Raiders Defensive Line DISRESPECTED in Ranking by PFF

Raiders Defensive Line DISRESPECTED in Ranking by PFF

if you guys ask me what the Las Vegas Raiders best positional unit was heading into 2024 I would make the argument it is the Raiders defensive line the Raiders on the top end have so much talent but more than the top end they have guys that are are dep pieces that are phenomenal football players right you got guys like Adam Butler and John Jenkins who who will rotate in and out n of those guys are going to be full-time starters you got Tyree Wilson who can take a massive leap right he was a seventh overall pick and I would make the argument that the Raiders defensive line is is going to be incredible this season but Pro Football Focus does not agree with me in fact Pro Football Focus ranked the Raiders as the ninth best defensive line in the NFL now I don’t think that’s a terrible ranking to be honest with you guys but I do think some of these teams that are ahead of the Raiders are nowhere near the Lost Vegas Raiders and I think it’s disrespectful to say the Raiders are the ninth best when I would make the argument we are one of the top two or three units and there’s probably a couple teams on here that I will say you can make the argument uh that they are better than the Raiders and I could agree with it if those teams were ahead of the Raiders but I think for the most part the Raiders are are the best defens line and today we’re going to actually get into that we’re going to get into the group uh that are is essentially ranked ahead of the Raiders we’re going to talk about those defensive lines uh and then we’ll also talk about the Raiders and kind of the expectations for their defensive line this video is not going to be for everyone because we are going to be talking a ton about other teams as well as defensive linemen on those teams uh as you guys know some of you guys know this some of you guys don’t I have a second YouTube channel called the Football Scout where I really just break down o line dline and uh that’s really all I focus on and with that channel I cover a lot of these teams I’ve covered a lot of the players on these teams uh so I think you know this video is not going to be for everyone right but I do hope you guys enjoy it let’s just get right into this article and you guys will see that Pro Football Focus just dropped this a couple days ago uh they have the New York Jets as number one they have the San Francisco 49ers as number two they got the Eagles as number three the lions at number four Browns are number five uh you got the Cowboys at six you got the Colts at seven and then you got the Steelers at 8 and then you got the Las Vegas Raiders at nine now I think the Raiders are being slept on I really really really think that Pro Football Focus doesn’t realize the type of talent that the Raiders have right they almost kind of look over malcol Coons and they definitely look over Adam Butler and kind of what they say they see the Raiders are another team that founded Superstar a while ago but has been slow to build around him Max rosby has been one of the best in football and now has help around him for the first time Christian wils was the team’s big offseason Edition literally and figuratively while Edge Malcolm Co was so impressive last season that he may ensure against Tyree Wilson if he doesn’t develop in year two this is the most formidable Raiders defensive line in a while let’s talk about some of these other defensive lines uh and let’s talk about why I think well I I I personally think this this is this is way off right so you got the Jets at number one I think the Jets could arguably be the best defensive line in the NFL but I think the Raiders are right there with the Jets as well I’ll be the first to tell you guys I think Germaine Johnson who’s a about to enter year three is going to be a very very solid football player this season quinnon Williams I think is probably the second best defense tackle in the NFL and it’s kind of funny when you think about quinnon Williams Because so many people probably won’t agree with that so many people don’t realize the type of player he actually is the player he’s become Quint Williams struggled in his first two seasons but in year three he really took off plus I think Robert Salis game kind of sucks in the sense that you know quinnon Williams last season played like less than 750 snaps and to me that doesn’t make sense why you have a guy that’s an absolute stud and he’s not playing over a thousand snaps the Raiders used Max Crosby over 1100 times last season it doesn’t make sense to me why you would have quinnon Williams just as good as Max Crosby not play those type of snaps but again that is Robert Salis schem he loves to rotate guys in and out and I also think that’s partly why this scheme kind of works right so you got Jermaine Johnson you got Hassan ridic who I really really like obviously was with the Eagles last season and then you also got Will McDonald and I think those three guys makes a really good rotation Will McDonald if you guys remember actually came out last season him and Tyreek Wilson came out at the same time uh truth be told I had Will McDonald ranked ahead of Tyree Wilson specifically for his pass rushing abilities I think Will McDonald this season is going to play a lot more and uh you know I would make the argument Will McDonald is obviously a better pass rush sure but Tyreek Wilson’s a better run Defender right so you got to kind of look at those two aspects but I think Will McDonald is going to definitely take off this season now I think those four guys but really the three