Why the Eagles will be DIFFERENT this season…

Why the Eagles will be DIFFERENT this season…

what’s up guys Thomas mod here alongside Josh Davis welcome to Wednesday night our Wednesday link live as we call it our Wednesday live show and we are going to get started here as I welcome in Josh I didn’t have him on the screen there he is Josh he’s here it’s not just me you get to have Josh St special show as well Josh what’s up man happy Wednesday what is up yes happy Wednesday uh it was a phenomenal as most people I’m sure already saw but it’s just it feels like we have to open with the fact that we interviewed BG and and you know I’m kind of like woke up this morning and I was like did that actually happen like that was a blast and obviously those that watched it could tell uh how much you know Joy excitement that we got out of BG which you know giving away the BG kelly green jerseys in a couple weeks and everything um but I mean come on how great was that getting to here from BG about the players about the team everything else especially because there’s not as much going on but I I am definitely on cloud nine today I’ll just say that I totally agree you know Everyone likes to kind of ask what are these celebrities for lack of a better term like whenever you get to meet him and Josh and I have been lucky enough to get to interview a couple of them four Eagle players now in the past week which is pretty crazy Z Rogers Moro xomo Zach mcferson and obviously now Brandon Graham and Graham’s the biggest star of them all he’s a cool guy I mean I mean we had about five minutes beforehand whenever we were you know getting ready to hit record we had about five minutes afterwards really really really nice guy really really fun and that’s what everyone says everyone would I mean the people who helped set this thing up for us we telling us like he’s the coolest guy ever like you’re going to love getting to talk to him and we of course did and I hope you guys enjoyed the interview if you haven’t watched that yet we’ll link it down below in our description boxes mine is about to be linked I’m trying to go ahead uh and type that one right there if you haven’t seen that yet if you also want to get entered into our not one but two sign Brandon Graham kelly green jersey giveaways happening on June 10th during our Wednesday live show this is the place to go as well you got to make a comment be subscribed do it on both of our channels gives you a better chance to go ahead uh and win as well but just go back to the link uh the BG interview on both sides Josh there you go and I don’t know but I saw a random Thomas M that that commented on my show that said BG I I you know I don’t meet a whole lot of other Thomas Ms so like wouldn’t it be hilarious if you actually win like that’s the thing if obviously if I do totally rigged obviously if I do I we’ll spin it again but gez yeah I would love I mean a sign Brandon Graham Jersey by the man himself Kelly Green is about as good as it gets I have ass signed Brian Westbrook Jersey that I don’t actually have in the studio I don’t have any wall space for it which I might give away one of these days but I don’t have a lot of sign stuff and the sign stuff’s pretty cool especially final year you know I mean literally the farewell tour I I think he had a lot of good stuff to say as well Josh I know he’s a very positive guy and I think there was one critique of our overall interview is that it was all positive and even whenever we asked kind of the harder questions about serani and Jaylen Herz it was still all you know feeling good about it but I do think his answer when it came down to what happened last year sha Desa defense struggling and everything in between they didn’t have a lot of time to Jael I think there’s a lot of it the fact that Desai wasn’t as good of a leader as a lot of people wish that he was but had he had a second season BG that was big quote on our show he said we think we’d be a lot better this year with the side than we were last year which makes sense the question now though is one year under Vic fangio you know just one little offseason is going to be enough time for them to go ahead and figure things out I think the answer is yes because of the leadership pedigree that fangio brings in and it seemed like BG was mentioning the same thing yeah absolutely yes because again to your point there it’s like you have the leadership you have the resume you have a guy that you know it’s respect is earned not given but it’s it’s kind of in way and a lot of people can relate to this I think but if you have a a boss or someone of notoriety it’s like okay they already come with a little bit of respect to begin with and that’s what fangio is he’s been coaching for 40 years yeah everybody knows what he is everybody knows what he brings to the table sure there’s some guys that hate his guts because you know he asked for a lot out of players and everything else but they’re in Miami those players are in Miami and you know whatever like it doesn’t really bother us the fact that especially you talk about like this defense in particular um and and shout out to Anthony deona who pointed out that we’ve only had defensive players so far for inter not intentional but it’s just how the the chips fall sometimes although we we’ll probably get an offensive player here there so we’re working on that but to the point of you know again defense and looking at that there I mean from everything that you’ve heard and again that’s all that we have to go off of but it’s all positive signs like everyone’s saying the right things they’re ready to buy into the system they’re excited about it you know that he’s going to push you but I think it goes hand inand with you hear Vic fangio but then also these positional coaches I mean like we heard from from BG about Clint herd he’s like man that guy he’s going to demand it from you like you know he’s going to get you your off days you’re going to get some rest but there’s going to be the days when you show up to work and it’s gonna be you better bring it and so you have that extra mentality especially you think about guys like Jordan Davis Jaylen Carter they’re gonna have to play a lot that’s huge and then you can spend that to the secondary as well with Christian Parker who I mean quite honestly that could be the most underrated signing I guess so far in terms of or contract hires or whatever in terms of positional coaches because look at all the young Talent OR the you know I don’t know how you want to phrase it but the unproven the drafts draft picks and things like that and then also some of the pickups it’s like this secondary has a ton of potential and Christian Parker has a great another another good case and point a great resume there so obviously exciting can understand if you say well it was very positive like you say and very optimistic but again it’s like well that’s that’s what we have to go off of so far until they get in pads until pre-season really even beyond that we’re not going to get an exact answer but I think this year you can feel there’s that that difference of the chip on your shoulder um and it’s a great thing it’s a great place to be for the defense no doubt it’s a great place to be and I think BG really echoed the fact that he thinks the secondary looks good I mean he he really lit up when you asked that question about okay you know the secondary got a lot of love during OTAs how does it actually look and he just went down the list big big smile for quinan Mitchell and Cooper de jeene that was a big takeaway from me is that these two seem to be pretty legit it seems like you’re gonna have a one-two punch similar to what we wanted out of jilen Carter and Nolan Smith probably have that this year we asked about Nolan Smith during the interview as well you did it naturally that’s your that’s your guy I mean you knew that I was going to ask that but I’m pretty excited just to see if the secondary lives up to the BG hype we didn’t get to ask a linebacker question we had it on our list of questions to ask him SLI it slipped my mind we you know I really wanted to get the jillen Hertz question in towards the end um I I still think linebacker is is is a big question mark and actually you know we are speaking of trying to get other people on we’re trying to get some more get a linebacker on him we had a little contact today but didn’t seem like it’s going to be official as a lot of linebackers on this football team are trying to make the football team and trying to prove people wrong and so some of the word back