the Ducks Rebrand is finally here and the Mighty Duck logo is front and center it’s finally a primary logo again I’m very very excited about it because not only is it just the Mighty Duck logo but he’s modernized a little bit and the entire Jersey is kind of modernized a little bit and I always like that I like when teams kind of go back to previous designs but just update it a little bit and that is exactly what the ducks have done and of course the Kings did as well with their jerseys Also earlier today which I covered already in a video as well as the Fanatics kind of taking over also covered that it’s been a big day for Jersey news so if you guys want to check out those videos I’ll leave those Linked In the cards up above there but before we do go ahead and take a look at these new Duck jerseys if you guys are new to the channel and you like hockey jersey content please make sure to subscribe I would really appreciate it all right let’s take a look so this is the new Ducks home Jersey here now we kind of have already covered this one because it did leak about over a week ago now I would say but the quality of those photos were not very good so now we do actually have high quality photos but honestly I still don’t love the photos that we got the Kings did a very good job with their photos because it was like an actual full jersey it showed the full uniform it was just straight on the lighting was fine there was no crazy lighting with these ducks ones here uh yeah it it’s still not really that great they didn’t really give us at least the photos that I like to get like these photos here are very stylish which is cool it’s nice to see but I actually want to see the jersey in like regular lighting and everything like that but anyways with this jersey here right away my first impressions is I love it I really do like this jersey a lot I think it’s fantastic I do really like the updated Mighty Duck logo on the front there I think that looks great the Ducks logo has kind of leaked a couple of times honestly with like their app leaking it and just like in the arena and everything like that and I was kind of nervous because sometimes the logo didn’t really look that great at least in my opinion on some of those places but here on the Jersey I think it looks fantastic honestly I really do like it a lot I like just the little touches of gold in this logo you know in the background of the triangle in the little kind of Shadows of the Mask in the eyebrow there as well I think that looks great the new sticks as well you know they’re updated a little bit they have a little bit more of a curvature to it instead of it just being like really straight across as you can see well not really straight across but they’re they’re very pointy on this logo on the previous logo they’re a little bit more smooth here I like that I think that looks great so I think the new additions look really nice now in terms of the striping of this jersey that is actually kind of interesting because it’s kind of a combination of their inaugural season like the kind of old school Mighty Duck jerseys as well as this one right here because at least the bottom of the Jersey it’s not the same kind of striping pattern but it is just the straight across Stripes there uh but on the arm that is kind of curved like it is on the original jerseys so it’s a little bit of a mix of the two and I think that works I think that looks actually fine and I do like the colors on this jersey as well I know some people are going to be upset that they’re not going back to the eggplant and Jade of you know the original Mighty Duck jerseys but I think that it’s fine I I’m honestly fine with them keeping the orange it works for Orange County so I think that’s great and I like the addition of the orange eye as well I didn’t even mention that the orange eye in the logo I think that is actually really cool and gives it a more menacing look but yeah I I’m fine with them sticking with this color scheme here because it does work for the Ducks I think it looks good with the Ducks now I should mention that the orange on this jersey apparently it is a darker orange than this one right here now I haven’t noticed it in these pictures the pictures that I have I I can’t really tell but at least from what I’ve been told it is supposed to be a darker orange so I’m interested to see this jersey in different lighting maybe in person just to actually be able to tell if it is a darker orange but yeah that’s just at least what I’ve heard we can go on to another picture here so this is gutus just sitting down uh I’ve kind of already talked about this uniform here as well um I’ve come around to those gloves honestly I think the gloves look okay I wasn’t really a huge fan of them initially but I I do kind of not mind them now I do like the socks we can’t really see in this picture or honestly any other picture but they do have orange pants and like I talked about in that leaked video there or the video where I covered the leak I should say it’s just a little bit too much orange for me with the orange pants and the orange helmet and the orange socks just all orange it’s just yeah it’s a lot it’s kind of like the San Jose Sharks where they went all teal I love teal as a color I love orange as a color they’re some of my favorite colors and they look great on and both jerseys look great but just there’s a little bit too much of just a singular color with those uniforms I really wish the Ducks had black pants here I think that would have helped it out a ton at least on this home uniform here I think that would have looked a lot better I think it just works a lot better on the away away which of course we’ll get to in a second but let’s move on to some more pictures so these are just close-up images of the duck mask itself which looks great of course course it does have that kind of 3D embroidery uh that kind of prime green Crest which we talked about in that Fanatics video that I did earlier but it’s good to see that they do still have those Prime green Crest the 3D embroider crests cuz I was very nervous that they would not have it but here you can see these crests still look great so very very happy about that uh and then we can go on to the shoulder patch so the shoulder patch of course is the duck foot but