad games especially when we had to go to Chicago tomorrow here’s one the [ __ ] Shawn Murphy hit that thing right through the hole let’s go Shawn Murphy single bad to bat singles let’s go all right I like it I like it let’s go that’s right my dad said barbecue time let’s go you said Cann no no we’re not drafting uh Ken it no we goingon to dve Donovan Clinger let’s go man all right lorano up the bat let’s go laurano all right went out two Runners on we got running at uh second base and first base so come on laurano he’s over three let’s make that one for four please come on laon let’s get your home run right here right now come on laurano let’s go here’s one the pitch swing and a miss slider three inches off the plate one one again uh they’re saying your boy might go around six here’s one the pitch Lano got a hold of one going the right field but straight at him all great tag up by uh Aly so he Advanced around so productive out by laurano productive out by laurano all right what’s up Rob how you doing welcome to the stream this sound it for you appreciate you coming through I see you I mean I think thatl H either going to pick Clingan or re and then Alex SAR is going to be picked cuz that’s who we met with twice that’s who he wants to go I don’t want alexar he didn’t want to come work out with us forget him I need people who actually want to be here oh and one account fouled off come on wall we need you right here let’s get some insurance runs here’s the W in the pitch Forest wall got a hold of one uh but it’s a popup right at the warning track yep and that’s out number three all right and we’re going to the seven inning stretch bra leading 62 all right guys y’all ready for the remix let’s go please put the musical notes in the chat the see Take Me Out to the Ball Game remix h and a one and a two and a three Take Me Out to the Ball Game take me out with the crowd some peut and crack Jacks I don’t care if I ever come back cuz the bra wi it’s a shame cuz it’s one two three strikes they’re out in the old ball game playball it’s a remix babe baby all right man thank you guys for pressing those musical notes my beautiful wife Shonda pressing the musical notes love to see it Mark Ricardo how you doing man welcome back to the stream yep yep let’s see if that’ll happen nope that sound didn’t come through but that’s all right let me give this sound up Mark says Hey Dixon let’s go braids win this game and other one tonight you right about that you’re right about that uh Rob says Hey Dixon looks as we the Sounders are working again I got I got a bunch of sounds I got my old Sounders my new Sounders you know what I’m saying and man this and my beautiful wife there we go short alert short alert guys please hit that link right there J kill it with another home run J K is becoming a regular on our shorts let’s go please hit the link guys leave a like and leave a comment guys please and share it out too let’s go let’s go Jared Kell has been a great pickup especially at the lead off all right we got Pierce Johnson in there now hopefully it’s righty on righty um batter and pitcher it is here’s the winding pitch ball way outside Cur ball was not swinging at that win is 0 for two let’s make that over for three uh CEO say it’s probably gonna be a bull ping game tonight for both teams car is going to be tired tonight oh so here’s the w p swing get a Miss nasty curveball by Pierce Johnson one to1 is Count Terry said the host will pick uh Zachary re we’ll see we will see here’s one in the pitch herball almost hit him high and tight two and one to count come on Pierce settle down he walked in the fifth um wi walked in the fifth let’s not do it again all right here’s the wind the pitch Cur ball fouled off 85 mph straight down center cut couldn’t get a hold of it though good pits look at it blue sky now hardly cloudy excellent let’s go sun is shining on the helmets this guy batting 296 on the season wow excellent hitter excellent lead outfielder here’s wi the pitch ball popped up Centerfield Jered KY got it took two steps to his right that’s out number one let’s go good job good job Pi’s Johnson looking good all right we’re in the bottom half of the seven inning guys um Bray’s on top by four runs 62 bottom half of the seven inning Pierce Johnson in the uh pitch here’s the W in the pitch 96 M Power High fast ball did not swing at it that’s right Mike gag said don’t forget to smash the like button and share it with your friends that’s right that’s right let more people know about the dick way please one and0 his count burles up the bat here’s the one the pitch cerb on outside corner nasty pitch dropped it in the bucket 86 mile