that I got today is that you know we’re trying to focus on you know being the best linebacker possible in the person I talked to we got other players that were a little more interested again all defensive players as well though we have not made contact with an offensive player yet it’s been all defense so far I talked to two more potential defensive players today and Josh you know who those two are obviously you can’t say them yet because we don’t know if what’s gonna happen but defensive players want to come on the show offensive players a little bit harder but linebacker I I will say just to insert real quick we technically have you know very briefly spoken to an offensive player but we’ll see understandably you know he’s like I want to make sure I have a little bit more I don’t know of proving myself don’t necessarily just jump on so that that’s understandable we’ll we’ll see but yeah maybe some other offensive players cool sport sorry go ahead go ahead goad to say real quick about just on the defense and offense sides I think it’s a very interesting point to bring it but honestly I’m starting to come around to the fact that like this defense and I know that you know we we’ve talked about him a lot and we can hype him up and BG is talking positive about him and everything else there but I’m I’m beginning to come around on the idea that the defense might end up being I’m not going to say better than the offense I’m not going to go there but I’m going to say better than what people expect and maybe even early on the defense actually could be the one that doesn’t carry the offense but like definitely carries its weight because you know again this is all we have to go off of with the guys not in pads everything else but from everything we’ve heard about talking to Z Rogers like getting extra info there he’s saying hey man like the eagles’s channel they only posted like two of the videos on the competitions but he’s like we swept them like we’ve won all the competitions for the defense and so I think the defense shows up and they’re like you know what we’re gonna prove something because because immediately as soon as you look at the team naturally you go Jaylen Herz AJ Brown Devonte Smith saquon Barkley Dallas Gard the great offensive line like that’s where everything goes and so I think it’s great thing iron sharpens iron you got the guys competing in practice look out for the defense it’s a great I mean who who better to go up against than one of the best offenses in the league and so I I don’t know I think it’s just positive signs so far definitely the way they’re making waves Cool Sports said how did you guys get BG to come on um we have our ways we have our ways we can’t reveal those there are other people that would love to do it as well but you know that’s why you got to sub to our channels our channels you know we’re we’re we’re working to get the big interviews for you guys so uh we’re not going to reveal those Secrets but uh he was great and it was easy it was not as hard as you would think that it was it’s it’s harder for other players BG very easy not a problem sometimes you got to go through an agent you got to go through you know a Handler and some sort but we just literally you know emailed back and forth with BG set it up and then he just hopped on our call and we were good to go so it was pretty simple very very simple they’re all just people I mean yeah he’s a Super Bowl champion 15 years in the league one of the greatest Eagles of all time but once don’t you get past that right I mean he just another guy 36y old dude just finished a workout wants to talk ball that’s all it was there you go yeah it’s a living legend you know Ju Just there you go just a living legend there but you’re right you know we just uh I’m not going to lie incredibly blessed I know we both feel that way um just honestly it was like Hey the goal is to put out as much great quality content as possible hopefully eventually get notice utilize connections thankfully that did take place and to your point it’s like we’re not really going to reveal the sources necessarily but very grateful to those that have helped connect the dots and get these interviews because they’ve been fantastic well it’s also June right I mean interviews cannot at a better time right now because there is so little going on and if you’re watching you know kind of the other media mediums that are out there right now they’re debating Jaylen Herz the whole ronja orski comment on WIP was very bizarre what was it Monday I I think Josh as Josh went on wiip he was asked about herz’s you know not you know loving Nick serani and he said I’m disappointed in Jaylen Herz and you just sit back and you go oh my gosh how much longer does this offseason have to go on because it’s one thing if some radio host is like I think Jaylen Herz was you know undermining Nick serani and you know was tune in for the next four hours while I explain that which is ridiculous like no one cares what when it’s Ron jorski I mean one of the Great Eagle quarterbacks saying that then you kind of go oh boy here we go it’s got to have a little bit a little bit of weight and he almost wished that he could just text Jaylen and kind of just be like hey you know what did you mean but I think BG answered that for for for everybody on our show towards the end yesterday when he was saying listen guys Jaylen leads differently than everybody else and we’ve heard this his entire career that doesn’t mean he’s not leading doesn’t mean he doesn’t work behind the scenes doesn’t mean he doesn’t smile with the guys he does all of those things but we have a ton of very vocal leaders on this football team myself BG was saying included we don’t necessarily need him to be to to to be as outspoken as as people think and he does want to keep his private life very very private and once you understand that BG explained to us yesterday you understand Jaylen Herz and understand that when he does win a Super Bowl he’ll be smiling and we guarantee that that’s going to go ahead and happen at least when do want a Super Bowl with him he will be smiling so it’s just it’s I mean it’s June it’s how it works but I I thought I was disappointed it’s like you know jaws of all people being a quarterback in Philadelphia should understand and he kind of just answered it like any other radio host has been answering it at wiip or The Fanatic or anywhere else he did take it that route you’re right and and you know again I I know everybody’s got their opinions and sure I I said it as well whenever I was talking about you know what hey Everyone’s entitled to it if you disagree or you think that it was inappropriate or awkward response or whatever from Jaylen that’s fine like you could think that but ultimately like you said I mean getting to hear straight from BG like Jaylen has you I think the best way to phrase Jaylen has quiet strength you know and and maybe yes your your prototypical or vast majority of quarterbacks sure maybe they get up there and they give you a a more vocal answer or something else but at the same time I mean like you just alluded to like if I’ve constantly gone up there and said something and then my words are twisted or the media is like well well actually this is what’s going on and it’s like am I do I really want to give you anything and sure you could make the argument well then because he didn’t say a whole lot then the media spins it that way so it’s a lose lose situation for him but again it’s like we see a poll what it feels like every single day it might be every single day now but like what about Jaylen Herz are you tired of talking about Jaylen Herz is this an issue with Jaylen Herz it’s like every day it’s because it continues to just pop up there so I know that I’ve brought it up um and and I get a few comments as well I understand it it’s I’m talking about it so sure it makes it continue to go on but to your point also I was like I didn’t really want to include it in the last show but at the same time it was Ron jorski it’s not just a you know any media pundit or something out there so I’m like I I’m gonna include it because you know there you go it’s a former Eagles Legend let’s go ahead and say that but I am right there with the vast majority of people it’s like it’s not a big issue it’s not a huge deal it’s June so we got to have something to talk about um but it I’m I’m so ready to to move on I’m so ready to to get past that um you know at least we’re what we’re about a month a little bit less than a month from training we’re getting there we’re getting ju