guys are you can kind of exclude McDonald because he’s still kind of on that developmental path I think Hassan rid quinin Williams Jermaine Johnson makes up such a great unit and I think you know you can make the argument why the Jets are as good as they’re ranked on here right but I do hesitate with Javon kin line I do hesitate with Solomon Thomas I do hesitate with Ley fodu because that’s going to be a rotation on the defensive line I’m not 100% sold on that right I I do think there’s upside with some of those guys but to be ranked is the best defensive line I’m not 100% sure with that now number two you got the San Francisco 49ers I think this ranking is absolutely terrible I’ll be the first to tell you guys the 49ers defensive line I wouldn’t put them in the top 15 to me that defensive line is is is going to be garbage this season now I understand they have Nick Boza and you know if you have Nick Boza you’re going to be a good defense right uh Nick Boza is probably a top five defensive end but outside of Nick Boza you know I like Javon hardgrave I think is a good football player but Malik Collins and Leonard Floyd are starting for the 49ers you know Malik Collins I wouldn’t say is a top 32 defensive lineman defensive tackle in the NFL Leonard Floyd I wouldn’t say is a top 32 defensive end in the NFL now Floyd’s a good football player but he’s not you know he’s not worthy where you’re going to say the 49ers are the second best defensive line right to me that absolutely does not make sense but the Jets have the 49ers at number two the Eagles I would agree with at number three I would actually put the Eagles potentially at number one uh because I think the Philadelphia Eagles have a Phenom phenomenal defensive line now we got to talk about this a little bit because you guys know how I feel about Jaylen Carter I would rank right now the defensive tackles in the NFL at number one as Chris Jones I think most of us will agree with that at number two I’d say quinnon Williams and then at number three I’d say jayen Carter is is the number three defensive tackle in fact I would put a tier one bracket with those three guys in it and then I would shift to a tier two bracket that’s where you got guys like Christian Wilkins where you got guys like Dexter Lawrence uh Derek Brown and and some of the other really really good defensive tackles in the NFL uh but I really think Jaylen Carter I really think Chris Jones and I really really think quitt Williams I think these three guys separate themselves as you know the top three guys in the NFL the crazy thing with Jaylen Carter is he was just a rookie and some people are going to say there’s no way you can rank him as the third best defensive tackle if you guys have not watched his tape I suggest you guys watch this tape the guy’s a phenomenal football player and I think that’s why the Philadelphia Eagles are going to be really really really good this season uh and it’s not just Jaylen Carter of course they have another guy in Josh SWAT who’s a fourth round pick about five or six years back the guy’s a phenomenal pass rusher he’s a phenomenal overall defensive end if Tyrie Wilson can become as good as Josh SWAT and I think he’ll be a successful player for the Raiders long term all right if he can just become as good as Josh W now obviously his steiling is a lot higher than Josh SWAT I think Josh SWAT is such a great football player and between guys like Jaylen Carter and Josh SWAT as well as guys like Bryce Huff who really broke out last season and I think Bryce Huff’s going to be a little a little overlooked but I think Bryce Huff has so much upside I think he was you know last season was his breakout season the way I think Malcolm K’s breakout season is going to be this season uh Bryce Huff was with the Jets last year had a massive season and then they ended up you know he ended up ultimately coming to the Philadelphia Eagles I think they traded for him they may not have they may have just signed him via a free agency contract but uh I think Bryce Huff I think Josh SWAT I think Jaylen Carter makes up a phenomenal Trio of a defensive line but I think the reason why you can make the argument for the Eagles is because of of the depth Milan Williams is a really good defensive tackle Jordan Davis is a monster defensive tackle obviously he’s not as good as what the hype was as he came out I think the NFL has learned real quick not to take guys based off of uh size right I think there was four guys drafted in the last three years that were Solly based off of size or we had Trayvon Walker we had Jordan Davis we had Terry Wilson and we had Lucas vess who’s another guy based off of like the physical traits I do think T Wilson and vaness have shown upside but Walker to me is probably a bus at this point unless he really takes that step this year and Jordan Davis is definitely a bust but he’s still a good football player right he’s I just don’t think he was worth the first round pick for what he kind of provides right he’s a run Defender but there you guys have it and then you do have some good rotation you got bran Graham who’s a good football player long you know long-term uh defensive end Marlin Tulu is another good football player and then of course you got Nolan Smith who is also a first round pick uh the depth that the the Philadelphia Eagles has is absolutely insane so I would actually agree right so so far I’m cool with the Jets I’m cool with the Eagles but the Niners don’t make sense to me I think they’re being ranked higher than the Las Vegas Raiders even the Detroit Lions now I think the lions are a good defensive line right and don’t don’t