power on outside corner good pitch one to1 is Count Brothers over for two let’s make that over for three please here’s the one of the [ __ ] curry ball on inside trying to get him to swing over the top of it either chop it in the ground or swing right through way two one to count two balls one strike Alec bers batting uh 287 12 home runs 34 RBI with Ops 790 here’s winding pitch ball hit right there to O Alis he got it throws it over to Olsen he’s out that’s out number two let’s go great job let’s go Braves and bra’s gonna have a um Michael Harris’s second Bubblehead night and he’s not gonna be playing uh Michael Harris no word on him coming back but only thing they say he’s going to be out for extended amount of time uh Wilson contrarious of the bat here’s wind the pitch ball right at the knees great pitch no call 96 M power right on the line bull malarkey two outs One and0 account that was a great pitch here’s wind the pitch ball on outside another pitch that hit the line great pitch by pi Johnson open your eyes blue blue ain’t got his eyes open what’s going on Blue it’s a mystery come on Blue don’t cheat us like this not like this there’s the winding pitch curve ball on the inside corner great pitch he saw that cuz he’s lined up over the uh over that shoulder two one account you might get to see him I think I don’t think he’s coming back before the allar break to be honest I don’t think Money Mike comeing back before the allar break all right three in one to count we don’t need these two out Shenanigans now come on Pierce Johnson get it get her done please glad canes don’t bunt cuz everybody is uh back by the whoa ball right by the head all right and he walked all right what’s up Ryan how you doing welcome to the stream this sounded for you make sure you guys check out the uh bird cage I do you should too link is in my description uh he absolutely could he absolutely could man ph’s got the best record in baseball he’s the best player on that team normally they win MVP and since shoh is not pitching also just being a DH and not playing defense and Qui as ke Harper has turned themsel into a gold glove type Defender and remember he was in Outfield before four but now on first base he’s shining on defense he was shaky in the Outfield defensively but first Bas man he’s been he’s been really good all right here’s W the pitch ball on outside hit it again man this up is squeezing the mess out of us man come on now goly man what’s going on question marks in the chat man uh John what’s up John how you doing appreciate you coming through welcome to the stream this sounded for you and wind the pitch ball rocket it right there but good catch by short get him up out of here let’s go great defense all right that’s the end of seven inning guys I know about Otani but it’s still U Bryce Hopper also it’s still Bryce Harper so I definitely wouldn’t count out Bryce Harper from being um MVP but I mean showy is showy but the real wild Factor happens when he actually pitches also is he’s playing DH if he was playing Outfield okay if he was playing Outfield okay I I would say Okay show he’s dhing all he’s doing is B so for this season uh he has a chance to lose it well Mark to be honest uh Marcel was never gonna get more votes in shy atani shyan is always going to have the most votes in Major League Baseball with allar game just was not going to happen and Marcel Zuna don’t play position so again it kind of is what it is they’re not going to put two DHS on the uh on the squad it just not that’s all right Marcel I hope he uses that as fuel you know use that as fuel to power us through the the second half of the Season you feel me that’s what I want then use it as fuel all right guys we’re going to the top half of the eight braz are winning by four runs 62 love to see it absolute love to see it all right St Louis only got four um hits two runs Ray’s got eight hits and six runs so love the efficiency by the Braves absolutely love the efficiency by the bra all right here’s wind in the pitch ball outside no sir let’s go short let’s go too short oh yeah I apologize let me put this back up can’t stand those commercials that pitch was in the exact same spot and he called the strike right there there’s no Rhyme or Reason with this umpire right now no Rhyme or Reason he literally threw the exact same pitch and he called the strike but he called the ball the first time and then he didn’t call the strike it the pitch is literally in the exact same spot every time he CAU two balls and one strike for the exact same pitch wow two And1 to count this should be three and 0 right now here’s W the [ __ ] 92 M power that was the first pitch