Roberto Luongo is eating pasta straight out of the Stanley Cup

Roberto Luongo is eating pasta straight out of the Stanley Cup

Roberto Luongo is eating pasta straight out of the Stanley Cup
byu/GreenSnakes_ innhl

  1. Ohhh tricky people, they put a bowl in it first. Not sure if that counts, but is still fun.

  2. His father in law owned and ran and very popular Italian restaurant in south Florida. That’s actually how he met his wife because he’d go in there all the time. I wonder if this is his smaller place he bought when he sold the original or that’s some other restaurant.

  3. Bold move to do this a year after the cup did the rounds in Vegas.

    Not sure there’s enough bleach in the world

  4. Does anyone know if the other leagues do something similar where the player gets a day with the trophy?  This is one of the reasons I love the Stanley Cup, how not only do everyone gets a day with it, they get to share it with friends , families, and total strangers.

  5. Yeah I love how former players that didn’t win were there partying like they just played. Don’t get me wrong he deserves his time with it since he “works” in the front office.

  6. shame to all the work that LA, Anaheim, Chicago, New York and Boston did to keep Lou’s name off of the cup be undone

  7. Haha I saw a still photo of this earlier and was sure it was a photoshopped meme. It’s real! Awesome.

  8. Given what’s been inside of that, good move to put the pasta in a bowl within the bowl.

  9. You’d think by now the league would just have food-safe plastic inserts custom made for the Cup for these kinds of shenanigans.

  10. Weird to see this mother fucker getting old. Didn’t the Islanders just draft him?

  11. dont be fucking haters. The panthers have ONE fucking players number in the rafters, HIS. He deserves this.

  12. LOOOOUUU this is awesome he deserves it beautiful choice ❤️❤️❤️

  13. I find it odd that Lu got it so soon. Shows how much respect the guys must have for him

  14. So I’m super jazzed Lou got a cup as a Canucks fan but…doesn’t it seem odd that a front office guy has the cup already? Like shouldn’t all the players get their go with it first? Then management? I know nothing about the divvying up of cup time by the winning team but that was the first thought when I saw this, like “he has it already?”

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