July 23rd they report I mean the first couple of days it’ll be walkthroughs it’ll be very basic you know you’re kind of getting back into conditioning shape and then week two they’re going to start throwing pads on they’re going to start doing legit 11on 11 work and you’re going to Blink and it’s going to be August 9th whenever that first preseason game is against the Baltimore Ravens it’s going to happen very very quickly and obviously we’ll cover all of that here um on the channel I see a lot of comments right now goin’s family says he was smiling after the NFC Championship Game yes and I saw someone quote tweet my video on Twitter saying he was smiling when they won The Natty with Alabama despite being benched for Tu AA bya you know you win these things he does open up and that’s exactly uh how things you know work with everything else K kgk says that’s why Marshon Lynch did what he did with the media exactly Marshon is a very extreme version of Jaylen Herz Jaylen still gives the media plenty of time and still sits down for every interview he doesn’t you know Skip him so he doesn’t get fine and stuff like that but yeah I would say very very similar in terms of how they how they decided to go about it there is the argument that you know Jaylen can’t give them any sort of you know fodder for the Cannons and that’s fine but I don’t think he does it intentionally I think he just very clearly wants to get out of this press conference as fast as possible I’m just going to say what I need to say I’m just going to be as vague as possible I don’t want to give anything away and you know be done because it’s just a 10-minute press conference like you can BS your way through 10 minutes of talking about anything let alone how’s the football team look today Jaylen it looks good move on you know so I get it it makes sense but he’s a Philadelphia Eagle quarterback Philadelphia Eagle quarterbacks and coaches and Superstars get a lot of pressure and they’re under a lot of pressure this year and it’s something that BG mentioned last year they were under a tremendous amount of pressure between 70 sacks between dominating the entire NFL excuse me between you know outplaying Patrick Mahomes in a Super Bowl until the fourth quarter it was like they’re going to go back and when it all started to kind of unravel they just couldn’t get the wheels to stop rolling downhill in a bad way and you got to hope that that doesn’t happen this year I think that we’re in a place where again you know it’ll will be proven to US based on what happens we got to see it right because we’ve talked about hype and all this other stuff and it felt like it was that way last year but it just it does feel different like we talked about a second ago with Vic fio same day same deal with Kellen Moore you have the right guys in place and yes I know I understand it’s oh Jaylen herdz leadership all this other stuff but it was refreshing let’s just say to get the ESPN Jeremy Fowler report say oh jayen Herz is being a vocal leader oh he is taking ownership in the in the offense he’s making an impact with the players and guess what the real Jaylen Herz no matter if you want to say oh he’s not a great leader oh he’s not rallying the guys around him Jaylen Herz is in Florida working out with Johnny Wilson Paris Campbell the the receiving core getting ready for this for the season so that is the real Jaylen Herz despite what you may want to you know try to believe or what other people may have you believe about oh Jaylen Herz is not really you know buying into the whole system or he’s he’s a I don’t know just trying to stir things up because he’s not really saying a whole lot about the offense it’s like come on we I think the vast majority understand he is competitive he’s going to put his best foot forward he’s going to give his all and he’s doing that with the players and ultimately that’s what it comes down to all of the players are speaking very highly of Jaylen herdz saquon Barkley was not even hiding it when he was in New York let alone when he came to Philly but whenever he was even with New York he’s he’s talking praise he’s giving more praise to Jaylen Herz than he was his own quarterback which yeah you know I can’t fault him for that necessarily but like you’re on the Giants and you’re saying great things about Jaylen herdz and you can say that about Danny dime so it’s like all right it’s a little bit different there but um I don’t know again we go back to they got to talk about something so it it just naturally falls into Superstar the team and that’s where you’re at but anyway we’ll we’ll move on from that I gota give a shout out to appreciate Everett saying fresh fade nice Cut I appreciate noticing haircut so and then Matthew Anthony said I need my Kenneth gamewell glov sign Josh you still got me I am potentially working on that I don’t I like I mentioned I don’t have a direct line to Kenny G but if if we can make it happen we will so it’s not dead in the water but I’m just just we’ll see there’s no promises I got dm’d by Matthew so anyway we’ll see what can happen I like James Lambert saying I think CJ Gunner Johnson changes our defense in the back end I’m so ready for our defense to look a lot different than last season just being in a forcer I mean G whiz if you if you go back to any time during the uh collapse last year during that seven game stretch main the 49er game there there was just just no one on that defense that that that seemingly wanted to get in anybody’s face or you know maybe get a penalty even when you don’t want to but to just be the guy to make sure to say hey like we’re not about to just roll over we’re not going to let you guys roll us we’re going to continue to lay down the wood and make big hits and be an incredibly tough defense and that was a big knock on the eagle team basically offensively and defensively all in 2023 and everyone kept pointing back to Garner Johnson BG told us yesterday that he probably shouldn’t have left I mean it seemed like he was going to come back at least on an extension then he goes to Detroit on a one-year deal I think your one knock right now on Gardner Johnson is Health he has not been able to stay healthy basically his entire career thankfully they’ve been some relatively minor sort of situations last rated kid with us in 2022 but he needs to be able to stay healthy because behind him it gets a little thin unless you think Sydney Brown is going to be 100% ready to go I think he will be week one he’s training camp yeah you James there you go that’s the enforcer I want there you go enforcer there’s the yeah you’re right it’s it is a scary situation you know we’ve talked about it I think a couple different times but it it’s it’s on both sides because if if CJ goes down and it it’s kind of like the not a pick your poison stance but kind of in a similar approach because you’re saying like all right we want someone who’s an enforcer we want someone who’s physical who brings you know the physicality to the game brings that passion that energy but what comes with it naturally is sometimes getting injured and and CJ gner Johnson is head missed a few games like you said in Philly several games with the torn Peck in in Detroit but Reed blanket ship’s similar I mean he’s missed several games and so he’s going to he’s been banged up I’m not ready to say you know automatically well he’s got durability issues now if we go another season then you might make a case for it but but still there’s some similar play styles on that you got both of those that it is it’s got to be a question I mean surely you look at that and go all right I mean we want that from our safeties we want the physicality but it is going to be a chance that you have someone injured and then if that does happen to your point like okay Sydney brown maybe but he’s also the same way he’s Reckless abandoned like you could very easily you know move down to your fourth and fifth string safeties we don’t hope that you know fingers crossed knock on wood prayers that everyone stays healthy but the way they play I I don’t know like you look at Andre Sam does he make the roster as a fourth spot but we keep talking about like how many guys are going to make the roster because there’s too many great cornerbacks that you have you know you got to make room for all these guys here and I don’t know there’s there’s absolutely no way I think both of us f as same there’s absolutely no way that James Bradberry is the answer there but I don’t know about Andre Sam sure he’s been working out with CJ Garden Johnson but I don’t think