get me wrong on this one I think they’re a good defensive line but I don’t think they’re better than the Raiders you know they got Marcus Davenport which I think that’s a that’s more of a big name DJ reader I think that’s more of a big name alick meils a good football player than Aiden Hutch is a great football player but you know the other two guys are just big names I don’t think they’re that good of football players right so to me I think the lions are being a little over over over ranked especially in this list now John Kaminsky is is the one guy that I really really like if you guys don’t know who this guy is go to YouTube man put put the guy’s name in uh I know there’s at least one video that I had created where broke down his tape John Kaminsky man the guy really broke out this past season uh he has some upside as well I think he’s back to go to like year five I think the lions are definitely being overhyped the Browns you could make the argument that they’re definitely one of those teams that are up there the Browns obviously have miles Garrett I would make the argument that Miles Garrett is the best defense player in the NFL and uh if there’s one defensive lineman that I will 100% say yes he’s better than Max Crosby It’s miles scare he’s the only guy that I would actually ever say that about I don’t think Nick BOS is better I don’t think Michael Parson’s better I don’t think TJ watt’s better I think Max proy is better than all those guys but I will say that I think Miles Garrett’s better and that’s not obviously a knock on Max Crosby everybody knows what miles Garrett is but the defensive line of the Browns house is is pretty interesting right so you got miles Garrett as the starting defensive end you got zidus Smith on the opposite side and Zid Darius Smith’s pretty damn good himself right he’s I think he’s kind of being uh I think he kind of gets overlooked a little bit but he’s had a really good career so far but uh then you got guys like Shelby Harris shout out to the former Raider Shelby Harris uh Shelby Harris has made a really really really good career in the NFL they also got another guy former Raider Maurice Hurst who’s also made a solid career in the NFL and they also got Quinton Jefferson who spent some time with the Raiders and then they got dvin Tomlinson who I think maybe the best defensive tackle they have arguably it’s Shelby Harris uh but I think the Browns have you know three really really good defensive tackles that could pass rush that can get after it Clinton Jefferson makes four although I don’t think Jefferson’s great but he’s a good rotational player and then they got miles Garrett zus Smith at the top and I think those two guys are like legit legit right then you got the Cowboys I don’t necessarily agree with the Cowboys having a better defensive line than the Raiders uh you guys can look at the Dallas Cowboys defensive line you got DeMarcus Lawrence who I wouldn’t say is better than Malcolm Co at this point you got Michael Parsons I would not say he’s better than than Max Crosby but you can you can count that as a wash and then you got Osa odua who I think is a wild card at this point oh Digi zua at this point can become a top 10 defensive tackle based off of what he showed us two seasons ago but he did not show us what he showed two seasons ago just as recent as last season so when I look at Oso o digua you know and I love this guy’s tape coming out of UCLA you saw the pass rush upside and you’re seeing that in the NFL as well now but we didn’t see this guy put it together in the third season when he probably should have right so now he’s going to go into his fourth season and and this is a year he’s going to ultimately end up getting paid after so he might have a big year I think he’s kind of the wild card but at this point he’s not better than Christian Wilkins there’s no way you can say Oso dii is better than Christian Wilkins then you got Mazy Smith Smith was a first round pick he has potential he has upside but he’s not even better than Adam Butler at this point right so to me I think the Dallas Cowboys are not better than the Las Vegas Raiders there’s just no way you can say that to be fact now again there is upside right I think Sam Williams has a ton of upside I think Marsha nean has a ton of upside nean really flashed at the Senior Bowl this past season chony goldston’s a good rotational defensive tackle um but the Cowboys also have a new scheme right Dan Quinn was the guy that really allowed these guys to have success and Dan Quinn’s gone he’s now with the commanders so Mike Zimmer the new defensive coach of the Cowboys has to be able to come together and put it together for this group to actually be legit and we don’t know how that’s going actually work out right there’s something special about Dan Quinn and how he got the best out of guys um so I would not say the Cowboys are better than the Raiders you got the Colts at seven I don’t know how you can put the Colts at 7even ahead of the Raiders I honestly you know to me you know Samson abom is average uh Grover Stewart is probably above average but those are two starters those are like average above average starters the forest Buckner he’s a good football player but I think he was a lot better maybe three or four years ago Cy P good football player but is he a top 10 defensive in I don’t know right now there’s upside with some of these guys right I think latu latu has a ton of upside right but upside is not what they’re going to be this season so to me that’s that’s you’re over ranking the Indianapolis Colts and I’m not sure if this guy’s a fan I probably put the Colts in the bottom