he threw over the plate it was barely over the plate two and two the count M Gaga say he had in the bag before we starting the season obviously he did they cover up that uh gambling Scandal here’s one the pitch fou that off 84 M slider straight center cut just missed it he hung that slider right there he got got to take that out of there oh ain’t no way I I heard that the s that the uh St Louis ARS be SW I’m not getting up in that no never that here’s one the pitch ball outside good eyes three and0 to count nope that little flimsy thing uhuh McDonald arches nope they got the camera on people up in there in the window as they looking at the baseball game n I’m good I’m Gucci here’s one the pitch High fast ball had to protect the plate all that’s fine Jacob I mean I’m sure a lot of people going to update me doing it don’t feel like you’re obligated to do that at all all right three and two to count here’s a wi the pitch ball on the outside walk it out let’s go walk it out in the chat please let’s go great out by short love to see it John what’s up John yeah y yeah it is true formerly the uh St Louis Hawks but I don’t count anything that was in St Louis just like I don’t count anything for the U bravs when they were in Milwaukee or Boston wasn’t my team wasn’t my team then so as far as I’m concerned the Atlanta Braves have no championships I one those count run on first base with no outs Jack Kon up the backat three for four with a home run and two that pitch miss uh an inch off the plate but he got the call High Strike Zone all right say your brother baseball game got cancelled because of the draft oh okay all right here’s one of the pitch ball way outside 92 mile power hour fast ball two and one to count get out by Jared Kell Jered kellet with a three for four day let’s make that four for five please with another home run let’s get another two two run shot by Jared Kel please here’s one the pitch Jer kellet swings hit it right to gold smith he steps on the bad that’s one out but he Advanced the runner good piece of hitting by Jared KET to advance that Runner over the second base now we got a runner in scoring position with one out Bray’s already leading six to two but we definitely want some insurance runs definitely want some insurance all right here’s the wine in the [ __ ] ball on the outside good ey by Aussie Al’s not swinging at the first pitch imagine good job Aussie way to stop your impulses one those count here’s the one [ __ ] a Alis fouls that off 84 mow slider hanging there couldn’t take it though one wi count walked in the fourth inning he’s over for three with a walk on let’s get your first head of the day Aussie come on aie you hit a home run how about that where aie do drop a bunt right here I know everybody um feet or in look at that I know everyone is back got feet in the uh or your heels in the Outfield grass I know they do he drop a bun he can moonwalk to first base with his speed he definitely could one and two is count one ball two strikes here’s a one in the pitch aie Al swinging at a ball in his knees it might bloop in there nope foul ball all right take it easy CEO take it easy appreciate you coming through brother have a great stream tonight oie Alby still one and two his account all right start the clock up let’s go went to his account a Al’s up he’s 0 for three let’s make that one for four please here’s the one in the [ __ ] ball the inside fast ball that missed the plate all right two and two the count good ey and just a reminder guys we will be doing the NBA draft I know it’s schedule for 8:00 we might come in around 7:30 here’s one the pitch ball in the dirt let’s go Full Count three and two to count way the battle way the battle now swinging at them balls at the shoe tops here’s the one the [ __ ] and Azie alz hit that right to the third baseman way to get back on base by Forest wall not didn’t getting double up I mean by short not getting doubled up all right two outs run on second base a with a 0 four day hate to see that here’s the one in the [ __ ] Big Bear energy in the chat Big Bear 0 for four for today very rare golden somero for Big Bear come on Big Bear you got this look for come on Big Bear come on Big Bear here’s one the [ __ ] ball outside one into his account good ey good ey by Big Bear I we got to run on second base two outs top half of the eighth inning one to his account with Marcel launa at the backat aka Big Bear energy here’s W the pitch ball fouled off still one and two is count one ball two strikes e all right come on ball good eye good eye all right here’s the one in the pitch ball way outside good out by Big Bear full count for SE fast ball way