that I’m like oh sure yeah you know I’m I’m confident no offense to to Andre Sam but that doesn’t immediately go hey yeah he’s your answer if you know you have to rely on a fourth or fifth string safety they have um they they did give give Andre Sam a three-year contract so they do see something in him and and CG has been promoting a bunch on his social media channels so maybe they see something that Eagle fans haven’t been able to at this point which obviously is going to be able to be shown during training camp that name starts to pop up a little bit more we all get a little more excited but again there are definitely holes at certain places on the eagle roster whether it’s linebacker whether it’s backup safety whether it’s you know backup Right Guard you can find areas where things can get a little bit messy but overall it definitely feels like Philadelphia is going to be in good hands on the defensive side of the football and I’m pumped right now I do see someone saying Isaiah Rogers you in the chat I was curious we’re going to get a little pop in cuz so far uh 100% of the last live shows Josh have been on Isaiah Rogers has jumped on but I don’t think he’s in the chat is is his name Isaiah Rogers because I think you saw him in the chat first before you he jumped on your live show last Friday right I did yes yep Shak man’s got it’s it’s Isaiah Rogers TV so he’s got a YouTube channel and whenever he hopped on I was like I was like wait a second I was like I think that’s him I was like hang on is that is that you and then he super chatted and he’s like hey we should do a fan panel and I was like you got to be kidding me so then I T him and he was like he like yeah it’s me bro and I’m like you got to be kidding me and so then he jumped on but uh yeah so far no chat um he’d been doing some I think he was doing some sort of like running workout not a competition necessarily was something in Tampa so um he might be busy but yes that was that was crazy I’m not gonna lie that was insane the Friday night I hang out and he just I was like what in the world’s going on and he just H hung out for an hour and a half and he’s like hey here’s the white helmet let’s just give that away I’m like are you know definitely like kind of holding it trying to hold it together but I was also freaking out a little bit so I like the subtle Flex there I texted him right just a little subtle uh you know I just texted Isaiah Rogers just to see if he gets I just shot him a little text message you know it happens it happens okay yeah I I mean it just it shocked me because I was like cool bro like yeah you want it absolutely like you know I’m not going to turn down anything at all you know but it was it’s the most fun hang out and chat for a live stream ever was like are you kidding me like we’re just going to hang out here but there you go there you go it was fun I uh I I was hanging out with friends and I always check in on on your live stream to see what’s going on I I I he wasn’t on I was like you know Friday night Hangouts what Josh does and then I checked in on about an hour later and he was there and I was like wait a second how long has he been here and it was you know an hour I was geez it was very cool very very Co insane he’s gonna be interesting go ahead go ahead no I was gonna say Sandy said the same thing because you know she does similar like I I’ll do it she’s watching the kids and everything and then she like texted me in the middle of it and she’s like what what’s going on right now and I was she was like did you plan to have him I was like no he just hopped on the chat I was like he’s certainly more than welcome but yeah it was a a totally unplanned and I kept trying to give him outs too because totally appreciate his time but I was like if you need to go like yeah s his back porch in Florida it’s like 95 degrees right yeah and he’s dealing with these bugs and everything else so I was like all right man like as long as you want to hang out it’s cool but that was a blast yeah well we’ll see if he comes up for the the next hangout would be Friday night so you never know if it’s going to happen um someone said his jersey there you go someone said still a little a little bit salty to get Jessie Bates last year Bates was really good for the Atlanta Falcons I think he would have been a good a very good piece I I I’ve been thinking about Justin Simmons a little bit the past couple of days just from a depth standpoint and they asked him on 975 The Fanatic at least they asked excuse me um I’m blanking right now shefer on the fanatic today about it and shefter shefter hits on the fanatic are so funny because they’re trying to get like Scoops out of him and shefter is very clearly just you know collecting his weekly paycheck from The Fanatic right and so he’s like well you know I I think it would make sense I haven’t heard anything and it’s like oh well that that doesn’t mean anything Adam I want like a sources say but it does make sense to go out and maybe bolster the safety position with a Justin Simmons it’s just so strange it’s taking this long unless the guy truly just wants to skip training camp or he is just banking on somebody getting hurt and then getting a bigger bag but even then the bag’s not going to be that much bigger because let’s say somebody has a safety injury you know week three of training camp well that doesn’t mean someone else has had a safety injury meaning that you’re just bidding against one team it’s not like you’re going have a bidding war to drive your price up if you have double safety injuries like he probably would hope not necessarily but you know technically hope could go ahead and happen so it’ll be very interesting to see how that’s going to happen I see Justin dropping a super chat here 10 saying I’ve heard people say bring in Justin Simmons or Eddie Jackson what about bringing back Justin Evans as safety dep that way he they have no pressure to start him that’s another another argument there and I think that that is definitely another case to be made as why maybe you don’t want a Justin Simmons if you really want to see what Reed blanket ship has because that’s where you know the real challenge starts at least for blanket ship in terms of trying to go ahead and figure something out like that but at the same time you know I don’t know it’s gonna be very very interesting I Simmons is gonna get signed he’s not sitting out the entire year right it’s not like sha Leonard who’s just kind of maybe hoping he will be signed but it’ll be interesting yes yes because you’re not going to go all pro to then well I guess there’s just not a market at all for this player to go um appreciate the 10 by the way Justin that’s a lot of Justin’s in that Justin with a super chat Justin Simmons Justin Evans uh it’s a great point though actually that uh Justin uh the Michigan fan says here um Justin Evans like that’s a that’s a fair because he played he played decent I mean he played well up until for all things considered right like with the defense we had with the players we had he played fairly well uh and then just got injured which that’s always been the similar knock throughout the vast majority of his career so you know I mean he’s a backup guy so you don’t necessarily go well he’s got some durability issues so we don’t want to bring him in but if you had to ask him to play a game or two and you know give you a spell here or there that might be a possibility I wouldn’t be opposed to it he’s familiar with the fangio scheme um you could probably get him for very cheap obviously that’s if he even is interested and wanting to come back and everything there but yeah that’s not a not a terrible um proposal there I I would say Justin Simmons I just I’m wondering and questioning if like Justin Simmons is at the point because I you know he obviously is gonna want to go and start understandably and he should wherever he goes but I just don’t know if like is Howe looking at this thing saying you know like Justin Simmons would be good but I think we’re good enough we just need death like I don’t want to go and break the bank even though you could get him for enough and you could be fine but but he might be looking at and saying I think we’re okay like we can get a solid serviceable backup but we don’t need spend bigger money even if it’s a on a one-year deal to get a Justin Simmons I I don’t necessarily agree with that because if you bolster it with Justin Simmons I’m looking at it saying I mean that dude is proven no offense to Reed but what like does it hurt you to say hey Reed