seven or eight honestly uh I said earlier on in this video that there’s a couple teams I would say the that have better defensive lines than the Las Vegas Raiders uh the Eagles is one of them the Steelers is probably the other team that I I would agree and there’s one other team that’s actually ranked lower than the Raiders let’s look at the uh Pittsburgh Steelers defensive line to me this is such a phenomenal defensive line I I think the Steelers going to have one of the best overall defenses in the NFL I think it’s such a great defensive line and and then you got some good guys on the back end as well but uh let’s start it off right away with Cameron Hayward he’s he’s probably the most underrated defensive tackle in the NFL because almost no one says this guy’s like a top seven defensive tackle but basically year in and year out the guy plays like a top seven defensive tackle now he is up there in age uh so I do understand from that perspective you may not actually say this guy’s a top seven guy anymore but you can watch his snaps and the guy dominates and then of course outside of Hayward you got Keanu Benton who was a monster last season people do not realize it this guy right here was arguably one of the top three defensive tackles in last year’s class what’s crazy with last year’s class that people don’t realize is Jaylen Carter is a top five defensive tackle Kaja cany is a top five pass rushing defensive tackle and he may already be like a top 12 guy at that position then you got Keanu Benton who people aren’t really talking about but the guy showed massive upside last season right the guy was getting after it play in play out a really really really good football player then you got Kobe Turner who you know had like 12 sacks last season for the Rams uh you got the guy that the Saints took uh there was I think one or two other defensive tackles as well that were picked High last season but the class the D tackle class last year is proving to be one of the best defensive classes that that we’ve had I think 2018 was the year that we got guys like Christian Wilkins and uh Quinn and Williams Al Quin may happen the year after maybe it was the 2019 class we got all of those guys um I think it was the 2019 class where we got quinnn Williams and Dex Lawrence and Jeffrey Simmons these guys are all phenomenal right that was probably the best defense tackle class we’ve had I think the one before that was probably like 2011 or 2012 so uh the the class last year was so great and those are the three guys that I think for the Steelers that are really really legit um but that doesn’t include Larry aen jobi right who spent time with the Bengals he spent time with the Browns I think he was with the Browns and now he’s with the Steelers he’s a really good football player as well and then Alex High Smith is arguably a top 15 defens V in the NFL he doesn’t get the credit he deserves but some people think he’s just as good as TJ Watt and the guy’s a really good football player then you got Nick herbick on the you know upand coming like Nick herbick looks really really good I think he played like you know 13 snaps last year he had like four sacks are the guys sacked to snap ra Shield is absolutely incredible I think the Steelers defensive line is is arguably better than the Raiders and it’s it’s there’s three teams that I think I would agree with that so and then that’s where you get the Las Vegas Raiders obviously I think the Raiders defensive line is being overlooked a little bit I there’s one other team uh let me just get into that and then we’ll talk about the Raiders defensive line on the other side uh so actually in the in the ranking here you guys can see the Raiders at nine so the Packers are at 11 I would make the argument the Packers have the best defense line in the NFL uh and I would actually you know if I was ranking the defensive lines I would actually put the Packers at number one uh you know I would say the Packers have the best defensive line and I’d probably put the Raiders at number two uh so why I think the Packers have the best defensive line is because of who they have up front I mean ran Gary so you know just taking a step back here if if you said who are the six best defensive events in the NFL I think most people agree with the top five right I think most people will say it’s miles Garrett Max Crosby Nick Boza Michael Parsons and TJ W most people will put those five guys there but if you added a six slot I would put ran Gary as number six I think ran Gary is so much better than the credit he gets which is kind of crazy to me he doesn’t get the credit that he deserves uh ran Gary’s an incredible football player I remember talking to an offensive lineman uh that has went up against Gary and uh I asked him specifically who are some guys that are underrated that you feel like are not being uh are not being given the credit that they deserve and he said ran G and he was like dude the Ben this guy plays with the power the quickness the the pass rush technique it’s it’s it’s incredible uh ran Gary is is is one of those guys that’s just as good as TJ watt right he’s one of those guys that’s just as good as Max Crosby right ran Gary is absolutely underrated and I would say he’s a top five or six guy at that position now that doesn’t include some of the other guys these this team has right so Preston Smith is also a really really good football player Lucas vaness was a first round pick right he’s the he’s the ter Wilson type mold of player right uh Lucas vaness came out last year as the ter Wilson I would say Lucas vaness had a better rookie season than Tyreek Wilson I think