outside about a foot and a half outside let’s go come on Big Bear Nathaniel yeah big bear with no pants that’s right all right three and two the count Marcel Zuna staring in here’s wind the pitch got a hold of one no but it’s a popup all right Marcel launa gonna be 0 for five all that’s out number three that is out number three all right so we couldn’t take advantage of run on second base but that’s all right where’s my cursor all right guys so let’s go ahead and do a raid let’s go ahead and do a raid and guys the purpose of the raid is show um to spread positiv AC it throughout YouTube universe so I’m going to put a link in the chat you guys uh put the Dixon way raid in the chat and also hit the like button as the purpose of the raid to help other streams uh get their likes up and stuff like that share that positivity all right so I’mma go ahead and uh copy this link and we’re going over to Clan HBS and and get them a raid so guys when I put the link in the chat make sure you guys uh excuse me so when I put the link in the chat guys we’re g to do this right and make sure you hit the like button and make sure you uh put the Dixon weight raid in there right that’s why we show positivity around there so Clan H here we go oh I didn’t hit the I didn’t hit the button I apologize there we go there’s a link in the chat guys go rate it up put the dick away raid uh also hit the um vote vote on his um thing also all right so as for clan uh HBS let’s click that link and go ahead and raid over there guys show some positive support all right let’s go all right here’s one in the pits strike right down the middle all right GI Joe in the building let’s go let’s go GI Joe I see let’s go oh straight down the middle foul that off still o two the count let’s go all right we got Rob going over that raid thank you rob for joining the raid appreciate you I was like number 31 uh we play Kansas City like the third game of the season I think Jacob something like that yeah guys please hit that link go ahead and show some love appreciate that um Rob for going over with the raid I appreciate oh he hit him nope my beautiful wife went over there for the raid too did he hit him oh no he swung yeah hit his right on the top of the toe man yeah yeah right on the foot you said you’ll be rude for us so okay all here’s one the pitch that ball fouled off for Ariano all right U run on first base no outs uh GI Joe had him and then hit him in the foot that’s unfortunate that is unfortunate I need a double play right here here’s wind the pitch High slider got away one to1 is the count come on come on Braves come on Braves y’all got this bottom half of the eighth inning Joe jenez AKA GI Joe in the building here’s the wind the pits ball way outside did not swing at that two and one to count two and one is the count here’s wi in the pitch ball hit right there here come a double play that’s one and that’s two let’s go let’s go let’s go man yes great job man DP and um chair please let me get a DP chair please go sit down with that double play great job by a rer scooping it up throwing a short short throws it out or o Ali excuse me o Ali throws him out let’s go excellent excellent excellent excellent appreciate though hearts in the chat also here’s one the pitch hey Frozen GI Joe got the double play love to see it oh no problem k no problem no no problem at all appreciate you coming through here’s one the pitch ball popped up and that could be the end of the inning Azie Al coming in and he should collect this and field popup that’s out number three GI Joe does his business 12 pitches three outs let’s go man great job by the defense backing up his pitcher let’s go man let’s go let’s go let’s go all right so that’s the end of the eighth inning going to the top half of the ninth inning ra on top love to see it man that is excellent hey there that sound better late than all right all right Terry take it easy cuz we will see you um at the draft we’ll see you guys for the draft pregame probably start at 7:30 as we get to talk to everybody before the festivity start the Atlanta Hawks have the number one pick first time in the history of this franchise so I think we had with David Thomas but he refused to come here to Atlanta so we traded I think something like that yeah hopefully that dude don’t beat David Thomason Diana how you doing doing Dana uh Dana excuse me sorry Dana appreciate you coming through welcome to the stream that sound up for you appreciate welcome to Dick way stream oh well that sound thank all right so right now the Atlanta Braves top half of the ninth Hing up by four runs 6 to2 looking to add some more Insurance GI Joe I don’t know