you’re going to back up Justin Simmons like yeah that would be better yeah but I don’t know it’ll be interesting to see because it has played out so long and he still haven’t seen him get signed I just think they really think that Reed blinket chip can be something and again yeah was was Reed great last year the answer is no he was not great last year he was a serviceable safety he probably ranked between 15 and 25 in terms of like the best safeties out there maybe even you know in terms of you know two safey strong and free strong safety 15 to 25 I don’t say he’s better than you know a lot of other free safeties but I do think that there is some weight to the fact that he is an undrafted free agent who no one knew existed until that Packer game in 2022 when he picks off Aaron Rogers and it was like oh he has to fill in for Garner Johnson and wait he actually plays very well then he has I mean Skyhigh expectations where it’s like hey undrafted free agent you are the guy in 2023 doesn’t play terribly he wasn’t you know the the reason the eagle defense was horrific last year but he wasn’t you know fantastic but now you get year three I think the coaching staff there’s a really good argument that they are sitting back and going guys year three is when he is going to really figure things out because last year was a down year for everybody with Gardner Johnson next to him now he can start to really work and uh hopefully be a lot better of a safety than he was especially later on down the year but he wasn’t bad by any means so it’s it’s definitely an argument for it in terms of if they don’t want to bring Simmons in because then it kills the confidence or it takes a starting spot away because he probably is better than Reed blanket ship but he’s also way older and if you want to invest in a cheaper guy like Reed you did give the contract extension to it’s like you know you might want to go ahead and just kind of leave that alone unless you absolutely have to do it it’s fair too and and honestly I mean as you say that I can’t remember what week it was cuz it felt like everything fell off the cliff about the same time but there was a decent amount of the Season where Reed blankinship was one of the top Pro Bowl votator like it was looking like hey Reed’s gonna make a pro bowl and then you know didn’t happen but yeah he did make some plays uh you could argue at the same time I understand it’s like oh he was exploited in other areas but again like it it is a hard case to make because if if you take a look at it holistically versus is you know like game by game and what the situation was and the injuries and the either the lack of pass rush or the fact that the scheme was just terrible I don’t know they could be looking at it and saying you know what hey we we’ve got enough here that we’re going to bet on that we’re g to see what he can do because to his credit I mean I I know that yes you made some bad decisions right like the whole the team as a whole the or the coaches as a whole you made some bad decisions but yeah it speaks volumes whether it’s right or wrong we can argue hindsight 2020 and all this but it speaks volumes to say hey here’s a udfa secondy year udfa we’re going to sit in the preseason he’s not even gonna play a snap like they knew before we even got to the start of last year he was their guy and so you know they may say well he had the groin injury he had to get surgery after the year that that hindered him some we don’t know exactly at least I can’t recall if they did say it but I don’t remember exactly the the the game that that happened but he played with it for a little while so that was kind of hindering him on some snaps and some usage uh and then you know you look at it and say well he’s in a better scheme should be able to maximize his ability and he seems to make plays quite a bit like say what you will about Reed but it it feels like a lot of practices um again it’s more important in games but still it feels like in a lot of practices like oh read blanket ship tip to pass or read blanket ship intercept to jayen Herz like read blanket chip is in the place to make plays so I don’t know it’d be interesting but I do think that they have read higher than most people I’ve seen a couple comments here of of support for Reed but I I would imagine just from reading the tea leaves and little inklings that we get they’re high on re blanket ship well and you have to realize like your entire NFL roster it’s not just made up of superstars who are on foure contracts for $100 million in order to win a Super Bowl you’ve got to have some people who Blossom a little bit right I mean think back to excuse me I’m a little under the water I keep coughing I try to mute myself think back to oh I’m G to butcher the name I’m Gonna Get You Know ripped for this but the guy who intercepts Case Keenum to go to the Super Bowl in the Viking game is it it’s Patrick John Patrick who who was that bling he has the pi six was it Robinson Robinson it was Patrick Robinson Patrick Robinson is not making a ton of money on that roster but he fills in and does an incredible job down the stretch it was a bummer that we lost him I have no idea even where he is right now but there’s an example of somebody who is not the best player on this football team is not the best player on a lot of football teams but at the same time he can make plays and the team believed in him and the coaching staff believed in him and I feel the same way about Reed BL ship so either way I don’t want to get too you know longwinded on Reed blanket ship but that is what it is I saw a question earlier asking about Joseph and uh will he make the roster I think he will make the roster um it’s going to be very very very very hard for him to be on the active roster and I say make the roster I’m I’m including practice squad right 53 man roster is different you know get our our wording right here but he’s gonna have a great chance and this is the first time we’ve said this before this is the first time in a long time the Eagles have had a legit backup quarterback to give you legit reps like serious reps during the preseason to figure out if your wide receivers are good or not right everyone behind AJ Brown and Devonte Smith are going to get a ton of playing time I think you’ll see Paris Campbell play a little bit early maybe second game you know a quarter something like that you’re going to see Andi Smith play three and a half quarters you’re gonna see Johnny Wilson play three and a half quarters and God is going to play three quarters like they’re going to get a bunch of reps and instead of Tanner mcke throwing you the football who again was okay during preseason last year but he’s still trying to figure things out you’re going to have the majority of that at least the first couple of quarters be Kenny picket a first round draft pick who is leagues better than most backup quarterbacks and so excuse me if andata wants to make this roster he has the perfect chance to go ahead and do that during preseason and I I think he’s got a shot he’s been in in in in the system a little bit longer even though it’s new with Kell Moore I’m obsessed with Johnny Wilson just because he’s the tallest wide receiver like in the NFL at 6’7 and I want him to be so good cuz we’ve been just hoping and praying for the next Megatron even though it’s like a massive shoes but you you know big physical Target in the Red Zone but I I do think it’s going to be Campbell probably Smith and then andata will be the odd man out because I do think cubby probably ends up making the roster just because he’s a little too valuable as a special teams guy yeah it it’ll be I would be shocked even though you know you can make the argument like we got a bunch of guys who could do that you get Cooper de jeene you got a Isaiah Rogers and a Smith there’s plenty of guys that will make the roster that you could just say well why don’t you have have them returning kicks or at least certainly returning punts uh but it it it does feel like that I mean the way that cvy has performed serani is very high on him I know that he’s taken a step back in a lot of areas but I I don’t know that he’s gonna say yeah well you know not a big deal it feels like that’s a guy that he’s gonna speak up for and say yeah we’re gonna keep him he’s gonna make the team so I don’t know it it will be interesting there um shout out to to Nate uh Nate Bound by the way this is the shirt that he sent me so see sent you that shirt brown he sent yeah he sent me the shirt yeah so people ask him curious yeah he he designed