he had like four or five sacks last season and he was a rotational player similar to Tyreek Wilson but uh vaness showed more upside he showed more pass rush upside the guy actually pressured the quarterback uh and he’s more athletic I think than Tyree but Tyreek is obviously a lot stronger but vaness is still a really really good overall player as well right he’s very similar to Tyreek WI wison and uh there’s potential there but you know Preston Smith ran Gary Lucas vaness those three guys are are that’s a legit that’s a legit pass rush tandem right it’s a legit uh rotation but then you get into guys like Kenny Clark and Devonte Wyatt and I think this is what separates this defensive line as the best uh Kenny Clark is probably the second best run Defender right after Dexter morren right and you can even make the argument it’s it’s really 1 a 1B and when I say best run defend I’m talking about like just disruptive run Defender a guy you can’t block he’s a guy you can’t move uh you know if a right guard’s trying to reach Kenny Clark who’s lined up over the center it’s not going to happen right Kenny Clark is that type of run Defender he is an incredible run Defender and he still has some pass rush upside he still and I shouldn’t the upside he still has some pass rush in him he’s still good getting after the quarterback he may not be great at getting after the quarterback but really the upside is with Devonte Wyatt I think Devonte Wyatt is going to enter the top 10 defensive tackle category uh earlier I mentioned that the tier one guys is going to be Jaylen Carter Chris Jones and Killin Williams uh there’s a tier two with guys like Christian Wilkins and and and Dexter Lawrence I think last year Devonte Wyatt was in the third category which you know there’s probably like 10 guys in tier one and tier two I think Devonte Wyatt’s going to enter the tier two this season if he’s not already there right the guy was phenomenal last season he was so hard to block so disruptive he’s so legit and I suggest you guys go watch this guy’s tap tape uh the tape does not lie with Devonte Wyatt he is incredible right and I can’t I can’t overstate how good he is he was just in his second season last season D tackles take time as well so year three will be the breakout year for him uh and then don’t also sleep on Carl Brooks Carl Brooks was a rookie last year and he was an incredible rookie a lot of really good snaps TJ slayton’s pretty damn good as well uh so to me the the Green Bay Packers have a rotation of seven guys right so the depth and even more than the depth but the talent at top right ran Gary is you know Max Crosby’s number two ran Gary’s like three or four right it’s very very close Devon Wy if if Christian Wilkins the fifth best defense tackle Christian Wilkins is probably I’m sorry Devonte Wyatt is probably the 10th right and this year he’s about to go into year three he’s going to take an even bigger step he may be just as good as Christian Wilkins if not better right there’s a chance vonte Wy ends up being better than Christian Wilkins especially since we’ve already seen Wilkins five years in the NFL Devonte W has obviously only been in the NFL for to years so we’ll see what ends up happening there uh but then you got the upside and guys like Lucas vaness who flashed Carl Brooks who flashed and I think the Packers have a great defensive line coach and I think that’s kind of the underrated part of all this you know I will say this to have a great unit you have to have a great coach uh the Browns the Falcons the Eagles all have great offensive lines because of their offensive line coaches you look at what the Eagles had on the defensive line a couple years ago and then look at that Coach and and look at what that coach is doing now and you you’ll see some similarities with uh what that coach has been able to accomplish you look at the Raiders and you look at that defensive line and you look at what Rob Leonard has done since he got here with the Raiders and kind of how he’s turned that unit around right yeah we added talent but we were good last year our defensive line was legit and let’s just finish this video off talking about the Las Vegas Raiders defensive line and I’d make the argument the Raiders are one of the top two or three units in the NFL because of the facts that Max crosy is probably the second best defensive end right he’s definitely a top five guy and then you got Christian Wilkins who I would say is a top five to seven guy as well and dtack is a little bit harder to say you know 100% this guy’s better or not there’s so many phases to being able to play as a defensive tackle but that’s two guys that are essentially top five to seven at their positions and then you got Adam Butler and Adam Butler get slept on so much but I would make the argument Adam Butler was probably a top 15 defensive tackle last year and think about there there’s 64 guys that start in the NFL and then there’s another 32 that wrote in and play 400 snaps each and Adam Butler in that group of what is that 96 in that group Adam Butler was arguably you know a top 15 guy among over 96 guys right so to me when I look at Adam Butler when I look at what this guy provided for the Raiders last season he has absolutely slept on because no one talks about this guy right I think Adam Butler is going to be incredible this season because now you’re going to have to double team uh Max Crosby you’re going to have to double team Christian Wilkins and that’s also going to free up Malcolm Co and Malcolm Co will be double teamed a little bit as well which means Adam Butler will probably never be double team Adam Butler