Button breaks down the Flames draft strategy

Button breaks down the Flames draft strategy

what are the next 48 hours or so like here for your group oh it’s very exciting we’re you know the whole group’s here for uh the first time since our January meetings and uh we’re just putting the final touches on our list but uh excited about all the picks we have and a top 10 pick and uh except for you guys putting me this high up on a balcony everything else is going really good the view is great from up top isn’t it um lizen we know uh there’ll be a lot of attention around the two first rounders but you mentioned it there’s a lot of picks in general I mean uh obviously number nine is going to get the bulk of the attention or at least it will at first but to 928 and then obviously just to have you know a number of picks throughout the course of this draft what does that do for you know your group and just uh the organization and the potential there well I mean obviously at 9 and 28 when you have first round picks that’s that’s really good for the fans and the media but for us it’s all the picks all the picks matter we want to make all the picks count uh so what it does is G it gives us options it gives us options to be able to try and move up if we see a guy falling that we really like it gives us options to move down which is probably not as likely based on us having so many but it just it’s options that’s what it is and it’s it’s putting more more prospects in the pipeline and taking some chances and risk uh where sometimes you don’t feel like you you should if you have less picks well I was going to say maybe just answered it there but just when when you have as many picks as you do does that help or does that change the way that you go about putting the list together in some ways or or how you go about it well I I don’t think our mindset is to is to be careful or anything like that but I think it happens sometimes right like just uh when you don’t have a lot of picks but so our mindset is always to do the same thing try and order them and rank them and put the best player in place there but still you you when you when you know you have say eight shots like we have right now in the first four rounds you can you’re a little bit like you have more chances if you only have two you’re thinking we got to hit on both of these guys rather than if we hit on 50% of eight and I’m not saying that’s a number obviously we won 100 but if you hit 50 that’s four players right so that’s how your mindset works so you’re trying to stay away from that same way you’re trying to stay away from any other biases we are doing some reading and obviously looking at the way that everybody from the outside views you know this draft I mean how about you know just sort of the discrepancies and how maybe you know it looks like there’s a number of different opinions about where things might fall I mean how do you guys look at just you know just the way that this draft could go by the time it gets to you at number nine and maybe 20 years well I I think uh we’re going to have a choice to make I think we’ve all along we’ve thought there were uh more players that we liked for the possil at nine than than we didn’t like so that makes us make nine a choice so again very excited about it um we’re that’s the bottom line that we sorted out in the last uh two months with all the extra work we’ve done uh we feel good about that now we know we’re going to get two guys in uh with our first two picks regardless unless we move uh out of a certain number of players so we’re excited about that part and um again it’s it’s just it’s just um the variance in the availability of players and the player types makes it harder one last one for you and that’s just about the discussion inside your room I mean I I know that those are important and part of the the process uh what’s been like kind of going through things and uh you know how how have those discussions gone amongst your group they’ve been good like everybody’s engaged again you when you know you have picks you’re more engaged when you’re doing your list from say 1 to 60 and your first pick is at 48 it’s it’s you’re not it’s hard to keep the guys engaged and uh we always try and do it by saying hey if we move up or if there’s a trade we got to be prepared but still guys we know like we can look at the past and know understand it so everybody’s everybody’s in everybody’s totally engaged and from my perspective I think from Management’s perspective watching guys be excited about players and guys they can contribute is really is really positive well we look forward to seeing how it all unfolds here in the next few hours uh we’ll let you get down to maybe closer to floor two or three does that make you feel better it does thanks very much [Music]

“I think we’re going to have a choice to make. I think we’ve all along we’ve thought that there are more players we like for the possibility at 9 than we didn’t like. So, that makes 9 a choice.”

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