We owe David Ross an apology.

  1. Did anyone actually think this was Ross’ fault and not an organizational failure?

  2. I don’t. I thought he was a decent manager and absolutely not the reason the Cubs didn’t make the playoffs last year.

    Hoyer owes him one for blaming him for it. Though I do wish fans who called for his head to at least admit they were wrong.

  3. I will say this team had a much better vibe and energy to it when he was the coach. Right now this team is emulating counsell. A dead corpse has more of a pulse than counsell does.

  4. The team has the same record it did last year at this point. At this time last year they had a +35 run differential. Right now they have a -25 run differential. That’s why Ross was fired, he didn’t capitalize on a good season on the margins. That’s really the only impact managers have

    If we had the bad bullpen Ross did last year, as in just bad, not historically dogshit like this year, they would probably be 3-5 games above .500 and everyone would be lauding Counsell for having them outperform their metrics

    This is not the NFL, it’s not like hiring Sean McVay and watching him change the team with a system

  5. I definitely thought Ross was overachieving last year, especially with the bullpen. But, I didn’t think we would regress, especially this far.

  6. This season is so weird. I’ll always want the Cubs to win. But I’ll always enjoy watching Counsell be miserable. In that sense every game this season is great!

  7. This may get downvoted, but baseball managers have far less influence on how successful their teams are, than head coaches of any other major sport. Pitchers pitch, batters hit. The manager makes little decisions here and there, but most of outcomes are of out their hands. NFL, NBA and NHL coaches have WAY more impact, because they bring complete offensive and defensive philosophies with them.

  8. Counsell was a mistake, and a dumb one at that.

    The team had extremely low expectations last year and Ross led the team to exceed those expectations. Gtfo with this “late season collapse” bullshit, none of us ever dreamed they would even be in the hunt.

    Ross had a connection both up and down- with the players and the front office. That worked in his favor. At least more than whatever this emotionless counsell can say. Mind you, while working with almost the same team Ross had.

    The cubs went for a new shiny thing that would ultimately do fuck all for the team while doing a guy who will live in cubs lore forever dirty as fuck. Honestly hilarious at this point.

  9. There were times last year where I did question some of Ross’ moves. However he wasn’t totally responsible for guys like Swanson tanking the final month. I can understand why they felt someone should be held accountable for blowing that WC lead

    All in all though, going into the season I was hopeful the Cubs could get to the 80 win mark or even 79 and Ross did still outperform that. Last year’s record is probably also going to be better than this year. Not over yet, but I just don’t see any reason to think this team will recover. The offense has been mediocre since the first month and the Bullpen is atrocious

  10. How about the FO offering us fans an apology for putting together a shiet ass roster

  11. Do we? Different bullpen, different team. Miss me with those ABs to Hosmer and Mancini

  12. Counsell excels with young rosters. Time to bring up the kids and trade all the vets that we can. Do it.

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