it and everything so qb1 no way that’s one of his shirts that thing sick yeah yeah I want a shirt Nate email me I want a shirt I’ll buy that shirt that’s a good looking shirt I like it I was gonna ask that I have not seen that shirt yet it fits no this is it does it’s an original so yeah can’t uh can’t go get that at Fanatics hook me up wait does he have a store where where you can buy these or is it like a original design I should probably know I know there was a link that I saw some of those on um Nate can probably comment back and answer better I should probably know that that that’s I want to promot this like free that so heck yeah this thing sick Nate you uh email me go in my description box and email me um and I’ll and I’ll buy one from you I think it’s sick I love that shirt I got say it looks like it fits really well either that or Josh’s CrossFit classes are also working very well and he’s getting more SCH so it’s one of the two sort of things that are happening right now but uh it’s a goodl looking shirt it looks good there he is app I think you’re going to email my agent go he says yeah you got it Thomas I’ll just type it just just email my show thing um or hey I can I can I’ve got his email I’ll I’ll just email you I’ll connect y’all well I just put it it in the chat either way now everybody everybody knows everybody knows no just just Nate it’s just the show chat it’s fine um let’s see what was another one that I saw here I saw one a little bit earlier where was it sorry these things scroll through um a lot oh where where where was this one hang on I really liked it um no I can’t find it I cannot find it Monster the boss says hook me up Nate charge Thomas for it too there you go I’ll just buy everybody one might as well put it on his tab yeah put it on my tab just throw it up there um there you go I saw one earlier that that had mentioned like about how we are we we say we’re not members of the media and yet technically we are members of the media but but he enjoyed our interview nonetheless there it is Aaron he said even though you guys are technically media Philly media could learn a lot from you guys we’ve gotten this a lot in terms of like we we we try and push back against the Philly media when they’re being ridiculous we don’t just do it for fun like it’s when they do ridiculous things we call them out because no one else will and then people will say well you might be right but you guys are technically a part of the media as well you have very large channels and probably get more views than most of the you know typical media that’s in Philadelphia which is probably true don’t you feel a little different though than just being a media person like I feel like we’re we’re like the middle child of the media and fans and it gives us an ability to have a platform and call people out but also try and be a little different than the mainstream media of the past 30 years that’s fair it’s an interesting way to it of the middle child but yeah the middle child of Philly Eagles Media or kind of the in between there yeah I don’t know like I guess the first initial thing and you know like I think that pretty much like we both say it but it’s it’s we’re Eagles content creators and you could say well yeah but you’re technically media in a way of sorts or whatever but it’s like we’re not at the press conferences I me we’re we’re getting the info from the media themselves and then we’re commenting on it and trying to deliver as much news from basically everywhere but I I mean yeah like I don’t I I view it still more so of like yes there’s a a flavor of like content and media that we’re presenting but it’s not media members that were covering the team because like if we go to a game we’re tailgating with a fan like we’re fans like we’re tailgating we’re watching the game we’re cheering everybody on we’re not because we’ve done it we’ve been on the other side at where we are media yeah and you know you you don’t you don’t and you can’t really sit in the Press Box and go like let’s go Jaylen come on like you know you gotta just you got to be a media member you gotta be even though there’s maybe a little bit bias you gotta be try to be objective with it so I I would say I mean I don’t know people can call it whatever they want a little btics but it’s Eagles content creator that that’s what I go with first off so there you go be cell says you guys have common sense and sources the VIP pulled stories out of their rear think AJ Brown needs to pay them another visit I think AJ Brown should pay us another visit instead of the uh you know other media forms that are out there because as we are trying to show at the BG interview it’s going to be a a a very very good um you know interview for you to be able to say what you want to say versus say something and then people take it out of context so is what it is there you go and and as we’re talking about AJ it’s a great point but Nate says I want to do an AJ one too so you shirt like this I would totally be down as well Mar George says if you all got invited to press conferences would you go we would it’s a little hard Josh lives in Dallas and I live in Atlanta so we couldn’t go to every single one of the press conferences I I I I do want to try to get to training camp this year it’s very difficult and just a little peer back into what it’s like to be in the media because we’re talking about it the Eagles just don’t they they they don’t just give out press conference badge passes right or or practice uh credentials is the word they they are not coming to Josh and I and offering us credentials they have a set number of credentials they all go to Legacy Media people whether it’s wiip whether it’s the Inquirer The Fanatic they have their guys and that’s it because if they keep adding people then Josh and I get added and then you know this Fringe newspaper is like well you added YouTubers you add these other people it’s very difficult to do so so we are not going to be at any press conferences in any sort of capacity unless we get invited maybe Josh’s BFF Isaiah Rogers could do that you never know you just text them it’s very simple but you never know you never know so just to answer the question there ahead they get friends and family to training camp so family and friends are in go for a day like you know it’ be fun to go for a day it’d be very fun for sure it would absolutely because no offense I’m gonna they’re going to catch a stray here but like the eagles media team I need we need more content like just a little bit because in the past you could just get on and watch training camp we can’t do that any it’s literally like they did use eagles.com and the other guy oh what was his name all I watched when I was in high school was like eagles training camp live that’s all I used to watch you would see all the Highlight or the vast majority of the highlights basically watch practice you be like wow look who looks good now because we can’t I’m literally like I can’t remember who it was but someone was actually streaming when they let you know a few fans it’s like select season ticket members and stuff they and someone was streaming for a little while and we got like a clip of it was AJ make it a catch or Devonte make it a catch and it wasn’t too long before all of a sudden it was like you know oh it’s shut off like can’t be filming anymore because you know again the media can’t do that so as soon as they see someone else like a fan like whoa whoaa hang on shut that off we can’t be you know recording anything out there so I agree I don’t know very limited on the content that we can get from training camp but it would be nice to show up for a day because we’d be able to get a ton we’d have more than they ever post honestly direct plights to uh from Atlanta Philadelphia not hard it is it is like it is it is very simple so it is not difficult at all um let’s see any other BG and Isaiah Rogers seemed pretty relaxed very relaxed they both were totally totally relaxed and excited mcferson was the other guy mcferson was very cool too Morrow Morrow wasn’t not relaxed I think he was really really interesting in terms of all the points that he made but I think when you’re a basically a rookie like Morrow is I know he’s going into year two it’s really really difficult to have kind of an unknown interview like this cuz people are not shoving microphones into Mora’s face like at all because he has one or two press conferences every single year at least he did during his rookie season and that’s basically it right no one’s having an exclusive sit down