if he going to come out again I wouldn’t do it I would not do it do not spend one of your best uh relief pitches all right we got this guy John King coming in got a ra of 2.39 right now pretty good I have no idea and I cannot pronounce your name but I appreciate you coming through welcome to the stream that sound up for you not even going to attempt it at all Matt oen is old for three let’s make that one for four please it’s one the pitch ball fouled off 92 M Power hanging Sinker it glacia is up and Uncle Uncle Jesse up anyways any interesting here’s one the pitch ball inside that missed all right one to one is the count is’s one the pitch ball hit right there through the Ho Let’s Go medo one for four let’s go good job medo appreciate that good hit let’s go all right so we like that we definitely like that all right so all right we got the lead off hit on let’s go Stone C osale up 94 M Power um Sinker good pitch one to count here’s a wind the pitch alar reaching out for that 85 M Power 2 Ines off the plate fouled off point2 the count Orlando rcia that’s sitting there don’t look too dizzy to me but hey what I know here’s one the pitch 92 M Power struck him out on three pitches great pitch Frozen hopefully the young man’s okay oh no problem Clan appreciate you coming through have a great stream man have a great stream welcome to the stream and first pitch and Sean Murphy just popped that up I guess they ready to go you can also check out um clan for game number two but we’ll be doing the uh NBA draft so you got to check out ca or Clan both of them will be doing the game um for the brav in the evening game all right here’s one the [ __ ] swing at him Miss change up Lano 0 four let’s make that one for five please here the one of the [ __ ] ball way outside did not swing it that good eye one and one is a count king got nine pitches and two outs run on first base here’s one the pitch ball inside hit it right to Third Base that’s out all right that’s out number three all right we’re going to the bottom half of the ninth inning guys brav are leading by four runs six to2 what we going to do barbecue or mildew I need to see barbecue or me D’s in the chat guys what we going to do we going to barbecue or are we going to M do put in the chat please let’s go let yourself be heard let yourself be heard all right so the bravs looking in full control of this game guys uh and we desperately need this game because the Cardinals are you know right behind us in the Wild Card race so I know we’re still thinking you know win the division but we also got to worry about teams behind us in the Wild Card position you know so winning this series is definitely go a long way to keeping them at Bay now they have played more games than us but that’s because we had so many rain outs we got to be the number one team in Rain outs in all the base have to be couldn’t imagine anyone else being rained out more than us but yeah we definitely appreciate all you guys coming in hey and they bringing in igy in a another save situation hm I guess net sees the um important of this game considering that uh Bryce Elder is coming up to the bump in the second game we want to secure this with no heart heart palpitations going on you know what I’m saying no heart palpitations all right let’s go Iggy all right ratio glacius is up up the pitch profit up the bat bat 184 but he’s a left-hand hitter against a rightand um pitcher so that’s why he got him up here’s the one the [ __ ] 84 M Power fast ball on the outside corner perfect pitch high and outside directly on the strike zone good pitch or one to count here’s the one in the pitch ball outside 95 M trying to get him the swing at a fast ball on the outside did not one one is account Iggy look at Focus here’s the one the pitch swing get him Miss nasty change up Sergeant Gibby says two is Brian geriatric Gerald Snicker Cal down now is Clear Blue Skies love to see that here’s a wi in the [ __ ] the sun came out for the bra The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be son here’s the W the [ __ ] twinging a Miss ghosty DN one chair in the chat please y’all know what to do hey down that’s right go sit down we Mark our strikeouts with chairs guys so give them one chair in the chat Iggy let’s go Iggy get Iggy with it here’s the wi of the pitch ball outside check swing fouled off that’s strike number one for Carlson appreciate you Carlson the tip fouling that it definitely was outside all right one to count no balls one strike here’s the one of the pitch Cur yep change up my bad swing and Miss over the top of it o two the count let’s go Sergeant Gibby says do you like the closer in a non-safe