Welcome AJ Johnson to the Milwaukee Bucks

Welcome AJ Johnson to the Milwaukee Bucks

  1. I LOVE the fact that he showed up even tho he wasn’t invited to the green room

  2. I know people are gonna be upset, but Johnson has some good upside. He could be a great scorer, 6’5”, great passer/playmaker, and has defensive upside. Definitely needs to work on his build bc he’s WAY too skinny.

    I’m surprised we didn’t go pro-ready with the pick, but I’m happy with Johnson. If we keep 33 and land someone like Filipowski, Bona, or Dunn I’ll be even happier.

  3. An upside pick with the current state of the roster, just waste Giannis prime, Horst is so unserious. Dunn on the board and we go an upside guard. Unreal.

    Learned nothing from the Beauchamp pick.

  4. What exactly are they smoking back there in the war room? Taking unknowns when you’re in win now mode. Make it make sense

  5. I did about 20 minutes of research prior to them making this pick and I feel confident I know better than the people who made this decision. Clearly this team has no idea what they’re doing.

  6. I admittedly am not a draft guy but it seems like he’s still raw, at least physically. Not going for a play now guy seems like we’re primed to make a move using marjon as a sweetener as we’re gonna have a lot of young guys if we keep 33

  7. This reminds me of the Packers drafting the long 6’1″ LB until one of them hit (they really didn’t). I hope AJJ, Beauchamp, and AJ Johnson all come good

  8. Ah man I really want to be positive about this pick, but it just doesn’t make sense…especially considering Horst draft history. You can’t develop for the future while having a championship window with Giannis/Dame. Really hope I’m wrong about it, but it appears the team is really banking on internal development.

  9. Also can someone tell me how to feel about this guy? 3ppg on 36% shooting in the NBL doesn’t inspire a ton of confidence. Where are his upsides? Not blindly hating the pick just legit don’t know. Why not a guy like Ryan Dunn?

  10. Alright, i’ll take the copium. The front office and Doc has seen enough from Ajax, Chris, & AJ and believe they can all be win now contributors and thats why they decided to take a high risk but high upside guy like AJ Johnson!!!

  11. “Weaknesses: He played sparingly last season as his lack of strength, defensive prowess and consistency remain a work in progress.”

    Exactly what we needed….

  12. Quite the reach from the draft ranks I’ve seen but I don’t really know his game so I can’t be a hater ig.

  13. Maybe I am pessimistic, but seems like we have someone from the Raiders front office picking for us

  14. Lol. What’s the rules on how soon you can trade a pick you selected?

    Edit: trade*

  15. Johnson has tantalizing upside for a guy taken at 23. I know folks aren’t eager to draft a project player, but i love taking an upside swing in a draft where the best fits for us (Holmes/Ware) were already off the board. We still have a pick at 33 to draft a safe, older player, so I love that we went bold. Johnson was utilized horribly by his NBL team, and I think there is tons of potential waiting to be unlocked. I am optimistic!

  16. Isn’t this a notoriously weak draft class? I haven’t been paying much attention, and I’m not thrilled about this, but who would’ve made an immediate contribution this late in the 1st?

  17. I like the pick. It’s unlikely the 23rd pick would be meaningfully contributing for us this season, anyways, and we’ve traded away almost all of our picks over the next decade.

    This kid could be coming into his own right when Dame’s contract expires and Giannis is still just 33 years old.

    A long, freak athlete perimeter player might be just what we need in few years. 

  18. Everyone is so salty. Everyone wanted someone that would make an impact this year. Impactful rookies are normally picks 1-10 in a normal draft class and this one was notoriously weak. People need to chillll

  19. Drafting isn’t a part of my job, so I have no clue how he will do. However, I love that he was there with family and friends even though not in the green room.

    How many of you are going to watch Summer League and see what he is about?

  20. May as well take a swing in this draft. No one in this area was gonna play real minutes, and you don’t trade up for 3 and D guys

  21. Oh to top it off he basically lit all value of that pick on fire when it comes to trades. What a fucking joke they’re just gonna run it back.

  22. This feels like a “we have a trade incoming and we want a raw athlete that we could develop”. Not getting much of anything that late in round 1 to make them a “win now” team. This feels like a way to put something in the cupboard for later on.

  23. Okay I may be done defending Horst here. What the fuck is this. By all accounts we could have just taken him with our 2nd pick. Denver just took Dunn basically getting two of the main guys we could have used badly.

    Honestly just let Horst handle free agency and trades and have someone else make all drafting decisions.

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