will almost always be in a true one-on-one situation right and if you’re a team where your left guard’s not that good Adam Butler’s going to kick his ass I think the Las Vegas rid defensive line is going to be incredible this season you know we don’t know what T Wilson will develop into we don’t know what Matthew Butler will develop into for defensive ends I think usually year two is the year that they take off if it’s not year two it’ll be year three and for defensive tackles you give them one more year right usually for defensive tackles year three is the year they take off if it’s not year three year four they’ll be you know the year they take off and if they don’t take off right a DN by year three and a d Tackle by year four you kind of know what these guys are and they could still develop in you know productive players like the way Maurice Hurst did the way Shelby Harris did but those guys aren’t going to be you know what you know what path Christian Wilkins is on what path Jaylen Carter’s on what path Devonte Wyatt’s on right those guys are on a completely different path uh but I still think when you think about a guy like Tye wison there’s a little upside there right we’ll see what he turns into year two and then even year three but if he if it does click for him in year two right for ran Gary it clicked in year two for guys like uh Max Crosby right even though he had like eight nine sacks in your B and you’re two you real this guy’s legit right so there’s a chance Terry Wilson ends up kind of hitting that same mold and uh and then with Matthew Butler he’s going into year three I think Matthew Butler has a ton of upside I you know I’ve been on record to say I think Matthew Butler has the potential to become uh the Raiders really they’re they you know really their number three defense tackle in terms of production specifically against the pass right I don’t think run defense is all that that big of a deal you know uh so you know I say Christian Wilkins is one Adam Butler’s two and I think Matthew Butler has a chance to be number three for the Raiders that’s ahead of John Jenkins and that’s ahead of Byron young who’s another guy right Byron Young’s another guy where we spent a third round pick on this guy who knows how good he can be this season all right I think Dave zegler has done a good job with some of the guys he’s picked o line dine hasn’t been great but some of the other guys he’s pick right wide receivers like Trey Tucker zamir white broke out last season you look at some of the other guys that he’s he’s been able to kind of bring in cour Bennett is having success early on Dave zagler has sneakingly done a good job and what if Byron Young’s that same old what if Byron young ends up being very very very good so there’s just so much upside with this unit but it’s not upside that we’re ranking the Las Vegas Raiders based on see we’re ranking the Las Vegas Raiders defensive line based off of the top tier Talent we saw what Christian Wilkins had did last year we saw what Max Crosby did last year we saw what Malcolm Co did last year Malcolm Co actually outperformed both Christian Wilkins and Max Crosby last year right statistically if you guys look at the advanced stats Malcolm Coons in those final nine games was actually better than both Max Crosby and Christian Wilkin and by a lot like it was not close right M Malcolm KZ was crazy good last year and this year he could be even better and we don’t really know what’s going to end up happening with this guy and what people don’t realize is they’re sleeping on the Raiders defensive line they’re sleeping on the fact that this unit could end up being not even just the best defense line in the NFL people are sleeping on the fact that this Raiders defensive line could be one of the best defensive lines in NFL history right they can actually break the sack record this season which the Eagles did I believe it was two years ago when they went to the Super Bowl right the Eagles broke a sack record two years ago when they went to the Super Bowl now I would be surprised if the Raiders hit that this season all right because the Raiders defensive line is incredible you got pass rusher after pass rusher after pass rusher after pass rusher that’s at the top end and then you got guys that you don’t really know that un you know unknown variable right and tyry Wilson and Matthew Butler and Byron young Nesta Jade Silvera right it’s kind of unknown but those guys can easily break out end up in the rotation and be really really good football players I’m excited for the Las Vegas Raiders I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did let me know what you guys think in the comments below obviously this video was a lot different we talked about some of the defensive lines on other teams I also want to just take a quick moment to uh kind of apologize for yesterday’s video uh you know thinking back about the Antonio Pierce you know the entire video and talking about Antonio Pierce it’s really his personal life I probably shouldn’t have made a video uh so apologies to Antonio Pierce and his wife for making that video and apologies to you guys you know that’s not the type of Channel I want to be you I really want to keep it based off of film and you know anal itics and and kind of take that approach and I really don’t want to be that guy that you know calling people broke and calling people you know saying you know just things that don’t matter essentially right let’s let’s let’s keep it football so I do want to apologize for that let me know what you guys think in the comments below and I will see you guys next time with another video

