Cardinals After Dark 6/26

  1. Cooper Hjerpe is also starting to put it together. 5 IP 2 BB 8 K’s and no hits

  2. A series win over a good team, even if they’re missing all-stars, is awesome.

  3. Just kinda curious on the thoughts on Gorman being sent down to work on his swing a little…what do you think?

  4. Shoutout to Liberatore overcoming the “useless” accusations and becoming a solid medium leverage reliever and spot starter.

  5. Donovan up to a .270 avg now after today. It’s just shot up over the last month bc of his consistent hitting. Total stud 

  6. It feels like this team is getting by on smoke and mirrors but it’s been sustained for long enough that that’s just not the case. What a wild turnaround

  7. Didn’t get a chance to watch, but looking at the stat line it looks like Libby pitched like the guy we thought he could be. Was he getting help from the Braves lineup or was he legitimately dealing?

  8. I still believe Liberatore has the most potential in the organization. There, I said it.

  9. Don’t know what Nado needs, but probably time to try something different.

    We need him.

  10. It was so much fun watching Liberatore tonight. He exceeded far past any expectations

  11. Hate to keep pooping on him, but Gorman is looking extremely bad at the plate recently so I’m glad he was moved down to 7th in the lineup.

    He’s 2nd worst in the MLB in Whiff% (38.6%) and 2nd worst in K% (35.7%) for the year so far.

  12. racking up wins despite so many guys not really clicking or being hurt.

    a couple extra-innings breaks in Miami go our way and we’d be on a hell of a run right now.

  13. It’s hard to sweep a doubleheader, and it’s nice for that to go in our favor for once. Good series win against a great team

  14. So the “while in hawaii” win streak continues. But alas it’s only good for one win a day.

  15. This series win felt special. We’ve won series against multiple really good teams now. We’ve shown we can play with the big boys. Let’s go! 

  16. I sure would feel a lot better about this team if they hadn’t lost the series to the Marlins. The other series wins are nice but I’ve seen Cardinals baseball like this before and it leads to a first round exit 🤔

  17. My fanfiction for the day: Libertore is gonna develop into another Waino, figure it out in the pen, then transition into an ace.

  18. Hopefully we can keep this rolling and win this four game series against the Reds.

  19. Guys, Aaron Judge has 29 home runs thru 81 games, chasing his own “AL” record of 62 HR. Ryan Helsley has 28 saves thru 79 games, chasing K-Rod’s record of 62 saves.

    The race for 63 is on!

  20. NL WC is getting tougher. Cards and Padres tied 3 games over .500. I’m hoping we can hang tough. Some big returns from Noot and Edman should help, but dang this gonna be a tough road.

  21. I’m not good at pitcher analysis, but it seems like Hels isn’t locating his fastball and thus throwing more breaking balls. Thus more walks.from fastballs missing and hits because the breaking balls are hittable. Are the announcers saying this? Of course he’s superb under pressure and manages to get guys to chase enough nasty breakers, or fly out to the warning track (Rosenthal-esque).

  22. I don’t like batting Willson 3rd. I know he rushed himself back and it’s showing. It’s going to take him time to heat up again. Bat him lower in the order to relax him a bit.

  23. For real next 10 games are critical because the schedule is technically super easy. Have to hope the Brewers drop a few. We don’t play them until forever.

  24. The Chicago Cubs have now lost 11 of their last 13 series. We were 7.5 behind them on May 12th, and are now 5 up on them.

  25. Maybe a hot take – but i hope Hels doesnt play in ASG – he could use the rest

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