it’s been changed slightly honestly it’s just like a little bit more simplistic I would say like it’s kind of just dumbed down a little bit which looks strange I I I don’t know if I like it you know I know a lot of people really do not like the duck foot I know a lot of people really hate it for myself personally I actually don’t mind it but yeah it it looks weird here I would say and I don’t know if that’s in a good way or a bad way it just looks strange it looks a lot more rounded in the back half of the logo like basically the ankle I guess it would be of the duck foot and yeah I’m just not quite too sure how I feel about it honestly sometimes looking at it I don’t mind it other times I really hate it so yeah it it it’s going to be one that I’ll have to kind of think about a little bit more I’ll say uh for right now it’s interesting it’s a very interesting shoulder patch but moving on to the back of the Jersey here we have the customization and this customization is also extremely interesting like the LA Kings but just in a different way here so this customization actually has four layers if you take a look at it here you can see that it has the black it has the white it has the gold and it is also orange as well so it has four layers which is a lot of basically layers that is the most that I’ve ever seen I don’t know if I’ve seen anything more than three uh at least in the NHL I don’t think they’ve ever had more than three so the fact that there is basically maybe not four layers but there’s four different aspects of this customization kit so it is a lot that is for sure but I think it looks good like I think it is a nice customization kit I do like the font there as well I like the fact that it’s basically you know a little bit of a drop shadow think that looks great so it is a good customization kit but just the fact that there is basically four different parts to this customization kit it is a lot I think that’s going to be a lot once again for customizers I’m interested to see kind of how they end up doing that and how much they charge for it as well I’m assuming that it is going to be more if you actually try and go through an actual customizer like EPS or something like that uh but yeah anyways let’s go on to the away away jerseys here and the away away jerseys at least in my opinion are so nice man I absolutely love these things uh they are so awesome I absolutely love that orange shoulder yolk there I think that just looks phenomenal looks so sharp it looks so clean and I really do like that logo on this white jersey as well I think it really pops on this jersey and just the Orange in general really pops on the white jersey here so I love it personally I think it looks so fantastic now unfortunately we don’t really have a great look at the full kit for the away away jersey they didn’t really show it too much so I think I am going to pull up the leak photo on screen here just to show the full kit and I love this full kit I talked about it in that leaked video but yeah I think it looks fantastic I love the orange pants here the orange pants do actually work with this jersey and with this uniform because it is balanced out with the white jersey and the white socks there so I think it looks fantastic I absolutely love this uniform here I really really do like it a lot and one thing that makes me like this jersey even more is the orange numbers on the back that is awesome man I think that looks so so sharp especially with just the little bit of gold there as well like that really improves it so yeah the O away jersey for me is like honestly I think this o Jersey might be a 10 out of 10 I love this thing so so much I think it is perfect I don’t know if I would change anything about it honestly I love it I I I really really do uh with the home Jersey there I do still like it as well I do still think that looks really sharp like I said the uniform is a little bit lacking for me I would say just because it is just all one color but the orange Jersey is still really nice I do still really like the home Jersey so yeah in terms of the uniforms if I was ranking the home one I think I would give it an8 out of 10 with the away awayi uniform that is a 10 out of 10 for me with the home Jersey specifically just the jersey itself I think I would bumping up to either an 8.5 or a 9 I do still really like the Jersey a lot I still think it looks great uh but once again with the OA I think that’s a 10 out of 10 I love it I really really do like that OA Jersey a ton so both the Ducks and the Kings did a phenomenal job with their jerseys and so far I have liked four out of six new Fanatics jerseys the other two being the Utah ones which I’m not a massive fan of just because of the wordmark but these Ducks and Kings jerseys are amazing obviously both teams are really pulling a lot from Nostalgia though so that definitely helps you know a lot of people are very nostalgic and they just want to see the old thing and even though you know I do like when teams do something new and they go in a New Direction it’s not like I don’t like Nostalgia either I’m a very nostalgic person so yeah of course that definitely helps with these four new jerseys too for both teams but anyways I would love to know what you guys think about these jerseys in the comments down below do you like them as much as I do let me know but yeah that’s going to be it for me thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it if you guys like this video make sure leave a like subscribe to the channel follow me on all my social medias and I’ll see you guys next time bye

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  1. Say what you want;

    These are great. From the best ducks logo to going full orange, I love it. When the sharks went full teal I was skeptical, but seeing it on Ice made me like it so much better. There are awesome and you can’t change my mind

  2. Disappointing. I didn’t think it was possible to mess up the Mighty Ducks brand, but they found a way.

    Every change made to the Mighty logo is a downgrade.

    The thicker lines, orange eye, glitter gold accents and especially the new sticks are awful. The jersey itself is almost as bad as the logo. Probably a bottom-10 current jersey.

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