situation no I do not here’s why the pitch ball inside no I do not because we may need him tomorrow night I mean tonight but we’ll see you guys let me know here’s why the [ __ ] oh fouled off somebody needs a cup somebody got to walk that off boy these catchers these catches sure don’t like Cuts it’s protective wear is protective gear just like that mask just like the chest plate if you’ll catch it you definitely need it just see get some custom made if you need to I we got a one out nobody on base one and two is a count one ball two strikes here’s the wind in the pitch ball fouled off still one and two is the count appreciate that chair Gibby and Shay okay here’s the one the [ __ ] ball inside 96 mile per hour Sinker riding in on him he was never swinging at that two and two the count here’s the one in the pitch ball weekly hit the uh first base but that’s a foul ball two and two the count Carson in there battling he’s 0 for one let’s make that 0 for two play pleas F on two pinch hits here’s wind the pitch ball weekly hit the first base toss it over the Iggy steps on the bag that’s out number two all right let’s go all right three more strikes to the end of the game and we win this game excellent job let’s go look at the beautiful Skies out there was raining at the beginning of the game excellent excellente here’s the wi in the pitch oo 96 M Power straight down the middle Sinker good job on one account let’s go in glacis let’s go Iggy win up the bat he 0 for three let’s make that over for four please here d w the [ __ ] ball fouled off 97 M hour Crank That Thing Up the 97 M Power good job let’s go Iggy quickly ahead of the camp or into the camp let’s get him up out of here with a nasty change up did I call it let’s see here’s one the pitch change up he reached for it barely made contact two the camp and glac is in full control of this inning here’s the one in the pitch change up [ __ ] down struck him out let’s go wi game one let’s go man we should take game two if the baseball Gods allow it oh man that gritty was bad that was a bad that that was a horrible gritty Sergeant Gibby says Braves win that’s right Dub’s in the chat man come on dubs in the chat please let’s go dubs in the chat bre wi the first of the double hitter 6 to2 love to see it and the sun came out shine right on the Braves let’s go now let’s win the second game of the double head says so we can take this up W that’s right the Dixon way says let’s go let’s go let’s go Sergeant Gibby says let’s win the series hopefully yep it’s all everything is riding on Gibby’s favorite picture tonight or later on in about an hour and a half yeah but I appreciate all you guys coming through thank you guys for bringing that positive energy to the chat and to the brav so we can win this game love to absolutely see it brav scored four in the first two in the six only gave up one in the uh second and one in the fifth and bases loaded with one out in both Innings and Ronaldo Lopez did his you know what I’m saying Houdini at and got up out of that situation with giving up one run per inning so two runs were given up Ronaldo Lopez continue a magnificent start of the season going 6 and2 with e of 1.70 wow dominated stuff he will be on the allstar team or he should wow what a great game by the Braves and uh again hopefully these guys will pull it out um this evening remember our double hitter will be the uh the draft so please come back if you want your draft coverage come on back to the Dixon way we got something for youav Thomas says hi there Larry sir go Braves win appreciate you David Thomas go go Braves that’s right go Braves that’s right welcome back to the stream all right so we’re going to end the stream and we will be back I know it says 8 o’ we’ll probably come back at 7:30 you guys have a blessed rest of your day go Braves let’s get this win for Bryce Elder that’s put all the positive um energy in the air so Bryce Elder can win this game we can win this series and head off to the white socks where Uncle Chris will be pitching against his old team who he got drafted by Chris all right guys as always peace up awn down hulks hulks draft um number one unless they trade it we will see d e

MLB is back for the 2024 season and get ready for non-stop baseball action Braves Country as the Atlanta Braves lead by Marcel Ozuna, Austin Riley, Matt Olson and Ozzie Albies face off against the St Louis Cardinals lead by Paul Goldschmidt and Nolan Arenado. Join us for our exclusive Atlanta Braves Live Watch Party where you’ll enjoy the game like never before with our unique southern Play by Play commentary.

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