interview with moroo because he’s trying to you know stay on the roster he’s trying to be a backup he’s trying to work on his craft and so it’s gets a little nerve-wracking whenever you’re invited to join something like that he doesn’t know who I am he probably hasn’t watched my channel he doesn’t know if I’m going to be cool or ask him some gotcha question or blah blah blah so his his his task was a lot harder whereas if you’re BG you know BG’s had 50,000 one-on-one interviews even you know a guy like Isaiah Rogers at this point in his career very confident and obviously someone who understands YouTube as well he watches Josh’s show we’ve mentioned that many many times so you know just different different people and how it worked out um but all of them have been fascinated so far and yes we are working on some more interviews um Josh and I were talking about one today we were talking to an agent about an interview we’ll see if that happens like I said who knows people like BG more than happy to come on other people not necessarily as easy so we’ll see about that one as well but we got a couple others in the works never know shout out to Frank from Philly said uh my power was knocked out bad storm going on right now but back up and running so glad to hear the powers back and also um asking about what he missed as well we’re just chilling hanging out talking about you know Eagles differences welcome to June man takeways BG interview um it’s kind of all over place it’s June Frank we’re just having fun we’re just having fun for a cou I like Erin’s comment though you may see that one they uh maybe they could get hurts to smile on their show that’s do you you and I have actually talked about this off the air and again we talk all the time and we’ve been you know we we we started getting all these players to come on the show and then you ink BG and it’s like a really big deal for both of us and you start to kind of go okay well you know who else could you get and we talked about jayen Herz one I don’t think Herz would do it I think it would take yeah it would take somebody on the team being like no like like like BG would have to go up to Jaylen and be like jayen you got to go on these guys trust me and then I’m sure we would go through all sorts of vetting in order to get them on I mean Jaylen is not somebody that just joins a random YouTube Interview with two random guys with 50,000 subscribers and 63,000 subscribers whatever it is and just like chats it up for 45 minutes but I do think we could give jayen Herz a really fun interview and I think we could maybe get him to bring his walls down a little bit and open up a lot more than he has when he has done interviews with ESPN or the NFL Network when he’s really buttoned up you know I think if we could show him that there’s no gotcha questions we’re just hanging out we’re trying to have fun CU BG was like I mean you saw this once once Isaiah Rogers opened up once Zach opened up MOA opened up they’re all having fun BG was opened up from from the beginning I think that we could do very very similar things with Jaylen but he’s gonna be the hardest one to possibly get on this show if we get jayen on this show it’s gonna be a big day it would be incredible it’s it’s not I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but yes like we talked about it feels incredibly unlikely and understandably because you know not that BG I mean you know again liveing Legend and everything else but he’s more of the I don’t know this the social outgoing doesn’t mind having a talk with anybody um in in jayen which is perfectly fine but just you know he’s more reserved like and and to take more of his time out and and be like Oh I’m gonna hang out with you know some YouTubers I I don’t know we’ll see it would be it’ be incredible I just feels very unlikely so who knows never know never know um let me see a bit of good luck to Josh on 75,000 subscribers how close are you man that’s Liz asking when are you giving away your white helmet for those don’t know once Josh gets a 75 then it’s going to it’s it’s going to be given away you’re still about 12 away we’re still be a little bit 12,000 so you know who knows when that’ll be I I think it it’s going to be naturally a slow go until we get to Camp boosting a little bit more and everything so we’ll see but it will be fun he he’s uh apparently Z’s gonna be shipping it like this week so oh so you’re gonna have it for like going to sign it he’s going to ship it he’s like you can just keep it for you know however long a month or two or however long it is and then I’m going to give it away and then we’re would if you just stop talking about it once you get it and never mention it again you know it’s like uh it’s like in Lord of the Rings where froto just wants to put the ring away and never talk about it again people just forget about it and then you just keep it come on how how full-size helmets are really expensive and I think it’s kind of funny people ask me if these are full size because of the way that they’re like positioned they’re not they they they don’t fit on my head that looks weird whenever you grab that there feels like it should be much larger helmet yeah until you reach back there so full size helmets are like to get like legit ones are hard to get the fact that you’re going to give away one and someone’s going to get it as cool but don’t you wish you could just keep that thing it’d be pretty right yeah it’s going to be autographed I don’t know we’ll see weird but it’s like I’m going to try to put it down below and someone commented they’re like oh how sick is it going to be it’s it be the white Eagles helmet with a Kelly Green like shading on it because the lights back there and everything so I I don’t know I did joke but I I may have to create a burner myself to hopefully win it maybe I we just keep winning all this stuff it’s just like hey BG’s giving us two signed jerseys and we just are like I don’t know how I got these you know sorry about that yeah that’s funny um I said it what was this Anthony Perry said you two of the best interviews I’ve seen in a long time that’s that’s saying something I appreciate that I think the players will spread the word because y’all don’t have any secret agendas let the players talk that’s kind of the goal we talked about that that’s that that’s kind of the goal right there and Josh and I have talked about our a little bit but joshh and I do come from media backgrounds we both you know hosted radio shows Josh was on ESPN and Waco I was on uh 929 in Atlanta and you definitely gain some you know interviewing abilities whenever you’re on there but neither of us have interviewed anybody really that big I’m trying to think of who was like a big player that I’ve interviewed I’ve been to Falcon in Panther training camp and I’ve been a part of interviewing like Ron Rivera and Luke Keeley but I was an intern so I wasn’t really like leading the interview and stuff like that um BG was a big G it was very fun very very fun yeah I think up until up until you know these last couple weeks and everything the the biggest uh probably the biggest interview was Charles Tilman we had him on Prett B you he was yeah back whenever he was Brian scalabrini back in the day there’s a uh the Red Mamba right that’s a name from the past um trying to think of another one I interviewed a lot of like Fringe Falcon players who were like trying to make the roster you know uh I interviewed the Cincinnati Bearcats head coach who I don’t think is there anymore right after the Falcons drafted Desmond Ritter and I don’t remember oh yeah and I wasn’t told I was going to I got like a phone call that morning of my show I was like hey this because they just gone to that the uh playoff and so they just lost Alabama and he was like Luke fickle that’s who it was and I got to interview Luke Luke fickle who was really cool but nothing like BG and when Frank E Echo here y’all are killing me how the heck does two YouTubers not even from Philly get to have major awesome interviews with BG and Isaiah Rogers y’all aren’t even from Philly you’re in Dallas no I’m not in Dallas don’t put the Josh is in Dallas Josh I’m in Atlanta Josh appreciate it yes you know we’re Behind Enemy Lines that’s what it is we’re getting the interviews we’re spreading the gospel is what we’re doing so you know who I think would be a really good interview you know who like like genuinely would benefit from interviewing with us which I’m trying not to be like that’s that’s not being conceited because I’m not saying we’re anything