Las Vegas Raiders defensive line was recently ranked by Pro Football Focus PFF and they ranked the Raiders DL as the 9th unit on the list. Is that too low for this defensive group?

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  1. Nope, No one cares about respect or no respect ! Show the football world ….results. Not talks. That D-Line will get less than 30 sacks…if that !!! Show me SXXT on the stick !!!

  2. Does this ever get old talking about the media disrespect. You need to earn respect and last time I checked the Raiders haven't earned anything. Quinnen Williams is over 300 pounds. He can't play 1000 snaps because of his size. Players that size become ineffective when they play too many snaps. Maxx Crosby isn't the norm when it comes to snaps. Myles Garrett played 800 snaps, thats the norm. It actually was a positive write up about the Raiders D-line. Raider fans always need to play the victim.


  4. This is all hype because most of these these teams made the playoffs 😒. 49ers and Dallas d line are absolutely horrible. Jets have had a good d line for awhile now so that's no surprise seeing them at #1

  5. Still haven’t cracked that 2017 Donruss? …Smart man.
    Great video. No need to apologize to us for the AP video… you’re a Raider fan, we understand. You’re always respectful and do it with class. We’re here because you come correct homie. Pause.

  6. PFF grades every player, in every snap….. but they have the young guys do it and they are now wildly inconsistent. 5 years ago, yes. It was revolutionary what they were doing. But now I don't even look at their grades.

  7. Hey Sanjit T, great video. I think 9 is a little low, however, I think this year the Raiders are poised to break out. So it’s going to take a year or two for the National media to catch up.


  9. Raider fan my whole life, the reason the Raiders get no respect is because respect is earned not given. They haven't proved anything yet. Now if they go out and kick butt, which they are totally going to do, then we can talk. Next year they won't be ranked ninth. They won't be ranked 9th by week 6 either. Raaaaaaiiiiiiddddddeeeeerrrrrrsssss

  10. At the end of the day, these dudes base their opinion off of what has happened already, and partly off of the positive additions like Wilkins. I think their list isnt that far off. There are some thats maybe 1 or 2 spots off. But nothing is, like, super ridiculous. We have Crosby and Wilkins and thats it. Realistically. Everyome else that we hype up, is average. And Wilkins is omly a run stopper who had a peak stat in QB sacks last season. Inorder for us to prove them wrong…Tyree HAS TO make a jump this year.. so does Koonce….Butler and Jenkins just need to be solid….Max has to have his best seaon yet, now that he has help….and Wilkins has to continue to be a dominant run defender, AND supass his QB sacks from last season….thats the only way our DL earns the respect that yall think we deserve

  11. Bro, love your channel. Please breakdown all the position grades around the league compared to the Raiders and I guarantee you the Raiders will only lack at QB. I don’t think a great QB can overcome their team having poor grades at multiple positions. I think the Raiders position value and depth can overcome and compliment B- effort at QB. The sky isn’t falling just because the Raiders don’t have a top 8 QB.


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