special Nolan Smith yes I’m right there with you yes besides noan Smith besides noan Smith I think Nick serani could greatly benefit from get from jumping on for 30 or 45 minutes and having fun with us I think it could be a fascinating interview because you and I both know when we when we play Nick serani sound bites on our channels all the comments say all he does this ramble like I’m so tired of Nick serani because based off of last year they’re very tired of him I think BG defended him very well during his interview with us yesterday but I do think if serani jumped for 30 minutes we’d have a bunch of fun and it would really help his current image in Philadelphia come back to where it was in 2022 which was this guy embodies Philadelphia and he’s like he’s he’s everything we love about them and then he loses and then everything changes so you know it is whatever it happens it would be interesting and and honestly I mean I’m not going to lie if we did that I would have to I’d have to admit like hey I was I was on board like thinking this is probably not gonna work out like you’re not gonna be there right because it’s like you know that that’s where we were at but I would be curious to get more of his insight and you know the the real serani versus and that’s the thing I bet the real serani is super cool right like to me he’s probably someone you could just chill with and be like this guy’s so cool and also be like he’s also the head coach of the Eagles like BG you go in knowing he’s going to be cool serani you go in not really knowing what you would get I have a feeling we would leave and be like the biggest Nick serani fans of all time and I do think putting his face in the triple box with us it’ be like three semi clone looking people people say you and I look alike and I I think we kind of look like serani with a little bit of scruff you know I think we can have some fun with that I don’t know who to message to to to get Nick serani on but we’ll work on well actually I know exactly who we need to but we got to figure out how to get a hold of him first but James Angela says would be uh would love to see all interview big pampin or big Dom so all we got to do is get a hold of big Dom if we get a big Dom interview then we’re automatically set up because that’s his Handler that’s sani’s guy so we’ll be good I don’t know how to do the the big Dom he got an intro today the uh saw deal I saw that the fact that he’s get intro and everything else it’s like I mean what a legend that would be that would be an interesting one I don’t know how that would go over like if you got a big Dom interview but the fact that uh he’s got the connections there that would be pretty fun yeah n Nathaniel Bowen says interview with us we were calling for your job last year that’s true and we could both ad we both admit that on the air but I don’t know if a Philly media person who wasn’t calling for his job so you know it’s it’s it’s the same time you know it is what it is I I would again I we would both have to be honest because I would I would say it I’d be like look I this is where I this is the way I felt but yeah you know again if someone’s going to come on and hang out like it’s like all right be real hang out ask some questions but yeah I mean I I felt the same way I still do I think that vast majority is like serani is taking a step back Kell Moore needs to call the offense if you want to be the the the hype man if you want to be the cheerleader or whatever it is like yeah as far as just a person and his personality even BG spoke to it but it’s like he’s a he’s a good dude he’s a good guy he rallies the troops he gets everybody on the same page so that that’s not nothing but when it comes to X’s and O’s I mean you know there just feels like there’s some better options there so Mike deato says Howe interview that would be fun that would be very very fun by by the way I think Isaiah Rogers did wonders for his image in Philadelphia by going on your show and then doing your live stream I mean that 51,000 views on the interview another 10,000 Plus on that live stream I think a lot of Eagle fans who are like I don’t know who this guy is but he sounds like he’s gonna be a good player then got to see Isa Rogers the person and they were like oh my gosh this guy’s super cool I wish him nothing but the best and suddenly 51,000 people which is almost the entire capacity of the link which is crazy that that’s many people can watch some of our shows at at at any given time um I think have a very different opinion on Isaiah roders after your interview with him which goes to show ni serani should come on because we could change his you know overall image it happens there you go yeah the more more power to us but no I mean to your point he was very he was very chill down to earth and that’s what I can appreciate like he’s I even like he was being somewhat serious and there was a little bit of a I don’t necessarily a tongue and cheek or whatnot but like saying I might not make the team like you don’t know because if someone was asking what are his goals and he was saying like make the team and I was like come on really but he’s like you never know you never know and I can appreciate it because it’s like that seems so farfetched but again it’s like you know what hey set the goal there it can’t get ahead of yourself and say oh I going to become a pro bowl or something like that it’s first things first make the team like that’s the biggest thing and then you know maybe earn a starting job and then you know his whole Mantra of make a play a day a pick a week um but I I’m with you the massive amount of comments from that video from the live stream everybody is like love this dude super down toe love the work ethic one of the fan favorites already it’s like yeah man that that guy yeah definitely big fan of I I actually believe or not um I bought a jersey after because I was like I I mean come on you know like it’s it’s a for sure so I’ll wear it one of these days all right we’re going to go ahead and wrap things up we’re almost at the top of the hour here uh we’re going to go hang out with our lovely wives um here in just a second we appreciate you guys hanging out on it June 26th where nothing is going on besides you know WIP hitting on jayen Herz but we appreciate you guys you haven’t watched the BG interview most of you guys have go ahead and check those out on both of our channels also gives you a chance to enter to get one of his two signed jerseys we’re going to be giving giv away uh in July um and we will have shows coming up later on this week we’ll talk to you guys in the next one see you there you go and oh real quick yes did we cut it off are we good I was gonna say just to everyone um we are I won’t be here next week but Fourth of July and everything so I’m GNA be on vacation so just heads up for let’s just’s if you’re on vacation because because I go visit family that Thursday let’s just we just won’t do a show next Wednesday there you go there is no show we will see everyone back on what is that the that’s the 10th is it yeah there you and that’s when we’re giving away the two of official jerseys there you go good point summer break next week and then we’re back for for for for the next one so yes good stuff there good stuff there all right talk to you guys in the next one see you see you guys go Birds

Eagles live show looks at all of the latest Eagles news from the past week including our exclusive interview with Birdsโ€™ DE Brandon Graham and his thoughts on Vic Fangio, Jalen Hurts and Kellen Moore and a whole bunch more. Just how much better can the Eaglesโ€™ defense be in 2024 with new additions like Bryce Huff and CJ Gardner-Johnson? And what should we expect from guys like Devin White, Zack Baun, Jalen Carter, Jordan Davis, Nolan Smith, and more on the defense? Plus, we are giving away two SIGNED BG Jerseys on July 10th! Find out how to enter during the show!

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  1. BG BG LFG JOSH & THOMAS, I'm soooooo proud of all the hard work you guys put in to keep us EAGLES fans up on all the news and updates. I been saying since the season ended that I had to get BG jersey b4 the 24-25 season begin. Wellll it would be nice if I could win that autographed jersey on my birthday which is JULY 10th ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  2. No offense guys wanna come on an be pressed w your silly questions about the percentage of the playbook that is newโ€ฆ20-95% Philly media trap ๐Ÿซกjs

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